Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 12

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in the ope memferbothtumaintbe Ontario hereon Association Senior series Dave nudge Gard Rule and Brian Wilton each scored three goals Dave shamit added two lad Bob Bartlett one for Dre nuiea George Vinson tad Missis sauga with four goals nick Bia son Glen Campbell and Joe Caniobeil scored two cadl illn Campbell picked up the other hHAHOO tu hilmlco de felted St Catharina Tires day in the opening game for both clubs in the Ontario clresse Association Junior res Bill Fools led Mimico Willi three goals while Charlie Hen derson Ken Henderson and Joe Timpaonscored two each Heluy Kopka Kevin Ellis and Al Grist badone apiece For St Catherine Leo Ste phens scored three times Jim Mahon and John Hoculik two each Jiin Swain and Bill Hocus ilk added singles Pnilcrlcrs Thorn May in Universal Cooler latermedt ate Shear Park pm Barrie ColOp intenncdlate Johnson St Public School 700 This quartet of girl gtaihiet right es decked out in Barrie North Collegiate track suits and pots ed in the starting blocks are nth Hed Immedjm all sot for tomorrows Georg Sme Pub mw ian hay district tradt and field meet at King City All our finished at the top of their school meet and the lone trials held last Saturday at Alliston Between them they broke seven zone records un officiniiyat the trials Alt In Good Catch In LakeSimcoe By CAiiiADlAN rncss Blacknlcs and mosquitoes are biting more than the fish during the early part of the toes fishing season Speckled trout meanwhile are beginning to rise for dry flies in the southern Ontario and pickerei have returned to most lakes In Northern Ontario the ice has melted on most lakes and pike and pickerel are spawning The department of Iands and forests beginning its series oi weekly reporLs on fisillng condt lions in the province says fish coach mantle hotels the ing has been generally light nl ol the 195556 season though me areas report crawd Montreal swept past St Louis ed icon lions and fishermen Blues in our games taking Sal have been reeling in their lines urdays at when colleagues nearby attempt Aimost in tears Blake faced tolandafish national television audience to Fishing was general poor break the news alter the great tor all species in orthern est butalso the longest and Ontario one of the most pr0lt taughtst season in it years he ducttvehreas in the south has hind the Montreal bench heenLitliB Lake in the Lake just cang mks it any more Simcoe district where anglers nm twin and New are taking good catches of pike am no much make said and Wle Bloke set an NHL precedent sow11 when he brought the cup to up SMWFLEke mm and Montreal in five successive perch good in Lake Simcoe firs trgm 1955 toDlsso ifie out Perch good catfish fair in Lake lance HP al in 311 gatcelgserréfizisingg couch In Gangig my coach of Toronto MaplevLLofs 5mm gm we from Midland to Vauhaushene by three Stanley Cup triumphs Pumas rainbow fair brqwn speckled and the laIechklrvu bylour and lake trout poor pike fair Willie 15591Vedvmfi DANCER WILL GM Fishing for pantish and rainbow Leafs and the Canadlens As for Danccrs image it trout fair in Bass Lak Picker N0 LAUGHING MATTER looks as the disqualified ilrsl el and like excellent in We tinned lvithone son and two piece Kentucky Derby finisher Lake Per thand married daughters Blake would Will Km Pa Im5 fiafih Smygd often entertain hockey writers Owner Peter miller watched glgcklggfiggg rm inwgfie with outlandish tales of his Daggers image work three my WIN Rain prowessna afcmlgrtoafi smallh 93 19 36 25 59 bow trout excellent ln Pine 73 if eke he as and gin with in River Ispeckled trout good 56 fever Ind dad Plfnllcflluesdhy andnainoow trout lair speckled WWWWEF F155 fid trout good and brown trout all Farm Were training the in Nauawasaga River Ram Id like to coach for10o hora andf can assure you we bow speckled and hrown trout yearsslim mm ca are not shadow belong mm in Credit my worms dobut ilust cant take it ny Dancers image would com and spinners best baits Most mhre Elckctoldrepurters petc in the Preaknesa against popular my am Little Lake Maybe cant hve Without three Kentucky Derby foes Georgian River Hockiey Valley hadray but for healths Calumet Farms Forward Pass sake have to try it placed first in the Derby after and Pine River the disqualification Al Lippes Francles Hat who crossed the Derby finish line third and Charles Englcllards Jig Time who iinisifed they are Claire Hal Keith Sue Murphy tExam in peony Cecile Herrygers Barb er Photo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7231414 Junior FinaliSts Display Boston Outfits macana FALLS on race for threeyearoldshe was Niagara Us ye Estevan Bruins went into the the most successful twoycarold campaigner in the canny first game of the Memorial Cup final watering Boslfin lamina unl nAs gong ANKLES arms show ru owner Dancers image suffers from WWW Adams 50 he threw chronically sore ankles and away $1000000 prior to the Derby spent two That was Ithe way general hours day with his boots in ice manager Hap Enlms of th water Flyers and ScottyMunro of the Cnyalnris who once said in Bruins Tuesday night described an interviewtthe only kind of then leelmss about all agree horse to run is deadtit mellt thhthas forced coiilln harm pmnmmced Danger nation of amateur sp sorsblp image ready for the Derby by llllllmiollai hockey ubs year itgtlin amagazine We just wanted show story he said Adams how he threw stationed dont go along with the phi dollars down the drain said losopliy lhalu horse alight slip Emma whose Flyers IEadthe by with an injury just because bestomven Canadian5 itinior lhs purse is big hodwy championships Lou Cavalaris lives with his Both Niagara Falls and Este wife Helen and small sons Louis van skated onto the ice last if and Michael in new three week for the first game of the bedroom bungalow in suburban iloal inidentlcai uniforms Both Scarborough clubs are larmhapds at Boston when the disqualification was Bntins oi the National Hockey announced Tuesday the tele League and were sponsored by phone in the Cavaieris home that club until two years ago began alinosl nonstop ringing Then because someoi the as ngwspamr men attempted to NHL clubs wergi weak at this roan Lou management lev the allowed cantitelt you where he is themselves to be taiyked into Dance 85 Fm Louisvillii thmk said Mrs dropping nionsnrship of ama Pass Frames 18 til the Cavalaris teur clubsEmms said Pregkglessl Each is given Leo had rushed back to Toron gen lance to to liini Front Page Chnl ADAMS WATCH How about WoodPm ienge television show It didnt MW 32 Wed Woodlru the New Jérsey come offhe was called back to it 33m that hath clubs bred son or SemiPro out of Bad the site of his Derby triumph 53 Eggs angnrmz Sue izmmnalel for Pfeakd Mmday mgm owner would be in the stands also mm be em itiilifeiiiihlt ioiiiieriii°mm Newmarket Has Five AllStars clubs would have been worth This year woodPm has been iCtiacb John Feltis and man to the post to times and his best Th Cluhs Filled the entire finish was third in the New game in Boston ntfnranESW Years handicap at Laurel Jan van wearing the home sweaters ms instlime not he finished and Niagara Fflls dnmlmg 19 seventh in ausixturlong event ad when April 27 accorded sms Parks Niagaraiallshavc used Illit But owner John Nero notified forms fromS Caihlialbiiic LarryAbhundi racing secre er Geor Miles willhave to ml at Phllliw earn this ifiéldltiieirgteam this coming Hm Amman 5e Iweek that Wothrn would be Monday May 29 at QuEens 55 5m brought here for the Kallivmiie lParkwithoilt the services at Following is partial list of Srunsorshle amateur rrlulls Peakhees 5W five top players The pair who the all star roster deleting by learns was dropped If WoodPrhdoes start in the iron theLakeview Dairy squad the Newmarket personnel who alter agreement between the second iewcl of the Triple in the Barrie and District Sen will play for their own team Can an Amateur Hockeyhs Crown he will he it against ior Softball League have been Coach John Feltis Latreview stalledand the NHL stiffer competition than hes Ihdndedvthe task of guiding the Dairy Manager George Miles Underts terms diaman used to leagues all star team which Lakéview Pitchu Don Dyk turns over $609000 annually to llcalsowill be after much in help launch the new solt slra iLakevie Catch the Chmfar IE develvhmehl ball season locally on El holi George chappel Lakeview ulfllunnhucheym Canada day Monday Chuck llfa eNleol Nottawa use players would have The reason for the team man pagements predicamentis very simpie Fiveplayers who were trained to either the first or sec Iond all star teams at the con clusion oi the 1967 schedule wlll he in uniform wilhthc op HUNTSVILLE LONG BRANCH DRAW FOR BALL ran cnvnllliiis Cool Reception First Setback TORONTO CF Lou Cava Iarls at the centre of the great est controversy ever to rock the fKentucky Darby came out of the United States merchant ma rine to win fame as Canadian mlroiner of thoroughbred race Ihorses Dancors image trained by uCavaleris for Boston owner Peter Fuller Tuesday became the first Derby winner in the rotyear history of the race to be disqualified postrace test showed trace of an antido iflammalion drug For Cnvalnris chunky native ef Hamilton Ohio who quit the sea 20 years ago at the age of 24 to trani horses in Canada it was second sensational disapl II poinlment in two years in the fall at 1967 Cool Recep llontrai ndebyaanarlis ior liontrained by Cavalaris tor Mrs wulisni Scitz oi Montreln and Mrs Vince field of Toronto came second in the Belmont Stakes at New York Alter the iETflE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNFADAY MAY 15 63 Blake nyplclinsk His Retirement MONTREAL CF Hector Toe Blake let the National Hockey league caachlngscene Saturday the sameway he en tercd it 13 seasons agowith splash Blake 55 announced his re tirement following Montreal Canadicns third Stanley Cup triumphin toucyears and the eighth since he took over the start rect opposition to the CAHA agreement that the Junior limit be reduced to age 19 as at Dec it The present age limit is 19 as of May at and the agreement is scheduled to go into effect next month Hunter sold the whole matter will he thrashed out at he CAHAs annual meeting in Windsor out next week The Niagara Falls players hold tight skating drills Tues day Tonights game is scheduled tori pm with the sixth and seventh games if necessary not jlilaslatcmentr were made at the Memorial Cup dimer on the eve of tonights fifth game and revealed the contempt that Em and Munro feel for the CAHANHL agreement lied Hunter chairman of the Western Caneda Junior Hockey league said earlier in the day thatmost junior teams were also fdlsaontented with the change in age limit imposed by the agreement FAVORE Zl LIMIT Hunter said the Ontario Hock ey Association is expected to forward resolution asking that the age limit for junior hockey playersbe increased to 21 as of for here Friday and Saturday Dec that each year Neither club planned any The resolution will be in dimaior lineup changes WoodPro Joins Preakness Field DALTIMORE Ii Can Bloke has been threatening to retire the last six rears while waging his private war with ot flclnls fans and the press but be always came back However this time he vows only mira cle could change his mind great left winger on tli tamed Punch Line with centre Elmer Loch and right winger Recital ftlchard Blake coached the way he played the game all out Through television exposure hebecame famous for pacing behind the Montreal benehfiljat stuck on the back of his head and the alwayspresent chewing gum working at top speed IlES CONTROVERSIAL Floyd carry former team mate describes Blake as con troversial He lmew only one way to the jobthe hard way He has coaching record no one will evorequal Curry now supervisor of ad minlstralion and public 11 tions with the Montreal clilb is currently touted as top candi date to replace Blake He didnt sleep at night heel cause he look the game to heart Curry added Toe worked at the job by getting each player toplay to the best of his ability He was master at it Blake ran team workouts like league game He seidoit publicly castigated player during these practices buta particularly glaring error was sure to catch the wrath of the coach in privatesession= He acted as buffer between bisplayers and the publidand at times held the 111125 at boy he thought interviews rnigh have an adverse affect on players morale olLcHANGcg VOIL rilrslr race it was found that Cool Re yearold in looshad come home on broken leg He was destroyed after surgery failed fn Dancers Image Cavalarls again had the Canadian two yearold of the year in 1957 Although theU born horse was not fooled inCanada and therefore is riot eligible for the 1Q PlateCanadas top bigger patQmMo ifall 12 prohables start This would cede liyitt hours the schedule opener at Queens Park is hogtied for an pm start May 20 The Un ersiiy of Western Ontario StJMMERSCHOOL OWEN souwo Elmvelei stone Elmvale Thing Ease would say conservatively that Jim Thompson Woods BA the Bruins havey Gary Hines Lakeview Short hockey players envnvs own 1vqu stop Corby Adams Lakeview 0nlynine o1the3ti players itll ch liltsil lost 15 years of ree oil arise so with evéry spring flltne Left Field Pal Wanamaker tin $7511 anvingal L5 Elmvale Ted Emms Lake rirslaassrDave Caln bell beenworth least tomato to Semnd page 1i Boston saidEmms New positinn defending playoff champion Newmarket Rays HA The biggest loss to the talent ftlled all star team is on the tpitching slab where superstar ieft hander Daleiegg will the suited up with his New marlret teammates This leaves the all star starting role to tvetesan DonDykslla of Lake vleivDairy who was timed to the sccandteam All Lround athleteDon Spid iertiibsonwill beimanning the initial sack for the defending champs moving Elmvalaa talkativoDavc Campbell up to starting assignment DLherNewmarket players who will nothelinsd up with the sciects are second sacker aRon Beckett shortstop Glen Malnprize and centrefielder Bill Fernan all who were picked for thejsecond learn At star team management twill round out their roster by Ltetcrring baclrtolhenext in ilneont1121967 ballot and these lineup additions will be made known shortly th The game which will View Centre Fleld Jim Ed wards Woods BA Right Field Art Martin Woods HA Den Turner Elmyale Another Win folUniversal iiniversal Cooler cellar occur pants in their 1967 rookie season as members of theharrie and Fastball Dengue are going all out to improve the situation this time around inpieparation for next weeks start of thetagame 1966 regu ldr schedule DC has engaged in numerous exhibitions winning eight pt nine The latest triumph asiast night on decision ov er league rival Clarkson Hotel atQueensParkv Universal unveiled astrong new pitcher In the person at 17yearold Bill Frecbelto left hander who is graduate oi Ina tarWard Soilbalilfewaa reliev otherNHl clulw this years Memorial Cup finals belong to the Bruins smiley are Carl Haggart Steve Atkinson and Tom We star of Niagara Falls and gaal tender Gordon Colt Herb Ho dle Roy Alcheyn re Sheppard Jim iHa son and Garry Braun of Estevan The her 19 players belon or will be elig ble the NHLunlversal draitf lt is deplorable state and one that can not survr said Munr ed by returnec Lloyd George who looked impressive Univerh sal successfully laced flarksoni lettyDon Faragher an veteran intermediate pltcherJack Valr in the offensive department Universal third baseman Ernie Miller scored key run through doublerand two it base error Newcomer Jim Atkln tivlty on day May 21 when they visit Borden myfrs alga pl at made No applications gt West Hill Secondary School Jr July2 August 968 All students whoarE planning to register for courses at the Owen Sound Summer cheat and who have not already been admitted to the rally DSTapply for admission for admission for attendance at the summer session willbe considered alter June unlessa 820 late fee isiattached its cutiesJillian THE LAST nan non hoL MtsSfoN APPLICATIONS FROM new STUDENTS For an Adnilssion Application Form or for Summer Schooliihndboak write to Til Dlree Summer School and Extension Department Thai veralty of Western Ontario Madnn0ntarlo or consultihe Owen Soundtkordinato Mrw rruahum mind Avenue West Owen Sound 13162381 The Mature Applicant Aptitude Test will be available in London at am in Room Natural Science Centre UW0 on May 25th and June oth NOTEw Miss AngelaArmitt Director of the Summer School and Extension Department will be inOiven Sound at the West iilli Secondary School for student interviews from 12 noon to pm and to pm students should come in for an interview 1st 1960 on Friday Mnyvtltthrospectiva Call Grandvicw today With Complete OneStep Spring £1 Slimmer Service ALL CARS urn stELs lualjlchTio Service Depot Mulcaater St Ioppoelte City Hall Grandvicwitlrd Parts Extra 1495 us new Clean and space sparkplugs Clenn and space ignition points Reset ignition timing 4Adjust carburetor auto ch ke ahd idle Setter sumlner driving Adjust 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