Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1968, p. 4

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by Chmdian Nowiplpin your sugar suriu Ontario William roller aging Editor In Evident In Riot No demonstration ickctin or march can take place nowa ays wit out when there is clash accusations of police brutality if you carefully watch these evehts on television in any country of the world you will notice that the police stand in their lines for uite while and allow themselves to pelted rev ieered at before their officers order them to clear the crowds to advance and police officer was asked about this recently When you arrest person and he resists what do you do Said the officer shove just little harder lnotherwords the people who ac cuse the police of using force to maintain order and translate it into police brutal ity expect these men to stand there and take any abuse verbal or physical citi zen feels like dishin ecting too much police are bound to resent the Before the electioneermg goes ste farther there is one small matter whlc might be cleared up The Opposition eader does not re quire mandate from the voters His position is the obvious negative of the em The Opposition it is clear is the side which has been refused mandate So when apologists for calling the el ection stress the need of both the Lib eral and Conservative party chiefs to ob tain mandate they are talking nonsense officer exercise nd out That is rather action of crowds that compel theorto come to work on their days off when the might be comfortable in show or their family When demonstratorls dragged to the police van and struggles you will never see police more strength than is necessaryto accomplish hlsjobr Another factor that shoLild be remem bered when one or more of the parad ers are led away down their faces ltlsmttch more likely that thevlnjury is the result of some mlav site pitched by selves Bottles and rocks streak through the air and while some will reach the many fall short and hit the mrcheror it is fully realized that most of there demonstrations are caused by deliberate agitation Is Required mandate is command to govern when it is used in politicaisensc loser has no mandate andeven long term in opposition will not provide one MrStanfie1d requires no mandate to be aleader of the Opposition He might get one if his party wins amajorlty of the seats in Parliamenttn that use he will no longer be leader of the Opposi tion and Mr Trudeau for his part will have no mandate to assume in discard ed Stanfietdmantle mandate is not consolation prize DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 VEARS AGO lN SIMCOE COUNTY Bame Northern Advance my 1898 Public School Board ofBarrie ask ed Town Council for $10607 as years budget Council awarded municipal contracts Alexander Kennedy black smith Wi am Armstrong carting lum ber John Hines road overseer Pol ice Chief Robert King was ordered to rigidly enforcedo bylaw Wives upset overxrise in price of bread to 12¢ Election expensesin Simcoe Centre provlndal riding tabled as Thompson Conservative $24158 Daniel Davidson Liberal $78513 Tenders for market andfire hall im provements accepted as follows Dougall Bros rooting Rankin carpenter Bowen painti Al erman Johnson commented if the hallhad been looked aft source of revenue today and the house wouldnever have been built Annual report of Barrie Public Libr showed decline in membership from 357 to 280 wit $Ztl7 Board consisted of Judge William prs Andrew Ha Very Rev Dean Eg an Donald Ross he JFletcher and Radon Allandale Wards Burton Ave publicschool added to Barrie education system for firstyear showed aver ge daily attendance 163 although total en rolment was231 Many anglers have been visiting Ivy fisheries for building new Methodist Churchyrat Thornton awarded to Mr Cunningham Alex Campbell of Guthrie caugh carrier which read New York liam Woodford of Barrie suffered kicked in face by his horse Cooks town firemen talkof getting new hell for hall Churchill creamery isrrunning full blast Harry Boag of Queens ville tookover i1Wiudsor Hotel at Chur All roads andrails lead to pera 1895 Wil Vairvitle wmt end sk descaLrnennnuiauasrx AltllflAltVE0lhR4dlEll Mosmnousamrsr nioomneo wondrous NEHWEDAPECKaR DicuLEo aeweas tomrm futill am we Iranwows commz am samuraimas tournament at coe County are entered mersf lshed seeding House or some years ago it would be op in fees from $340 to Miss Lee Mrs Cres Contract jblillons These tiresome pectlve elements 111 Vietnam They do not add up to painful injuries when uthe compromls reat May 24 lacrosse ich most teams of Sim Utopia far Farmer at ps back field dayslater came nt saying We ght in one Thrée to dispose of the find it was just espraj correspondent not men of townshi were thinking of investing in wheels gutthe ladies objecte Navigation opened Cookstown for Anten Mills set some tra wildcat cau men with guns went fierce creature only to raccoon wrth departure fromBarrie of Mr Os lers fine yacht Minors for Roches Point Lake Simcoe Henry Bird former clerk sued Town of Barrie for 5640 fees aliovved for vital statistics Spanishdhinerican War has resulted in formation of local corps of newsboys Average attendance for all Barrie schools in April was 762 collegiatc public and separate Other Editors Views N0 easr way our Chicago Daily Newil Then there is the problem of bilnaing battered burnt bruised nation back to economic health surely taskrei quirlng an immense and continuing ef lort from abroad And what does the United states say when Ho shakes pigeon with silver ring attached fingerunder our nose and demands that as aggressors we pay reparations by the of the pros oi the price for peace any easy way out Even assuming that both sides are willing to compromlse holdvassumptlon at best some of ca will be inful unless heor sheklra the manifestants them with itilood SLIEBLJng it police QUEENS PARK PINCHIRUNNERY United Emph partrol theAuAnlh lhol nu York own he ch faint nitbn ion inflow York to evacu tbl British troops and taboo Loylflm who had gatheredrtbere from many Cals for south as Florida Carleton expert administrator at go as 1133i £53050 Is troops an won vlcuaied from Now Mostof those lnyalists went to the liarltimcs but some tea turned to Britain thra they thought they would be wel comed arpatrlotl instead they found themsch being treated ls strangers one oitbem wrote my country whenjhail Igntn behold your scren skiesin and bright most The loyl is who came to Condo llldsl rough time for nurrrher of nmmwmmmwnzmmmmbmnmm TSScit In Commons afoot dimers TORONTO lt reported that former Liberal leaderJolIn thtermeyer is trying to get back llito pnllilu Tho former Grlt cblei is said to be hoping Inwget federal nondnatlan if he does it will be good to see him bllfl ntr Wintermeyer is one of those truly dedicated menthat onedoesnt find too often in public affairs Not mat the motives of all or most men In politics arent praisewortby They all have qualities to be admired and desire to be helpfu But with the former Liberal world ofpolltlcs through sense of ohllgatlon And personal and iinanciulsacriiice nan ABILITY There are those who question Villty was there It perhaps didnt show as much as it should have because he is es sentially constructive man Sudirmen are not it their best as criticsand Mr thtermey er of course spent all his time in opposition But even there be quietly made markwbich isnt gener ally appreciated For instsu hefi probably should not good deal infothe credit or the portable pension program which now is es tabllsbed not only in Ontario but pretty well across Canada In his flrst etecthn campaign as leader 1959 be pressed gorously for such program And this probably more than anything else stlrnutated the government into action Then again even membérp of the government privately give him credit for the establishment the GO transit system When hewsa party lead caramel Examiner matter Post Office DePartc mcnt Ottawa and for pay rmeotrofpostlgeincashx WININ Illlt Moraliv Datiy Nowspaper Publishers Daily Sundays has Statutory Holidays excepted subsuipuolintes daily by year CW By mall Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario sizooyear motor tlirowodf15 year Mait out alde0ntario 914 yojar Out pldeCansdn British posses sions its year USA and foreign National Adva Officer 425 University Avenue 640 Cathoart SL Mon Meruberof is Callbflllfl Association the LChnadihn Press and Auditlau au oi Circulation roasts cluslvelyi entitled to the use folrepublication of all news dispatches in this papercred are are or nor on so looal nuns bullied leader there was complete edication lla entered the his seven years here were served at creni minister lliltcbeil Sharp should Wintermeyer made couple of quiet trips to Montreal got in to see then Donald Gordon and began talk ing of governmentrun com muter service in thoioronto area PROGRMI ADOPTFI The government eventually had to adopt this imaginative program And there another progreslve steps which though he gets no public credit for Hi them can be traced back to him arrows REPORT rarities Niouoisou OTTAWA Canadas foreign policy is being given an objec tive scrutiny This thorough golng survey says Hon Mitch ell Sharp the newhlinlsier of externataffatrs does not neces sarllyimply possible change of objectives but rather reas sessment of the means of attain mm ing those objectives For thetpast 24 years our ap proacb to foreign policy has largely been moulded along lines set out by Lester Pearson For threequarters of that pe lriodhe has had both hands on the lovers of policer as the den uty minister of the department of external attairi then as the mlnlster and finally as prime minister peering over the shard der of his successor as mintsters Paul Martin Even during the Dlefcnbakerwears our foreign policy continued very much along the same bipartisan lines subject to the advice of the per mnnentoificlals of the depart4 ment who had been working under Pearson hadition and babit inevitably conditioned policy through such president of the ONE NewLcJolr Is Taken At Foreign Policy Slncohe slim after the rm election Mr Wlnlenneyer as been busy year owlngto physical condl thins The Loyallsts who re turned to Britain for the Inth invasion of lilo served two team as Governor omen MAY revzivm nitFather Lafltau discov and rimengplmts in caiuda which were exported to all SSGeneral Amherst and Admiral Boreawen arrived at Hathu to attack huhburg imAlcxander MI began final leg of Journey horn Atlantic to Pacllic Hobo Larhin wu ap pointed Roman Catholic Bishop ammonia but refused to not latGeneral Middletonll at tacked rebels at hatoche fig itsBritish Privy Council decided that Ontario had the right to enact prohibition HOGMod tel 11 Hit Mlhn bridge and Wetasklwln were in corporated as cities leisFirst CanadianDivision action at Festubert aimCanadian Coronation Contingent diormed guard at St James =an Bvcklnxhnm Pa laces in London lossCanadian Labor Con gress wir formed STARTS TOMORROW ALSO AT catiinowooo DRIVElN Glanmurl floorspaceca He has concentrated success fully on finance rather than his law practice mdlhas been an observer at the United Nations leader In organizing Canadas national hockey tepm and busy in other fields of public service Eut those familiar with him nowthese must he pastimes real love is politics And it would be good to Ice blm active again settlement of international momenta with collecflve rity as our scoondlino of do fenee We have rnetooed Washington to such an extent that the independent thinking invottawa by somenew unknown thinkers is causing anxious sleepless lnWsshingtun through thisquartercentury Canada has posed oaths wise moderator carrying its fair load in international affairs with claim to full participation in NATO NORAD and in every United Nations peacekeeping operation Buta deep loos be him that facade reveals it as hollow masquerade ALL WINDN0 WORKS dabaa contributed high flown phrases in international dcbate withouttaking brave stands or even shouldaring heavy burden Canada has record of abstention ratherthan pos vity on trey votcsat the United Nations And our record as military power is shame making iliesecond most or fluent nattonln NATO our mili long era of influence with ta reluctancala rcappralsa or mm gt new moon scarier ramrs ter Trudeau and new foreign will Now with new prime minis come the needed reapprnlsalfi Just how much isstiown by the fact that many months ago Paul Martin himself commissioned on review of Canadas foreignvpolicy by outsideor more accuratelyone any by retirem pert former ambassadorr and formerdeputy minister Norman globertson and is special task arcs Our foreign policy through the past years has been based Iipnr slippubitfoi the United Na tions as Jeans in the name th Luvu if we missdata great truth all is doomed to failure There is no other namegfven1among men wherdiy wamiut be thlswas needed working towirdsthe one world mustcorahln trad ln which Findlvidualsocurlhr and dam as bi diplomacy The tiratfiand mos obvl element in our foreign policyto be reviewed in our contribution togvaror conceptrby treating it guru rlson rather than gin fighting lore prospect of some new titllti GOtDillill ins union Hummus LAST TIMES TODAY MILILlON YEARS THE HRIGHTEST Pl STA RTS imnuiu umnirwrmr Show Vanni iiirm mnvr THEAlllE in in NW ansr nmneron nnrn means tawnaivcs lllIilajyEhieldlir EvropeWs have abortch that wiveschlldrennndschoblt lti bu et accordingly it man niaxron eimorts more ii any tbar country lelllllxlmn unknowns Doors Open 7pm with Raquel Watch NOWl HIGH POWERE Ciun PROJECTION TELEBAERE AREA uv Artur Entertainment Mill nnnmtS Lapin Contlnuonr now snowmo saowsarvoarlu ner with blunt Hanan min lion

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