SUSAN Rogers and Gwen Harman laborc centre both of Barrie look on as irena Sfyics pointsoui the sole noid The course in primary mechanics for women has been held by the for tho last three years in BELOW Peggy Murray of New Mwell left Mrs FC Barric Rodmnri and Mrs Audrey hlason both of Barrie watch Vikki Houston gingerly re moved battery can to check level of acid Its Tougher To Opercharge These Women For Repairs Lady mechanics in Barrie Not really seven weeks course spon sored by the YMYWCA in Bar rie wont put female mechanics in the garages but it will provide new understanding between the garage mechanic and the woman car owner Tweon teens to grandmothers from Barrie and surrounding area took the course The last of the hourvandahaif classes was conducted last night at Hanis Auto Electric John MARINE FORECAST Marine forecast for Great Lakes issued in Toronto at aao am EDT today and valid until 11 am am Thursday Lake Superior Winds east erly 12 to 20 knots decreasing to near 10 knots this evening Con siderable fog locally Occasional light rain or drizzle Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds easterly 12 to 20 knots today and tonight Cloudy with scattered light showers today chance of shower Thursday Latte Eristrwinds easterly 15 to 25 knots today and tonight Scattered showers today tonight and Thursday morning Lake Ontario Winds easterly tn soutlieasterly 12 to 20 knots Occasional rain today chance of showers tonight and Thursday St by service manager Elwood Bavis who organized the course through the These women will no longer need to worry about being over charged for car repairs because now they know what mechanic is talking about and they have some judgment about when vices need to be performed said Mr Bavis Proof of the success of the classes said Mr Bavis is the fact that the course has been getting good enough response to be repeated for three years The previous six weeks of classes were held at the on Grove St said Mr Bavis But because they were not hold at garage does not mean that they were strictly theory brought componenispwith me every week such as starters generators and carburetors so the women could see actual subject of my lectur The women did not wear over alls but instead most woredres ses nr skirts and blouses few were slacks In drills the women were able to point out parts in truck engine left on demonstration last night They picked out the cor rect part quickly and wereabla to tell What it Was used for Mr Bavis was reviewing changing tire as he told of pa onalexperience gt st year when ltriad to rack up my car had never even looked at the CollingwoodelIom Operator The operator of Collingwood nursing home Neenily ordered closed by the provincial Health Department has been charged with nine counts of common as sault and four of assault cans ing bodily harm Premier John in Hobarts told thelegislature yestcrday Mr Robaris said sum mo rating the charges was scrvEd on Jeanette Gurman erator the Cars Villa nurs ing home Monday night follow ing an investigation by prov cialpolicai Closure of the home was nounccd in the legislature April 30 by HoalthMinister Mathew abymond in statement defend Mwmn In removing 20 former Ontario Hospital patients from the home on March Opposition critics have charg ed Mr Dyrnond with acting capriciously and not explaining Governments actions to Mrs Gurmnn statement issued by Mrs Gunmans lawyer Mclt Mortryaaid Now that the De op partmeot or Health hasconvlct ed nw client andlhsrshly sens lenced her is perhaps iron that she re ceived at least trial not to mention fair trial Mr Roharts said outside the house he had been informed the woman is stiff and rusty and was barely able to get the car up lie asked the class how many know what condition their car Jack was in About hail the class raised their hands Mr Bavis quippcd guess lotof the time men are worse than women Salvation ilrmy Band To Play Here June 15 The iamous Eariscourt Cita del Salvation Army lland from fibronto will perform at concert in Barrie Central Audiioriinn June 15 at pm with proceeds going to further the work of the Salvation Army in the local area The original band wasilorrned with eight musicians in rain to provide music for the meetings and outdoor services of the year old Earlscnurt corps Progress was interrupted by the First World War but by 1516 the group numbered lsplayers Since that time the band has yawn in popularity and size and was the that Salvation Army band to appear on television At the outbreak oi the Second World War the ban enlisted en masse and served as regimen Iai band for the duration lnstrumentaliy the band is of typeseldom seen in North America outside of Salvation Assault Charge Laid ligainSt Army circles Featuring oil brass instruments it has nets and horns in place of the clarinet and Saxophones of military hand There is also flugel horn bass trombone and soprano cornet The present bandmaster Bri an hing was appointed in 1959 lieos employedwith consult ing engineering company Other members of the lonlece band are school teachers accountants students printers salesmen so cial workers and clerks DouglasCourt is vocal soloist with the group and deputyband maaier Arthur Dean is cornel soloist onownvo raar Three Japanese nroducers Nissanlsilzu and Toyotaac count for on per centofthe world automobile market Th thehighest in indus aeién an For Barrie PM Station Barrio do Iation ma P5d inTiamm III modulation who Cam Idlln Radio Television Gurn Workload the application rutuday 1h canoe was not granted by the commission because FM stations dont add new pro gram choice to the radio spee mitnaiina Soelgro re manager MB CKVR said that his station bad applied for licence under the rules laid down by the Board of Broadcast Governors and it was reviewed by the Canadian Radio Television Commission The commission accepted the licences but then refused them because thay did nt like the rules of the BBC Theyve got themsclvcs into real bind because now the commission is demanding completely separate operation of an FM station What it moans is that no station outside of Toronto will be able to carry lltl the other stations wont be able to afford completely separate operation he said Three other stations were al to refused Fol licences by the commission Emergency Lights Now Required In New Schools New regulations from the pro vinclal fire marshals office will make it necessary for every new school and addition to school in Ontario to be cqulpp ed with an ancrgeney lighting system This system will he used when clcctricai lighting is disrupted by power failures Olticials have estimated the cost of in stalling lhe emergency lighting system at $1000 Such system will he Install ed in Aliandalc Heights Public School this year Smith Maple Grove principal in attendance at the Harris Public School Board last night asked if there was any possibility of having the same type of fire alarm installed in all schools Mr Smith said that children who attended some clnsscs at Maple Grove School did not re oognize the fire alarm signal because it was different from the signal they were accustoma ed to hearing at their own schools Ha said some schools had but zers others had horns and others had intermittent beeps ahen the firs signal was sound Weve had tirodrflls where some children from other schools did not leave the build ing he said Noet Stephenson rcprescnta five of the Barrie Public School interimschool committee at tended conference on the pro blems of the County School Board last week Trustee lies sin Clemmcns also attended the conference hlr Stephensonrin report to the board atlts meeting last night said that the Bairie pub lic school board waspraised at the convention for its progres sive education and compliments were extended to Superinten dent of schoolsAngus Mackay lle saidthat ltwasunanini oualy agreed at the conference that the county board would be organized to handle children from Kindergarten to Grade la There would no longer be vs separate publieand high school board lie saidthat an amendment to Bill 44 which introduced the county board of education would allow the present Barrie school board to continue to plan stu dent accommodation until 1970 He notedthat itwaa upto the school board and the City of Barrie to make sure there were adequate facilities for children in 1910 The date torthe county takeover is now extend ed until June 1969 mended to allow two or more counties to join together alter Will ii iii Hillth llii lin ll Al Billitllli nirvana TH 11 PHONE 4872le lNYliME illlY JR NIlEi average annual growth ra to appearln court Outlines Changes In Original CountyWide School Area Plan Board on tho Simcoe County bef Thaactvhos also been am scion colorants Apartments Hbusing Add To SchoOlevercmwdingf City Council en in under heavy fire from Barrio Public School Board Int night over the running of land to allow only mum of townhouses and partmenla The board passed motion objectingto changes to zoning that create added pupil load when existing schools are faxed to their limit llie board will send trustee to public hearing but Wed nesday It council dumber Io obicct to rezoning out of St Vincent St and north oi Grove Street to allow erection of towm housesflhe board is also ob iccting to request torezooa property on Steele Street be tween Oliver and Blake Streets to permit construction of an partment building gt Trust Noel Stephenson said city council war creating pro blems for schools They dont want to Ipï¬rovo accommodation plans for ch dreo but they approve subdivisions boaaid Mr Stepbtnson said he was referring to council er bal reiuaai to finance propos cd candles school through this years capital budget lie said that their decision to turn down Cundler school was not to keep ing with planning and future ex pansion He said that until council ap proves the capital budget the school board should disapprove subdivisions and apartment buildings He noted that the board would end up with lot oi children and no them The city thinks that the county school board will inks over in lnnuary 1969 but re cent amendment will keep the prescnt board planning school construction until mo he said Trustee Thelma Cockburn Two Injured In Collision No persona wcra lniured yesterday in collision It the intersection of Wellington and Berczy Streets Driver of one of the cars Marlene Ward 30 to Marian Ores suffered bruiscs and In iurles to her neck leg and band also injured was 62 year old Edna Switzer 401 Hayï¬eld St whoreceived possible fractur ed peivishrulses and shock Driver of the other car John Thomas Arnoit 60 Lil Penc tang SL cscapcd iniuryTotai damage to cars involved was $1150 January Ml but the system would be on trial for two years ore any changes were made He also said that no school board cmcld levy less taxes in 1969 than in 1968 Contest Stresses Water Safety scrap book contest to show elementary school children the value of water safety is being sponsored by the Slmcoe County Water Safety instructors Club Members of the club are tour ing local schools lecturing and showing films on water safety and preparing children for the cnntestwhich will be judgedin gvater safety week Juno to Entries will bsvcoliecte June hi and prizes will be given for each division pri mary iunior and intermediate HONORED FOR BEAVERY HANEY ac ice Ruin Mchlliams 17 of this Fraser Valley community was present ed with the Bronze Award for Bravery at the annual confer ence of the EriushVColumbla council Girl Guides of Canada She dived into the Pitt River last July to rescue youngster tram drowning Children linden admitted free STARTS Allisltlllliti ngmymmm All AWESOME ORBIliï¬ mm place to put who will represent the board at the bearing said she was not to town houses but the la in the area when the proposed construdinn may take place were already overcrnwd ed She noted that Maple Grove already had portable class room Apartments and especially townhouses will create heavy density of children in this area and schools will be taxed KINSMEN Hal Rogers founder or the Kinsmen Clubs of Canada last hight prosentcd formation certificate to the fledgling rmmmmar 1110 nIIrb heavier than we have planned she told We have no objections about townhouses if council on vldes money to build schools for the children who will live in without them saidMrs Cockburn The city should be able to figure out the facts or life about this matter Dr George Sey mour addnedk Am nmerintendenl of choolr noted that ill some problem with townhouses cross on Owen Street which was zoo ed for single family residences the school board in Allowing development of these buildings knowing when tbcse projects will commence he saidK TrtnteePeter hiflia raid that twice as many chfloren would home froirlibriunhouseaml than same on of am dialling not NEW Fir40 CLUB to Cluhof Barrio Kinsmen President of the Chm Hurry liliehie ccntret here accepts the plaque from Mr Rogers as Deputy Governor ltoss Bur well lookaon The club was formed during ceremonies the ltliramar Garden for Kins men over to years of age SaYs Council Should Keep Conton Of Subdivisions Aid Roberts took ex ception in council Monday night to an application by Edna Com can of 417 Codrlngtnn St who wants to create another lot from her present property hearing into the applica tion will take place later this week before the Committee of Adjustment Aid Roberts said control of subdividing should he kept by council and not delegated to the Committee of Adjustment which he maintained was formed to deal only with minor variances in zoning and build ing He said that lands lie vacant for years and then owners sud deniy want to get out of the subdividers agreementwheo the price goes up it will cost Mrs Comeau $100 to get out of the agreement which provides that subdividcrs have to install certain munici pal services such assewers and lighting when they dividenprb perty na Roberts said the mp1 were getting only $100 capi tal contribution out of this Aid Macmillan pointed out that somebody had already paid for the municipal services when the Comeau home and the othersaround it were built But whatare these serivel worth now Aid Robertsask ed ilevoted alone against the Committee of Adiustmeot hehr mg pm pm Thursday Friday nl STEAst CHUCK an sirlKV iiiiifliiisr 135531 BRANDED APPROX 90 Las BABY BEEF Vssonrf Lean saoor 55 it 65 ll an ROAST MINCED count 69 lb not 59¢le mm 247 ideal for the Bbrhacuo lncludei Rib Churkd BladoSlaak iiiiiéuihus worn or BitiAD no in It an sustain lb Icr CREAM Delicious flail319 him Tha bomaot has nine in new