at Minetfs Rogdi Iholmlhcpipeaaretobelaid midst Hmhiu kylfll ihecarpouodthetewnshtp arranged with Alfl rim not reply the opera for his work Mr Shakeii tol blincli ithot the cars he got without an gines had scrap value of about s1andhiscostottowiogaod handling amounted to most of that It was claimed that vehic les held at garages were still the properly of owners who did not want them turned over to the cor pound Thexszoo bonus al lowd for his pound hy the two ship was about his total revenue Mr Shake said and he did not iccl thatthe cost of an expen sive fence to hide the lot would be justiï¬ed EMU HANK hir Shakell suggested that banked part of the race track on his property it it some additions were made on one side hide scrap vehicles and if that area could he used then he might be able Io continue his operations and take care of im pounded vehicles The road com mittee will moire an inspection and recommendation to the matter MINETS ROAD The township med an accept once with the highways depart ment tor improvement of the en trance to Minets Point Road at Highway It The department will handle the entire improvement which is expected to he started in the near iuture WANT PART OF STREET Jones at Big Bay Point has problem his property fronts on portion of bulge in the street and stops him from having access to the road He desires to purchase portion of this trout and asked that the township agree to the sale The molterwill have to follow the usual channels of such rond sales WATER T0 COTTAGES Georgehurion has an agree ment to supply water to prop erty owners on his subdivision which will be under the super vision of the Water Resources Commission and laid out hy one of its engineers He asked coun cil to agree to the proposal Councillor Grose took exception He asked that plan be tiled at on cc V6 Mar own an 4hour use maro 51 below troatdepth so that the progressing systemmyheuledyearrwnd ml motion wupauodto get the work started with the re wind at the rompt pan or the commisaioo to ac flcleotmaoner lotwhlch company the tool arrangements The property owner will have theuseofauparaleweiiand pump not connected with the system now in use in the aim mer resort ADDRESS SYSTEM it Earle ol lioe Doe valley permission to operate public address system in the township to advertise functions lit assured that the system would not become nuisance Permission was given subject to complaints being received SUBDIVISION Jim Nixon appeared before council to ask iniormatlon on the procedure to develop his Plan or Sandy Cove subdivision lie was advised of requirements and will construct some roads with township aratslance on oth Efl RECREATION Councillor Erase chairman of recreation has expressed do she to have report of all the recreation efforts tabulated for the department of education so that grant may hereceivcd He enquired from Deputy Reeve Allan lodd who had justrelurn ed lrom convention at Niagara Falls if he could add any inior mouon that could he used Aflcr it was ascertained hat the grant would be trivial unlessil paid recreation director was ed the matter was left for fur lhcr consideration FIRE REPORT There were 44 fire calls ill in nlsttl inAprii with total loss of $20535 making the total es timatcd loss $57335 for the ï¬rst four months of the year Three ot the April calla were handled by the chiet only and one re suscitotor call was answered ii Walker 75 at De has st Point was revived after rut fering heart attack this week Corporal Ron Crone of the In nislil Police rushed srnoll out fit to Mr Walkers home and was followed by Fire Chm Burns with standard resuscita tor equipmenL with the application so that lo cation of the piping would be Mr Walker was revived suf ficiently to be moved to New Urge ChurchFight WINDSOR Ont CF De personalizatlon in modem soci ety is problem the church can hclp solve panelists agreed at the opening seminarof the hm don Conference of the United Church of Canadabeing held in indsor this week The panelists discussing Men and Machines included Dr Holtmanprincipal of iona College at the University of Windsor Dr David Summers director of the religion and labor council of Canada and Ytth Clark MacDonald chair man of the United Churchs na tional committee on evangelism and social service DepersonalizatiOn with its big businessbig labor and big government the church needs competence is power base of operation and the ability to call on laymen in working out social le Mr Mae Donald said The modern industrial society puts the stress of depersnnaliza tion on the worker said Dr Summers Everyman is inter dependent on hundreds of others for his weltbeing clergyman has few means to enter the laborbusiness world But through endope ti wor among various tlons laymen can rm encdu geiwï¬rmdftï¬fhnlets in oiling with each other in the business world he said Hord To Development Through intercession of this sort by the church depersouall cation could be alleviated Ontario Rivers Could Bring Boating Revelution nononro eel Agree ment on development of navig able rivcr waters in Ontario is being sought with the lederal ï¬nvernmentvand couldJead to revolution in boating the legis lature was told Tuesday James Auld minister of tour ism and information said provincial conunittee is working with the federal department of transport on aspects of the Rt deau Canal and the senior gov ernment has been asked to ex tend the talks to the TrentSelv ern system 1le told Liberal Leader Robert Nixon other fnavigable waters including the River could be alfeeted Many rivers in Ontario were Kat one tinge navigable and the responsibility at the federal gov TorontoDominion Building Opens lanleiro Toronto TORONTO CP The citys towering TorontovDominien Cenlt treywas ofï¬cially opened by Premier Roberts mosday while windchilled crowd of 2000 looked on in the plaza before the soisterey ï¬rst tower plaque commemorating last falls Confederatton of Town zrow chntereneeheid at the cen trein November was placed in sidethé buildings lobby during the ceremony The sostoreylower tallest in the Common ealth in to be implemented in the next few ernment Mr Nixon and Walter Pitrnan tNDPPeterborough both pointed out that few of them are navigable now ina commercial sense but remain valuable recreation properties that should be developed by the province WORLD BRIEFS watria cannot noaaana NEW YORK AP Two men ug as unidentiï¬ed Wells Fargo ear guards convinced letter at Brooklyubank they were legitig mate and made off with $98000 Tuesday police flsaid The two took cloth bag with the money trom First National City Bank branch VDECISION SOON LONDON Reuters Trans port Mintster Richard Marsh told the Commons on Tuesday that France and Britain soon will name the international con lsortium that wi rid the Eng lish Channelrall tilnhel between the two countries Detailed lir nanclal proposals from three competing groups at bankers are being studied he said LOSE DOUBLES ROME tAP Vicki Burner of Vancouver and her New Zea land partner ian Fairlie lost their secondvroun mixed don biennium today tennis championships And Mar garet miih Co and Marty Riesse 118 detent ed Fay Urban Windsor Ont and John McDonaldvNow zen land Msl in the mixed dou months when adtdstorey com blaa second round sisanoevrnareadued thaJtalian Australia to national Canadian Brothlt uhdod at name can tannin Walsh continents llowlown onion TENDER EAATN BLADE joR SHORT RIB Rum MIRACLE were SOHNEIDERS caress season scHuetoEas cnlsev causr SCHNEIDER soon on CULvaRHoUsr osssanr PEilllS PEANUT amnion wuira saeguss iseanlgaramrs cows CANNED Pi MARLBORO TOILET tissue CANADA éAchsw unison JELLY nouns rinses MAKES we ozs or with ORANGE cavsrllls CANADA PACKERS FR EEi SAMPLE SHth outlines chm no ammonium or chuNalosnis wooloco wiretap TORE HOURS Monday to dnasdoy Thursday ll tiny vSntlurdoy 16 Différ Wfllv niobium 79MUSHR100MS ï¬wrrNen no Hdndle Youth iii mentality their lob is annually usln foreconndlaobedlcotwdety mu minivan him in eaoro1mm as AST LBJ LEAN GROUND BEEF SCHNEIDER5 ta SCHNEIDERS RINDLESS KENT BRAND Bacon SCHNEiDERS new Big Red ISCHNElDER SIZZhER usc NEIDERS VSLICED limit lacs SCHNEIDE 601 com curs svnnlerles= IMIX MATCHEM LBUNSfiI int lottilitltits atoms or