Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1968, p. 15

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Med on the 1158 lmmibfi lectio my document the to PearsonDidenbakcr era in Ca nadien politics ProL John Melee of Queens University will spend tire year examining the role oi parties and elections in the Canadian political system The award lrom the oi Nova Scotia industrialist lzaac Walton Killam mecLs about half the anticipated cost oi Proi hietacis proiect which will en ii seris oi surveys by com merciai agencies and case stud ies by graduate student at Kingston Prot hicisel said in telc il in widow the lam The Canada Council admints er the intzllied are of exceptional ability oiiicaot research related social acimces or humanities Other awards include $38035 slty oi Waterloo so representing the rust ooh lay irom $17000000 bequest Juno Walton Kiilam late DoroLtly Rib program which to support teiv robot in tg to the Proi Erie Burke Univer for research on impact nf innovation and phone interview material ai technical change on society omni home nvareur and LORNE ADAMS Our school year is at an end it is irlgbtcning especially for those of us in Gr 11 we no ioligcr have the daily routine oi going to school sedng the emo friends day to day new it will be new world of college una iversity nursing or job it is lightening perhaps because we are now stepping out for the G355 first time into an adult world Our days at the best School in toms Barrie North will not be shortly forgotten lie other the all day when iive bus ends with banners flying went to putt to GBSSA Secon School there dill 30 school GIRLS Our tennis team was first in our district at Penctang Oros Country Team lst in Ontario Open Basketball Juniors in layottr Track learn piac in Ailllton with no points Cen tral second with 49 Girls won with 7W1 points 40 points ahead of the next schooL Sue Murphy tied as senior win ner and Claire lfalpenny was winner oi junior high Point scor er CLUBS Georgian Bay Association entered nd Gwenlt was felt that we should mention someone else who does not get much credit tor the amount oi work ha does in the school man that has put enough pressure on the stu dedte but eased up when he felt it nmssary lie has allowed ll many privileges which we hope have not been abused We would like to salute the best principal in Barrie tlr Bryd gu So we end annihcr column Our thaniu go to everyone rhn has in some way helped Barrie North We thank the Barrie Ex aminer for the space allotted us each week in the paper station Markham to win the GBSSSA Junior Football Championship or the day hundreds walked to Elmvale to raise over 31000 for Oxiam or the day our gym was over packed with splrt cott slous students watching our Sen ior basketball team defeat Ccni tral We all had our ups and downathis year hero is rundown of some ups in school achitles nails Brian ilcullan placed 1nd in GBSSA Goli tournament Dave Ochlly and Doug Cairn cross won boys doubles Tennis Tournamentin GBSSA Our CKBB for airing school pro grams and all those people who during the year lcni or donaitd their services to our school ltlay we wish all those who are graduating into the big World the best of luck IIIJACK DIMES NEW YORK AP Ncwr York state polite said Thursday three men hijacked Hallway Express Agcncy truck in New Jersey carrying $500000 worth of dlmcs lrlun the US silver depositoryat West Point NY Police said the driver Charter Depeiv 51 oi Newburgh NY stopped tor light nee Fort Lee An armed man Jumped into the truck from car and took over Later Oepew was put public speaking into on automobile driven north boy is Norm and released core and Head Girl Gwen Adair Gwen also won the tro TRY Ellgfiigim WANT ADS Music Club presented Var lcty Night which was lrc mendous success They placild Isi twice in be Kiwanis Music Festival Drama Club won wards with play overlaid Cheerleaders placed 2nd in district contest in ltieaiord and Sandy Harmer chosen bliss Cheerleader of schools at leading FUND RAISING Raised over 32000 in Oxiam walk did well ior United Appeal with nickel stick ups and an auction sale in the Swimathon at Harrie which we won $300 was given towards the Gr it banquet HONORABLE MENTION Norm Beers placed second in Says Economv Getting Worse QUEBEC CF Financier Marcel Fariboult said Thursday night iorclgn bunkers and indus trlalists are withdrawing capital from Canada and the economic situation is worsening because of internal constitutional prob lems Mr Paribault 59 Progressive Conservative it did ate for Montreal Gamclin in the June 25 cheral election old party expected at Regina and Win nipeg Rain which has plagued southernOntario for days now DISTRICT waarllrn MILD CONDITIONS are lore cast for most parts of the country today with hotspots is moving southwest Figure on map indicate todays ex pected highs CP Wircpbotol said gets Iiigh interest roles he in creascd cost oi living the dlitl cuity oi borrowing and satura tion oi taxation made necessary new Canadian constitution with federalprovincial JilliSdiC lions cleprly deiincd to permit bcttcr coordination of govcrn mom Ema teachers won Ontario Teachers aonspiel in curling Our ski and it is absolutely impossible mettlns the federal provincial 5mm gguSSAg fizfiieglafiitorziiizlhalfl and municipal sevenmanta are 95 Wei 7k team won GBSSA in Markham th lill having trouble financing MWi m1 Junior and Inter skclbali et tut$251 public affairs as result at the MY rm Canadn mum on nd mum ad as constitutional debate 55 mm the mm ns Igor 12 at aim The inrlncr president at Gen He said Canada can no longer ernl Trust oi Canada said re 1° bi 93 avoidwagltzpcteiugmghglsfi cent borrowing by the Canadian mm mm wlh and Quebec governments on Eu tralisotion slnce this would per man may margels had be greater regional develop come necessary because shortv mentlor areas 1le Quebotiuflll term capital of iorcign origin lag behind economically was being withdrawn irom Can Tbe longer it is put oil he ada Govt Pays Tab ForNATO Liquor TORONTO tCP The legi lature was old Thursday that the government picked up the tab ior twothirds of the liquor bought by iorco members oi the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion serving in Ontario In the last fiscal year the bill amounted to $75133 but spokesman for the Ontario Liq uor Control Board said Cana dianerervingju otherNATO countrlesrecolved the same privilege its all port or provincial agreement with tho icderal gov ernment that allows NATO per sonnel twothird reduction on purchases of imported liquor at government stores The agree ment has been in client since the early 1950 Earlier the legislature learned that the liquor board continues to be one of the prov inces main moneymakers with an increase in not praiit oi $0 500000 during 1967 Total sales in board stores in 196057 iiscal yearrtvere just over SEMOMW compared with 3281300000 in 196566 Profits were $133700000 compared wrth 515300000 bofiesides thelstnle sales tshIa mun mm mm ards annua report lists looooox in sales tbrougsliogvinerica gggfmmt WW and ne stores and 700000 by brewers and brewers retail RzgfiTgflgflflvIfsnmm by brewers and brewers retail pulledawaymmwnu stores compared wrth $7000r090 moretnanhalfwlshadyoud and $201100000 respectively in nevermme the previous year are our new neighbors The boards chairman the worse the economy Variable Claudiness Warmer Saturday Variable cloudiness and warm mpcratures will continue to ay and tomorrow with some chance of scattered showers late Saturday according to the Tort onto weather ofiico official iore cast southern region should have warmer tcmperalures today Considerable cloudiness iv ll sprcod across Ontario Saturday and rhnwcrs are likely around 1Lake Superior Vlndsnr Lake St Clair Vari Winds will be light Low We able cloudiness and little cast tonight is 40 degrees in the warmer today in up ng Barrie arca Tomorrow tempcr doudiness Saturday vlth show Wes should reason high olifirsmlncly late in the day Winds 70 Synopsk All regions sbould Toronto Hamilton North have some sunshine and the Bay Sudbury Lake Erie Lake NOMINATIONS By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Totttl to date000 LZéil PC 247 NDP 209 Cred 29 SC 15 Other 38 REJ CardiganSpurgcon gen uor IUEBEC Bcauceahndre ind inanaJacquos ircmhlay NDP LouisllorbcrtGcrard Ber gnnguet PC iltiontmorencyaGuy Parnd is lindL Montreal Enurnssa Emilio Mircla Horja Dem fiEcont Montreal GamcilnArlhtll Potelanee Montreal analaJcan Rules Cover illl itinerant Sellers TORONTO CF Regula tions over salesmen uttering credit on doortodoor sales will becnxtendcd to all neranl sell ers through bill introduced in the Ontario legislature Thurs day The bill series of amend ments to the Consumer Protec tion Act was introduced by Les ie liolvntreehministcr of man ti and commercial aliairs requires the doortoidonr salesman to produce in con tract an itemized breakdown of the prince his goods or serv ices extends the ttvoday cool lingoil period now in eliect on sales contracts involving credit gto all contracts with itinerant so smart limits the salesmans lturon Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Holiburton Niagara Varie able cloudiness and little warmer rd variable cloudiness with chance of show ers into in the day Winds light Temagamt Cochranc west en James Bay Variable cloud iness with little change in tem peratures today Saturday most ly cloudy with showers likely late in the day Winds light Sault Ste Marie White River Algoma Variable cloudiness today with chance of light shower Saturday mostly cloudy with scattered showers Liltio change in temperatures Winds light Ottawa and Montreal Varla ble cloudiness with few scat tered showers today Chance at thundershotver this evening Saturday mainly sunny and little warmer Winds light Forecast Temperatures Low overnight high Saturday Windsor 4t St Thomas 45 70 London 45 70 Kitchener 45 70 liiount Forest 40 65 Wingham to 55 Halfimdn 45 70 45 70 45 7D Peterbnrough 40 70 Owen Sound 40 in Trenton 45 70 lKiliaion it 70 Muskoka 40 70 North Bay 40 7D Sudbury 40 70 Earlinn 40 Sault Ste 45 65 Kapuskasuig it 70 White River 45 S5 hinosonee 45 70 Timmins 40 Trudeau Says Thai Canadas Financial Situation is Good OTTAWA CP Prime liiiu in their ldin dsc ister Trudeau said Thursday lion issues 5st mo nightthe countrys financial sit One oi Lil most prominent nation lsgood themes of the NDP broadcast Appearing on freetime elec 35 mummm Inacml the Lion broadcast on the cal isle it W31 WWW vision network Trudeau taxation headed by accountant said recent burrowing abroad Kemem Cane Which was 1733 has been done to rebuild foreign mm mm Year 30 exchange reserves that were weakened by flurry of spam nlusr our poLwrlov ialtionh against the dollar in New York Health Commiisione lily ior paytrlg the costs oi or Hollis ingraham has an rciurnlng goods only to the His appearance was followed WM that New 93 mm place where they were it nauy delivered so emocratsc Party equipped With an exhaust ireeltime broadcast in which 53stem designed to cut ai Ol rescind contraeL various NDP candidatesy filmed lulion 5m phy for outstanding girl athlete Congratui ans to both Norm Louis Leger PC hiarcel Roy Montreal PaptnenuaGuy Lacomptn Dcm Econ Montreal St Jacquesa Gcorlesilonrl Grcnier Dem Econl Montreal Dcscrres PC lroiszlvlcresGillcs ihier PC ONTARIO Ii It Eustaxdohn Munro llastlngsaDonald Blirshaw iNDP Nlplssingaflnb NDI Norillumheriaild Durham axiiusseli Honey Ll ALBERTA Edmonton Centreaw Stewart ind BRITISH COLUMBIA rn Seymourlion Price SCI xMember of last House nNominated previously Sheppard announced the board is studying the introduction of selfservice liquor stores But he said service would notbe any cheaper than traditional stores with sales personnel Hazcl VerdunClaude Gau Mafltieu TRIBAL TROUBLE Not long ago Ghanaian prince living in London Eng land sued bus companxmnv tending that injuries he suiiercd in an accident disqualified him from becoming chief when he returned horn HElP STAMP our1 srannarns None are quite so alone as feelings such as these Lct theWelcoma Wagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feel at home Hal stamp out strangers Cat Welcome Wagon today martialmeson who BLAMES AFFLUENCE MONTREAL CP Michael Fooner chairman of the New York tropoittan crime pre vention projectsaid Thursday it is aifluence and not poverty which is the most liker source at crime He told service club that while poverty had been re duced in North America iiitho last decade therate of crime had dreted 150 per ce We iSwngnglnto Summer Sandals Ladies Bernardq sandals withcplnpnaltlonaolea and heels Embossed solesr halter type back Mahogoliy sizes 59 Lodies 108 heel croan airapanndaia with odiustahle back straps and tone tear drop insoles Sizes 69 Otiendleeled lndies liulti eolotircdrbmidedvanrp sandals for ladies or solos dcovererlGBheels In fOnlire colour since 69 ii cork wedged heels Ladiesivbroided plumpaandolawilh odiusiableback midiwwgoheel liaiian iun GBISCIIIL Smears sandals with double crossedatrap In Mahogany colour SizcazEi JOHN kouaos George Dangerfield President oi Dangerfield Motors is pleased tolannounco thatJohn Roubos has joined ourraales stair John has been resident of Barrie or to years and residas now The Roubosfamilylsttend Crown Hill John and his chaps LIKE irrnrr LIKE Sou idfhanampaign kissing ever Progressive Conservativnlon apppars to be getting oon der Robert Stanileld gets tagloust Max Stonileldsono£ double buss rorn two pretty LadiesI cross htrap anndaio with wooden all Petal ovcrl trim In Italian unvSize children who attend Prince oi Wales School John spent lheiast in years workingiior Copnco and was supervisor of shipping as well as an active director and president oi their Credit Union friends and acquaintances to come girls during his fathers cam paign trip in Barrie Ont Thursday GP Wiroirboto John welcomes all his in and saynello cum I4

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