Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1968, p. 3

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Stars Stan dram coo one Mascara Am MMWIMWK wanisvliufle $1M Oriliia WI Ill mleodidwooertlromheiinnhtg Bu Barrie Pilno luterpreu Solo 13mm and under Tho respective works Part invention Bach 1st Mi group iron the chelte Harper Barrie 1nd Pet aun School at Dancing gave ra Blerkardt Ortiiia 3rd na chlrmlognnd graceiul perlor Srisley Barrieth Solo 11 years and under Three Part Invention Bath ltd Fairlie Ritchie Elmvnie 11 years and under Haydn or himrt Sonata 2nd Jane Srlgr lay Barrie Piano Solo Open Contemporary composer lst Brock Sirolhard Barrie Plano SoloOpen Beethoven 2nd Brock Strothard Piano Solo Open Bach Prelude ind higua 2nd Brock Stroihard Piano Solid Open 2nd Brock Stroth HI rrarto wars Fourteen years and tinderAZild Barrieaod Ehnvale mu win MTI Wm PIANO CIASSES Piano Solo years and un der 1st Rosanne Harper Bar rie Piano Solo 10 years and under lst Michelle Harper Barrle er Marilyn Hell Gil lord Piano Solo to years and under 1stvCralg Trash Barrie 1nd Bonnie Columbia Eimvale the Berrle us well represented estival opening wmdmmtzan the Accordion Orchestra irnm I0 Trinity An¢ll at Church Nam Conservatory of Mu where cadets attended 551119 WON nan Battle of the Atlantic service by Wu 53W the archdeacon at it In IIllFlwlhlsy El 06 the observance mun the or Wmm Tuthavoc TIIE FLAGIIEAREIIS Who led the Alliston Barrie Oxiam walkathon Saturday arrite in Centennial Park at the end oi the Benita journey The 150 students and one bro FEED HUNGRY teachertrtm Banting Memor ial High School in Alilston made the walk in record time arriving in Barrie at pm one hour ahead at schedule Examiner Photo ercbe Slav thnt pointed out the Emmi hug iirst class technique oi the ac lnlon sou moiuh on the our NW mm mum the den am In Choir of Orillla was iollowrd hy nual night at pm in the who Tag days to raise held in the city this weekend this Thursday undswillrlie on and rhythm band oltiny tots irom chhiohing Heights School that everyone The West Ward School Choir was outstanding ior its sweet tone excellent pitch iino balance or sound Five year old Rosanne Harper Piano Solo llyearsand un der 2nd Graham Erydges Bar rie Plano Solo ll years and under 1st Kathy McGratb liar rle 2nd Neon Kafianowski Barrie Piano Solo 12 years Ind under Grnde Sonatina Nena Kamnowaiti Barrie Piano Solo 11 years and um der 3rd Joanne Harper Bar Joanne liar per and Michelle Harper Barrie 11 years Iod un der 3rd Joanne Harper and Michelle Harper years and under ist Susan Froom has none Harper Barrie PIANO EIGHTREADING 12 years Illd under 1st Gro han Erydges Barrie 17 years and under lst Fairlie Ritchie Elmvale rie Plano Solo 12 years and under 1st Nepalinczannwskl Piano Solo 12 year and under Grades and Vi Bach lst Nena Kauaoowsld Barrie 2nd 5w°lhllu° mm Michelle Harper Barrie Piano Into the senior students guir was by me assignments students Roxy Brandt and Laur Bum Paul While Eame le Peeler Pour vocal solos were heard and Barriea ltlary defEnhSIOIEblghlgssfndmw Kunk cl Ill stir She Eonwllsortolre2flysilent5 Le an 5° 15 yea Pd Pratt Heads Ind tenyear old Michelle Harper Barrie were both outstanding performers at the concert Following the presentation of Momiitg Hike For Naturalists Student members oi the Bre retoor Filid Naturalists Club oi Barrio ledghiko Saturday morn ing which got adult members out of bed early The group lelt Queens Park It szoo mm and travelled to government dock to View wateriowi Rom there the two atudenl leaders John Wiseman and John Moore led the hike along the inkeshore to the iorest all con cesslon l3 lonisiil From there they went down concession 10 to Vocal Guitar Woodwin listed Accordion and prize winners will be in tomorrowsedition EMERGENCY NUMBERS Clly Polka 728555 Flre Dept REPAIR now PAY mm 3500 Walkers Rctise $40000 For Okfctm The long walk is over but still hing are more than 1500 people who hiked tram Barrie to Elmvnle Saturday Many spent Strings song that showed to advantage the appealing quail ties of her voice itth and Fran cea Scott irom Orillia gave line Marthe Militaire out oi more than $40000 Besides the 1500 who lait tram Barrie there were 584 march ers irom Midland and Penetang Memorial Arena was flooded with exhausted marchers Little attention was paid to the rock group which pounded out pop walk was not race Departure times lrom Queens Park were staggered by as much as three ouarters at an hour As soon as all day Sunday soaking those aching tent in hot brine mas saging them or keeping them oil the ground as much as possible Some may have been doing all rec No oiiiolal estimates have yet been made but Rev Ralph lilac Kenzie member at the Oxiam coordinating committee which organized the Eimvaie walka tlton from Barrie said there is no doubt it was rousing suc cess aesidos Oxfam of Canada the Oxford Commitico ior Famine Relief the walk was sponsored by the Canadian Save the Chil dren Fund Canadian University Service Overseas the World University Service UNICEF the IndianEskimo Associa t£n oi Canada More than 3509 walkers who converged on Elmvnle lront for trout Orillia M3 from Coll ingwood and 272 ram Stnyner THREE GENERATIONS Among notable marchers lrom Barrie was an 80yearold grand mother Mrs Mary Show her daughterinrlaw ltirs Art Larv mour and her granddaughter Rosemary Lannour 18 nyearoid Barrie man Ed ward Brown also marched the lull distance and Barrie Mayor Bentley walked nearly 15 miles belure returning to the city to oliirjate at the opening at Grove Park Home and we come marrhers to Barrie lrom Aliiston Along with swollen leet many or the walkers complained oi swollen and tender hands and faces teenaged Base Borden girl marchers had registered they set off There were still tow strag giers on the highway when the 030 pm ruriew came The entire route was patrolled by city and provincial police St John Ambulances and special ly marked Didam vehicles is the day wore on and theiect wore out more and more of these curs drew in to Barrie and Elmvale loaded with errmatch ers who had thrown in the towel Finishing the march was no prerequisite tor collection irom aponsorsu however It will be tow days yet beiors the march cra ilnish hunting down the people they talked into sponsor ing them at so much per mile Many of the walkers had more than one pledge card tilled with names they had gathered he Iordtand songs atv iull volume Some sought help irom the that aid posts others entered the arena to register their cards others walked slowly towards the com munity centre to grab quick bite to eat beiora being driven back to their departure points in chartered blurs Many march ers were Elmvnle residents who had ridden into Barrie and then walked home In the midst of all this activity many were content in at to stretch out on the grass and await thclrturn ior ride buds Among the types oi footwear iound most suitable by march ers were loosely tilting sandals and stout shoes Waterprool boots and shoes caused reel to literally stew in their own juice Running shoes were good for the iirst iew miles but beat iinish by hiking thro nisill centennial park project ysare planned by during the year Tournament or Senior Citizens howling toumament open to men and at age will be sponsored June the Simone County Recre will be team event Each team must consist oi six people either men or two men and our wo men There will be two trophies up ior competition The Mra Ralph Snelgrove Trophy will go to the ugh the ln lliore lore naturalists Plan Bowling aovancsu PIANO The two advanced piano stu dents chosen Io perlorm were Brock Strothard Barrie and John Bradley Drillia They chose works oi contrasting perv ioda in music Brock Strothard played prelude by contemporary composer Oscar Morawetz whlio womenover so yean Service The tournament three men nod three wo Scpt John Bradley played music lrom VExpect Up To 430 In Kindergarten llt Barrie Schools Total registration for kinder garten classes in the Barrie public schools is expected to be 450 when school opens in Automotive lirm Horace Pratt oi Pratt ltlo tor Supply Limited Barrie has been elected president and dirt ester of Bestbuy Distributors Limited Dowmview Bestbuy isa distributor oi out tomotlvo parts and stwpiia both national and private brands to 30 leading wholesale iirms In Canada Total sales volume oi shareholding companies in Best huy is reported to be in excess oi $30 million annually on our convenient VBUDGEI PLAN EXPERT Mechanical Body ram woux Phone norm pANGsrrtsLos Bradiord Shularrit THE KEY TO BETTER FUTURE and Porhapi Better Job ls Training Virginia Hopkins was moori ed to have been the iirst person who set outlrom Barrie across the Elmvale finish line But the The number of students en rolled in the past week at the nine public sdtools wk 89 but superintendent oi public schools Angus McKay said thatthcre is usually l2 per cent in crease belore September The scllohl with the greatest number or kindergarten children expected next tail is Oakley Park with 63 The next high est ls Johnson Street School with 59 followed by Maple Grove with 55 Codrington with 49 Hiilcrest Prince of Wales with 36 Steele Street with 35 and Allandalo Heights with the lowest registration iigurevoi l9 generated by the rubber caused many casualties as the march continued itiany who removed their shoes iound temporary relief but when gravel cut into their feet they tried to put their shoes back on only to discover that their feet had swollen to such an extent that this was impossible ALLOWED TO FINISH Marehers who were still on Barrie Orillia Slayncr Coiling waod Penelang and Midland cbuld have walked their sponsors winning team lmm Simcoe Coun ty and the Simcoe County Tour ist and industrial Trophy will be awarded to the winning team from outside Simcoe County The senior citizens tournament will be played at Kcrnpview Bowl Blake St Teams need not represent partlctdar club and may be composed of nonarmist ed individuals individual trophies will be pre sented to winners In the way oi the road at curfew time were prizes first place teams win re sumed to finish the Wink celve lawn chairs and seeond The last walker entered Eim place team will receive plaid vale at pan ten hours other blankets the iirst irom Midland crossed the line The Midland Penetang walkers were iirst into the town and were all in before the van mm mm we Worth Wednesdoys Paper llor New The GREATEST EVENT fro HilBARRIEi BASIC ACADEMIC UPGRADING COURSES AreNow Available In BARRIE With Skill Development Courses available in other nearby centres It you require additional training or education to improve your future please contact your diminution Wuuwmwmuon EXHAUSIEI MARIJTERS honr latoulternoon Saturday on the areaaround the ElmvnIe sza Dunlop St Barrio Palmer high school teacher from Oriilia Weighing in at 050 pounds he stands test 11 and three quarter inches llllislon Walkers Hilre To Barrie Raise Omar $400 While close to 2000 Barri and area residents were walking to Eimvaie for Oxtam Saturday ternoon another miles ior lions walk was draw to successiul conclusion Cen mal Park Students irornBan chached their not take their SURE FEET require treat ment and Carl Mason oi the St John Ambulance Brigade ministers to tired Oxlarn cnotvjns or tired and weary marchers having walker Linda aau Linda made it to the third check point distance of 11 miles from tlle startlina While ease on the grass aunounding the Emma Manorial Areu Chartered buses moved otl Elmvale regularly lo shewas having her feet at tended there were still 25 marclterson the road at Examiner Photo ing Memori High School Al Iiston 150 strong had set out on the 25rniie walk to Barrie early that morning piekingup donsr tions and more marchers as they passed through Cookstown and othercommuoities en route The walk was organized by the United NationsClubat the high school and one teacher Paul Stein with his students The principal of the school Sidney Owens and Mayor John Darling were on handto give the youngsters sendelf sound systemcar preceded the marchers along various por tions of the route particularly out of Allistontbrough Cooks town and into Barrielhe ma iority or the walkers were in agreement that the music had been araal spirit raiser Ted Moniurtan oi the UN Club who was one at the march no ordinatora estimated that si oniya dozen members oi die group had not gonethe whole distance an approximate total of $400 had been raisedby the ehiart The standard bearers at the head of theeolumu carrying tings of Ontario andBanting Memorial High Sehooi scrived at Centennial Parkat it one hour alreadof schedule they wme greeted with are and dihrlrsandlca cream do rylng walkers hom Era Eolittlous Volues oi 1th tocotoorviuni sustain STARTSVTHURSDAY MAY9

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