Come Alive YOure In The antAAd Generation nmmmmnwmmm ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALNUIIIBICASH RATE Marriages and Deaths SHOW Sunday JUNE pm Tickets at JACKS VARIETY loo Dlllllop St East AT DOOR Adults £150 Child ren $125 Advance Adults not Children 3100 comm til on St Erma new Ill Ia mems 101 on in in undue lawn to hcr In mlaotnwroraonw In ml or hare ï¬amalzimln ano amndallnn to our many relatives mm and anatomy some beloved MSTm end lather Al thur Harris medla wlah to thank mama Reed luv run of 1mm Iol clen consol In words an In donors no themumulonnlI DIII Mogul ll ens 331mlam€lor men kind r1 ammor to service ï¬lling lIlnLl me °clulolen iN MEMORIAMS WMDUGIIIIY In loving memory ad our mother Elli Wil gggflflm Ilia posed awly MAy It ado mill andlnakel 03 3205 ml at more All And whrn old times too all mill Thats when we mt her moat or III Dver remembered by daughter and sonloom erlle and Jim Or and Finally ABE IW wow 253 mother Kellen alum Mc Chloe IDIV DIM OW hull aouls we once moved New sweet men memory sun gilt dent an leg Imaum war can REAL ESTATE anhere by dlughter IAI lIlocIlno In sad and loving memon or deal momr Helen amend lllwabe who mud any academy any root Todly mill and memorlu or our mother KVllI to not And the ones who thlnr or her In lo as her best on can wh vmm eu wlnlalnee1 and in law Kenl aua hlcCABIE loving memory or palm MildNd nape damm or Mr nndltire fedlï¬1£lnl ES ï¬twmp ov Nor has all wandered lust entered Gods most Invzly zonal And tell the door alar 4mm remembered by letter In sisters Elsie 15 brother reï¬ne COMING EVENTS BINGO Wednesday June It pin ALUSTON ARENA liegularl SharetllscWeaith gourd games 10 prises JACIGOT MUST GO Door Prizes Proceeds to Charity Auspiw LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 200 pm NEW SOUTH warm COMMUNITY HALL out St at Bond oalLlla BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TOUR to WHITE ROSE NURERY Unionville SHERIDAN NURSERY Untonvilte BEN VIEIDHUIS GREENHOUSE Dundas DUNEURN CASTLE Hamilton Flowering shrubs ale to ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS Wednesday June 12 Bur leaves it am lrorn Welling ton llotel Take lunch Total cost including 81 admis sion to castle $550 To reserve phone Miss Yeates 72006 or lloydalnningilam 7268654 or Mrs ltchlur 726 ChoIkan CO LTD ma REALTOR 10 COLLIER ST 7284401 EXECUTIVE HOME bedroom home with lamtiy room and ï¬replace double cor garage paved drive and lots oi trees There are too many ex tras to describe Wily not let me show it to you today Call Mar ion Newman 72688313 RESIDENTIAL modern clean bungalow in ex clusive area at town Substan Hal down payment andvendnr will hold mortgage tor the bat once Well appointed home with many extras For inspection coll Wilt Lawrence 7284390 THIS OLDER BRICK HOME ls shaded by mature trees and is nicely decorated throughout It has bedrooms cozy pana cupboards Only 515000 with substantial down payment Call 715$ng or Vivian Garner 770 QUESTION would like your opinion on this bedroom bungalow on High way 26 It has living room kit chen piece bath and full basement and it also qualifier tor VLA Please call Joe Dir racolo 7200667 LITTLE LAKE bedrooms large living room and kitchen ï¬replace full buse rnellt deep lot Call Yvonne for appointment at 720 ARRIE KORNCIILTURAL SOCIETY announces PACKAGE DEAL FOR 0IA GONVIENTION 1N WINDSOR JUNE 19 20 21 $22 tor nights lodgings 2v breakfasts formal luncheon barbecue tour at Essex County Transportation hy Orlllla bus $12 Bus leaves Wellington Hotel at 350 can June 10 All money must be paid to Mrs Gable by June 1960eariiel ii possibleI Phone Miss Yeates 7200604 or Mrs Gable 7204543 tor details FREE SOCIAL DANCE Bradford Community Centre Lunch Refreshments Paxtons Orchestra FRIDAY JUNE 7th AT 800 PM Special Guest John Roberts Compliments oi the West Gwillilnbury Liberal Association HUIIMAGE SALE Tuesday June pm BARRE YMYWOA Grove Street Inlay Navy and Air Force Club gt Unit 305 DANCE Every Friday ram Members 50 cents guests $100 Lunch available BARRIE EXAMINER WANT Aos TSTheSeason MOST ANYTHING To Advertise DOTS $2500 each lots in Midhurst area Good high and dry loca tion Mortgage can be arranged Phone Lila Bird 4241903 DECORATORS HOME Perfect backgron tol beauti ful furnitureii you are tuss pot about things and where to put themworry no more This Little house tor you For ap polntment call Harvey or Anita Swift M55 BUSINESS TvoOoN WANTED Allyn lhlr mens niowing store will pay the highest reward or sharp tycoontype owner who wants to invest in well estab business shuwing excell ent returns Consistent high volume or over tour years Handles name brands only Clean promises Low low over head Owner selling because he doesnt know good thing when he has one Call Ed Jennings or arlyn Charming bedroom bungalow on beautilul landscaped lot in good residential area Close to schools shopping etc This home has many teatnlos in cluding completely ï¬nished recreation room Asking $10 900 For lurtlicr particqu call Pat Carter 4300791 no toll charge wui Marion Nhavmlln HarvMl slwVlvllnhGlEnclI SISacne PROPERTY FOR SALE elled den and lots at kitchen mowHum 3mm bungalow with out Maolmess IarALesrATe 7371 more mints Fred Taylu Frnl Permian Art llrv EMORY MILLER 726488 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE on this atlroctlle storey borne rooms bed rooms living roan Separate dining room now turn traced yardlooaiedindowntownaectlonJieasedincty cailxto Sammy Beohlm so ACRES Located on paved load within mama Barrie 13 cellent view and good production lend Owner anxious In sell Call Gold Spencer or particulars JUST EMITTING OUT OR RETIlRlNG This 12 acre tree ilrm ls tor you the my Wm bungalow has mnventlonal haatlug and is in excellent condition Nestled mug rolling hills It commode lovely view across highway 00 lust 10 minutes from Barrie its 10000 Scotch pines have been well cared torand will provide an excellent income Taxes are only No yearly and heat ing costs are approximately $00 Attractiveb priced at $15900 Direct yollrlenouiries to Pater Mouton or any salearnan Kenneth Miller Lid115 PW Ford Peter Mouton meson Sammy Realism John Cole 7180017 Gordon Spencer RobertlIewelltng moo besievegrovo Harvey Weber mil Emory Miller CARSON PIIUIO MIS REALTOR 50 WOW SPREEI SIMONE 7m IMMEDIATE POSESNN MAKE AN OFFER on this brand now storey brick bedrooms living roan dining room and kitchen Drive by the lovely home corner at Bcrczy and Wellington Asking $22500 7096 nmlgago Cali Russell Carson WI Norm Syullott 7132530 Bill Hamilton 7286325 Ed Gongs FRANK NELLES Photouhï¬kealtor NBAYHEDSIREEH mitt ALCONA aaaoa Only blod from the water cottages on well wooded adlotning lots Full price $0000 with low down payment Balance on easy payments DomwNDUminnlcooonditionzbedroanrupand lbcd room down Ideal for retired couple who wish to wpptemeut titclr income Full price only 510300 75 no roar BUILDING we on an Bay Point road at lalnswlck clues roar rm unwell olive moon 000me bedroom storey withlmodern kitchen fireplace 1r so store area Good potential here Full price only mono 7207950 7258734 720M 96112 725183l Russ Carson mem Rupert McGralh Elmvalo man ITSWM Frank Nelles Mike Magus 7256682 Tom Foster Leo Cavanagh 7mm SHELSWELL and WlLLSON MIS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE EBOKERY DONT WIASilE THE SUMMER JUST LOOKING Be settled by warm weather in this attractive splitlevel large modern kindled spacious llving mom dining area Family room and recreation room with fireplace all baths garage would love to show you this most attractive home Call Mrs Atkinson llama M15 $10 sown ONLY Asking tor this immaculate cottage Alcorla area close to Lake Sincoe lieu large living room ldtetlen bedrooms plus insulated sun porch lurid piece bath Water on pressure trom central water supply Nlco location on paved road Cali Mars Tarbush 7263214 LESS THAN 000 DOWN willget you in this newly decorated bedroom home with new gas furnace Close to downtown Carries for $75 per month principal and interest Priced at $0200 Call Mrs Lang 7285761 Mm M0 NURBEDROOM BRICK HOME in excellent condition located near Bell Telephone Central hall plan spauous living room with live ï¬replace separate dining room Kitchen has plenty oi cupboards and working area large bedrooms and bath on second floor lllird floor could be ï¬nished for additional space Large lot Priced for quick cash sale rncnt lose this solos 119 Dunlap St East vagablo property Cull Gladys Sinclair 72347870 7261422 or 7261423 PRCTO MLS REALTOR 05 Alarms monomers mulls ï¬llï¬mALLANDALE area and bedrooms $10900rBUNGAIDW bedrooms Alconu Beach area slam7 showroom Dots located next to an Cedar Point Coll can $19500rarYEAltoLD suNcamw Allandzie area slamIowans TOOTH brlok located on highway mo of Barrie large lot $150wINJPIJEX tamFOUR end WEI BAIY Alec Gemglen Bay aspenIo roars dead land Essa somaounsannoon home new wiring new plumbing and furnace located in Thornton tomeum as loolocated West End 9050004 BEDROOM bungalow plus room apartment Large re creation loom lull garage located in cityon acre of land attached garage LO locatedlbiockodfnoain alreel BEDan storey homo attaclledigarage East cottage with 135 Irontage on cated in Letitia St urea All cola Rea 730106 Bea mom Dick Hartley no Russell wth Res mmkichardlluymlt moasl LWBIDWELVL Roam moose IVAN mowers moan ILLS Realtor 88 COLLIER ST urogemncwlypalnlodandhtmllntvmdlfln NOW to arrange WIDE wand Phonon EVENINGSCAIL rammmmm WASBDGERSW HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 00 Blyliald Street Mortgth Minds Available P8010 ILLS REALTORS mode irceï¬lllomllrking WEILINGNN STREET $7590 This ranoh style brick blmgalow with studied garage is altualod on nico landscaped lot Has Lshaped living dining room kitchen with eating area hadrons recreation room tostelully decorated To inspect call Mildred Moore EVENING CALL CIJRLY COUTTS murmur Hallo nome All muses can 71 win mas compron um moan Mlcmm GOODIIIAD co Realtors Owen St Barrie 7282485 Highland Park Village CO south on Highway L1 to city limits It CNR tracks tInn lelt oil 3rd road utter railroad Lillie are on the first road to the toll Avenue and our model homes We have homes under construction with model homes open or inspection by appointment only BUNGAIDWS $17000 SPLIT LEVEIS 318900 DOWN PAYMENTS $3500 AND UP Featuring low taxes aluminum storms and screens and Itnlsbed Rm to NliA speciï¬cations etc MIDIWEST Attractive bedroom Zstoray brick home located on beautiful trecd lot approximately 170x170 overlooking Willow Creek Call Walter 7232485 Coulis Coulis and Co Realtors Owen St Barrio EVENINGS IA Sandy Coutta viam Gordon Coulis 72372 or mortgage could be arranged Make an appoint CoiboInné Shoud Wood 0m EdGreen Barrio I181 EGLINTON AVE EIITH $2500 DOWN 412500 Close to lakean goll course lovely bedroom to sulated home utility room has laundry tubs and washer and dryer outlets lull bath room cement blnck inunda tion aluminum storms and screens 410500 bedrooms alumin um siding and Windows lull bathroom needs some finish ing paved road 48500 acres bedrooms insulbrick large kitchen piece bathroom nail base ment good well needs decor ating Contact Tom or Dorothy Fitzsirrlmius Churchill 4562620 omraCEjs 4000 bedroom on paved road lovely treerl lot gt 45900 bedroom water on pressure Belle Aire 4000 down Beside take 16 rooms hathrIioms main part could be permanent rent rooms or apartments in good condition $15500 44000 down lakefront good dry lot seawall cottages could be permanent Electric heat Rentmno $19500 405900 bedrooms large liv ing room beautiful view laketronl large kitchen full bathroom lined electric heat new inroiture drilled well Contact Tomor Dorothy Fitz simmins Churchill homo MARKET GARDEN acres on paved roadall pro duce sold at door buried Irri gation lovely bedroom brick home in immaculate condition large kitchen $37500 Contact Tom or Dorothy Fitzsimmina murmur aroma 1M5 OFLOTSI 4000 down close to lake 41500 Cleared ready to build 4700011 acres close to Now ton Robinson hali cleared lovely river winds through Contact Tom or Dorothy Fitz simmins Churchill use2620 KEITH 171 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Baboock Barrie 723509 5361337 16114 7204750 68110 Spencer on on FIWmmins Chiziil 4502620 7284123 Molnar Ellnvale MMaolcod Barrio Snow Strand TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 BUYING on mum IN See an Millritual Met Dayan st wFTzSlaal orronruNnv wiloonhtned wï¬udnnlfbaugula 33 Du unis Neu ouy Hail Wilma onlyTelcohone725m my alias lam bedroom custom built runny aimsch with Egon solen mt or living space xulflgillgWIIMWMW mm am inn Telemann Larry Torpey Walter Ii Coutb 72323 HENRY EtRiCK MICHIE THE LUXURY EXTRAS ARE ALL BUILT IN THIS PRESTIGE HOME rum bedroom brick home in the well kept residentiuleast end convenient to schools shopping etc Largo broad loomod living room with natural brick ilrapiace custom huilt iritchan with the extras includ lug dishwasher panelled recre ation room with attractive bar also piece bath and fourth bedroom in dry basement Laud scaped grounds We have apartment housed and other income properties available for sound invest ment Building lots in Barrie and the low tax outskirts Iie TED BRIGNELL PADDYMIIES Angus oi liar 7260160 7106200 YEAR ROUND BEAUTY ROOM STOREY HOME AT THE LAKE On paved road piece bath electric heat Lot 100 x100 ft Telephone Grant Mayor 723 5520 Barrie RAWN Real Estate Broker ram 51 moral SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTM Evenings Call Bill Rawn 4288990 Dmk Diaper 7203370 Iris Realtor JIAHITE 109 Baycellist 728L107l Appraisals Listings invited ISABEL FISHER PLANNING 0N BUED ING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St 7205541 WDMLEY 313m PM mrey brick excellent PM or duplex ulemntlv um um WWII loci an hedroo IIIW mac bell mm 310041300 IS tom no monthly semi inetuugeod renala murmur elm nelrwhooIl MINES tialtlllmamtmï¬ mm buslhell loot Mn RURAL LIVING Mvfldl moo Laurel bed room home run become Nuisancesan ma more umo down rm ctrTelephone Moomtom room on hummer mention do arr Ill IndWI 000 down REAL ESTATE PROPERTY sort SALE PETERS WILES LTD IIEAL ESTATE TRAVEL TRAILERS T0 RENT summons rfl II Inï¬llm MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobil Homes General Glendale havelux Paris and Service MMTeruuupb1Yeal 170 BURTON AV back ISL mort rm avealuu moon BA Owen SI mule SUNNIDALE ROAD £8320 serum AW aus OPPORTUNITIES 00ml bath sun deck Low or lavel panelled anally room Ewmwm 31mwmmï¬hï¬mmmm M0003 bath workroom By om Ind cabin on lame to OWIIH 7787541 31 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 90 Dlmlop St WING noun Nam town on Georgian all our Barrie licenced plucmï¬mnudlnl so mu Inertialent for ma luk II EmitWanda aids er stern Street llnllton he mom Janine MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on an aortas Malls AND conlmlcuu mourning 00 0F VALUATIONS You Need Money on consolidate am Para an glailï¬mmillild Arly hwhlln came to Pb no new Mortgagoolunding SimpsonSears udtlom° it Brnhrl Autumn no You OWN all of Ru auh available II we wlliorivcn 1mg rennin on or In are on ll Illllolnv moon Allan 5TH M00 mm GRIIA le ml CAN YOUNG TIMI ovoansuvlrms PROPERTY WANTED ere ar nl Illzu Dime call Kan ultuer nup menu mph nunsr Miller near not FARMS FOR SALE so ACES FARM or alarm min Rm mas and plum Md llama Terms can re Iowan alum IllIo west ol sunni TRAVEL TRAILERS Lmflu 1mm IIII by lest la Nod eqndldan Telephone mm 310000 nut is rm Rambler Travel Trailer to In per cent IIILUHFIIIIROQYOII III DOW mlnv extras CIII CHI old hem dd Llll only any be men at no lanlam °£S mnnmf SLIM name in at no of Barria to IO per cent lfllmit Ctll Emllklt timid Forster Ind nu elites so Buyilctd Street III Elna 7354 APPROXIMATE $5000 It In file 01 late carrill It per cell mortals mum maï¬a 11 COPMIR Tnch Trailer 1966 model Euulmd Including lamno Aiia$l°hll no Inner MI 01 id Loy Slnct TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS anne Midland 4200115 nam noun WHITE mom nt2¢II These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work on Your Job immediately ENGRAVING INSULATION ENGRAVING Nameplales signs electrical circuit symbols and designs engraved in Plexiglas various colors of plastics orrnetais MUSCllIA 20 Shannon St Phone moon day or evening CARPENTRY ALuMnoNa Renovatlons Hon wontmctlo mad tuneserved trader IRONING COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COTTAGM BUILDING CONSTR Insulating and Winterizing Septic Tanks and Tile Beds $313le Docks Plumbing and Elechie 31606201 HEEL HURST Hawkcstone JANITOR SERVICE Telephone Oro 4875760 man PLASTERING 3i $5 Emma Celllngs Recreatlon Roonu Archwavl all year uplll enca mm WEED CONTROL SPECIALIZED LAWN SERVICE Weed control Aeration Fertil ization liquid root feeding lirnlng insect control etc Turf King Orilltu Spray Service 3269163 Orfllia Brace ridgo area RR Orillia COMMERCIAL LETTERING mm Ind lellvar mow DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Drivingsdzooi Lelru to Drive In amount Phnlgn7ISv17ISIS PAINTING gt RUDY HENSTRA Painting and Decorating Wall paper taping and caulking FREE ESTIMATES TELEHONE 7266023 mummem Eyew anlnx Con Dru panama and Panelomit alas art is arluieli ilamm um muse Paintlag Interior and exter tor ye remnant Call 23 mm um sxaunrox palmms good wore the estimates ca ntcs Tele phone man SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PillImp 525 any mze house tank within 25 miles ot Elana KEN WINTER CO Barns Telephone mom LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE SERVICE soddlng busheaand trees sidewalks and Tending TREE SERVICE Telephone collect 435774 REFRIGERATION GARDENING unusual GARDENING Soddingland maintenance hedges planted and trimmed flower beds tended 4362 05 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE AuthOrlred dealer for Yardlrlon Davis Tom Gravely lawn and garden equipment at TORONTO so mono PAVING RACHLIN eapavlngpgleol wn on JOE RACHLIN Former Partner at George STAN BRYSON EVééf WWW mm It you quality also dllvaways 38 Ctapperton Street etc PHONE 7204562 experience Guarantee inlwritlng 1S yearl Telephone 728375 er EXAMINER walla Ans