while on Ontari run controns and bulld lean on the machine This ers of Operation Feedback week the men and their un Don Juno loft and Jim Land named Toronto backer will BARBIE iNVENTION Operation pFeledthck Provides Instant P611 Barila has been the home for the last three months of sec ret project called Opera tion Feedback Today tivo inventors Doo Juno of 163 Edgehili Dr Barrie and Jim Land of Vancouver will uncover their work an electronic device to enable Members of Parliament to ob tain fast readings of constitu culs opinions on specific issues while the House is in session The device could be installed in auditoria where the public would be invited to register op inions by pushing yes or no button installed hat the seals People could also express it occurs in Parliament once poll ter an ticians have been elected He continued The purpose of the computer is to allow people to register their opinions while Parliament is in session However it will nut be used in his campaign Instead he will introdube it in an effort lagct accepted by everyone He hopes when people hear bout it they will ask their con itlutca about it and also start thinking agninnbout the moral ity behind the present kind of government said Mr Land Land said that being from Toronto the politician recognizes the need for the computer par Vlim by 199mm ticularly in urban areas where since Valentines Day this year when the idea was com the voter has little or no contact with his Parliamentary repre ceivcd ltfr Juno computer sentative service engineer Mr Land an inventor have been building the computer in the basement of hir Junos home The idea of the project and the money to carry it through have been The cost of materials were sad in the machine totalled ap roxlmately $10000 all of which lvas supplied by the politician We estimate that the coat oi lime and labor on the machine provided by well said MrLand is approximately known but unnamed Toronto 5500003 politician Tbc politician chosc lor first because he felt such pro ject would not generate much interest here and second becausu Mr Junos home is wellequiped The backer of the project wonted it kept secret until its completion second consideration in keeping the computer secret sail Mr Land is that the man behind it does not want to turn it into an instrumental partl san politics in fact said Mr the man told me if the people understand the computer and accept it he will be able to re nounce party tics and set this up to provide truer kind oi elertrouic dcmocracy ll Barrie Land Mr Juno said But noiv that we havn devicloped lone comput cr we can iide at ers for one WWW Land tenth the cost in material about as $1000 The machine stands about two feet high by two feet long with depth of about foot and it can be lilted by an adult man The cost to build morccom uters is small enough to enable any clvic group to afford the cost and as well as being light the computer is battery operat ed so it is portable The battery used is nickel cad mium like those usedin siles NEW USE Mr Laud stressed that the computer itself is not new but the concept and its use is first From the actual main com uter lslcables are attached Mr Land said that the back each cable having is switches er felt this new kind of public poll by computer would take away the feeling people have of sittiug on their hands for four years after is elected The purpose as conceived by ii the politician said Mr Land is to prevent the short circuiting of the democratic process that and each switch is connected to two buttons explained Mr Land The most important goal as the man explained to us said candidate is Mr Land is to allow people to express their opinions while pars ament is in session The man said that he found there was almost no communt cation in the constituencies Encounter zoning Diapute In St VincentGrove Area Barrie continues to encounter problems Ald Sauve asked Aid Garner who suggested the The latest one concerns prop ï¬lly Support the H2 zoning my med by Emdevco Lth what would become of the in on the east side ot St Vincent north of Grove St and an individual homeowner The original zoning on the property was R2 single fondly homes and semidetacbed dwell ings Bardech applied to have the zoning changed R3 whlch would permit duplex duplexes triplexes frontage Ald Sanve suggested at the person might want the to Who residentso area obs looted Bardech withdrew its request and asked that the zone inggrcmain R2 in keeping with lhesurroundiug area But mean Municipal Board ing wasordered on the original zoning change plieation The planning board has agreed to Bardavcos request cl so th zoning to be R3 be crl he said dividualvheside the hardevco property who owns zoofoot Mayor Bentley also asked Alli orner ii the other owner has learned of lhenew developme Aid Garner said No Aid Ssnve said it wasnt fair the other owner that the city and hardevco aplleflr at on 0MB hearing June 12 both in favor of an R2 zoning Ald Garner admitted that the ownerwonld object to the R2 zoning AldG Roberts said the ty solicitor wasagaln going to conducting case along with develgper against citizen cant see why we should pay the city solicitorto repre nt the city against arthxpay iconnirnnoosnnaroCot Mill From Collegiate Spending find out how it will be or copied election and to get any thing done in the House he had to make more and more deals at the expense of public needs said Mr Land it would be something like an lnsthnt Gallup Poll Although the idea was coucelv ed before there was even hint of federal election there was foreshadowing of summer of discontent and now that the election has been called the hacker feels the computer can be oi even greater signiï¬cance said Mr Land Start new government with new concept Even the name ties inwith the concept OOperntian Feed back will act as democratic feedback of ideasj said Mr Land The backer feels that thesys iems of surveys maintained now has been used for too years and it is outdated said Mr Land The computer can even be plugged into telephones so that an opinions poll can be taken while pcoplo remain at home said illtfLund The politician maintains that with the vast amount of in formation being dropped on the population there must be some method at rapid feedback illr Land ventured even the psychology is favorable with the amount of automation today people push buttons and they ex pect results the same can ap ply with the computer At the Liberal convention this year they used computers at great cost to show that they were progressive contemporary But it took them 27 minutes to tally the voles Our computer could dothc same thing in to micro seconds at fraction of the cost The computer will be demon strated for the first time this weak on Toronto television said Mr Land but when the man be hind it will revealhimself we dont know MOTORCYCLE People inthe viclriltyo£the yclc Sports storeat co and Mary streets have pet on cd the mayor and members of council to take whatever aci tiou is within their power to stop the noise caused reviv ing up and operbtion motor cycle and snowmobile engines at the store Tbepetiti unwas signed by 41 eople who say they live in the area Thayi iso protest the use of striiets in he vicinity of the business testing ground for suchye ties The petition salso complain oi the use of city property such as sidewalks and boulevards on which to park the vehicles They charge creates hazard for pedestrians We also suggest there is distinelfire hazard on the pre mises and Would suggest that any licencefor the business on erated there should be revoked if the noise andtho fire hazard and other infringements on pub lic peace arcinot voluntarily stopped and continuously com tolled bythc owner of the has ess the petition states he oetittoocrs say that many lllodllllltkllrrlcbil trinfloflegllic Board may have to let by Illhottt the $341 awmmnthbycitycouo decided unanimously but nighttolilotha bondlrr that the city pay up ua Roberts said Iii city hasvaiready lcvlnd the mill rate for iron Il think councils station is still tho same he He suggested the board he nixedagain to lower its expen diurru so the city can carry out CITY News THE BAllltlE EXAllllNER TUESDAYAMAY ilsks Too Much Hospital Board Wont Buy What could Price ever asked for land in Bar ric has been turned down by the Royal Victoria lfospltai The land is the Lackle property dir ectly to the west of tho hospit al wanted by the hospital for parking lot to accommodate 70 to 100 cars The city obtained right of ï¬rst rclusul on the property lor the hospital because of the need but tho board oi trustees had not expected the land to be put up for sale so soon or at such high price have never hcaid oi land sold at highcr price per square foot in Barrie said William Caldwell acting chairman of the finance and building conunit ice The alternative that the com mittee foresees is building mul lilcvel parking on existing far cllllics Chairman Les Cooke agreed it we cant go along we must go up and that is not unthink able ln builtup area such as this itfrColducll would not reveal the asking price for the Lackle property LOCAL contain IAPA SPEAKER Dr Arthur Second of Great Neck New York will address Barrie members of thefndus trial Accident Prevention As socintions in the Continental fnn Thursday evening at pm Topic of Dr Secords address will be How tole What You Know COUNCIL tillers bylaw to lower the height requirements for fences around outdoor swimming pools in the city was debated for 40 minutes last night and finally passed Aid Garner told coun cil it was no longer possible for people to buy chain link fence of the approved mesh size in the height of fourfect sixinch es He suggested the height be lowered to four feet Aid Roberts and Dorian Parker moved that the height be raised by six inches instead of lowered Aid Roberts argued that low ering the height wouldnt keep the children out bettertbanrais ing it Several oldermen suggest cd that no matter what the height is children who wanted to get inside could doso APPROVE CONTRACT Allen Cook Co has been awarded the con to finish Ask 13° Action To curb Noise complaints have been laid with the police but they arctold they cant be acted on within the limits oiaoy standing by aw However we do suggest that the motorcycle racket that car ries on virtually all night wak ing both adultsand children does not require specific by law to bc silencedby respon sible and determined police ace tian onucllwastold seekooisy on School Deletion The Public School Bohrd aletter to council was unsuc cessiul in having decision on the deletionofmoney in the capital budget lot the construe tion of new school in tho Clindlesiarca delayed until meetingwith the finance cumJ mittee could be arranged Coun cll passed finance committee recommendation deleting lhe snow that would be required for the schoolfrom tits 1563 capltalbhdgel be the highestl llesald hopdichfldontbeikvcfltr mwmhtntnneduationbtat get at over cocoon he aid Bruybaardnnd the same lie suggested that mull take no action on this letter from the collegiate board it seems to ma that if there is min at the end of the year we will receive it said Aid Fred Smith ii there is deï¬cit we will have to pay it Further consideration is lint waste of time For Properly We dont want to be uulalr to hlr Lucile Ind the price is not listed now He said no one can blame nlr Lackic for trying to get the best lprlcc for his land One member of the board said hed have to wait long limo for that price Another member returned ch and hes not young every day he walls is one day he cant spend it Would Encourage Additional Homes For Nursing care ELECTION work is at its peak now for Allan Roach of Midland returning officer in Slmcoe North and his employ ees as they address and mail copies of the voters list to the electorate From left Mr Roach trear directs high school students Lynda Roach standing on Rivers Brcndo Hamclla and hiary Ruth Pymon TheresNo End Of Jobs For Returning Officer The Board of Trustees at Roy al Victoria lfospital yesterday supporth resolution of the On tario Medical Association to activcly pursue the possibility 33 That he he mm of legislation to promote and en courage the development of post hospitai health care faclll tics The board unanimously agreed on the need for such nursing homes to assist those already in operation Bell noted that the Church of Christ post care home wasprovlding relief in Barrie in commendable fashion and he encouraged other nonprofit groups to undertake such types of assistance to the community Hospital Administrator Cameron noted that the hos pital had established liaison with such homes to assist in providing drugs and other needs toprovide telleh the reconstruction of Bradford St from Victoria St to Essa Rd The value of the contract is $62200 it was the lowest of three tenders submitted COAT 0F ARMS Aid Jollilie hasasked the general government com mittee to explore the possibility of having the coat of arms of the Barrie family adopted as the ol flcial one for the city The cost of obtaining the new cast of arms wouldbe about $1500 Allan Roach of Midland relt turning officer in Simcoc North started to get ready for the June 25 federal election two ed of his appointment for life as the returning officer of the riding About the same time his basement started to get cluttcr cd with election supplies and his favorite reading became 352 page book called General Election instructions for Re turning Officers Mr Roach said he read the book eight times Acar salesman and operator of avgasoline station Mr Roach says he puts in 12 hours day at the returning office which is located in the basement of the post office in ilfldland He says that it is probably the best location ever for return ing office because as soon as voting lists and supplies are ready to be mailed to voters Air Services the industrial com missioner secretary manager of the Chamber ol Commerce representatives of the Barrie Manufacturers Association and any other interested partieswill meet with representative of the Department of Transport Wednesday to discuss the econ omies of Barrie Municipal Alr port CROP CAPITAL BUDGET Gounod has cut the following items from the capital budget to bring it down to the $1000 thcy are sent out directly from the post olficc This ideal location has saved money time and backbrcaking work for the returning officer and his staff Mr Roach said that some vot ers in Orlllla and Barrie dis approved of the location of the returning office in Midland but under federal law the site of as voiiablo federal property had to be uscd He has spent the past two wlutcrs drawing maps of the municipalities in Simcoe North At the moment lilr Roach has hired high school students to ad dress cnvclopcs They are paid one cent an envelope and po tential earnings are too week lie also has fulltime secre tary Right nolv his biggest task In examining all the polling booths in the riding to make sure theres adequate parking and facilities lily main purpose is to make sure electors are able to vote untrist without any lnconvcn The largest polling division ls mm he 53 in Orllliu township which had to be split three times because there were 1500 voters The smallest polling division sur rounding brewcry Bay has only 29 voters in it ltlr Roach said that one of the biggest headaches of his job is party workers in the rid ting who come to the returning oflicedcmanding extra copies ol election ducumenls making extra expense for the riding HEADACHES Redistribution headaches for voters as wcll as lhe returning officer For ex ample persons who live in Vliny Township which is now in the Greysimcoe rldiug are coming to Midland to get on the Suncoc North voters list it has also increased the number of voters in his jurisdiction from 19000 to 46185 hlr Roach has also learned what its like to sign his name on documents for three days running caused recliner POLICIES The complete efficient method of insurance cov erage and control Ctall the trained people GLASS BOTTLES City council has endorsed resolution of the City of Kitchen er requesting the province to pass legislation banning the use of disposable glass bottles in On tarlo STREET LIGHTS Mitchell Maintenance Systems of Canada Ltd have been awarded the contract for the cleaning and replacement of street lights in the city The cost is 5687 per light for approxi mately447 lights PARKING PERMITS Visitors parking permits will be issued to members of County Council for use when council is in session They will be valid for use on Worsley St between Mul caster and Payntz St MUNICIPAL nmronr The city development commit tee representatives from Barrie lie 000 li on WEJUST MIGHT HAVE on moist rarssaliiic molt 000 limit set by the Municipal Board Park park in Allandalc $9400 park near School $4432 eightroompub Brock to Dunlop St sani tary lrunlssEWfl 07000 Council last night unanimous sale of six and hall acres near Canadian Chrysler Co Ltd andrTampax Corp Ltd to Bombardier Ontario Ltd SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT Council has passed bylaw whereby the city may hava nory vices lnshlled jnnnw subdivi sionsruut of the security deposit paid by subdividers if the city engineer feels work on the services factorll FRONTYARD CALLvOUR LOCATE CABLES carom you DOANY DiGGtNGf RUNNING ACROSS YOURLAWN OR naouhotouo aochARD DiNlNG our alerts AT lake View RESTAURANT ARE Monday to Thursdap gt Ontario Centennial improvemeuts $2500 Eastview Secondary school in Candles area $450 humanize SALE approved bylaw lor the DELICIOUS TREAT hear WELLINGTON on roan caers WITllhlUSllIJDOM snuca $170 Try DurNonn Day siliconanon Prime Elb Roast of libel or lgnfli proceeding satis Turkeywnh an IE mm SPftlAlClliilikEitTMEitti Rancn FRIES FRENCH ruins savanna 690 serum SERVICEitl