iycrnerolthe Pcrchcd in their Unitcd Na tions outpost high in the Kyrenia Mountains on Cyprus 0P Commander Sgt 11 Pcever and his co command II ALLISTON Siaiit While the underpass irom the west section of Earl Rowe Park to Jthe east wont be ready ior some weeks yet the overhead bridge on Concession opened tow days ago has recewed unuch commendation Reeve Matthew Van Loree and Deputy rltccve James Wales both said they were pleased with the project and arrange ment The entrance to the road from Highway 39 Is now receiv ing current attention as work is procccding to make it wider road The overhead bridge over the swollen Boyne River was opened few days ago and con sidcrable Lraiï¬c has used it An inspection trip showed it in ex cellent shape NEW ENTRANCES Ilagmon at the entrance and along highway as west of Allis ton where new construction has Lorelto Merchant Is Better BARBIE AREA SOLDIER IN cranes er Sgt Reeves keep track oi traitie on strategic Kyrenla Nicosia highway They are with the Royal Can adian Horse artillery part oi been taking place have been busydirecting traiilc Conces slon road goes northward and is link with the Base Burden road County road work also is proceeding in the Tloga area Inquiries at the scene indic ated the underpass wont be rcndy or some weeks yet but deï¬nite statement Is expect ed trom the department at Queens Park The underpass will make it possible ior traitic to Earl Home Park to travel iromthe west section to the east section without leaving the park route WATER LEVEL The as acre artiï¬cial lake is about at the some water level as at this time last year alter the iirst run oti train the Boyne ltiver The beaches aid ed by the haulage of numerous loads oi sand have been im proved vrlliter Injuries In Blast LOREIIK Siam Thirty four years in business in Aret lto William Wilson operates the general store here with his sons Paul and Jim am feeling much better said Mr Wilson back at his store when asked about his re covery from recent accident in which he was severely burned in an explosion when burning garbage Mr Wilson was nish ed to Stevenson Hospital at Ali on where he spent several Weeks former Loretto hotelkeeper Mr Wilson has summer home at Oakland Beach where he is also well sportsman Hts sons were members of Loretto hockey club South Srmcoe league Be the iiith time in Monsoon NEW cannon Followmg twovyearsoi meet galand discussions the three int Mansfield Limted Church Everett Mans eidvandvttosemont amalgam champions for atedone year ago May 28 1967 lb and the new congregation was named Trinity Centennial OniSunday morning May 12 during the service at Everett Rev Raymond and Mrs Ed wards presented pulpit Bible to the eongregaiion= Willred Nelson in accepting Ihe Bible on behalf oi the congregation spoke tiltineg of the service andihospttality rendered by Mr andMrs anks ior their thoughtful and unely Atthe close of the service the gathering adjourned to the basement titling it to capac ity ior refreshments and eh iowshlp aiter which they prolt needed to the new ehnrohArJte ated on Highway an at the ascend line oi Tos sorontio or the sod turning ceremony Carl Ireland record mg steward and secretary ot the oiitcialboard read the names oi those taking part Be mresenting Christs Church round Mond Ednards represean the Ienlor membe rs and our heritageFred Handy Session Sh Horry Sawyers SteWards iacir Brett Trustees Austin Rut ledge United Church Women nown as keen charge of the mlnrst Edwards and offered the world new Ray Dalst six years and the trophy rests at the Loretta Hotel We all like Loretto and eat it is line place to live said Paul Wilson Adiaia Deputy Reeve Francis Kelly praised the Loretto hockey club and community spirit He said hehoped the new flasherligbts iorthe inter section at county road and 12 wouldbe installed soon They were approved Lnrprinciple by Simcoe County council recently AdjaiaIteeve Fred Baxter is chairman otcouoty roads townsbrp council holds its Loretta named Lady oi Loretta Mr Wilson has operated the Loretta general store since 1945 tore tbathe was in the hotel business at loretiosince 1934 Mrs CarlWiila ireiandthe iurture Richard Boll yallII son of Mr and Mrs Elton Hall on Raymond Edwards who has served onthe Mans field UBILEUCIIUTQII charge for ree He was successful in passing all his exams at anuel College andrwas dauted at Trinity United Church Kitchener Thursday May 16 bus load of church mem bers attended the and his wile have served faithfully on thischarge They will be leaving the end oi June tor the Maritimes but ave not they will serve on mission ï¬eld ior two years Rev Bruce McMartio oi Russell with hiswiie and dren will becoming July to serve the Trinity conyegatloh neanlrnnsmanrx The generalmeetlng oi Trin ity CentennialUnILSd Church Women was held May 22 at the home oi Mrs Rosemont Mr dent presided Im terial president Mra Googh of Ion waa present and gave an interesting and inspiring talk on the mission of was accompanied by Mr Ferris MidhursC Mrs Gwen Dawsom Choir Tom Shepherd Sunday School any examiner WANT ans PHONE mam stimulantss mar Plans Elmvala Session HAWAII Stat Four brands will be represen mena Tammie dimId which will be bold here Thursday May 50 Tbesc include erbridre Ms tanned Edenvale Now Has the peace keeping iorca In Cyprus Sgt Peevers par ents Mr and Mrs Percy Peever live at RR Barrie CAF Photo Traffic Going Over Tossorontio Bridge The water is high at the dam and the flow below the dam is stronger that year ago it was stated The Nottawasaga Valley Con servation Association which the cludee 2a municipalities is con sidering proposal ior building iootpath from Alliston to Nicholson along the Bayne and also to improve the banks Raises GUTHRIE Staii used to raise bees commercially but now do it ior hobby said Joe Carney at Barrie when in terviewed at his bee farm in Oro township west of this com munity Whit his head iace and neck protected by special helmet and working among his bee col nnies here There are about 000 bees to colony at this time of the year he replied in ans wer to inquiries By July these should increase increase to 000mm ThereAare quite tow beekeep ers in various parts of Simcoe County One of the best known commercial enterprises is near Moonstone which was formera 1y operated by Kenneth Wells Mednnte author who wrote about his beekeeping experiencs in The OwlPen There are oth ers in the Benton area Stay ner Holly and various other piacesin this part oi Ontario MOVBIGEWEST Much oi the commercial trade is moving out to British l00lurnbia stated Mr Carney explaining ths nias largely due ltochanging farm conditions derr Maple Centre Vespra Centre Fins Pine Ridge Vnn Viki Sunnbdala Corners Crashed Mineslng Waverley Ind Elmvale The pmidenl Mrs Wnliam Sibthorpe ot Wycbridge wall preside other main aiitccrs in clude Mrs Cecil French at Elmvalo and Mn Foyston oi annexing vice presidents Mrs Howard Grier oi Wyc bridge secretary treesm and Mrs Don Jacobs of Elm vale Federated representative Annual reports will be given and election at oiiiccrs will be held HellDrivers Will Perform Ht Beeton Fair BEETON Sinii Breton Fall Fair Society has signed to bring the Hell Drivers to their teen exhibition as new attrac tion it was announced by Harry Cross secretary treasurer Mr Cross added that other arrangements also are pro gressing tor the inlr which is to be held on hlcsday and Wed nesday September it and $5 Asked about the HellDrivers periormonce Mr Cross said he would have more particulars later He said the directors were pleased to be able to get thc show which is expected to he on outstanding attraction The drivers gave thrilling display at the Barrie lair last at with some spectators re garding it as one of the exhibi tions standout features We icit they would be good at traction lorus too said Mr Gross Plans ior livestock competi tions showing at iield crops cattle show and school displays hava been proceeding satlsiae toriiy the Tall iair secretary reported The show will again have good midway with merry gr netting Mr Carney was iound round and other rides Bees As Hobby bcre There is not the quantity of clover around there once was and bees teed onclover he pointed out Mr Carney has been raising bees or 15 years he tried it commercially ior while and now does it as hobby iindit very interesting he said ex plaining be either uses or re tells the honey from his pres ent operations Besides the Guthrie colony he has hee colonies at Midhurst Ana ten Mills Ferndalo and Sing hampton There are about 100 colonies altogether he said are plalning be had man more when he was in the trade or living Road Work Done Near Alliston ALLISNN Staff Traffic lana lines have been ireshly painted by Ontario department of highway workers on highway 89 eastot this town There also has been construc tion on the same highway just west of the town with more iill addedto shoulders near Tes onttio Concession road NOWV snowmc shows an mo 915 Theyre young theyre in love ordination ser been told as yet where two small Centennial nonnnneoenmn Adult Entertainment at BEST BUY SAVE 29c tunnel MEAT BEST BUY SAVE IIc FEATURE OFF PACK FEATURE IN JUNGLE BOOK DECORATEDTUMBLERS MAPLE LEAFg so we cqu SPREAD BAKERY FEATURE REG 49c are WHITE APPLE PIES HEALTH It BEAUTY AIDS Giant Tube TOOTHPASTE 590 Reg 75c Macieanl Reg 53 Eiivllrrin SHAMPOO Rel 54c Enos FRUIT SALTS Reg oae so to pkg CUMD PLASTIC BANDAOES BEST BUY SAVE He BALLET TISSUE Smell Size neg BEST BUY PKG 36D SAVE I4 WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUE SAVE ON BEEF OR IRISH 24 OZ TIN PURITAN STEWS PRICEDCFE LAUNDRY IO Anc DETERGENT SAVE 6c YORK FANCY 14 OZ TINS one GREEN PEAS SAVE we PALM oAItoE TEA BAGS CLUBHOUSE PURE OZ CAN BLACK PEPPER 45 fmcnlo wmre re sans CLEANER VARIETIEB OZ PK PABLUM 31 CHICKEN nurtures TENDER CHOICE WHOLE CUT UI jCHICKEN 7NA3A5KFT 45c 39c moan SIZE 25cv iij REDï¬ 12021le LB PARCHMENT PACK 3169 GOVERNMENTINSEECTED I6 02 MARGARINEK DOG FOOD I5 OZ TINS can cocoons 39 69° Ton GoooNEss sAKE SERVE rnozEN Econ FEATURE OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE Sultan nuntlu POTATOES for 89¢ Ior 85s Tins $IOO mm mnnME 17c GREEN PEAS LB BAG BEST BUY SDCKEYE SAVE 9t SALMON BEST BUY AYLMER FANCY SAVE IO 48 or Tin 14 oz SIZE BUY 0F THE WEEK SMALL WHOLE WHITE Iu Econ Sin I9 Tin 507 49 touoou In or SIZE 59 LARGE LUSCIOIJSBARLINKA FillIE lst BATTER CREAM CAKE MIXES save REG onaurTEEMILK Les AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX viiiiiiiiéiiiL REPELLENT 100 mantaAce EXï¬ï¬nompmt NAPKINS ARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES LETTUCEav 339 Palm Garden No CelloTube TOMATOES T29 in MEATS SEECIALLY SELECTED CHOICEVPLUMP czéurnynA Grade AEvirieraled CHICKENS 35 FOR THE aAaEEcUE MAPLEtEAFVPRODUCTVS °E°° C0TTAGEROLLS 59le INIENERS some 49cm RINIDLESSV LUNCHEONMEATS for 49o