Wm it to Oakland Niches Catliah dimer and newline Mauser Alvin Dark were tar irom per iod Madly night Bul that neither was trotted at the tin irh their respective haliaames hsd the perfect endings In his iirat appearance since his perfect game against hiiane last week Hunter was loit Du ed ior live rents in the iirat in hing but staggered to victory as the Athletlca outalugged the Nina IN Dark was thrown out by um Bill Vaienilne tor protest mnocaliedbaiiaasthaaia sling lndians heat New York Yankees tor their litth titlka victory and tilt in the last 11 games tiaveland look over undisput EC Lions Sign Iive Canadians VANCOUVER CF British Columbia Lions todey lii nounced the signing of live Ca nadian players tor the 1968 Ca nadian Foodiaii League season Ga oral gcr Dennis Veltch said th are Paul Br In Monieith Wayne Conrad Ken Danchuck and Mike Ro Boreovich la Mound tight end and linebacker irom lEastern Wuhinglon State Coi ege Montailh aetecled by 86 In the drett ot Canadian college players is ayeMid Ito pound otlenrlve and deienstve tackle He played with McGill Univeltlly in IBM and with Wa terloo Lutheran University lor may scammmd It guard and linebacker lrom Mount Royal College in Cal Danchuir played with Calgary Mmpedera in use and Winni peg Blue Bombers in it Dan ehuk 25 is defensive back Ind piacehiciter Ross 15 was cut alter the lions tr camp last year Mound centre and deten atveend hepilyed two seasons at both Everett Wash Junior American cm wen WW nla Angels in theilrst nine reg no ton Slate Caiiiomia Track Suspends Trainer INGLEWOOD Caiil so Veteran trainer Fran Coicord oi Phoenix Arts was suspended Tuesday by the Hollywood Park ard ol stewards as the result at postrace test on one of his Muss The case was rderred to the Caiiiornia Horse Racing Board Colcord has trained at Califor nia tracks for many years urine sample war taken from Key Rulia winner of the liith race last Thursday nil lag oi the stewards said it con the drug ettryl arninob local anesthetic hich can be administered only temally it is sometimes used aa reiiei or surtaca pain the AI overcame Minne sota lead Rod Cm belted Hunters second pitch over the lance and Tony Oiiva lid Rich Rollins added tworun homers before the tint inning was even Alter those three homers thinir woke up limiter said ERROR Am INDIANA Two errors by Yankee shorts top Gene Michael helped the In diana push across the lying and winning runsin the seventh in niog Dark waa elected an in ning aier when be challenged ton calls by Valentine on reiiet pitcher Eddie Fisher Dark charged on the iieid and was shocked at the lan guage he used Valentina relat ed Hes supposed to he an elde in his chard its muesl edtberkeihadifiotheenatrhnrar nage my amily or ea genelrlatiténa llite my mor re my supper had notbeen tully digested Willie Horton drove in three runs with pair of homers and Earl Wilton pitched tourhit ter as Detroit dnibbed Battle Bdgs Strong Shutout DICK COUCH Associated Press Sports Writer Nolan Ryan end Ron Reed are having the time of their young lives throwing srttoke past National League batters Old pro Don Drysdaia ts shutouts tor survival Ryan New York litets rookie sensation and Reed Atlantas tiratyear lilah each tipped to his tourth victory at the season iuesday night Drysdale meanwhile tired twohiiter or his itrat triumph in month Is the Angeles Dodgers squeezed hy Chicago orbs 10 The lsyear Dodger veteran had lost three etflldht weilpitched games liter heat ing New York in his tint start by Hi count Ryan shackled Gndnnati on tour hits and struck out it for club record in hurting the blots to 31 decision over the Reds Reed scattered iiva hits in sub doing Philadelphia al tor his totuth victory without toss Big Response In Milwaukee MILWAUKEE AP him league baseball returns to city tonight Itier an absence at nearly threeyears and the lens are responding Chicago White Son last in the league meet Calliop uiar season games the Son plan to play here this yelr US ARMY CALLS LEADING GOLFER CLEVELAND Ohio AP Tom Welskï¬pi 25 isan lng moneyw er on v5 Prolesslonai Got Asso ciation tour this year with more than $30000 has been ordered to report Friday tor us Army physical He received his drait no tice last Wednesday night on the eve at the New 0r leans Open and went on to tie tor third in thattourna Wrnent winning $5200 BASEBALL RECORDV ly CANADIAN PRESS Notional Leagoo PctGBIa SLIouia to to 655 San Francisco 16 14 533 Atlanta 11 15 531 Pittsburgh 14 1d 500 105 Angeles 15 1a 484 Chicago 15 11 469 sit Cincinnati 16 467 516 14 16 457 13 16 448 1S 448 Results headay Atlanta Philadelphia Cincinnati New York SIEMUIL at Pittsburgh de aliouston San Franai Chicago Lox Angeiea euuisviiie Rochester Columbus Ijï¬uilalo HTolcdo Eligibilmonfll tla onv Baseball Is as ta By IEIE ASSOCIATED PRESS Now its Buffalo now turn II0 make run at the Internation qat League leaders trons who dropped live iirst six stattr moved to within halt game at third piaca Columbus with ire7 Vich ary over the Jets Thursdaynight flBuiialos tiitlt straightatrlumph within two games attirrtmiace Rochester and Louisville tied for the lead both lostthe Red Wings to Jacksonville Melsivz gtba Colonels to Toledo Mud aliens 52 The iaatpiace Syracuse Chlela smacked down Richmond Braves as in 12 innings Relulis hesday Builan Columbus Jacksonville Rochester Toledo Louisville2 Syracuse Riehrriondl Amth League Pct GEL it to 555 17 12 586 16 13 552 18 15 $16 15 15 500 iii 14 15 AS 13 15 443 1d 18 Add New York 13 lo 419 11 IS 407 Chicago Results Monday New York Cleveland Washington Bostona Baltimore Detroit California Chicago Oakland to Minnesota Paulie Coast tutu San Diogoao Denver 11 Spokane Hawaii Detroit Cleveland Baltimore Minnesota Oakland Boston gt Washington Caiiiarnis lndianapoiis Oklahdma haisa ll Phoenix Seattle Portland Syracuse Vancouver Tacoma jHercI Starts To Rise lzhitassauil that included tour homers kept Buflaios wine ning streak intact Brent Alyea drove In four runs with his eighth and ninth homers and pair at sacriï¬ce tiles Terry Haminn and Jim French also belted roundtrippera pair of walks and Wii HueitlaInd Hector Valleys counted for Jacksonvilles decl sivgtwo runs inthe iourth Lefthonder Jim Booker pitched hitter struck out is and hit atworun homer as he led lbiedopaat loulaviiie Mike Hegena lmhut throe run homer in the bottom oi the 12th singles by want past Richmond inningrpropslied Syracule They played two exhibition games here earlier in the sea ML The advance sale has an Sw preached 20000 ticketsalmost doibie the largest crowd the White Sex have drawn so iar season in Chicago Mild weathe could bring out more than 30000 The game will he the ï¬rst in Milwaukee to count in the motor league standings since September toes when the Braves ended stay oi to sea aons at County Stadium and headed ior Atlanta The Braves averaged better than 1000000 in attendance each year dinlug their Mllwatu kee atay which ended in bitter atia and costly antitrust suit won by the Nation al League TEAW DEVELDPS Now there are signs ol thaw the once icy relationship be twoen the city and baseball owuers Prank Johnsons ï¬rst molar lsarue home run carried San handset Glam pastriooston in the only other VNL lame lhe Pituburgbst bouts oonieat was rained out IZryedlia limited the Salim ourth inning single Kesagnger and miliiighianing sin sle opposing pt er Fergu son Jenkins The Slyearold rightheader finished with seven strikeouts including pair thIt got him out oi serious jams Drysdale tanned Ernie Banks the inurth mending Chicago runners on second and third tie tall are on iirst andthird in the ï¬lth by striking out Kesainlt ger The Dodgers pushed over the games only run in the sixth when Wes Parker singled took third on Willie Davla single and scored as Ron Fairly bounced inioa tom out Ryan Itstruok out iiva oi the last six cinchinati batters to break the Meta single game atriekout mark oi is set by Dick three yeIrI ago in lo inning germ against Milwaukee iom Seaver tanned t2 in nine innings during his sensational 1967 rookie season The ti strikeouts also give Ryan leagueleading sea son total of so He survived besesempty homers by Tony eresend lee May alter Art Shamskys tworun tripieand runscoringnlngla by Ron oboda lent the Meta ahead in the third inning Reed struck out live and walked none in going the dis lance tor the second time in tour winning starts tintk Aarons twntrun homer in the filth provided the margin for go Hoot1 eéighttliiander as the raves ro to ï¬fth victory in their last six games Johnsons basesernpty homer of Dave Giusti in the iiith in gave the Giants and southpaw Mike McCormick a1 lead andthey held off the As4 tron behind Frank Llnz ya tight Delhi ll naarat hand today new arda hearing into the disqueilli cation of Dancers lm go as the winner neared its close The three Churchill new stewards racinga mid and jury pondered more than 29 hours oi testimony irom pa rade of eight witnesses with Lou Cavaiaria train ers image due back toy from Dying trip to work hia horse to Baltimore Only one day remained beiora entries were due to Saturdays kiliin Freshness and the 1stewards madeit known they wanted to finish the hearing so the coita name could he dropped into the reiiel pitching Pimiico entry box involved is There are even recurring nr more that the White 501 would like to shift their tranchise here Milwaukee also is considered strong contender for one of two expansion iranchiaesin the Na tional league But the White Sex insist they intend to remain in Chicago Milwaukee Brewers inc an organization oi buainu seeking National League ex pansion franchise say they iocaiiyownod yuldxcdiuee aeehat oigw iin seemingly wouldexciude the White Sox The organization the White Sox game here it hopes to demonstrate by ten re aponra that Mflwaulree is strong baseball city and that more than novelty was responsi ble tor the overall success of the Brav er eh the Braves here During the Braves in Milwaukee attendance tanned theaooonoo mark for tour lucceuiva seasons is sponsoring glory days am with for baby and ptui into Milan torihe moths But since stark on number the Mortasser We come Wagon needs spotters goblin not altar rl Martinez arnenW learn 000 Wiorlon Del 88 it to aiii YastemsklBsn 10111 31 517 Home Ron Howar Washington Repoz Chiltan trio Horton Detroit Kiilebrew Minnesota Ward Fr Chicago Roar Batted in Howard eIllusion Hort tdslng John Metaln Detroit 10 Minnesota QUALITY it Chicago so 833 Detroit 50 Detroit 80 AB Pet I988 355 110 22 41 353 hranconaAti 50 11340 Siauh Hous is as 333 Rania Rona it Aaran tlan ta McCovay San Francisco Swobodfl New York Runs Batten Grote NY Flood StL Plcitinl need Atlanta yo iooo New York Arrigo Cincinnati Wise Philadelphia s1 Carilon St Louis 31 Washhurn St Louis 50 Lemons III SAVINGS on YOUR venom SHIRTS 121539 MEACH rmsj WEEKS SPECIAL 201i Gentle thorough cleaning in crystal clear solvents piua perleet ï¬nishing to assure you gsrrnent you are Proud to wear 49 mermaids nxms nrraccsonv DRY cnnano FINISHED rites pick or aoeuvewv narrate ease apnoea sinuous 7186441 162 times sT BAitttiE drug which FWP team championship They were honored during ra cent dup banquet at entry at Dancers image in any race until the matter here is closcd Report New Drug Issue TORONTO ice The Globe arid Mail says that Dancers image received asium apaln drug two days beiore the Kentucky Derby according to testimony heard by stewards in Inulsvllta Monday the story says informal sources relate Lou Cavaiaris trainer or Dancers Image and resident or Toronto told stews Irds investigating the with dis qualification that Dr Alex liar thiiigava the horse shot of aalum on the Thursday beiore the race Asked it hewaa certain the medicament was Izium Cava iIris said hope so Aziurn is used to treat arthri tis and rhetunatism and its use is not lothidden under the rules at racing It has antiinflammatory action Ilmiw iar lo phenyibutzone the illegal appeared in urin alysis of Dancerfa lrnaga altar Derbyu s1 Rog Value 139 says 56 For acid ldigeatien 83 Kempview Bowl The return log Bantam champs are left to right Front cy Cioughiey nieadays session at the hear ing extended into the early hours today iinaily concluding at 109 am more than 17 hours altar it had begun But to days session waa set to begin at am The eight witnesses who testi iied beinre the stewards were Peter hitter owner oi Dancers image Cavaiaris the man whose reputation is at stake in the hearing Robert Barnard assistant trainer at Dancers image and Russell Parchema horses groom AlainD Alex Harthlli veterinari Kenneth Smith chemist oug Davis an own ervtraiuer and Dr Charies tarboe an associate protessor of pharmacology at the Unive Ritchie Aullt Examiner Photo lit at Louisville school at mch cine it was report by Smith which tirst brought to the aticn tlon oi the stewards that pres ence ol phenyihutazona in Danc era images urine That report in turn led to the disqualiï¬ca tion oi the gray coil and the placing oi runnerup Forward Pass in ï¬rst place Smith teatlilcd ior more than six hours in the closed and heavily guarded hearing room Hirthlll was named by Cava laris as the man who helped ad minister lwo tablets oi phenyl butazone to Dancers image on April 28 six days belora the rare and morethan twicathe time believed needed tor toe to have worn oi CARRIER Miss yon it your Barrie maintainer carrier harlot arrived by para pieIa phone 7232433 ans stop an Examiner Will BIDetivered flo Your Home by nan THERE ISNO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cans AND rancxs Roger Mint Family Rengni 125 533 ICREME RINSE Reg Val 112