Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1968, p. 20

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v4 l0 HELP WANTED Mate Heir MACHINISTS MACHINE OPERATORS Canadiln industrial eoncernl preheating in orillic The factory is near completion Thirds an excellent 0917111 ity to gut in modern fse rm We are looking for machinists who are familiar with the oper ation of variety of machine tools There will be require ment for SET UP men as wrll as good MACHINE oran AIORS capable of operating or more of the following ma dilnes jLATliESRADIAL Dams runner DRILLS KpHORIZONTAL sonma pm mos cum your campaign as Write niea brief ictter and wiii contact you by telephone or lemma arrange meeting in the near future Attention FRANK KOVfth BOY LES momma 256 Hughes Rd PO Box 625 Oriiiia SALESMAN STANDARD BRANDS LTD rs qulres an aggressive SALES REPRESENTATIVE for an established territory contacting retail and wholesale grocery trade Applicants must be age 2340 Minimum Grade 12 good health mature Exper ience an asset but not essential Good starting salary full hens tlts excellent career opportun ity car supplied Apply by letter only providing complete resume in confidence to BOX C8 BARRIE EXAM lNER ma onlvuu wanted lull Barbilatr alust be reliable have nod dflvtnl sword and present at appearance Apply in plmn only too phone calls to Deluxe rarl clappertun mom for Bar steward Anna Lestm Branch 499 All replications rimusfbeinbv am it Ansqu on handmiinl to Royal Clmrslln bottom Box 116 Angus Ontario PATTERNS and FEMALE HELP WANTED tory education and experience Viies Morrowan Victolraipmpohy ltd FiRhTCtiASSMAINTENANCE MAN non melon no moneys Ontario mu nan Service Moss io no cls 8m Hwnstosnwty7abnnlonst Wat MALE It FEMALE HELP SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE HERES Bil Willlit to pro iit from yotn knowledge of the community around you Gibson Willoughby Limited name well known and respected in rural real estate circles re quires representatives for the Cookstovm Strond Angus Stay ner Wasaga Elmvaie and Mid land areas This position is offered to male or female who is inter ested in full or parttime selling career on commission basis Have the freedom of working from your own home and at the same time iake advantage of our active pdver tising and referral program No experience is necessary train ing is provided Full benefits include PSl and Group Life Insurance etc For further information con tact Pasternak Country Property Division Gibson Will oughby Limited Realtors 46 Egllnton Ave East Toronto 12 Ont Telephone 4878161 do mains wanor Ibsi lmmrdiatelv phone 72 31° FIB avanlns lervlnl Fuller cum ladiPs of moss hr in terview honl mm SECRETARYCASHIER Written applications are in vited hy the undersigned for the position of SecretaryCash gr for the City Treasurers 0f EE Applicant should give full in formation as to personal his Salsry schedule and full ens ployse benefits in effect Gigg City Manager P0 Box 400 City Hall Barrie ontsrio STENOGRAPHERS DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CAMP BURDEN ONTARIO Starting salaryfmm approx unately $5600 to $7600 week according to qualifications and experience Applicants are re quired to pass shorthand and typing tests Seaposter on dis play at Canada Manpower Cen Applicatlon form PSC sseior available at Post offices and Canada Manpower Centres new be forwarded to the Public service Commission Po Box 8Toronto Dominion Centre Toraniol Ontario be lore MAY 20 1965 Quote file No 8831341 Housman llznt suns mfimulm on Booth in Thea in silon15ng Telephon TEACHERS WANTED VESPRA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD MLJ expuienced ieldlua mom was Waste recognized annual lnpmnent 5m Apply stating experience qualificationsetc to near ammo sac 17 away so annals OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Home study treining in MOTEL MANAGEMENT do PUBLIC RELATIONS lor bicn Women or Ooupies who seek security and the finer things in life Placement as sisiance Canada and Us Write giving address andtelephone number to Motel Managers Training School Cumberland Dr Port Credit Ont PQ IZ TENDERS TENDERS WANTED Applications are being receive iorlclesnlng andor msinten ancelof approximately 160 out doortclephone booths in Barrie and outlying territory For further information tele phone or write to BELL CANADA snia=nanounnni inssonr near Boca Raton The build ing in the back ground is the VistaDel liar Hotel The sisloot shin might get ground ed on the bench as the Greek freighteriAmaryllis was ad Large us Cities Supervising Maintenance Fore man 140 Bayiieid Street Barrie 7234008 Lowest or any tender not nee essarily decanted Tenderrclose by MAY 2468 PATTERNS Witbgsp rk Raine MeétSalty Steve gay ALICE spoons Steve the Sailor is so salty he even swings his armsand gs as hestrides elong eyes and Traffic WASHINGva AwFederal officials are saying privately they believe the United States largest cltlcssoon will have to place harsh restrictions on when and where people can drive Some officials suggest that en tire sections of central cities will have to be placed off limits to motor vehicles The reason Tralfic condestlon is threate ing to choke the remaining life out of the already sick ciuu Transportation Secretary Alan Boydput it this way in an in terview There isnt enough moueyin the United States to build street and highway isystem to allow everybody ehgreep To Close Building lilies indian liicireting smash or Chiet Charlie Francis of the liiicmac lndian reserve here said Wednesday governinent of iiciais haveagrecd verbally to close the reserves administrm iion builvdi With The bound as closed gtem porarilydhesday after it was picketed by about 3100 lndians from the res moval of ill utilize and better treatment in withinfthree ouraalo MICRON SALE 0f SURPLUSwBUlLl NG EQUIPMENTAND MATERIAIS every this demanding re 13 AUCTION sates Restrictions of the dayin and around the blgurban areas SecretnrxRobert Weaver of the department of housing andurban development says linweverthnt to question the freedom oi every Ameticanvto driveanywhers he vantslspo litlcoliy dangerous since each car ownerand they are legion has already dccldedthe may Eut many officials questioned in series of interviews said they believe the issue will have to befaoedAnti soon espite new efforts by first nndlindustry they the gloomy prognosis is than tral congestion for atleast veral years one fianuérnldzs The =grov which helped bringthe United States toits present heavy reliance on automobiles through the feder alaldhigbway prggrnmnow is tryingto reverse the trend it has beengpouring moneyiuio ex toting transit systems to ion prove and modernize them And it hasbegun cranking up re search program to find no pickup hot coffee ofonly too of the governments strandedon Asinger lslnnd gt Beach Fla in ML 1965 and still stand there Wirephotoi Face today no The aim is to developyand re vive public transportation msinlyrhuses and trainnsas greater alternative to travel by The potential for traffic relief is tremendous Buses travelling at 35 to 40 miles an hour could carry 15000 to 30000 people an hour in one lane compared with 3000 people in cars in the some fans The biggest problem olflcinls say is getting people to leave theb carsfor bus in the one controlled new bus upertmentito date conunuters lnPcoria lll idokweli to the idea But they had to be used aboard thebuscswiLh such suv pe rvi as frontdoor troctipe hostes ngaranlaed ling and paid taxi service incasc of bus breakdown twonio BRIEFS BRIDGE cassava notvu LONDON MP The first stone frnrn London Bridge sold for $2400000 lastmonth to the city or Lake Havasu Ariz will be shipped to the us May 24 The loopound piece of granite CPt More 1000servicemen eicctedin quit the armed forces dur the twomonth periodset de for fast retirement after forces unl llcation defencedepartment spokesman said Wednesday cation went into effect servl men were gr from then no March 31 to announcerintention to retire ss PM Music will be sent tombos Angeles aboard the Britishltoyal Mail cargollnerliochyiaoyal BANEAST GERMANS GENEVA AP The Ilst World Health Assembly voted 5919 Wednesday against admit ting East Germany as meni ber to the World Health 0rgani ration fnranvrorpms Divanch AP Film star Julie Andrews has won an uncontested divorce from her childhood sweetheart Britishudesigner Tony Walton after nine yearsof marriage draws star of Mary 5am lhe urid of testified that their aa vwere family court departmentsturned Wedneev day to bills and gave second readingappmval in principih ionotthemlnuneafternoov of contrrn the takeover by the province of shsadmlnie trellonot Justice The takeoi Only two of the li scisesp tablishlng provincial courts and judges and for ihe provision of administration oi insure given any lengthy debate bfliswill be studied ciausehydeuse in committee before third reading wnuorneyzfcneral isbart reply to opposition citiclams said the Provincial Judges Act incorporath almost all perllnent recommendations made by iticllucr in his commission report on civil lit erties COURTS ALTERED The bill creates provincial courts with two divisions crimi nal courts taking over the juris diction now held by magis trates and family division Magistrates and iuvenile and judges become pro vlnciai judges with ihe same scales of saiafi pensions and benefits and the same rnnibods of appointments served by at in warm has indicated tho maximum salary will be 3214 WesiemiBoys Charged With Drug Possession LONDON Ont Four University of Western Ontario studentsand Hrnmins girl so peered in magistrates court Wednesdayon charges of poo session of marijuana following police raid on city apartment March ho Robert Thomas Forsyth of Thoroid Ont pleaded guilty in charge of possession and was remandcd in custody until May 14 William Haddocks oi To rontn and Patricia Broderick 19 fimmins high school stu dent hnib picndcd innocent to similar chnrgcs lilidicei Boyle 22voi Foothill 0nt pleaded not guilty to charges of possession and traf ficking linger Frank Fischer 21 of Welland was charged with passossinn but entered no pica The four youthsare sched uied to appear here June PINTING Pieesesi Business and Personal Stationary Campetitive Prices Saiisiaciion guaranteed THE BARRIE EXAMINER Legisiallue viisfSiow Valli yiaster Tbeattorneygeneral told Lite eral leader Robert Nixon the takeover oi hidieiai logs and last 11de pensive pen of varytn age and indebtedness and agreements on their value are difficult to reach new in $2 Million Suit iigainst Magazine NEW YORK AP Barry Goldwater Wednesday accused publkher ftalpb Ginsburg and the defunct Fart plaguinle producing totally dkhoncst picture of him in 1964 Testifying in his $20000th llbcl suit ugnlnst the magazine the Arizona Republican said the issue out out by Ginsburg one month before the 13 presides Us clectionbcld him up to ridi think that this kind of thing Goldwater said of the mngnnnescla1m that psychia trists it surveycd found him psychologically unilt to be president fwouid produce scr ous political difficulties fort US Goldwater sald that after reading the magazines issue he began to have doubts about pm illejwho smiled at him on the streets dont know if they were shilling at me or they were saying Well there goes that queertitue goes that homosex uni he sold The magazine issue included lengthy article by Ginsburg which described Goldwater as pornooinc who was concerned over his masculinity and as man possessed with mind like the mind utilities 2r WANTED STDRK SPiliTEiiS Sean one lately Astorkihat Ir When the siovk depart WI timeiorthaWeicomeWa on Hostess to arrive with its inr baby and helpful Infor mation tor the new mother But since the stark cu numberthe Hortesaasflls comeWagon nsedsspetters to help out as stark spotter in neighborhood Our ost esses will appreciate your helmand so will the new mothers To recast atork aighiinvuil freckles heilsaii into tot teem eme betwmflliem She CLERK for general has Softness at the top solidi teringto larger sizes Princess lines are slinuning Wear grace ful scarf collar softly knotted 95L Use crepe sbantung Printed Pattern 4520 NEW Womens Sizes 34 36 all so 42 44 46 Size 36 bust 40 office duties tsfllnxr ind fight an interview ide PART Clerk gunmanmech pm in we notor wait CONDIICI siru Coventry fin Fashion Shows in mniiini tnvestsnmt or delier 716 uperitnced oerson swarms autonomous kouiaed immeth eiy rir tarom Telepgonyomscol For summit housekeeper for or teensheart llcrtbbim on bedor bureau Pattern 7230 doll clothes transfer IPIFTY CENTScom for cad patternfno temps pleaSe to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needle craft Dept 60 Front Street Want Toronto 1al Ontario Ont NAME ADDRESS First tim Jumbo tooslNeedle craft Catalog hundreds olden 15 Aluminum PROVINCIAL PA sizes On Wednesday Mby windows is wooden doors van li spaeeiheater mosallon oil tank eniiimins her movie it be ed in fully Waddi Theyre both ismour and becoming more so all the time thaniey or Wedding Dry Gin crisp cool and wonder And Schcniey Golden successful mssrlaga of nurJInast whisklasi invite this co in autism an taklsrlie yards 45 inch iiigiisfmtnt iii ill1th up my signs free patterns iltciudes Showerslalls designer sweaters instructions iliot water tsnlrr SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents in coins on stainps please for each pattern Ont arlo residents lddd cents nicl tax Printpiainiy 5ZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oi The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept so FrontSt W1 tomato Outarln SPRINGSNEW LOOK is soft pretty feminine Makeit your look choose from over 100 styles in our new Spring Sum mcrJPattern Catalog Get one pattern lrec glip couponin Catalog Send 50 cents snrtovmsm women srau nlnsr and weekends Im W11 Onluiounr urmisgismzflm mans Dishwasher and mum Attendant wentad Alan Waitress lonevenine aim time ensf oionmnt awa waysre nutm guwnmnwm too and so Cooks 300man renuired lmmedisle IEMIIR b9 emrieoccd Infl E39 ahia Winnie records to hill in in WWéfnflih EXP wrnmm WITH pickup truck will nickguo and deliver what1sava yauTinythln eonsidkreli Raul able mes Teeohnne viaam ava numbers in II Dosaihi tabla no bus ii mmln iiiu to Ian reerenc Pabncisto naunvrmrjilmm inside Knit ion or terminus plete patterns Barrie Excel is ocbet venue plate patterns to the advertise so do embroid exciting col complete vpattems soon or ram KI sighas chochet to aighans so cents every endeavour will orwara replies lotbox as sonn we accent an liabilib 14 Cold various sizes various sizes ms piece bathroomrseta Auction will be conductedatthe Pnrirgoitice Bay Street 21nd 5treettWaaaga Beatih Provire ciel Park Auctioneer Mr Ardlet mm Earr Ontario 1Th articles may he in specied during regular 00am to am pm ota May is 1969 F0 turth miormntioncontsct the Park Simerintendenthcs partment of Lands andeorests Wassgn Beacthrovmcial Park Wasaga Eeaoil Ontarlo telp phone 705 4233516 LEMAN water pressure tanks ater pressure various aims and ottice

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