ADVERTISING old mill some animuse m1 slant on lo Hlu yumen TEACHERS WANTED mï¬ VEPRA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD requires experienced tesehm for September 1968 or grades and SALARY SCHEDULE level 45410 mu 245000 Level 345400 Experience recognhed Annual increment S00 Apply stating qualifications and last tor EARLhutlleétARDSON sceletary 17 Owen St EARRIE ll LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims agnlnst the Estate of hllJL VILLE MILLER WALKER also known as MELVqu MILLAR WALKER Enrber law oi the Clty ol Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the toth day at March AD 1968 must tor ward some to the undersigned on or belore the 7th day at June AD 19611 alter whlch date the assets will be distribu ted amongst the parties entitled thereto and the Esocutrix lvill not be liable to any person oi whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED atBarrie this 16th day of May AD 1966 BRUCE OWEN Esq Barrister and Solicitor Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor or the Exmllrix CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE 7282414 Charmed sumo Lam aux needs came of 50 sent Ll nldl to use an Examiner Baa Numbcri Identity of Box In bu Cloverl And Grasses Machine Mixed While You Wait Fertilizer and Corns SeedGrains Malling Barley on Contract Order Early MAPLE SEED MILL C0 ATTEN HOME FOR THE AGED COHJNGWOOD ONT SEALED TENDERS tor the construction of Home for the Aged will be received by the undersigned no iater than 00 Wm pm local time TUEDAY JUNE 18 IBGI at his ofï¬ce at lit Worsley St Barrie Ontario Drawings and Specifications will be available to General Contractors at the iresslnera be Oillca and the Architects on ice at insw Drive Don Mills Ontario on deposit ol $10000 on or otter 300 pm May 29 1968 Deposit viii be returned It Drawings and Speciï¬cations are returned In good condition with in ten days ot closing Tend era Bid Bond in the amount oi $6000000 will be required with each Tender 100 Perionrr anca Bond will be required oi the messtul General Contrac tor The Home will have aceonlmo datlon tor approxunatey 150 beds and contain Assembly Room Chapel Dining Rooms and other ancillary spaces Con on to be masonry bearing wall and reinforced concrete The Owner reserves the right to accept or reiert any or all Ten EYE IDIGON and HEINONEN Architects 61 erlew Drive Don Mills Ontario Phone 46mo Reeve MEL McKEEN Chairman Homes for the Aged Comndttee MR COLEMAN Treasurer Stmcoe County Administration Budding BARRIE Ontario Penna stamps Draw tickets Letterheads Businessï¬cards Cheques Weddlng stationery FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL PRIMWGNEEDS EXAMlNER Commercial Printing WELL no You WRITE M7511 hat This Ill be JlaM era Itohelp you Write yoln classiï¬ed Blk To place your next want addiat 7234414 Erect llne in IVY magnolia 424nm mom My non REARHTRACTORQTIRE The Finest You CbnjBuy 112141024 Reg $7235 111228 1023 Reg $7225 12478 till28 Reg $8435 13628 lass Reg $9550 TEST PROVED so all soils general purpose use SeeYour Uniroyal Tire Dealer for Export Service AT NO IN 51 LONGER LUG WEAR UN no BRADFORD STREET not Sand dayold chicks For service or help on your rollth FARM LTD leYAL TIREHCENTIRE nm ova PRICE $4995 olm amen $4935 ova PRICE $5955 oun calmness alicover crops and canasn av PRICE iieosoos mallow Newanbusnn uouao Woman lam liwy All El731se MINT 07 SUEDE MDER FOR HUFMIX PAVING WMRALT ND Elli TENDERS clearly marked as to contentfls aid in envelopes supplied or re odvedatthe atticeMiheum until 1000 odoch am DST THURSDAY JUNE 6th 195d for the hot mix paving and shoulduing otCounty Road No or length of 36 miles from the Khlga Highway No In nor therly to Mosley Street and resurfacing at County Road No westerly on Eyrnes Ave to the Kings Highway No as length ot approxirnatdy 15 miles Speclilratlons Form at Ten der and Tender Envelopes may obtained at the Simcoe Coun Oltllxr certiï¬ed cheque or of the contract hid must acroer any each tender and the suc ceklul bidder will be required to provide wily pcrlnrmanrn bond and 50 Labor and Ma ierlai Bond upon execution at the Contract Agreement The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptut CLARK Eng Simeon County Engineer County Administratiot building Barrie Ontario TENDER tor OIL DELIVERY to ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CH cttcctivc September tel 1960 or the period of one year will be accepted by the undersigned until June 196 llIcLACHLAN 19 Marshall Street BARRIE Ontario TRY EXAMINER wm day evehliing any 81 Ior Isnt KENYON 7th Avenue Beach BEAU WASABA Etrllthtntrzack at the Crest Hard Sale at at hometh turn elemteal IPPIlancea mamas Tm Tum cash No reserve as the home Is sold JERRY Watch or tuil list May 29 AUCTION SALE Saturday Mays25 at 12 noon or the ESIATIEmM IVAN HARVEY At Int Con 12 Sunnldais Township miles south oi Wa ssga Beach or miles north claimed at Sunnldaie Corners on the Sunnidaie Road Sale at high class lnrrn mach lnery Holstein cows Holstein Hereiord stockers baled hay straw grain and some house hold ctlects Terms cash No reserves ARCHER COLWIIL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday May 25 at pm sharp For 10M lllcFADDEN At lot 23 Concession Essa Township miles south oi Highway 90 OR mile westol Ivy and ii mile north Sale of is headot rattle farm machinery hay grain and some household cttects Terms cash No reserve as the arm Is sol JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH tor lull list May 22 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING May 31 1968 Household Iurniture including antiques for MISS EMILY GARDNER and MR MRS WM EDNEY at too John Street Bradford Ont at pm Terms cash No reserve as houses are sold ALLEN HORNER auctioneer Watch vlor full list May 18 Want Ads Dont STRONGwHEALTHYPULLEI rip roarin and ready to lay Thehbestway to growa strong healthy pullei is through SHUR¢GA113IeedtngPlogram Get yourpulleisiinto to weeks by using SHUR Feeding Methods that ha the SHURGAIN Research laying condition 22 Am Proven Feeds bnd ve been farmtested at Farm isithe Itimeto start to maherailvinnlng team out of your replacement flock Drop in today so we canidiscussv the SHURGAIN Pallet Feeding Program thatwllldn the best job for you BARRIE cuManGs anon Mm 24a7Vespra st Dial 7284254 cooxsrown mama WILSON Dial 4sol272 BRADFORD FEED MILL rv Dennis Dial 7753411 and mum auctioneer ins freeze warm or list May rs HOMER auctioneer AUCTION SALE Under authority or the Police Act of Ontario Section 11 Sub section the Petite Commis sion of the Township of Essa will hold public auetron at up articles on SATURDAY JUNE ist at llNum tn be held In the ANGUS PLAZ AN GUS ONT Articles tor sale include ANA mun and lloonluv nuns BICYCLE TENT and num erous other items The Police Commission and Auctioneer will not be respon sible tor accidents happening on day olmsaie 10 BALL onser PHONE 357451 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE pm sharp for lhe DUDROPINN on hloslcyStreet between 4th and 5th Streets VASAGA BEACH list at Brewers Warehouse Sale ot household turnttura el ectrical appliances such as to loot commerdal display deep loot refrigerated meat show case toot comnIerclal dairy ease propane water beat cr electric stovcs hlwlary washing machine complete lhor Gladiron trailer dressers chest oi drawers beds etc Terms cash No reserve JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer Box REPLIES While on endaavour will no made to rnrwarn venues to on numbers to tilt advertiser Boon mutate we accept no liability In respect or to or dunua ll lzaed lo arise tnrnurh slttler ran un or noisy tn Iorwaldlns lflILlI IIDllu However caused whether by nullllnca or otherwise FARMERS MRKT DEA DUE Dead or crippled cattle Ind horses Small animals removed PHONE BARRIE 728W Collect tree For hm service or ass or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 14 hours day days week RR Foxmead License No moss Nick Montague Prop PASTURE FOR RENT Mamas or rent Good or out ue lenty or water no shade on so solsou mama wArrnrn calves stmun red 4134309 norm nilole or to so held or unit 11me or Size and water ncesalon Medan Telephone WWI LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LANDRACE Boasts selvlceahle age or Sale bob nuliibl slat price Geo crawroru Minexlem to rent or Lenoir am We PREGNANT ANIM 519 glut feleedswithl NFm Clicwllm bnmha are talns vitaman to asst tn the who or sixm may Barrie Contin DIEDL Horse Sale ponies an ItOlDel saddle hm Au Ml me and nude well so kind coulan so to wmeBamd n5 OMy Til one 7291956 Sale 01 id Home 11 FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete lino ot Dairy Earns Equipment Supptiu Barrie Holly Hwy 17 7760338 CHARLES CHURCH ram Supplies to Servla Case New mum David Brown Realty 115 sunron AVE mm CASH TRADE TERMS LL18 Chalmers hatter with heat muser vulley an hydrate row mo cultivator obain barrows In our amour auxav motor to my John Dem bales elevator Willi Id1W John pin disc lanm PRINTING PROBLEMS SN Estella Matinner commercial Printing divlaton Tb Bum he Iain in Emma nldum and allow Emma Trans cash Ne resend term so MEIER COLWILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday June at 1139 pm sharp tor SAM WitELL At Int 17 Con North 0dan miles north of Highway it at the Sundial Restaurant or one mile east and tin macs north of Uhthotl Stone Quarry 517 MRI quan tity oi baled hli Ulla poul cash No reserves Farm ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer AUCTIONSALE Friday evening JUNE at 530pm or NEWNN ROBINSON ORANGE when NO 209 at Bond Read Orange Heliport 17 Highway in hand Head Sale at Plano Antique Chairs Benches large drums tKet tie drum and other furniture ntc Property will also be uttered for sale with reserve bid For information phona 758659 Harold Andrews Am HORNER auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday June 1968 Sale of heel cattle arm mach inery including Ferguson tub tor in good condition New Holland No 268 Baler in good conditionand Case bale elelt valor tor bales and grain Hay and Grain Ior KEN ELLIOTT Lot Con ll Essa Township at pm Terms cash No reserve as own er has given uptarming HORNER auctioneer FARMERS MRKT POULTRY CHICKS not Telephone WW TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place you Articles For sale an The flame Ex aminer keep men points in mind stale Whai item la Brand name Condition Specliinatioitl Acressoru and attachment vaiovs bugs ce Upholstery Finish Make it easier torthe blushed to buy Remember the Artlclel or Sela classiï¬cation is the Peoples Market QNLDAI on DAth lmloN 16 DAIRYRATION The shove rationsire made only of corn and 35961 the minerals and molasses ns without lJleat $6 ton Amor when orderingliwithor without Urea meal linseed meal plus vitamins The above ratio is6le 4351231 cooe rdaylune15 tool so at nm aliens in Cockahutt No 7ntnctor in 100d repair Ford No zoo inn is Cider press in good condition is Ewes with lambs Household elieds etc tor ROY DIXON KEITH let 14 Con Toelnnaeth Town ship at Bond Head at pan emu cash No reserve as terms Irewld 7v AILEN HOMER auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday June 15 at 12 noon sharp tor AB GEORGE SCRELL At Lot Concession Noah nucn nuooxs wasaga Township on Highway as mile north at Stayner Make any day happy as Sale at as head of mixed cattle birthday saw this breezy mare Dill lid line or skimmer in crisp plquc mm mm machinery mu Embroider bright red berries 1y flaw mind Mpme on quickie skimmer kcrchiei my mew Ind all Pattern 7406 transfer printed Terms cash No reserve as the Plliem Sizes lit arms are sold lie lhe JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer FltTY CENTS coins tor WAlflt or full llst on Juno 11 each pnn no stamps AUCTION SALE please to Alice Brooks care at Saturday June 15 The Barrie Examiner Needle pm mm gait gept so Front Strcï¬t est oronto Ontario Orl WALTER SHOE arto residentsdd lccnis sales tax Print plainly PATTIZR NUMBER NAME ADDRE First time Jumllolo 168 Nefdéc craft Catalog un rods mkfldggd If tat93 signs tree patterns includes mum designer sweaters instnlctlons Tm cash No my arm inside Knit crochet embroid mld er 50 caan ARQER OOLlVlLL auctioneer BERRYBRIGHT ALLot lt kneesslone Flo Township miles west Int Highway 27 OR VA mIIe east oi Grassland Road Book at 16 Jliiy ltugs com plate pattenls inexpensiveI easy to moire 60 cents Book No Deluxe Ouilk is complete patterns Send 60 cents Book No Museum Quilt patients tor 12 quilts no cents Book No Quilts ior Tilfl days Living New exciting col lectionls complete patterns 60 cents BOOK 01 PRIZE Alghans Knit chochet 12 atghans 60 cents com moms Air com Dnflon Comet Grin en sullen Land Packer nrtll rill many more Cell demon Rainh Taverns sulfanote Ann mam PARTRIDGE TRACTOR sales and Tor Cockshutt Farm Machinery rm cannula 72am AjRMERS ATTENTION sm or swan Livestock locals on as terns equipment or Ian WE CANfGlVE RYEEEDS NEWMARKETJ895S 332 vices at word ad rose ragga anus annms Its so fashionable to be re mantle dreainer in milled sleepshirt Org Make it in an other iabrlc as adress Both are QUICK to sewtthriity too Printed Pattern 4551 New Sizea solo 1214 to See pattern tor yardages SIXTYFIVE CENTS $5 cents in coins no stem pleasatnr each pattern at Irioresidents add ascents sales tax Flint plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oflhe Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 millet Toronto 1i0ntarlo SPRINGS NEW LOOK is salt pretty iemininal Make it your gt loolr choose from over 100 styles in ournew Spring Sum mersPatteln Catalog Get one palternlree clip coupon in Catalog SondSo cents FOIL THE altan AND Groom Watch Classified Ads for Piotelglis dirt terrific furniture and an plianca bargains