Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1968, p. 15

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inIflIflB NTED tIIALBTAII mnmuu mil Realtor WHITE loll Baytield st mum swanMahmud ISABELHSEIR mm JOHNEWHHE mm PETERS szLES LTD PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TRADE MALE HELP ctor Company Ltd 55 MAINTENANCE MAN planet rtpbe more one be Hob redhumane odd unmounhnupimwhin Ltd mumm FIGHT THE PALLACY OF FIXED INCOME can show you ball to urn up in memewnm once to NEW CAR wdhhm Nola 151m to McConnell so Napier st Col Mvnomm DMIODL anjiracr straiochief xi NI dimtki tflnlnlulou lhir ear MY mll In Ann III mm mm fllunndmtetllulnterhrAn uoellrnt car Helm 92 mm mm mm rm VINI WW filo DOWN or 110mm PAY roll QUAmrr 7782410 LIME Box Am Guthrie on eerily limitliteonmkto llle UNDER clue MALE FEMALE HELP immi in II 1V newly decorltd Ewe Mm rm OUpe me me It Hayfield lhwk Price mm ie v13 hm Ms 31 unrealre irlehhe MOBILE HOMES nuon soldier $Io0°0vheninewYou rm up thewJumhlgndrwill ormrfo TRAILERS Mill XVIII eurtnnnrh ruler orinrnror In IBHIIII Dhflnl 1184171 or module Avlrt loin rum mull Mekong Al mullhoe mmgnmommrm no Irian lin mM on may Eswlltld an in All lion SECRETARYCASHIER Willten applications Ire lnr vltcd by tho undersigned for the porltlon or SecretaryCami fir or the City Treasurers oi ce Applicant should give full in ormrtlon to personnl llis tory education and experienci SIlIry rchedulu end lull em ployea benefits in Ethel rrollertias le neg proper lenses tile Province Involving BRUSSELL CHURCH 65lPImo th 2Door MObIIe Homes WI funlrm IlXltilxjfldné path button rrdio tires ud million And whites Iii rim urlnrrnn Ll was lGeneral Glendale quémuum 391m my rnT1Mce 65 PontidcySupelSport Cdfil or Tm no lo IYeara deallinden VI lutometi power riceran pelverbreka BURTON AVE moose mom mm figilfigmm in PIan VIII lck Interior while well he dim lite TRAVEL TRAILERS hillnrhelmi° fto PA my the wEAW 1mm Hm Mm final PrANo courtly Mm I66 Volkéwagen noor Indmvzindlofiylegungll gubJm Eliza$29 agzisfl km Frmdlllfli HIIheLmru llllr cArlIs minim low in 2mgmfimttbzy mule medillnl Ilwandhlchet one floor and ion oi mm mm chwlo mule ism Licence mien Inimuifwfllnfi El gunfire Now $1695 lBUS OPPORTUNITIES fitmwalntlfinlrlu3 Mum immune my 33$mr 33 domain Idtrie 64 PO NBC DOOF Sedan mm WHYm HAWnfiZ Ilhflfl 1333 mg MET °r miflcflptrrlIipcgmuoii mniiifilmfiifiilu Licence re lime winning ugmlrhhx guilt éwfiuntfixflgflg Women co ure utew PM and no gaging mnrhlIe eiiect firéiufi Tkhm am Gigz CIIYVMIIIIEEI swam or 55305735531013 meme ul lEllr Iintti Elli1 er NEW GONGEPTIWP 64Mie°F Station Wagon considflmt £3n°3$hf Dverwhelnung demands have mm or re nlry Club mtroldnnled rw VI automation emission Arealxoodcar lol the inmin min praising mgdessthszs Infidel nlgnliahtia iar mrngfggigtnfiuw $9 Etc 5mm or compiler MlhlllIaiLM¢dIlln nine Menace X57031 arms and GOOD GROOMING on oa nvesnlen gt gtgmfsitofsm viihgoof are tm Norm NEWSPAPER PAGE Everythln DiStone NOW OPIY2$II295 IS OUR BUSINESS mfiggfigefil ojvn em 11 MATS Planning roihetlllllglrlow make it yours for your eprlngiplnntlng Epigvraasflto gzolltahle lncss i500 square feet of IYIBIEIIBIS and personal training provided Vrlie BOX C5 Barrie Examiner GENERAL alloch Mn mil in lurlzrd nature or role At Alcom nuch Lake Elmo 00mm Mr Tmnnio zm Denier noad 55033 111 Onllflo1eimonl TIF Nunsmn lions more New rmrket Aumove bull hr in facial IrK5 329000 310009 down whiter mm Renlty Lid nut mm mom sterile Street Hamilton Phonn mom mum INSURANCE MOVRIGY Dontiorget to transier yer lNSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind lee STEVENSONS IISDIJNIDP 51 125480 MORTGAGES mmnmr lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere Déotidrggiifrhfihflnihg 90 or VALUATIONS LE You Need Money mm or mm Jets nui Home Improvement Any worthwhlla unn Write or Phone motel MortgageFunding SimpsonSears IEDUNLOP 611 Member Ontario Manila Broker Anoejlllnll fill HELPFUL COMPANY OFFERS 2ND 3RD iiims rZLHOUR APPROVALS Low cost up to 20 yrs Tele phone Mr Wllganto lo pln today Prompt Investment Corp Ltd 62 Richmond St Toronto Ont 3869588 Evgs mm 5550 mTlMOflfl Delllli per continuum sreInen on hficll dwel nt within block at Barrie Men ISICDIWM mml LOTS FOR SALE noLLY 75 zoo loot lot on indir luy 27 Bill II new sanrfiafinflglnhm mlm Guthrie on mm ll um mm school ll rein viaem mm lo ACE well wooded with ruein Midied nru Telephone mum Cami Butidlnr Del wooded Mld linrsr lot 130 nhnno 7266726 we 10 Acne lion 0m treer vnhrl moo MIL Broker more Gmwm BM REA In men let er no HounfllmlIerll or Cl Blrrle nilminer uenhhnNr nuildixnl lots ior ruin lmn mud sine no to in use men Rm lieNor gm in mm sneer nnrie 52 RENTAS APARTMENTs WANTED ounnlmnno Anlltmmt wrnted unlurnlnhed dulet reiidehtiel hm now or by Juno Cnupla clzlidrell reinieno on renude Olll eveninu riler sum liewell rurtleunn hummerit with oheor twp edrooms reunited It 0mm Will be eded inr two monthth leut Adults Coll Mr new It door In collegemlssi 1mm him or call mnm me lnm rm weekend Want Ad Section loopy unlll hill dxlltl Ln Rood common 3100 3284012 flflNfl FOB BALE I0 11 modern pllnncu hounkeohinx suit peron Phone mogul 920 to me unframed IDIl streeLhlonn to dawn decorated with new en hrlvnto entnher vale wfldm ldnJIY Adults silo monl on Includes Ill uLU ll phone moses Roller Melton tor key In MSLTOLET Kmkeenln room he with reggae rnd rerun Ieknn laid to one rirl wilh liner cenlnllv led iniometlon up and 00 SWANTEW cmhlmAN ieonlm moin mt horns herkin nilvlloru Required by MI 27 Telephone 94111 GARAGE FOR RENT emnmn or rent ruiuhie lor wrreheuro or Inn we leet Aenlv vuuy Tle in Dunlap street 121 hone mm SUMMER COTGES COTTAGES FOR RENT Menu LAKls bedroom cottuu on wnts taunt 1de no hot gunned Taiwhone mm utter Mn mmm coilAGE ior rent on Kahuntelt Boy bedrooms III in loom kitchen with nonlinear apiece humour rnnmoin Pflvute 517$ with deck Telephone no WANTED COTTAGES TO RENT NEAR nAan0ne bedroom bot tnre vented to rent or to week in June Preter near water Telephnhn mtm evudnu COTTAGES FOR SALE am My some urn cmnvIEkI nnnisiied lirrplnee bedroom Also lmludui hedmom cabin lilo root ironhz ARTS FOR SALE CLEARANCE OF USED APPLIANCES NowJJ the time to buy your stove retrlgerator washer inr the cottageor home ROBINSON HANDwARE 31 Dunlop St 7234431 VNORTHWAY RUG co LTD lflle house at tine brondloonl DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADWMI Remnants ell than land prices 51 Collier St thone 7mm wool momma Roe i9 trio Innelney In excellent enndlt ion with under cushion nest ol ier Telephone mom TRAILER wheel new end never been and tell box Inn nine with lizhte ind Mil llcerice Telephone eds5m met IIICYclE Enyr coir with wheels excellent eandllinn Better hurry ror till one Telephone iii 5m Alter 430nln IIDYrBlcYOLE 13 inch wheel ior me Very remnub Very RM eonditlnn CILI In moose PIANo Poll and Nomhriner un nhnrle onii nnwAhr MdIIl mu run run ode nulllizbelrkllw year me new pricedjlw rilth Hm white eudboard Exlmpll Io Rent noun or Rmemimior ulr Aamlnl clun ln rood runnlnl min land in mom or mmuon room mm or Inn NIPIM Street REFRIGERATOR Or Ill uflnlld iim will moltenN 215p Inern Sltludu norhlhr nANGltm orbit with ehme gt tall And chain I231 time roullr Telephon nmzs PIANO Cecilln reed tend lien mom Sewlm Illchine min Floor Model new Taller me And l1th 12 ism AODBDIDN rin ni ll excel lent candlth and monomer Telephone memo REFRIGERATOR ior nit mel iinuo Also stove Limos lini lrem twin Hllr Dryer Seth et Desk 165 Choir street his IEI dnwené oinelm le Telephone lieism CAMERA Aim 17 ions hnllt in liliht meter eonmlele wl Acorn norm vnlth uoo sell or 15 Telephone mas ED LURE 40 501st Ihsmt innr In in cot inn loo leet inhr 15 mt lens nilst Infill Twain flectd all cheap or cash W75 INGEn snwmo landlines See our isllev will mm sea erZIK sum No down vimnl tFwiietnliii cure ow $519395 nurin 1231960 Alllsion ti5171 CmAfiBITSE Use Durham Ln outdoor toilets EAL dnvm to the Earth VB unnleulnt clun In task nil directions Thousandl ihm PM we hired Products Box 771 GMIDh Onurln BLRcmlc RANGE so inch Frill daire Dull Ind elun nven them omtlnliu Enntmlled lurflco elelt mull will seiiinr sums one only floor model massixlwhen hide DLlhwistlel Reruler time one nnlv Floor Madeirsmsa Uli right Frssezer 111$qu 5slxse chi llr one rod firdwln tl nnulnn street East maul ARTICLES FOR RENT LAWN ROLLING EQUIPMENT Mallulal Powerpropelled Various sizes GARDEN 72805807 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 47 Dunlop St 1am ANi CABIN trailers lrntr and cmnhl edu ment Him Tent run Awning anfleld ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Fumlt slaves ournm Dinner Kilian R05 Second Kln 5110B Pllnllnfi one WANTED vioths In eondh lion Will my uh Aim uld mush ui Irishurn lzuns swords NP her illm chlm clock hlrtnn fumes old pine Ind wnlnvg urnl ture wrileeullunlnrr lo nx Barflnlfixlmlner FRUITS YEGE TABLES nAmAill Runbem cune anthr gt in enulednhntl 175 thou élldi Tl loo Telrnlmlle mnlm Mi STRAWBERRY PLANTS Rldeu nuhion per 10031th nodInnu so iaegrlllfind mannaHex ArnIr we 11in cu eondluoll line rockety stone Juggle and Drlwall stone youngerdene we patios retaining wells Add planters WE WILD sown limin ALs Hm YoUIPlANm ANNOB no trimaran Days dine Etenings 728665525 Kaila1232 miles north turn right HORSE Arron or lord TI ephone Ml mm r1onaou me Irons Wflfll Telean now all men nrln Rm TELED TDD 50 II II by um and lend unimdlflggl mammaran de ll 7mm dunil lurch 21nd only ole lrr Ian Mr nleta with loch rumeh euiiln uld mould bonito er zwhe trallu rIllrule row Maud meowAn rt MW PHONE mull mm cARsPOR SALE 1965 PONTIAC Sirltodil rhndlid cvmerB3Wrgfig er mined leIenhnnll71i no imitcuhr Comet convertible munrd Illlllrb cylinder radio lmmacnlnt condition mum irie nhonn liehm 1m notion Polln too oo rrlt cvllhd rulom cf1 10 lead roltn In an enhlo her laurel For flirtliendetrmFme ohone 715m mi mmiu Prrlurnne wlloh excellent candlme vud mm files Iféngzi VII ufinzég nil cuf mood ll ENVOY dflfli load meehlnl or out cuh lililéliefidfilehdittttln mode Alter not on ms Mm door Shtlan nrl Alla MT PIVmfilllIl Edlll door can with ruI hln 090 Mlkl alter Ark ml 193 Velltnlhn SIruetEhT phone mesa mi rtvliulml rtrmlerd very Elem willJciEfl use nr unrest git Telentlflnl Imamqu mi mum Curtain sport Convertible rrd end while Ielttlu lonr inlerlnr nioinni lhlitp mm DiIlIln moses um nun lm cowlINK recon ittoned notchremit mintedv win to No hrlhtlnr 1169 new inter1 Al elmdlllon av moderd Clllvnwuv gt Jul MenuNil Meteor rleor no aim Iutonlmc rower tlo Priced ionM tilmoohelwm ind IENJJII Im tan mfiienreleaheh Audi cantRom owe dohvm 1me EPlcsliNvors lmcohvtrn 7m ram 33 in will Indilfl tiller on ms unnu Ahihnmeor4 door or Mel lute nutomtie on rlootmn Porrruc stnio chm rioor romltlon mnher vutlculm MAN Convertible new ob on be won Need mug redeuhlr hirer Ic waa madView TranémlSSion Ltd figflg Automatic Specialists rum 96m or rum 3mm In TINA II meI uofnd mellch eolieiiiorl Tele name nnuiw ntt Vln¢tn1ne¢ Inn Teddy in Dunlap sew lent rhino sun it or tunneli mun TIN Mail mo mg PERSONALS limit condition cent mtglggbukflfl In their nr nursed mm in min rm use can on imammam hormone nod 55 hiconnrwyoorfilrg remIr me mvabuumlunwmfi LA no hm drln er he till white wills disc Duel nu macaw crimu mun riser CARS WANTED rum 1051 or me Pontine inloinntle bod Ind motor inan in me midi nn telephone no Rood maidenNo mm Old 01 71W CHILE 1566 An hi airtime durl whee condition between lelefllwln mm Han P°l=l¥l= Ind inhuman Semiprints Ind Also me warm private by the hire 10hour rez timed nune lunervlialon Alma ¥hith°iidf°w litl mm Whom mn murmur dunno IrTiIx low mllem amoonnrls not or thin Milt lam rur power nurlnna fills ragga vulva $3 AlliWm oriliIIHzomo CAR ACCESSORIES In In de EXAMINER lvm ADS 280MB mull one onmrexrriient New on tires fluvial MA ME ndlo In load In mm MISTER Meirm Royal or nlr VI reluil hours Phone Bedlam 1nd Mi MOTORCYCLES BMW moroncvcms North York Ho Eh Rfld mom lsn noNnA loo blur ruper inert enellufi condiiiergulow IslIVE Hm DI un 95 IoTMIreo gt nninin or telgnhonl mm model excellent condition only 500 mllel 00 Telephone 7254903 AUTO REPAIRS DO YOUHAVE nemnll Drab hf with VDILI hnnm airmen IlIr III ERIN 72543814 Anlvh in 0riiilr II oinleave 550 pm orwlli tnlie hirer Telephone 7261515 William Ind Junt hob Dhnnn 4511 HS LADY WANT ride ironinrrrie to flflt Imniiimth iiilmrh on Ind returnfzorldnys or pihursdlyr to BOX SI help IY ID II IIIooe uier ago on atimlmhtzmh Ill TRACTOR TRA XL3III2EIIFZL3IE TRUCK mflfiffzmfitfionhtifit manned than III or driver required for gasoline do livery from Julie 1565 to Sepi lllssa Age 25 to In alleles for lldlu years at lenstgrnde to educi tinngio hours weekly TEXACO CANADA LIMITED box elm vermin mo NURSING HOMES MmLANn WOMENS COLUMN monuminbnrlssmd Government Tchartered School illnrough trainingln all bran COOKSTQWN inn longtime mAUTO WRECKERS cimv Iiil3l in 240 FORD VI motorl 352 mm mm FORD motors All types oi transmisslnnl and ldiiferentlnls Standard or Automatic 10 good releclion or body parts OpeniBVaJn to Dill DAYSAWEEK DELIVERY SERVlcE Phone answereduhtlll lo pin Cooxsmwn deem LOST FOUND ohms ems Lom Buck rim neu cnntnl Celietilteielr lvllom 1mm HutV mule inLindy Ind iirh brown mt me Inn Amenlo nnnn wud telephone 95413 HELP WANTED MALEisle DELIVERY BOY T0l RIDE ABIOYCLE Via Awlvje nnnioost name rilu max isewloe slrtlon At tendon wintnd Immedhtelllw Write nor clr nnrrienminer and sick le 7254011 Please wrl etc homoyummy 41mm delnllr or as dles no menu Collier St mm aAhmMAN RdulrcdlhEll Alerter mourn minefield mama To Adveriis war1mm lawIsl should give lull Ill Iormation as to personal tory education and experience Salary schedule and full em plnyee benefits in effect Gigs City Manager Box 400 BAR STANDARD BRANDSVLTD re quires an aggressive SALES REPRESENTATIVE fol established lerrltory coninctlng retail and wholesele grocery trade Appllcnntsmurt be age TRANSPORTATION In onllir ror mo Mlllimum Grade 12 good health mature ience an asset but not essential Good starting salary lull bene ills excellent career oppo ity cur supplied Applyhy letter only providing complete resume In confidence BARRIE EXAM MANWITE vlckvnn truck wlLl ILER DRIVER Bsrrle ACCOUNTANTS Roses IleRRISON Phone wide chlrterrd Acevununh runner in node CA riusm In nrnlnuhtev FUNERAt HOMES STECKLEYfUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR ismvlmi Aic mom COST oven on emu rrl FUNERAL HOME Chapel oi lhouglitiulgservlee 24HOUR SERVICE 121 Hayfield Street Its The senson AVON COSMETICS Feriniormnllon wrlie MRS TONI SIIIOLUK RD Box 485 EARRIE Ont or phone 725555 HOLISBKEEPEE Ndulrrd Live in iIKllt dullrs Anal 33 John Strut um roll Concession Booth in rhulre hourr nirnuy Telephon more More lull CLERK lor Relienl oltlce dull tyniux reunited For intervlew Sr phone mam MOTELMAmn unmanned pre erred Arab Motor iioiel coNDIJcl snh Coventry dowel lery lrsnlon shown In rem limo g3 Investment of dellv El 725 in person landlord FOR summit housekeeper or nun live IlL Telephone WANm reilnble housekeeper or inmiiy slnlla wnmln or widow ureterred reed home tor rl eels inn Telephone moose mall pm mun DIshquler end Wrshmorn Allrhdrnt WIlICtd Also wrltrriru or evenlnl Illltt hill time em bloyment Anniv wryiue Rentur fntmllithwavr 400 Ind is Coch ownu nAnrsrmiit rrnnlmi or year old xiii days wech Apply at limeuric Drive or telenllonn no RSflheinM an hm EMPLOYMEer WANTED 30th T0 BARRIE Carpenter construction Contractor available Check the yellow pages Spec lnllst In onsite living as wnrlr my supervisor for such as Ent tage construction Any reason able nller considered gt Board RE Aurora pin up And deliver what hrve your Anything considered Remn nhlo Tulrnhnno viahm eve mm walkendl YOUNG MAN hllirlrul errlr irnm Toronto EA recently nrednntr hook or suitable Wfluflfl or here errtnerehlu in nrrrle Exe lent relerenoeu write Wlltei 107 Palmeiflun Ennlevnld Toronw mluultxi sxberlenéed tyxpifimdk or wee nrrir will doe d1 LIN Invoic Xi1l strut Is militia etc Televhgno 7165365 lylllni SIC lESSONS JESSIER BRYSON Tueherol PiAno shun Town Pavilr pre Ired rear cumintinn ol the uyl Cnnflflfll10l Music Toronto Au mdelJnd All Modlrnvmctfmdl Etudlor rnuord st nulls ye YfiPWO 0W ANGUS ROSS BA Bl Nunsefnrrrle Registered Music TEBCIIE Elli In Pll Ind Thlfll lIJonIllIlliInfi ln Pregoh Latin ll other ggna mhgaeu beloMriRYV NoeIG stephellson ILO Pnnne Itloall iiow 5t Aldrin

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