Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1968, p. 1

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EXAMINER raterwow Circulation Granthamlinen 13 Mid WWW ion Year No its DLOODIED INII PANAMA VIOLENCE National guardsmen escort bloodied government sup pdrte after he was beaten by suppolters of opposition can didate DrArnulfo Arias in Panama yesterday Violence continued for the second day following presidential elec tions Sunday The results of the voting In which govern ment candidate David Sam udio was believed to have the edge were withheld by elec tion officials because of the tensevsituation AP Wirepho to Constitutional vapert Is Cdnservdtive Ca MONTREAL tCPi Can adas constitution has popped up as hot issue in the June 25 federal election campaign with the announcement that Marcel Farlbault prominent Montreal financier and constitutional ex pert will be Progressive chv scrvative candldate The announcement niesday coincided with an attack by Préme Minister Weill on the co stltutional views of Mr Fart hault and Quebec Premier Dan ici Johnson and spat between Mr Johnson and Manpower Minister Marclland provoked by the same issue Mr Johnson ceuscd the era campaigning nte basis and threatened to take an active part in the scrvative campaign if this tlnucd When his Faribault 59 advis er to Mr Johnson Union tionaie government on economic Douglas Charges Liberals Soak The Peer ORANBBOOK EC 10 Douglas national leader ofithe New Democratic Party says Canada isthc only country dl in the western world without capital gains tax Mr Douglas Tuesday night called for implementation of the Carter royal commission report on the Canadian tax structure M3 Douglas on tour of into rior British Columbia was speaking to about 600 persons at the Kooicnay community of Castlegar He said the Liberal govern WWW ULENEWS nd astitutxonai matters told press conference he was yield ing ressur and entering Absblve Rich mentslax policy is soak the poor and absolve the rich put ting burden on lower and mid eincome groups while so 000000000of income in 1964 had little or no tax paid an it He attacked troeloaders In our society insurance compa ales banks mining cnmpanlcs oil companies and speculators who dont pay their share oi tax and the fiscal piracy of stock optima if tbeCerter report were he plementedmore than 3000000 would pay at least lSpcrceni less taxhe saidv liearsons Son Wants Chinaliecognized momma tori former prime minister and lawn ofthe department of Eden should advocate recognition meson AP have signed motion demand Cecil King from the of only one China in the UN on thermalnland that has its government in Peking ltoIeTo Dismiss British Press More than 140 Labor Geoffrey If Pearsoo deputy head of the United at aftairs said Tuesday Canada the one the dismissal of mm magnate boardoi Britains staterun coal industry Ontario Mine caveIn Kills Man RED LAKE Ont CF hospital as the result of cave miles north of here One miner is dead and another in in luesday at gold mine four rders International PARIS AP While rebellious students carried on their sit at mostni Frances 1a unive ll international plot But he offered saidTuosday night that the rebcllion rsities PrernierCeorges Pompi ls part of widespread thesturients more concessions ndidate federal politics about 100 porty Nations div agnaie members of Parliament organizers went wild with en thusiasm Looking no less pleased was Robert Stanfield who flanked Mr Farlbault at the press con ference The beaming Conserva tive leader who had been an gling for Mr Farlbaidtfor some time flew to Montreal from gt Newfoundland ea and lauded his candidate over lunch ATTEND DINNER After the subsequent press conference both men flew to Quabec City for private dinner gin 100 party organisers from ridings in th area MrrFarIbau longtlm of vocate of flexible federalism and declared Conservative for years said be Is finally entering the federal arena because Canada constitutional problem is more egnant today than it has been in the past Another factor was the coun tryts econondc position which he said has been getting worse Mr Stanfield was the man to Jackie regional economic dis parities he said The financier planned to re sign on the spot as president of th General Trust of Canada and Sherbroolfe Trust Co but would retain his dozen or more corporate rectorships forthe time being Cong Hit Second US Forces Base SAIGON AP Viet Cong troops bit aisecondavs Special Forces camp thisV week but were driven off after destroying the communications bunker and some buildings and killingls Americanstbe command reported today 118 elicopter gunships helped repulse the Viet Cong force which broke through section oilihepellmeter in threehour fight Mondayvnlght for the Nui Ba Den camp 55 miles northwest of Saigon The US command said at least 25 Viet Cong were ldlled The camp atop 300ofoot mountain 20 miles from the Cambodian border is main US radio station and an impor teat observation post on infiltra tion routes It also has secret electronic equipment to guide aircraft over the Mekongbelta and to track movements of for eign planes Kennedy Wins Nebrdskdthe minus Neb fAPi Sand tor Robert Kennedy marched to victory In Nebraskas Dem erotic presidential primary and turned hh campaign guns today toward VicePresident Hubert Humphreywith sugges tion that battered rival Senator Eugene McCarthy join him The New York senator relt celved 53 per centof the vote or mniorlty over McCarthy President Johnson and writeins for Humphrey McCarthy with 31 per cent of the ballots absorbed his second defeat by Kennedy In week the Kennedy won the Indiana primary March 31 But the Minnesota senator saldhe would campaign through the primaries ahead and was not in terested in an alliance with Kennedy Richardhi Nixon collected 70 per cent of the Republican vote victory of greater mag tude than he had anticipated Governor Ronald Reagan of California who pulled surper log 22 per cent said he was gratified andwould not refuse the Republican nomination if it Ms wcré olfcrcdl But Reagan said is not goingto become candldote and willth campaign for the nomination llrimaricts the us he dte es pu suppo lltici mid polt Newioundland nominations The candidates are chosen at national nominat ng conventions Some states have laws committing state party delegation to primary wlnners on the first ballot at conventions This is not the case in Nebraska However Tues days primary also Included vol ing for convention delegates Writein votes are given to candidates not on the ballot Sixteen Republican nominaf ing votes were at stake In scp nraie balloting and candidates who favor Nixon won allot Dies After Transplant HOUSTON Tex AP John Sluckwlsh the worl Izth heart transplant patient died Tuesday night Doctorscsid ll ments existing prior to ge caused his death Stuckwish 62 who received Lukes Episcopal Hospital un derwent the third hearttrans plant operation in five days at the hospital whose Bat we tried haiku def Lrberals Win Vole Oi confidence Today ST JOHNS Nfld 0P Newfoundlands Liberal govern ment severely shaken lzesday by two cabinet defections got confidence vote from the Nazis lature early today after mare thon debate on economic policy and Premier Joseph Small woods leadership The vote at 220 am NST ended ninehour emotion cbarged debate in which 30 of the legislatures 91 members spoke Liberal members yoted solidly against four Conserva tives and the two defectors to carry the motlonzac Two lawyers brought intothe cabinet under wholesale rc iuvenatlcn prior to the 1966 provincial election bolted gov rm The Examiner TODAY AnnJLanderifGI City Newse Classifiedis 19m comics24 Deathsll District5 Editorial4 Sports1e mumr av tantrae4 Weather14 Womens4i search shadowy ernmcnt ranksto sitias inde pendent Liberals They were Healthylifinistcr John Crosbie lLSt Johns West I7 and ClydeWells IL Humber East minister without portfolio Public Asleep To Contribution 0i Anesihe sis mrswa CPI Anesthe tists are worried that they are doing too good jobof putting people to sleep They fear they are becoming the forgotten men of the medi cal ieam overlooked by govem ments and agencies makingre grants andare only figures toythe public at large gt Tuesday night by the retiring president of the Canadian Anes thetists Society Dr Van dewater Professor of anesthet ics at Queens University King ston VThepublic and fundgranting thatsurgery is dependent onthe quality and knowledge of the anesthetists hesald at the so cietyspnnual meeting Rescue Mineral NS WESTVILLE NS CPi This Pictou County coal mining town tempered by tragedy an pericnccdboih shock and relief Tuesday as 49 miners en rtombed by rockfall in cen turyold slope were brought safe ly othe surface tion described as perfect Henry Thompson owner of the Drummond Coal Co the miners were lifted Io the star face unhurt by bucketlike ist through narrow Goofoot alr shait from 2slnpe The chilling report that ml Their fears were aliayéd short ly after by mine officials who had received lword from the trapped men that they could be reached through the air shaft The rockfall the extent of Which is still unknown occurred as the men were riding in fourhour rescue operav rake up the slope after cnlri plating their shit We walked down the slope about 1500 feet and waited said John Mactcod of Westviliel It vas slippery and wdt bod kept cool while we fins new heart May at St Their worries were expressed bodies dont seem toappreclate IV RETAIN IACK lLAG SANBEERAfmeutersl PriineMlnisier Jobn Gorton rejected today suggestion thattho Union Jack be re th cd from the Australian Bate of the governing Liberal party told the House of Representatives that Aus tralians have fought for Brit lsh interests In number of wars and liriialn secures large benefits from its trade with Australia Gorton said Australian troops have fought aldeby side with BriUsb troops in bet ues which concerned notonlyi the survival of Britain but the survival offreedom What has been done is by no means onesidcd Gorton said Czechs Want Ties With USSR west PRAGUE AP Czechoslo vaklas new premier Oldrieh Cornik said Threads liberal government wants continued close cooperation with other Communist countries gand eco norlnin links with thi West as want to emiohaslze Cc lllk told news conferen that the government plans to do nothing to changetbo tradi tionai ties with the SovictUnion At the samétime Czechoslovakl more effective cooperation with capitalist countries and would like to work to remove harrieri separatingEast andWest Says Iohnson Paribault Plans Lead To Disintegration MONTAEAL CFl rime IIfhiIstcrorudeau Tuesday bits tered the theories bi interaatlon al relatlnnships held by Premier Deidel Johnson and his constiiu tional adviser Marcel FarlbaulL Mr deenu said Mr John sons theories could lead to the disintegration of Canada and Mr Faribeulis to the disinte gration of major International agendas Itfr Farlbault later announced his candidacy as Progressive Conservative for the federal election June 25 Mr Johnson believes that Quebec has an International role to fulfil and Mr Faribault be lieves the provinces must be come full members of great In ternational organisations like UNESCO Mr Trudeau told luncheon organized by the Mont real district Chambre of Com mercc That meant Quebec could act as sovereign state and each province cosdd set up its own foreign policy in those liclds within lls jurisdiction ignoring Ottawa SEVERAL POLICIES Mr Trudeau said in an off thecuit French soccdr the first consequence of this theory is that Canada could have several foreign policies each contra dlctlng the other if Canadahas several can tradictory forelng policiesthat means the disintegration of Can ada because then onecountry speaks with several voices Canada has certain restrir Lions aghlns but since Quebec could undertake direct relations with Gabon th which no longer has diplomatic ties Canadathen Ontario could cal with Rhodesia British Columbia could dccida to undertake regular relations with Peking capital of main land China which is not recog nized by Canada Mr Trudeau said the conse quence of Mr Farlbn ults theory is that international or ganizations like the United Na tions and UNESCO would swell beyond measureunili they dis Integrated The 10 provinces could each send rcprcsenta tive in addition to Canadas March OiPoor Tums Festive WASHINGTON AP With their clty oi shenties nearly onevlhird finished about 300 members of the Poor Peoples Campaign have movcd into ltln festive mood Its they spent their first chilly night in Resurrection City USA hundreds of other desti tute Americans were in cara vans heading for Washington from theSouth lfidwcst and Northcast It really looksgoodaaid volunteer carpenter as he sur vveyeancat rows of triangular plywood shelters near the bin coln lliemorlal singlollgllt bulb gleanedthrough the clear plastic skylight intcach shanty Carpenters said the flnishcd accommodations for at 1000 persons intiie first twodays covering much less than half of 153ch campsltc useaasaas Into4fN° PARIS AP North Viet nam demanded in ialkshere today that the United States and its allies halt all attacks across thesocalied demllitarlzed zone into North Vietnamese territory and withdraw fromtbe area Ambassador Xuan They in statement directed at us lim bassndor Averell Harriman specifically demanded that the UnitedStatesstop all firing of artillery across the sixemlle wide zone separatingthe two Vietnams North Vietnamese spokes mansaidvlhuy linkedithe de mand with North Vietnams in slstenca that the United States must halt the rest of the bomb ing of the North and stop all other acts of war before the talks beregcan sues Irbe United Sta and South Vietnam have forceSTJust south oi the meta counter Nosth tnamese Armyregulars who US and South Vietnamese commahderssay infiltrate through the cone and around its go onto other ls day gt Hamman spoke first today in his opening remarks hit the first full session Monday Harri man called for restoration of the zone as nonmilitary butler zone OFF UNTIL SATURDAY in two sides met for an hours today and Harriman de scribed the discussions as exten sive and active He dldnot elab orate The negotiators decided not to meet again until Satur for an hoiirandThuy for an hour and half eluding translations Returning to the 115 Embas sy Harriman was asked by cor respondents whether theUnltcd States favors coalition in South Vietnam as one Imeastare coalition government it and we will var be for lltlon govern While the North Vietnamese briefing was under way on the left Bank of theSclne an eachtime in rth Vietnam enis by spokesman William Jor dan was given at the US Ern bassy Harrinian Jordan said told Tbuy that there areitsomcspe clfic and urgent steps which are vital to peace and onwhicb it westcmvcnd via Laos gt American report to corrgspflnd should bepossibleto agree Nigeria Cuts Relations With Ivory Ceast We gemd iswept through thisth of 4000 shoriiyafter pm ADT and hundreds of relatives friends and neighborsrllocked to the mine fearing the worst the rocklall and pre pared to lift themen throng the air shalt About twohour fterbcing brought later the first miners were face through an air broughtup the shaft washhouse main entrant steps so Nigeria broke diplomatlcrciations with the following the Frenchspeaking West African

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