tIlE anus Woman MAY on New School For Retarded Ofï¬cially Opened In Adjala ALLISTON Oiflclally opened by Elwood Madlll MP and oth ers ot tilting ceremony the iormei 55 No Slidlela Public School now the headquarters for the lilthton and District As societion for Retarded Children The president JohnP Schmidt acknowledged congrat ulations for the progres made by the association and thank ed all who have given support in special statement in which he conuncoted on the successiul opening About 100 gucsu at tended the ceremony at which John Ball president at the Al llslon Kinsmen Club cut the ribbon and declared the school oiltclaily open Mr Madill joined others in congratulating the association tor its achievements as did Peter Rooms and Ernest Severn ol Adlai Couuul Charles Bell of Angus Russell Cewen oi Adiala ES board and Fred Robbison 0i Tossorootio RS board The convener of the meeting Mrs Irantes Morrow tanner member ot Alliston council and her assistant Mrs Thora Fell were coimneodcd by the presi dent Mr Schmidt Rev Captain Robert Jackson of Base Borden led to prayers and Don Ferguson local inspec tor oi public schools outlined brief history of the association from Its inception in May 1962 It serves the communities of AL liston Evctett Glcncalra Base Bordon Bceion Cookstown Tot tcnham and surrounding areas Mrs Joyce 11amcIin chairman oi region extended congratu lations on behalf at 12 associa but new pnoircrs inn BEETON vssenn The village of Bcclori and township oi Vospra are at mong Simcoc County area preparing for new develop ment Berton Itcch Earl amwn llclt tells Vcspra Reeve Wellington Dubson bout villages sanitary sonar extension project which is ex pected to aid development Vespra is experiencing mach development around Midaurst and in bordcrlng areas with Barrie new bridge is under cnnsiructloo at Midburst tEx amlncr Photo Oro Directors Active With Eall air Plans REPEAT AFTER in Ontario legislature FRDM LEN Cllllofd Pllkcy John Stokes leaderDonald Mae Donald Ian Deans and Pat rick Lawlor learn to parlcn vous tCP Wirepboto County WI Will Meet tions in the region clpal was in charge ot pupils as they prescntcd an interesting role PIa1$8d program Mrs Willy Drussce and New Lowell upland in looking mu um pu Teacher Carol Roblin gives p05 French lessons to New Demu NEW WWELLJSWU nil erotic Party member at the mode at the macro conserva tion area at Ncwnloweél by the Nottawasaga Va cy nscrvn Busy lit Edgar by Itecve Lloyd Prldham ot Sinnldnlc EDGAR Stall Simcoe The project generally has been County graders have been busy litre Wilhelmina Ireland prin Miss Carol Ireland assisted Mrs ther improvements are being County Graders lion Authority which is headed praised here as water control levelling shoulders at county MITCHELL SQUARE Stall Preparations are proceeding here for the 116th annual exblv hiuon oi the 0m Agricultural Society which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept ember 10 and It Berncll McKay who succeed ed Lloyd Fletcher its president has been giving active leader ship in making arrangements urine Levison and George Mac Kny are the vice prcsidents and Norman Stoddart score tary trcasurcr The board of directors include Councillors Wallace Key and Howard Campbell Kclth Sand crson William Clark Gordon ï¬Woodrow Tudliopc Jack Smith Russ Currie John Curt rla Doug Crawford Lloyd Sampson and Neil McNivcn Associate directors include Ivan Clark Iichvcn Bart relt Muir Roy Campbell and William Crawlord flLIVEsTOCK snow Besides agricultural displays and exhibits good livestock show horse racing and midway will be among the features There will be more than usual emphasis given baking needle cralt and other household science exhibits Lady directors include Mrs Roy Gray Mrs coarsrown By MISS McMASTER Mrs itay Hackctt Toronto visited recently with her broth erlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs NormanDaker Cookstown WI Curators for Twccdsmuir History Mrs Nor man Baker and Mrs William Walker would like to obtain pic turns of local citizens taken in centennialooshimei or the 1967 volume Please help to made ths an interesting collection Womens lastitue will hold their meeting Thursday evening May This will be program planning meeting and all con veners as well as members are asked to be present The Friday night bowlers end ed the season with banquet in the Masonic hall catered for by order at Eastern Star WMS TIIANKOFFEIIING The Womens Missionary Soc iirty of the Presbyterian Church held thankoifering meeting with 50 present in the auditor ium of the church William Ty ler from tbeOverseas Mission ary Fellowship from Toronto showed slides on the for East and gave interesting commen tary Mrs Doug McKenzie presi dent conducted worship por iod assisted by Mrs Mei Bray man The junior choir sang and Mrs Smith played the or gan WMS groups were present from Ivy and Stroud Presbyter ran St Johns Anglican Unit ed Churches social tirne and relreshments were enjoyed in the churchholl BOTH SEES TheTurkish Red Crescent or ganization has sent about 85500 to the International Red Cross Earl Scott lllrs itckry Mrs Victor llart Mrs Mel Jamlcson Mrs Gil Lloyd and Mrs Jim Peursall Oro ill Clubs will hold their achievement day in conjunction with the lair There also will be parade ior school pupils Norl Ted Levision Garry Junior directors include man McKay David Methiaig and Sanderson PIIELISTON WINNER The horse races proved of particular interest last fall when the twoday lair drew bout 5000 spectators Phelp named Itnyul Vallon Grattan was driven to victory in two straight heat by Everett Edwards in slnn owned horse one of three sulky features Meanrd owned horse nam ed Irish Counsel driven by veteran driver Carman Brown won the rec lnr all The five year old gelding also winner at Hanover and Owen Sound outlasted Elmer Trim hics Patricia Margarct which took second money sixvyear Suc ccss Earl won third for nus old Collingwood gelding sell Irwin Zion Jubilee WI PicksDeIegates STAYNER Stall Zion Ju biice Womens Institute Villba represented at the Simcoc West district meeting at Dunedin Presbyterian church on Tuesday May 14 Oiliciai delegates appointed tor the purpose include the presi dent Mrs Norman Eurkholdcr secretary treasurer Mrs Mu ay Oshurn Ms Lao Duggan district director and Mrs Reg Fisher public relations Delegates to the area convcn tion to be held at Goldwater in October will be Mrs Burkhul derand Mrs Douthwaite as attenuate First vicepresident Mrs Wal ter Coulis is in charge of ar rangements for bus trip to Toronto and tour of the new city hall and Casa Lorna planned for Thursday June 13 This will be discussed lurther at meeting at the home ol Mrs Ken Lowe second vicavpresident on Thurs day May at pan other branches in Simcoe West district include New Lowell Pine Tree MapleVaIloy Singbarap ton Jacks Lake Duntroon Creernore Cloverlca Avening Cains Corners Cleaview Son nlymod and Collingwood DISTRICT Borers BOYS HOCKEY BANQUET CREEMORE Stall Annual hockey banquet for local minor players win he held at St Lukes parish hall on Saturday averting May Mrs WilliamDay heads group of hockey mothers in charge JllLY cuuuanmon STAYNEE Stall Prelim inary discussions have been held by Staynor Chamber of Com merce on proposals to celebrate In the other classiï¬ed event Lady Isobel driven by Will iam Jones at Midland was the winner Lady Florence tour year old filly owned by Lam bert Wilson oi Cookstown was second with Gordon lnvin at Al listondriving Third money went jointly to Sailor Direct riven by Russ Irwin of Calling wood and Lucky Ace owned anddriven by Ron Pickord of Barrie Garnet Cochranc of Port Perry won tirst lor the best team at roadsters with Allan Mann oi Peterborough tak ing second for his horses Mr Corhranc also won or best single driverwhile the road race tor smaller horses won by an entry from the Mann stable Starts With Farm Oiiicelii Alliston ALLISTON tStait New os sociatc agricultural representa tive for South Simcoe William Cooper has begun his duties at the aguicultural ofiiec of the On tario department of agriculture and food here Keith Mellucr is the agricultural representative in charge The new associate represent ative served in the extension branch at Unbridgo for some timcvund has been on course at Ontario Agricultural College or late we welcome him to South Sirncoe and hope his ex perience will be of benefit to the program in the county said bulletin from Mr McBuers office Four locations are to he chose an in the area this year for item onstration plots of corn varieties Some planting will be started next week Dentist Moves Irom Alliston To Bowmanville ALLISTON Stall Dl An gus Blair Alliston dentist for nearly 10 years begins new du tiestoday withthe Ontario dc partment of reform institutions He gave up private practice here to accept the government appointment which incluch work at the Pine Ridge school at Bowmanville Tr elawney House at Port Bolster and Ka wartha Lakes school at Lindsay Dr and Mrs Blair and arriin are moving to Bowmanville Coating here from Elmira nearly 10 years ago Dru Blair took keen interest in commun ity affairs and he also in 1563 sought election as NDP candi daterin Dulferin Simcoe His father the late John Knox Blair was Liberal member or the House of Commons lar Welling ton North from 1930 to 1945 Besides Alliston where he had his otiice on Victoria street by the Windsor Hotel he also prac tised dentistry at Fergus Mil verton and Elmira Mrs Blair was active in Uni ted Church work here and was was project and as park which is expected to aid development at the area The reservoir was established to guarantee supply of water or the community and surround ing areas Landscaping has added considerably to the up pearance of the park marsh NOTES Elect Oiticers Oi llewChamber surer and Miss Sadie McQueen By Don Koopmans was elected to head the new board of direc tors ot InnisfilsChamber at Commerce at the ofï¬cial elec tion in Stroud Monday evening George Burton who had acted as head at the committee to get the organisation under way was detcoted in two mancon test Denis Sheard was given the vice presidency by acclarna tion Thirteen directors were chosen lied Mursdeo Fred Reynolds Jerry Shepherd Ted Daliimorc George Young Will iam Gethons Ed Monhray Ray Webb William Brown Doris Baxter Audrey Trotter Alex Shakell and George Burton Mrs Preet was appointed secre tary The meeting adjourned fur the election following remarks by Reg Welham secretary manaeer of the Barrie Charm her He told of the manner in which the Barrie Board worked to make sure that all members had an opportunity to work through committees He pointed out many ways in which chamhccould help progress in the municipality Approximater on members have beenfsigned up and plaques obtained which mem hers can display in their places or business The membership fee of $10 should give the organ ization funds to make their work successful ASK CONFIRMATION The Inniinl School Board is asking the clerk of the township to table any correspondence be tween the Ontario Municipal Board and his officer which deals wirhrthe request or up proval of the $504000 debenture for which the local Board is waiting decision trom the OMB The School Board has been told that betore it can ask or tenders or construction ap proval or the Municipal Board must be obtained The Board will ask assistance from Art Evans MTP Simcoe Cenhe in expediting the procedure Delay in getting staricdwheu Council refused to consider approval of the funds made it necessary for the Board todraw up new plans CROSSWALKS Many motorists will have not icedfreshly painted cross road 11 between Dalston and Rugby and on to Orlilia Some till was put in rough spots between Dalston and Midhurst where grading work is to be done later Vespra township road links with county road 11 east and west um south of 400 highway ol olli highway At tinl former the lines have been moved so that children will now cross at the that of the township 10 sideroad instead of through the lane at private property Lines are to be painted on County road 21 8th line oppositcthu Alcona School and St Johns Rood PATROL ALLOWANCES The cost or sending to safety patrol members to the jam boree in Ottawa will total 160 instead of the previous es mate Hall or this will be paid by theSchool Board and hail tor sales will help to detray individ ual costs and these are being offered for sale by pupils DEFICIT Councillor Grose who became member oi Innislil Council this year is still askinghow the over 351000 debit came about for the past year So far no one seems to have made any satis factory explanation This deticit which has to be made up out ol this years levy makes the job or councilespeciaily the new members more duricult espec ially as theywere paring ex penditures to keep the mill rate along the same level as the previous year The act funds to operate the municipal ity have to be borrowed at lcgh rate or interest while huge unpaid tax account of rec $335535 was Ieit at the end of the year is also adding to the cost of operations The plan proposed to council ing Ma We Lig Ii quarterly wasrforced to vote olthe ratepayers when the rceve and deputy recve objected to adopting the plan in counciL It would appear that the Muni cipal Board is now suggesting that such procedure should be adopted to get better tax pay ments SWIM Although the budget did not allow for any expenditure for long distance swim at the township picnicin July this event will be held under the chairmanship of Ray Webb He will supervise rules and en trants which will be hield October 15 and 16 The 1917 convention was held at Stayncr Mrs Donald IIarvio of RR gress made during the term as president Other area officers include Mrs Douglas Day ol NeWLowcll and Mrs Iluward Campbell ot Bay as vice presidents Mrs William Sibthorpc stltutc the host branch will be headed by Mrs Calvert with Mrs It Lane and Mrs Chalk vice presidents Mrs and Mrs Langley district director Mrs Vivian was chosen alternate district direc Delegates Chosen by the township Chocolate bur BY Pine Tree WI CREEMORE sun Mrs trict director of Pine Tree W0lt mens Institute and with the will head the brancbs delega tion to the district annual meet Mrs Abbey is secretary treasurer of the Pine Tree Wolt mens Institute with Mrs Chambers is alternate district director Branch directors include Mrs that Mrs Arnold Mrs Black burn is the pianist with Mrs been made life member in vices the branch sunnrirnn ImillÂ¥lllnm last year to have taxes due Pttlllttgllml innivr sirdistricts oi the county 0riilia willvreport on pro past Shanty of RR ebridgc as secretary trea Stayncr as public relations car oldwatcr senior Womens In smith secretarytreasurer while branch directors in Counor and Mrs anun Arnold has been chosen dis sident Mrs Rowbothhm at Dunedin on 14 Tuesday atharall assistant Mrs Boyce Mrs Wilson and htheart assistant lrs Warren Weatherall has ognition or oubtandlng ser Boawrni mimic Dlldlhlll Grond Reopeningv FRIDAY MAY New Vioro PROJECTION The Biggest and Brightest Picture in the Norihlantl The 1965 69 program will be discusscdat meeting at the home at Mrs Lane on Tuesday May 14 Convencrs ot standing com mitlccs who are expected to give reports include agricul turn and Canadian industries Mrs Joel Presser of Benin historical rcscarch and current events Mrs Frederick of Washagn citizenship and edu cation Mrs Sallows of an Orlllin home economics and health ltirs Ernest Ilodgson of Bit Bradturd curator Mrs Robert Kcli of Churchill ABAIIEMV JOSEPH LEVINE mm At Goldwater in Fall COLDWATEII Stall Cold water has been chosen for the annual two day area conven tion of Womens Institutes from Mrs George Bell ot Duntrion is in charge of resolutions while Mrs McCiung oi Wyebritlga and Mrs Gordon Ingleton at Elmvalo are auditors The Fed crated representative is Mrs Harry Ioyston of Minesing uvnorna wr Huronia Womens Institute at Goldwater which also will be as sisting ln arrangements is head cd by Mrs Alvin Golhraitbwith Mrs John Waterson secretary Vice presidents ore Mrs Rob ert Clark and Mrs Ernest Beach with Mrs Murray John son district director NOW PLAYING snows AT 72 PHONE 7283440 iweoo WINNER MlKENlCHOl LAW EN ETURMAN clude Mrs Epletl Mrs worried about his future BARRIE nunouia DRIVElN THEATRE DominionDay July with paradejsports andother events Bill Lamb is member ofat special committee empowered to explore the matter further walks at the Huronia and Pains titthrlp the peoples of both wick and Stroud schoolson ti North and South Vietnam The Turkish government previously sentmcdlcine to South Vietnam president of theWomansAsso CIBtIOH Coming Your Way FUN FOR THEUENTIRE FAMILY Americas Famous Sheba ACTING wonKSHoe onoucreoav LLOYD GABRIEL EIHALL owsN 517 Fnioavwicnrs MAY to 31 JUNE 71 I4 rrorrr= Ticketsavallahl heelsrnArioN FEE 51003 Jacksoits Grill rerrys Coverscompletecourse niagcimwr soano 815pm Finn Chrlslles Jon and Adm 3135 Chuttmlr 75° vim Motors le Eoflurlheriniormallon phone 7260774 or Entertainment DOORS OPEN AT 700 pm