Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1968, p. 11

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mawcmwamnxrm mg 5mQ5sm li Uglzlmld rmnun 1112 um hammer mmmvamamou FRIDAY MAY mm 41 INm In Fm 11mth rosettes 110 lllfl Lmx an rum flown mothu run News wrathr CM onnta Pruoou Hunt Storm LDlnny Thoma can iii will Ilnl mu 61111 controqu 7Yunuml Lava Lucy tictlltnno moo mm kw 151m 77 ur bllln Ill UMlO Xlfltl but will NH 11 Oclock afloat smart Tiaiifhuxty lack lIECaiebatv Killm 1Mnm Iuo or Hm rm ammo annui eooxnr 1211 fill mu iroum 1111am nu ma way mu lMorie mum Wuhlrvdl sporrs HAVEN Your OMC Sorvlea Contra OMC Snow Cruisers Evlurude Outboard Motors Lawn Boy Mowers Sll In Service 1111an rrorn Uncl 59 gGuhlmoll 114m munr 590 if 5m wutnor Scorn rtsrovto Ten Tail ateii us hBANTV BAY RD mum when 100 llmflmr FEW RM 13o and Tm eooooxtunuy ulna 1uavoenlos tour The cat tsunrt sametar 1131 rmm Harman bThn Sou Glut 14mm euar Fink iiltobhy 11a 11oo 113miqu Lsuner 11m esluly Dtel 11rtnr Km Hold Man 11cm zAtom Jrtoo too Hiutch Carlo 4Clan Kartsroe 75 on hllll llgflmltfll Hou IM oumuiu 7411mm auto tbcartoon r1 JBluebatt yam Izoo aMr atlroo erunhvmtatn yr hlleke mo lntek Tracy 14mg eJrercuiotoa VDltlnl Om liWflltllnx IBeltlll Bhlovlt momm Parts ill zauni macu tvfiluxfllld 11 rlmixy 14mm in mm SATURDAY JUNE EVENING 11wellqu Tani 114nm 1ooo Hinhld re mo Lonino School floaterl or mg 11311 Allen to nhoxinx 5601 7Llr1us oAtter rour 114mm rue Menace me floluooall on ussLlnt 1o ma esloril mo Nun on nuueii xEnterley filllhllllal ert Acldemln 91m oenuiu Elm Loamuni Barium Mom I00 MI Illdovta moor Gama tnut roads or 1mm JBnlst Bunw 7lrshlll Dillon ruu Duke 10utonoimn 500 1NFL Action altorse Rm SW15 11 oyln 3111 Perm 1amia 1m auo 4191141 melehrltv Btu211 routes mm sport oPlttv Duke 11Lttuert Hobo aJo 21 Drum or Joanne aNsws 18 1ntom tilll Dom Below PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE Presents The Homellle XL Chain Saws 11 NORTH mom 7hmnco Well 11seluy lfho 211ovta That Md cl hunk euonnl Heron mic wovva Jo noun JUNE MORNING AND monsoon tilts finale Hymn out tCIitfloia rimu Elm1o mu oBurraio own Table ZFltrh For Tod Hoodlum nchurch service lFIllill Mocha eCmen an TEuilwlnklo sCwnuy Cllaodu potatoml hot 1lelld Truth 11h Franco mo 1cnrtrtooher Program Itll LAgrlculwrl USA are nbo of Regalia 7Blbll Answer 9Clthedrll ol Tomomw llLtvlnl Wotd mo IPorky in 10 rn Job 11camu on Canada woo zThla 11 Lite Hares Kurt mum TMovie Tho Mld W0 0111111 Album tzuo zltovia My Eltu Heaven Hoec runs gt Ha The Nation 5mm JUNE nvrsumo premium ll Hufisbom limit 0111th wus 11wutnianev Ewe on an tainttum lAtllolvuafiy as uuo n1 flaky Sula All flight5x 341 as om ofiyién You were izrxasoecm PanesBonner zMeeti 111 unny soocol 353an 11 and mm ticweori coin 10W annuals Canada can HM 6° 1533i Gold 1aoexetsnio 51 111tl11au Jouml mo 1m zn Answer Qword orhunuuouos mulled Talk 1aoo 3Way Ina LMlfllon moodoll onowur um Martin 114 rim too awul Kirade sGmn Am 4mo 7Vovagev wanna JEWI Tomorrow 0430i lillitrlflllnt rim 11 HdlNm Welfisevr trill 11 Want It runs and Mr sands and our snentie Ben 11bvlo Slvufi Wilderness llDlnlel Boone and 3WaitDllr1ey gt lt Hist Denim 11ertanjb mo 121 Sullivan 14131 luo lMdurerJnlev uoam MN BARKIE luswrrtuo service 11 yiinbr cent for Illnbnlin or mission Night and DIVElm Day Be Friendly Courteous Thurl Alwayl an Answer 1m Mu mam Frau 100 ome Mu Mom him 113 Ch3Blrde Ch Buffalo Ch 11 Jilinilton Chzghuitalo Ch4Buttalo ChSToronto MONDAY June crowd arm 1mm 13 areu smmotymt Honsmm rem Illa no el Cl III are IWI Home xanmu trimaran House oLntuni er ta Mr tr tam mun no Winon aim Alla slot mt 130 1al In Fiddles PW no 19 7423 Oil 11$ sNmoaittv aur 1mm Griffin FM Hill 3c in tow lllslsvm Peale sign1s radar 13 14an so 1m 34ml In llu WeltII vInueloa MM Himuh to culnmulim nut ll Wm ll onon 1Dutrls mi zucchin Mle adds 11 um sunny moron more sumo uN Weather 31 iiune mo tim no 4Haneyruoonll ls moral azu IDIvnroa Court 13mm lint1dr it DDulm amll stnoto rtnial lul 211erv Grimes euruth or Commune Iulilnutonll 51 nLuev lm Idllll lctl Inam Ion eMln hour Uncl 11 Lon Lucy lJrovia Dem um llMm man Uncll Vllalihdl Duh mo v3 ehNT ea er no Jovla Id 1110 commutersct LlPiun BUM more Icouatry 11m nail our oGurtlaaha Idow lll DLuelllloayllll uan on to Nonilooelll mm Hospitals llllwtl 1mm cum on ado lNrwI lile noun FMI commm TUESDAY JUNE MORNING AND AFTERNOON our 10 1m an no lNIIII Jlwla iwav or Icoocrnflltlon cam HIM 11hour New aswurut aima infirm mo CAN FM declined eNm lilacs can Egrme mpmm 741N449 PM IToronto Today 217 or our um €3421 135i llelywod Genie rut dxvunvfifly tame 11me mo Lcaotatn 1r ea shaman 33913 sun ount on or the mo zllomacr 111o llywood ulna metal In lchl Van Dylanx lrl€ir lt1 Watl6 1yDillln jot Mllul Ivltmnve Min No 111 330 Gull Lol SIM Hulk isms Ham m9 Ell Hlmlwmooll HIRE canner Hlflwfl 11Mom All GoodHy Jo ero ru nu Truth 7mnera1 11mm aulrlnmea court as 21m Dont eun of rum Loona vCommlndtr Onloo no 11 Hawaii 11 15mm um unun hum armada ruzsoav June xvzrnu ll lvll nilsau mm 5332 mm lithium Tall LlDlllul Mood Mora lrtrrrwmhld rzoo ecsirugm 7invlderl out u1rm Enlfln Salted llSuiuhtnl nut ml ugh Nselrclrio or Tomorrow ii we onlsla WISH Hunt 510m BDlnnv ihunxu llfilholu Ftlslm 1le Gr 34 DWI or Consequence IFllutrtnufl lr lava hue 11rsv raver1m rhilnllfl JPrankenataln are 97 lbtovia tSulwtly ks TM Sh 11Jun hm um suo emuisonr 1Mumu on HNm anti en ea cm Weather lilihlm him nrtem Inton panaman amid illovla The floldan Manx 11mm dam lnatnuer m7 knlkllll he lrntmh on Iran flow in Animals or slied skliton 1114 son ldo so suites wt Liner arusse 00 11 Nm Weather 596m 10 1m Primal tau iiilino lldovla JAM Timi in CW 1111 uni may ms weomolzvan 1110le6 lrrn momma rouo zc trllo anemon enevu1y ruinouso 1nicx Coven H11 swoon lJl 2Wth tin Hal 39 lensstar 7W1ndow on In World 11hour News Sallo IllElk Dottllfllll X2 112 3211 men wummwm 44m Grunts PM in3matn room EH LUV no nuar Hulk to wnl welt Vlli Wk FUNK 50h ltuttia room 1D AMn LI INK 51712114 nan Hmiym on Nam 11 to 11mm do humusm or the 2m loona 3in Allen tfiinfi couln mu Loomin mtl 111ontute iii1 Pm doing it in stylein the largest 150 saw humiélmvcmm LJsm lieAg ma ccmascuun lcmoou 1111m mmt Homieéhuilt Ship Dispiacosdllzions or tit overoak frames its is NEW WESWlel Hc mate at tho yachter lnled UP when Jack No ll of mum Define in Vancouverletl sail for Vir gin mam ton on mu oolrtivemng homebuilt vutei made on th wart oosltln mm In ticspenttwo yarn 1mm schoontt hull interior and decking at the first to id sum total schooner Aria Vaaozuolauilt hallo ur no no hurl 111am WantMere Chen Sex Education HAMBURG MumWed Garman youths not their lehools to out more openly with the cabled at taneven to room available tor their first practical experience Tbelruil tor iiherel Ip pmeb to us minddes with an onslaught on the old taboos to popular magazines and movlea The demands call mom tor A11 accent on an instructive so proud thlo 9o promisculty Parlnu ind themselves in dilemmawhat to lay and what not to say to their children about sex Dal magazine published here believed parents needed wmebeip sud altered intimate toehnlguea about pill in love gt To maha sure their childreo could not road the material the magazine cancelled the littl mlte reports in uncut pages movie describing ovary de tail of babys birth Helga ALDERMAN ACQUITTEII MONTREAL CPI nuis lhtilppo Chamberiand subur ban St Laurent alderman was acquitted Thursday oi char of accoptlnl 5000 bribe had been secured oi acceptlnfl bribe to mono section oi the suburb FINE NEWSPAPER QUEBEC GP Lo Joumli dc hlontreal was tired 51000 illus $500 in costs Thursday liter having been convicted defamatory libel in connection with In article published last June about Quebec City lawyer Laurence Corrivelu Lawyers acting or the Montreal newe vaper said they will appeal shamans Immense OSHAWA OP Itn average fiveporcent increase in the Ill so uncompromian that movie theatres throughout the country had to dell with the problem of starting spectators nearly all at them men But in most Welt German schools conservatism still holds may Parents still find it dllfn cult to talk 1n their children about the mysteries of sex and tend to underestimate the speed with which their oitlpring find out tor Ibenuolm Contact the magazine or rnhu Econdlry school laid in one issue Sea should no longer be taboo at school be cause some 50 per cent at the ioyelrolds have already had sexual experience The school children demand that thorough and detailed sex education be made regular subject in their curriculum lioro radical youngsters sug gested that schools should make available room or their tirst practical experience WORLD News Hi BRIEF basic salary schedule tor public and secondary school teachers was announced Thursday by the boatd or education The salary settlement iolicws live months or negotiations Sumo 700 teach ers are involved Public school teachers now receive mini mum ol H800 year and no ondary teachers $6400 STATION STOP QUEBEC CF CFOM the only Englishlanguage radio ata tion in the men will cease broadcasting August due to circumstances beyond our com tro hiary Bush the stations general manager announced Thursday Sho said lull details wiiitbo revealed within two days The Watt station which employs about 12 pan Ions is owned by Goodwill Broadcasters inc WEDNESDAY JUNE aveumo 30 Mei come lBonnll Prudden hflul lfiil ism lilghlxvn Mn suuv cum lUoddl Town or or naeour szivmii 114 new mo lLorro Oeri Plum Uriel 11 Lan Lucy num CItLlI omen llGLH from Uncla 53f 8131 60 1Mlnhlll DlIlfln mo MKewx IllNU Welficr Swill 1mi Sports 100 aHard no umm nertou ruo awindow On nauovte true 11m Loo ecsutltn lens llachnttlota ouaa ul 1110 IUnlvlrllty ol the All iii Boone 3H Allen econtlct 7Dtlling ror nodala onomoer Room liDd Alltn 11 mo eusltriefii5cagiwh Imen Flamin 1am asma ement Hmsuinusenauu moo 12o 1oo ozunvts Lgmfidfin umt slogan 114ml rrnrii we Grltltn Juouaq rm km or Sonrts mo comeouenul Tlllntltonoa or lave Lucy 11min Dilltn asrnvie rco av tAnvfltei share 5611 1Hflmlll Dillon liNewa Wu sINewi was at Van POE Add ll ViiMme claim use lwindrm on World lSunrtsn semester 1Wludow an World 111112le mo touo 1110 Mioery in Hm IDNI Welthar uHonsmmm Daltut erovum llMDMIWhLlw lzw JMLvston lmooalbll llLlcrolao 4Hlllbllllu aKrart one Halt tomato amoral Ho Mill on Question in 1th sortlnv 1Cbncentrlllon LFrtandlv or Jcmx lloicrte galrvflér glimmer av ngtr Duendflrl and or ouiiu sonny Hawaii saNows lNtwl Wellhlt 1aewttcbeo llSurtshlnz school His 11 145lrcdl Tomromw 1outmeou DnLnton llBllls Bull Queen ruuosolvJv1vE saveMm INawl Wkllbll llKlflr Utavomit ltJHlxel aTiue Girl ohm ocloca LFIYIJII Nun uasnnlesa TDlnylglnflmc 1seconq notqu 112m 97111 Grirrttn Jill mu IEollywood subarea conx Van osud SUneis Bobby llUtuo P3001 oGroen AI 70112 Swelll lmabhe a1ont rll JHa Ind sa rm snun Tor Your ma coon DeLutu 1141 oxtmn touo ISwfll Hot All Hut llN thlhllp Svflfll lLPllm HIM tun Hollow Carloo scuoermaw nun iiVlau mummy JUNE rlhonumo arm monsoon Hmdld Closers Ler The Mllllfl 1F2flec Match DMflvle Forbidden 11min Drums A1 Till World ZPeuonlltw lMr Mr lAW Grill til tTorpnto Tools zuo znoaom errme Party 1311 om nreopn in central iiDetenden oo ZAnmhar world um so lTo Tell 111 mu 7cuuu Hamlin hymenum own sun zvou Dont Ely Msou nun 7connulrderlom om Your new 1111an Mullh auto 3Wan and aMom ten WThat rir1 unean martin mo 1Drlznet 7Plyton Place 11 Shula ZDcln MIRtn Juun Farrah Lila 1lila21 in asuilelee aMan in Suitcase moo to use or 11igti sum ovle Certain smile erryl Probe mower 11 oBeveriy llllétlbllltea mi ilsr rueetrnsswux 7Perlect Mflflh atom the coming term when 1790 pu Wk Turn tandem rm Poly ar Our Hm dLava Many Sllllldm ThlIIK rNcwlywedfllm oHauu Party lini°maot liDGFIMA 01 idTo Teri rs rnm TGeneni Emmi unrunmu court contractors bids on the construc er on new things in education INNISFIZ NOTES School Addition Tenders Ordered When we arrived at meeting not the inniriii School Board somewhat late we were greeted by members Thcyrliood up to shake hands on our first ntttsr dance at their mcctlug since rc turning trom the south The changed data of council meetings has put both these public lunc tions on the same date or the month FINALIZED PLANS Architect Gary Alex represent lng Pessiinnd Baker and Poison went over plans at extensions to schools and only minor ad lusttueuts were suggested Ten ders will lppearncxt week lor lion and itll hoped the board wilibe ready to accept bid by June 20 Then they can then approach the Ontario Municipal Board for approval FENCED TILE BEDS Obleetions were volced by members over the requirement of the HoaitlrUnit that suggests that every tile bed ottlic dislt postal system at Warrich school he fenced in There are tour oi ed areas dotted around the yard seems like establishing monkey cages Trustee Jens remarked the suggestion is that addition al property he obtained and some way norked out to take the disposal away into whcre trsfiic would harden the so round the tile beds erorosnns successor Area Superintendent itiackiom had suggestionsto oh the first being science world shop This vouidraqitnil expen diture of substantial sum tor equinmenL itlr Keli tell that al ready there was stock oirsuch equipment on hand or on order and as all iundsyhavo already been hot asidetor the year the matershould halelt in aboly An outdoor workshop will be attended by Carmen Hellman principal at Bell Ewart and group of teachers Sept trend is at camp nearParry Sound The group will live in tents and make study at iish streams animal inventory plants tree identification compass course astronomy and geology This trip will cost $15 plus landfitir lilacklern oiieredto provide camper to take himself and Mr lledman An inter township visitation will be arranged among leach ers oi the township school sys tem as it is felt tlteteaehers should know how the othe schools carry on The winners at haghnice Trail Crests will be awarded these in group when they wiltvisit the newspapers to photographing GETS HER BA itirs Catherine Parker Nance will he teachingdu Barrie Disl trict High School starting next tenn She has attained her bach elor of arm degré She has been very popular in her Innis tiiciassrooms during her elemt entary school teaching and we wish her all the best in her new out She is the daughter oi John Coleman county uearura er and Mr Coleman INSURANCE ARMNGED Two groups of insurance ep resentltives visited the hosrdto talk aboutvtho renewal of pupils accident insurance coverage for pils willbo registered in Tunis these beds and having the tone lii This coverage which covers all pupils during school hours is likely to be renewed with ths CoOp insurance Coverage can be taken on by pnrcuts to cover the whole hour period or any accident it the parents pay on additional three to 011 dollars which must be taken at the be ginning oi the term FARM SALES Last week we attended the sale on the Lamb larm 7th cou ccssion when the chattels oi the late Ai Hooper were disposed of He had been one or those people who could not see bar gain go wanting and had aims and varied collection FELL TI ER DEATH MEXICO CITY AP An unnamed nineyearoid girl died recently in track accident its central Mexico Site toll through hole in the floor of moving bus covered with carpeting NORTHWAY RUG co up Formerly Universal Rug sescmusrm WALLTOWALL snoaptooM COTlA PLAN tron vauo couvsmaucs LARGE srocK or REMNANTS oN HAND tlrrir 67 content 1261311 it our Dulvared Your mime by p111 son Trucks

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