Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 2

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John Roberts as transducer FM leader Robert Nixon wu Mm lnalcd lateral We York Slmcoe last nllbt lie nus against Progrestve Conser vativa nominee tamer Scour tor Vlllm ltldhitbcbeon llr Roberta nomination waa an upset victory that Ilt him fits will moie than twice the totes ofbla two opponents combined Alto seeking nominan the riding were Ellis Griffiths Ind John sledtof thcn an Roberts victory was announced cheer rose and liooerta placards wand in section of about fifty youthful supporters uated directly in front of the stage at Huron liclghis High School in New market air Roberts newcomer to the riding thanked tbm young people first In his acceptance speech saying witbout the help of those young people the voters of the riding wouldnt even know who am Mr Griffiths interrupted the iictory announcement with motion to make the nomination unanimous Just as quickly lilr Mcht seconded the motion in his campaign speech llr Medeof said Mr Robert and himself were as alike as two peas in pod from the stand point of qualifications Roberts retorted in his act ccptanee speech am really Just one of the peas like all the rest of you He gave encouragement to his supporters for the forthcoming campaign against the Tory up position Those of you who know me know Im no sacrificial lamb and asstre you Senator Mr Oitcheon is no ilon To the press Roberts dressed special remarks The Tory Party will go to fhc businessmen in planning their support for the campaign but believe the place is with Ihe people will be here in the riding at least 11 hours day italking to my potential support ado tors and finding at their needs Mr Roberts challenged lilo hilchcon to debate any the issues at hand lie said think McCulchoon should come to ork SiYmcoc but will meet him anywhere lie committed himself wholly to Trudeau as did his appeal tlon inthe nominations calling for one united Canada We are on the brink and have to make decision now he said He said that Canadaeauldbe success or failure now and lrudcauwii make the differ ence Again be emphasized the need to know the ideas of the Sees Of Chdnge Sweeping ThéCout1tr lion John Munro min lstcr Without portfolio in the Trudeau cabinet spoke in York Simcoavoters It the Liberal partynomination meeting last night in Newmarket about what he termed the profound sense of ch ange sweeping the Canad lan people dun Munro said this change was the beginning of new vera in Cansdc ln 1988 the people are look ing for government that re presents today not the Qmada of Mackenzie We need the future ltol afraid to lead He spoke at this reasons for this change and tho heuom anal amount of interest gen ertaed by thiselection He at tributed the situation to youth Fifty percent of the popu lation will soon be uhdar twen tyrfive This can be tremend ous source of energy for to direction and rcdedicution of national purpose and social im provcmenti hll Muler ngrecdwith York Sirriooe candidate John Roberts that Canada is poised in pre leader not afraid of carious balunec and tha Plan Counselling Service For Retiring servicemen The Canada Manpower centre in Barrie is setting up noun selling service for members of thearmed tnrces who are up proncbing compui retire ment age andmust seek civilian employment two counsellorsat the centre James Kelly and Ed Hodges Will begin to talk to servicemen as much as months before their retirement Working in close liaisoawith personnel sal tary experience and qualifica tions in terms of civilian Kinsmen Elect New Executive Barrie Kinsmen last night ei acted new executive mallXia 1969 totnke office Sept Elected were president William Siraughan vicepruidents Luck and John Bate secretary William McElvey treasurer Dave Vismer and club historian Dun can Ellis Aiso chosen were dinctors Robert Eldridge Thomas Polf Car Trailer Leavc Highway car pulling ahnuse trailer blew tire on Highway 00 be tween cnncasaions lo and ll of lnnisfil at has p111 yester dav The driver Russell Mun site 24 of Upper Canada Dnve Willowdale was uninjured whentbe ear and trailer went off the and ad struck guard post Enriie detachment Ontaric ProvincialVPallce who invest igated the mishap age to in car It playment They will advisothe servicemen no required training and guide them to the acouan burnt and geographical areas where their talents will he most lndemnnd Mr Kelly todaylelurned from seminar in Toronto which was set up to coordinate such ac tivities across the province The Civilian Employment Assislance ProgramsiCEAPrfor short as it is called designed to give employers better access to the pool of qualified manpower rep resented by the approximately servicemen who reach com pulsory retire men age each year It is ulsadasigned to see that such tiun shé now takes will deform in Canadas future He said We all remember on pride of accnrnpllshment in Expo and Festival Canada We know what we candon0w if we arcvuaited The potential is there for newrsensc of Canadian identity and new sense or national confidence unity Mr Munro said his stand was clear The basis is equal rights for all citizens regard less of languages No part of Canada is great er than any other he said However Munro urged vot ers to remember that we must no allo on Canadian Eng lish speaking or French speak ing to be stranger in his own land He also placed the burden of responsibility on the Ottawa government in represent to protect and to speak for all the citizens of Canada We are in the dge infthe megalopolls vast urha Aconi ploxes spreadingl over mil of territory encompassing 25 and towns with strong nllu once over rural areas as well he said Again Mr Munros views greed with nomineo John liar beris when sitid tiiiss uation requires that the needs of the people he put firs In all these areas liI Munro emphasized t2t the is eivas the same strange llis solu tion to the problem Tru dca for Sta roa QUALITY RANT But to achieve this national people in his riding and said if it took sixteen hours day he would spend the time find lug them out Prime Minister Trudeau sent wishing on his campaign Fnrmcl member John Addi snn who did not seek the num ination said he wasdelighted think hes the right man for thisarea particularly ad or Trudeau Hcs contemporary and humanitarian Of his own Addison said ng untied and unde However Addison as sure residents of the riding thii will retain fervent in orcslin the area and will still béovaiiablc to anyone who needs his advice It the end of the nomination MrRobcrts was escorted out of the auditorium by killed hag pipe players lie spent tfmc iaicr shaking hands and iaike ing to his supporters and thanks ing them for their assistance in is campaign To his youth supporters he said hope you keep up your forthcoming Wallace McCuicheon Conser vative candidate in Yorksim coe said this week that the real issue of the election is economic Speaking at press center once at Aurarahesaid the eral record is oneroi fiscal respo ihility resulting in stead ilyrising inflation and ascrlous castprice squeeze on the fann er He charged that the new prime minister has given no indication of pending reform Mr McCutcheon suggested that jsame method must be devised so that the provinces could deal ommitmeuts an educa tion He suggested the malleroi provincial sighs for international mnutments should he as EEDSATISFACTION belt in the Mr Roberts message of well enthusiasm until June 25 clcc Hons Sill Main Election Issue Concern Economic Mailers McCulcheon Hearts Set For lune Oollow Housing Board astronaut any to subdivision plan by Shaotr The plan nu for of ballot inn with play Irea 1nd green centreaf Id private road will run Irouad the perimeter of tha develop ment Under the present ronlng more than 55 units could be built on the sevenacrn site but the subdivide had decided nattodolhls Mr Thompson is representing limbdlng Investments of Tar loato hearingwill be held June into Russell toms bid to have property Idiacent to the unopened poruoa of llnlgate and Robinson streelr rescued from single family rcsldentlal totratl er park The trailer park hearing will start at pm the town house hearing at Purchasers Name New Executive lhno hartis businessmen were recently elected to the executive of the Georgian Bay District Canadian association of Purch asing Agent at the Mayhiiect lng in Midland itqwas learned today William Logan of Canadian General Electric became vice presldent and Robert Garncrof ltlll Refrigeration of Canada was elected secretary Othermem bers of the exemttlva chosenat the Midland session werepres lduit Allstatrihatn or Owen Sound and Barry Coraatt ofCob lingwood The past presideniLKeniFra scr oi Deviloiss and the Tmemr bershlp chairman Tbtir gartsnd West Bend Ltd receiv banners for their work in making membershipin the Geor gian Bay branch highest in tho Professlonal Developm at vtn Canada Scout Groups Plan Parade Mayor if Bentley will take the almost the Warihlemorial at the foot of0wenStreet as lBarrie and areaScouty Cubs Guides and Brownies parade on Maui The annual parade gets under way ale pm from theMc Donald Siroet parking lot out side iha County Building it will proceed south on Muloaster and along Duniop to High Strcet where it will turn to Queens Park There willvbe short program in the park before the with at the continuingconsdtu tional conference He saidsthat whatever evolv ed the federal governmentmust remain the one savernlgmstate in international affa Mr hchutchenn said he fav ared tax rein to make equity invastmentvm attractive to Canadians the carter variety He said Can adlan tax structures needed to be simplified hither thalifmade more aixnplicatad snd Suggest ed that théré sliould bemare emphasis an indirect rather than direct taxation lfi Bell left of the Auoclfition for the Mentally Retard in Bar rte presents awardto Klas Coordinator oft uncoa Bar rie Emergency Organization for the past seven years Ray Attila son confirmed todayjthat be has tendered his resignation lilr Atkinson will become man ager of the paint orgonlred lfuronia Regional Tourist Assoc iation with offices in the county building Tho Huronla Regional Tourist Association was fornied to ordinate tourist promotion cf forts of local chambers of corn merce and other trade promo lion groups and has the support at Lbc Georgian any Regional Development Council and coat eration of Huronla Historic Sites association Warden Ale Me Auley who was chairman of the county tourist and industrial committee last year gave lead ership to the new approach which is to prevent overlapping and bring about better coopera tlon Thoassociation was doscrib ed by Mr Atk posits grouprnf the egiop denied and includpsreprcsentp lives of the tourist and indus trial committee or the county council and Barrie cliy Plans call for thc associati to assume some of the loan promotional activities of groups and mor as likely to come before county council at its ectlngoanpe day May 21 have ttcceptud the new appoin stating his resignation was al insofar as EMO coordinator was cancerncd Mr Harris also hasresigned as deputy coordinat hafsaldn cop edtbo ngtapgu icc labicl appiiintrlicht FUNDS CURTAILEU lion earlier in the year or the government inf eprtaillng fund for EMO purposes It resulte cutdnwn in Simcoe County of $27000 and checked plans for ex The resignations followed ac man no Rice for the clubs assistance in the association Barrie kitsmut last night pledged another mo towar sticctssful operation gency police organization he future role of Simone rioEMO is expected to an mung topics discussed at the thing county meeting At the Was sag ry councll ball it Reece dem coordinate tourism gested it would carry on with its the organizations national stltuta on ntantal retardann which in being built in To to tExaminer Photo isms CfiiiOIfi find new coordinator Manager or lhc Midland Cham be tMof rist association said its aim are to encourage promote and throiighont to county and Huronla region th iblSVCdNTlNUED LINES zoorams ZMusros soto

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