Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 10

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neurone Say Shown Civil$ nonom c3 Japan and laces snipped Ontl cen 5m irom lihns beiore public showing were patched together Iwn years ago into copywr nouaphlc extravaganza and shown on the second floor of the legislliurc building Dr Morton Shulman lNDPToronio lilgh Parbl said Westley He refused ln answerwhen James Auld minister of Iourlsm and information who isrespon sihla for the provincial illm board demanded who had gt shown the film and who had at tended lie intimated however that the audience was not made up of elected members but oi sen ior civil servants Low Price Yacht OiiAWA CF ThlxCVQf nue departments alternp two years ago to set the value of the Pimpcrdal latfoot yacht used tor voyages in Bermuda and the hlcditcflancan at $1M was sunk nrcsday by the tar appeal board The board said the Pimpernel was worth 8100000 and tired salvo ian the University at To ronlo ior deciding to dismantle the gift from Consolidated Truck Lines Ltd and sell it part by part for about $66 Consolidated gave the Rim perncl tn the university in April 1961 valued it at 3169457 and claimed $11933 as charitable deduction in the 1963 tax year Antiwar Drama NEW YORK Cit Soldiers an antiwar stage darna which won enthusiastic critic and audience acclaim for its star John Collcos oi Montreal ends it Broadway run next Sunday The 215i and last periormanca will be matinee at pm Sun day The dplays hnclieis will lose appro matcly 3136000 The perlormance oi Collcos Ir Winston Churchill has made his name household word will Eroadway followers since Sol diets opened here May with little advance buildup Award llrt Grants TORONTO CF Award oi grants totalling 5mm in artis tic organizations in Ontario were announced Tuesday by the Ontario Council ior the Arts Council Chairman JKeilier MacKay said the grants include 50000 to Coordinated Arts Services new organization comprising representatives of the Toronto Symphony the Stratiord Shakespearean chti val the Canadian Opera Com pany the National Ballet Guild or Canada and Theatre Toronto Wants TV Debate TORONTO GP Charles Templeton news director tor the CW network said Tuesday night he will meet with repre sentatives oi the Liberal and Conservative parties Thursday in Ottawa in an eiiort to set up national television debate be twecn Robert Stantield and Prime Minister Trudeau in an interviewMr Temple ion said he had no turther corn ment on the proposed debate until alter the Oinswameeting ll approved by spokesmen ior Conservative Leader Stanfield and Mr Trudeau the debate would be held June Flood or Divorce KimtENEn cr Ontario Sheriff and Registrars Association Tuesday pr icted flood ofdivorce applications in Ontario after the new federal di vorce act becomes eiieciive iulyz iohn Seamark registrar for Waterloo County said Tlicre is hardly law office in this country that doesnt haven lineupoi pending divorces based on new grounds Bylaw Charges TORONTO tCPl Four Ion lag bylaw ge against Brown Camps Ltd were dis missndTuesday when Judge ian Macdonnell ruled that Brown operated homes in suburban Scarborough are operated tore sembie family situations Brown Camps was fined saw last December for violating zon ing regulatlona by operating eonunereial homes or treat moat oi emotionally disturbed chl id in singlefamily neighborhood Judge Macdonnell bearing the appcal in York County Court noted that stat members assume parental roles in their relationships with being treated in the houses Miné Employment NTO 0P Fed9ral and provincial governments and Northern Ontario industries have started programs to pro vidc emplofyment for workers to ai ihy Timmina area gold mines Stanley Randall minister of trade and develop man told the Ontario legisla lure Tuesday DR MORTON SHUIMAN Aid iigrolbgists OTTAWA GP Legislation to protect and improve the status of professional agroto gtsis and reduce government in tervention in agriculture were recurring themes nt the lwoday annual meeling ot the Ontario institute of Agrologisls that ended Tuesday We Pnulcy oi the land ad ministration seciioo olibe ve terans aifnlrs department predicted agrologisls will tend to establish consulting firms as corporate farms replace small family farms Set Beer Quotas TORONTO CF Brewers Warehousing Co Ltd Tuesday placed quota on beer deliver lcs in Ontario taverns The move coming amid re ports oi an imminent hccr deliv ery strikeallow taverns their normal orders plus 15 per cent margin Brewers Warehousing spokesman said many iavoms lounges and private clubs were trying to double orders dispute between Brewers Warehousing and the international Union of United Flour Cereal and Distillery ation hoard expected to meet in about two weeks About hail the membership working iorBrew era Warehousing is engaged in deliveries Loan Oiiiciais TORONTO CF The lnao ing oi two senior officials of the Quebec and Ontario education departments to the Council of Ministers of Education was an nounced Tuesday by Council Chairman William Davis Ontar io cducntinnministcr Mr Davis said Quick Ontarios assistant cur ri superintendent will serve as acting secretory ot the council until Sept 30 by which time the council will he in fi nancial position to hire its own staff Hit By Locomotive narricron we yearold Hamilton wido Who planned to retire rems rail track laboring job in ihe tail was killed iuesdaywhen he was struck by locomotive at errant Workers has gone to conciiit thefliilm With at the Steel in of Canada John Scirmh lather at two childrenn son in school and dau bier 19 who also works at ST LC owu working on trch at the north end of the building when he was run over Fluoridation Lwormacereamaiteui researchers have obtained impressive rcsulls in testing an antiplaque compound that could ease the nced tor fluorida tion Health Minister Matthew Dymond said Tuesday But be told meeting of the Ontarin Dental Association this method of attacking the caries problem does prove to be very eiieciive it will still require as much education and persuasion on your part In make it acceptable to the people as fluoridation oi the communal water supplies is taking Vive Playboy HAMILTON CF Librari nor were told Tuesday to visit corner drug stores it they want to find out what kind of books interest young pcoplc Charles Reid mayor of Paramus Ni told the Ontario Library Association conicrence that dnrg stores are more Aware of what interests young adults than public libraries Describing libraries as institu tionalized instead or humanized Mr Reid said Playboy maga rine has done more than any other periodical to stimulate young people inthcctunlly Unite Churches Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS proposal to torm an urban in Metropolitan Toronto was outlined nresday for 800 meni bcrs oi the United Church oi Canndas Toronto conference in North Bay The conicrence is one oi iour being held by the United Church in Ontario centres tiils= week The others are in Kingston Kitchener and Windsor mug Trafficking TORON10 lCP 2n yearold Ottawa youth was placed on probation or two years Tuesday on charge in volving cannabis resin is narcotv ic derived from the marijuana plant Thor Moxncss was charged with possessing the resin for the purpose oi trafficking lie plead ed gullty Moxnesswas arrested Sept 15 as he passed one oi to cubes of resin each worth $10 to Thomas Berry Goodwin 21 Nursing Homes TORon CP Metropoli tau Torontoshouid binld its own nursing homes it private owners insist on higher rates or patient care Scarborough Controller Gus Harris said Tuesday Mr Harris welfare commit tee chairman for Metropolitan should vbcgin liprivate opera tors reiuse to accept the ap proved rate at $850 day ior weliare patients alter June yourBaby Bdnu Cheque at ioliar in Merchandise Coupon Books You oio wi UnitedAnglican church board to Toronto council said building 10 WY HAY Transier noon ers Who Were Responsible For NEON Olafmill err Mondale Erbium It Guelph reimnainry last week were trancierred in iou county tails Returns insti tattoos Minister Allan Gross man said in the legislature Theodor in reply to questions irorn Dr Morton Shulmnn lNlJPTo ronlo iiigb Peril names man said other prisoners who participated in the on were given up to lo days loss of good conduct remissions on therr original rcnleocu and were placed special diet hymn1011a measure Monday night air Groceman accrued Dr priman of stimu lating thcrdisturbnncca in the reformaiory and upsetting con ditions other institutions Same prisoners now believe they can always cause trouble Draft Dodger Is Charged PORT HURONhlich AP 31yearold opponent of the war in Vielnnm charged with violating US military drait laws is to custody alter being arrested when he got all train from Canada in this Michigan Ontario border city David Michael Schwartz oi Prairie Village lion suburb of Kansas Cily was arrested Monday night by the border pa trol lie was indicicdby icder al grand lury last November to failing to report ior induction into the 115 Army in Febnrary 1967 The government said he fled to Toronto the previous month worked or no insurance com may and then quit thatfob to write about the Nurcnberg war crime trials companicd him Last month he announced in Toronto that ho was returning to the US to face the charges to dramatize his opposition to Vietnam war His wife Ann ac l1 mtomimnrmmm chlnwilhafiSLEiTm uleticttobrshnlmnba detention this year haabeentorfldayxandtheaw craze in three days Tbe special dicta are not rr duced in nutritional volue nd cannot be impoud In disco pline for more than in days he said TORONTO tCPl Only two per cent of 1364 building iota disposed of under Ontarios Home Ownership hinde Easy plan were purchased outright Trade and Development Minis lcr Stanley Randall laid the leg isiature ihlcsday About as per cent were taken on leasehold basis under which the owner taker lease with option to purchase alter the fifth year he said The rest were purchased under an agrer mcnt oi sale covering period oi up to 15 years Will Judge Safely Contest SUDBURY 0P Bill Slin snn accident prevention organi zer with the department oi lands and forests In sudbury has been named chlet Canadian Judge oi an international first aid and be held in Hollywood Hm Au Tbe conrpctiLion is sponsored ythc international Rescue and First Aid Associations Unison group between first aid and rest cue teams in many countries it conducts research to find im proved means of rescue and first aid treatment BEZZANT Eco rtowaas orLowaas OVEGETAaLss OLAWN aaassss OPEAT Moss OSHURGAIN rcarruzsas OORTHO GARDEN CHEMICALS AND PLANTS IDUTCH SETS MULTIPLIERS Bazaars rLowEa GARDEN CENTRE so JOHNSON Yo UNTAIN 106 HOLGAT ghhessy ll8StI Vincan sr canals in Merchondise Ioupon Booltsrispendiusi will not an spend it iuriiik65eih Yn Draw will take place the first Mondey oi the month Es nAnaIE Sh Dorrie rescue competition to 25700lflilll no 5000 CASH utilitarian ilifliiiili won WIIUS uiisfiiivriuo trimaran EIREBIRD snornnc AliilBiAWS COTTAGE SPECIAL ROYAi dittoinitiationthan irmvomourcwmui BRaund 114 the Lou Pan Cake Pan lemmas WI 1111 01 genotwggg Laundromat monomer 1am Inoiwouac1Cup Casserole UtilityFan Casserole wmmrxrscwmu 199mmm ONivtiiwiwscoumi Momma rrnmrwourmurorq lowermost COTTAGE SPECIAL scvatmo on EACH irEM 12 or tovnrn llillll 10i0PEll tillCOVEliiDr 3w la nirvana not not Sfiiltiiiii ran POACHER 92111 flzwurim tannins iililllliihiillilifiii WESTINGHOUSE room no so nun cannot ZVEARWAiltliii ELECTRIC BlANKETimritoouintii itasztts won our room autoimmune mwnreunm nmmm mmwxwmed litiilEV iiliiiEli rn oumunnllrcuu on mu xmv unra nowm mam Altaler rhodium WWW uwm MlXiS wuncnva mm cum Illlnltta inns mm Iiulinlir sumac mm mm MAI 125 rriar rum rrm mammonumn mm rm no ma mm mm rlorm mum filll IREEI IEAIS null or in renal twmlc oktrarLlr not may mm mp IL or alarm noun iiilliEVilEMh rm rwmmmmn mm mum to mum Motrin strum unalltt ausum Multan rnrw nlx ml mtmrrinrmr Wm of Wm nnmnvn 25 iron murmur gm Iisunns mm Izmir mnrwaummuu omna mm was gt10er Concurrent Munchkin

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