Push Bill manna Oppositions Absence TORONTO savan he paid tor wit done in tho into the mentionin mcat but making variety at most niraningiiil occupations in bottom whole and changes in Ontarios Securities He denied that productivity or added that the detection at was whisk through the proï¬t ao sales to other govern site Em lot oi time and legislatures legal bills contour meat institutions is the primary researctL tee Thursday when the comgcnit geeaner int lees position meni rs played the Teacher Pensions Missing when the hill came up mm an ior review by the committee um member out um were ï¬ve Liberals and three asked Education Minister Wiilt Now Democrats several ol um Dani whom promised as the bill was tailed statistics on thgllot at an approved in principle to have wannmud mm who some penetrating title$110 tired beforoJan 1966 committee or llcld bSurboraoni Elmer Sophn iLSudburyi East said in statement our told the house May I7 thc Liber questions ha 911M use at party was reserving judg house order paper were as meal on the hill signed to obtain details oi the completely inadequate and on thn lite bill gocs to com lair pensloiis held by the mxtlec we shall haie on upper ache tunity in an informal atmosï¬ phire to adsk tilleduccessary uosiions an to in oil ills in the intentions oi the Die In Heat Wave drpartmcnt DUMNGO Imam SM TPWM total olsa young children have Dollnswewi had criticized died domino In imam section at bill tthlch would mg heat Mm Mm allow the Ontario Securities co state health authorities In Commission to launch inquiries EARL Km nommd hm mungy without the approval at the li Amhmm estimated Imam nnnciol and rommcrcinl aiioirs zoo children was in twin minister Give Royal Assent with dehydration TORONTO £07 Lieuten antGovernor nr toile gave Stole Alcohol royal assent Thursday to 50 gov Hunting Salely crnmcnt hills all subjects rantl SUDllURY lCl itouc litg tram the judiciary and com QUEBEC CPD The Mirth hlorlunil 42ol Surlbury was sorvatiou to Sunday cntertnin interprovincial conference ou ilnoil $00 and costs or iii days meut and Job discrimination hunting salety and handling of in jail Thursday on charge oi mm mplcmunis 19mm lirearms is to take place here possession nltll gallons oi um um 1355 by the house 5in June 15 it was announced lawfully manufactured alcohol its East mess ended April 32 Ttllulrcsdgï¬rism deparmm Id in statement the alrn cf the AKSOD Charges Safety Incomplete conlerrnce is to amiro miui lichatcli 30yearold resident quest My said Thursday my 0i in Mnlmlballcn indmn procuutious at the lttvrnniiouol Ont Taxes Chargeo arson The woman man was killed there 18 days sedan and Futy ill and Minor od red Ontario was charged after illehomc al ago giggle mflgaymï¬m hardtops Vinyl lltlBllOtdeillX9 oi Chapluau was burned last 22 an Sudbury News labor daioggaiflondeimounmd turn signals ccut oi the tax payable mu we ms 04 MO WW3 WP ï¬tter the Federal Income Tax bumporguaids remotacontrol minor mum security or the hunter in SUDBURY ICP Sarah SUDBURY cm An in the lorest in Canada apeCla scrvc uuan Chaplrali Ont was Nickel CD copper reï¬nery we commiitcd or trial Thursday an incomplete Wm Sum TORONTO Wm Fuwi2d00rhardmprnd4 door Mr and Mrs James Wesley on The jury ms invesflgnung the at come tax it able the reserve 70 miles southeast den or Raymund anme ï¬ï¬gms Exam yer it he WWW Wd°W and Ms tWth was lama urn snip Cajun at °ï¬y ML llflYi roof WhilBWfl Drlï¬d streak was French Education Govt Departments Education Costs rotlolvro CF Education icpt Le sin TORQhTO lCP The Outar hllnisicr William Davis Thurs tiiilu0 citmg two new dog2rd hiuniupn Assuctation rhun day introduced legislation to mm departments in placeot day renewed request that the allow csinhllshmrn at French existing mm new prawnch government assume language schools in Ontario mm was imam Thursday 939 WM lulroducing amendments to in the Ontario legislature by mm three education acts Mr Davis Lasllsllowntree minister at ii PIT LS mmd told the Ontario legislature nnncinl and commercial alialrll By ilclggélgnciggédrï¬sglï¬ Nnhaspecitln bstiritutail gnaw danï¬hlllflalsmigrshgadlnts as re sever eore eenmuet ieste opamru Preï¬dfl MCKIbbmv KW tor Frenchlanguage schools in treasury and economics to medal Chrome 9mm unfle waod mand skin city clerk Ontario manage ha ï¬nancial and can steering wheel spans stripes wheel novels The hriel said educationeosts are consuming steadily in mm ma pmlm floor mounted shift lever whitewail lid bill will establish the creasing share or municipal Phone Strike chpnsrmcnt of revenue respon led weak as taxes to tho point where prop sible for administration at all ï¬rty tarts have reached the NEW LISKEARD Ont CP tax statutes and the collection Saturation oolut Employees of the Northern ol revenues EDiDPilallE Co have votcd in avor ol strike action June Set Strike Fund amass hawthorn Ontario and stopS Proï¬ci nor em uebeol 5095 CF Resultsot the strike vote KIRKLANDLAKE icltA maoth levy on members oi among 509an members or dispute over working rights has Local Britt United Steelworkers the communicatmns workers or stopped construction of $5 of America to set up strllte America union were annmmced 500000 project or Northern and delence lurid has met Thursday by ma Klym thu lege oi Applied Arts and Tech Sat With mild reaction train the uninnls national representative 13 mm lacaI The strike will involve two 10 wmwrpi Pmsdefli Hflm SEEM said eals one in Ontario and one in Plumbgrs andPIpaiï¬ue se Thursday up plqket lines Thursday to pro est work on sewer and water lines being done in members °f Zldoorhaidtopsandhidoor Heads ASSESSOTS Wm DWlSlOn gï¬ofjiblï¬hï¬ï¬ngfgnauml sodans inylimeiiotdeiuxe SAULT sm MARIE Ont Milokomb op The Con Whflelï¬meJOBMSEHi or William Vidler ol SL mam governmentrmrsday ucushion iightpaekagmpecial etler urwas Thomas was elcctcd president of the Association at messing mspggg $Vlszigeczifnsveï¬ mouldingsViny roof whitewaii or 2mm gym qu mugs by Alla Rem we algï¬glum Lgrlaialgalwimi 1dd5llEflkï¬l85 specialVB engines 19 annual meeting Waterloo South chairman of mm Me If cmo gt he the hluselmcmmmw dation and entertainmentdlcllli dDuringma debate latte Wednusi ties to help keep stalf at ct fly nig an es imates washi dustrlallatmlntti Kennedy Round the department at re insti buy SimM All Gm tiitloos Mr Renter ruled that minister mm institutio MONTREAL or Maut discussiunnmem Jail In told til le slature Thur We stations also at 135 any or er re eronre would be Clara Lidv 531 Thursday ruledoutot order as repetitious Impose Closure 36 90 Sgdénsr Fwyfd My 3QEWIY€SlflbilSh9d toner rullugcamc shortly alter and roof up mouldingscigar Nemmcm mm my 05 5113 To TORONTO CPt Parti lighterdeluxa whaolcnversduai significant role in helping Cana mo High Parkhad ml than manulacturers adjust to Jans doctorw incompeten ilirinigiialrliie emligliiursiidg jhomsmamaihatnnngcolouiect the Kennedy Round taritl cuts be conducting mental examiuag trying to mgr1gdents rubber floor mats ï¬t or Prisoners chairmans order imposing tor elos the Data ov Gets we Years legiglaiiim One oltheteuses home 11 BRACEERIDGE on or gentleglslatlite history grew on Hoivard Osborne Everingr of Van than beï¬lganDf ham 3a of VBlitceblidle was Morton Shulman 1ND sentenced to live years Thursv mnto gh Park and day Chalge of break enter Grossman vministe anti tilelt Apritlii at local pool liisLitutltln iilllhl consulIllinan aptlre aseneee snry gt IL Extend Sittings rooomo 012Mcmhers at the Ontario legislature lost FORT MW WP slice at their long weekend 3351 taken plungedairfl Thursday when the overumeut military Jet trainer into slave estended Friday sittings zig jot trees Thursday but bothrmen hours board escaped with minor lulu The iiuiiso now Will sit from Wing and li of the ysms efpnfl the MI heretorit from the plarie but the luseloge wasiatac gt ISaveupfltoStsS Prison NO DISC mutation Compensate isowinaitodaitlnstaiualic Camera ll manure tC rllilhiiiis CP Fumble Table sicn 5plebar 81390 dressPM 995 95 TORONTO or Bulbocti ToolSeuouBhdmiuiouSeti lt mDCIENC Party 5me of Ontario lakasntotrlng about menvscompengaua mm the Ontario le lnhtm gug constructio al smelter at the 1937 help Lwylmured KiddCreck at Texas Gulf men mush 5mm jab mm training programs at Guelp Siilphur Iot willr not discrimi tormatoryare designed to nnteior or against tho zilhnfdï¬sï¬hï¬iie 10b mamas Vme Industrialproduction WW Mia Pawreflcey va board says in annual report ather than rehabilitate prison clal mines minister The report presented to the gt ï¬rst d8 Ontario leislaturo Wediieeda ii Grassman mini or at Lawrence saldfrcstrlctifve hyLabn gnltter Dalton 00 AND 40 BRADFORD 5T urotorm sajdlthe do legislation vwosnut the answer says more than 91 pé pertinent working tow tothoiooatlonoi smelter He these men Were placedth program IiIVWiliCli prisoners sliid it st be accord