Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1968, p. 4

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newly Published by candim mm mum won Publisher WEDN This is Mental Health Week during which efforts will he made to increase public awarenessof the problem of nn tal illness Perhaps the reatest hindrance of progress in the fight against mental lil ness has beenthe stigma and shame at tached to it and sufferers over the years The mentally ill have been shunned and put away Families have not liked toad suit that member was affected Neither society nor the community wished to ac linowledge let alone help the mentally ii The Canadian lliental liealth Associa tion now prominent in the campaign has concentrated its activities on the re moval of this stigma and in the ast few years there has been wider un erstand ing eympathy and acceptance of the mentally Ill There is still however much to be done before the task is com pleted Ne lectsof the mentally liI can only havet most serious and dama effect upon the wellbeing of the pa and its citizens Here is Barrie there is an excellent branch of the association and White Crosssocjal centre for people who have ion 16 Beyficld StrioLJIrril Ontulo McPhorId DAY MAY ll PAGK4 Ing William fitter General Manager artgin Editor or Meritoipninéss ppefciringg In Barrie suffered mentalIIIness The branch this year Is stressing volunteer services People are needed to take patients to and from hospitals but there areother ways to help too In hospitals and clinics volunteers can help in renreatlvevpro grants handicrafts canteens and taking aticnts for outings or work in White gross centres Val Brooker ubliclty chairman said volunteers can edge their time for one day aweek or even day every fort night This lda Is not to rope peoplein formed about mental illness and to as slst the afflicted Public involvement is most necessary in view of the facts Mental illness hits more Canadians annually than all other diseases combined and the cost runs to $600 million This is enough money to provide free university education for 5000 young Canadians Community and home care projects undertaken with the aid from CMHA have proven that the mentally ill can be cared for properly in home environ ment using outpatient and daycare systems DOWN MEMORY LANE Barrie Examiner May 1943 Fourth Victory Loan totals in Simcoe Westuntii for first week showed Beeton leading with 216 objective Barrie second with 119 and nearing $100000 mark Stewart Page reported fall wheat mnch betterthan expected Pilot Officer Charles McDonald of Barrie reporled interned in Sweden with sot members of Lancaster bomber crew Air craft crashed insea off Skaane after raid on Germany It was reported missing several weeks ago Flag dedication at Post Office Square opened Victory Loan Taking part in ceremonywere Mayor DonaldlllacLaren Rev Ernest Lewis Duncan McCuaigu MP and James chairman Ice left hay April 25 ll days later than last year No medical board at Barrie Armoury account dearth of recruits Able Sea man James Bernard Devlin home on months leave after long service on RCN Annual tag day corvette in Atlantic for Blind sponsored by Lions Ladies Auxiliary with Mrs Otto Rawson chair man Team captains were llfrsMercer Hamilton Joyce Flynn Jane Shnfison Mrst Ross Smith Mrs George week in Barrie were Henry Dawson OTHER EDITORS VIEWS IRONY OF NATURE Boston RecordAmerican When policein Alberta stopped they had been pant an award for exceptionally good driving it turned out that the woman behindthe wheel test Car Alasone of the ironies of human nature is thatpeople are never so care ful as when doing something thcyknow theyshiiuldnt Even noisy recklessllt tle kids become quiet an raiding coo eljar PURITAN PARTY Winnipeg Free Press There willyno doubt beigeneraljmur hrs of approval at the nelvs that here vasznoswearing at the annualimonve tion of the Manitoba Social Crgdit fue heldrecently in Winnipeg Awomanhirod to toihe convention told SocialCredit of ficial it was unusual tospendthat ttime among such large body of withouthisaiing cuss word lhe other parties might looklto their tlaurels The Social Credit Party has at least fever discovers some policies that make sehse the Liberalslories andNDijill gbe deeptrouhle iet Th1 Thai interviewed sombre ah utthe uture afraid she says four or five years and then tn vill comeback again They us and want to tak by make peace Seeingthat th skept is thelreal problem Hamilton of Barrie unit this week on ook New recruits attested by 2nd Batta hon Grey and Simcoe Foresters this observing to glveitsoccu had no licence and cautious when registerl delegates ch rates provedits semantic purity If it Sydney Money Morrow Riddell James Lernmon Edmund John Potts Reginald Ayrcs William Fred Thomas Norris Cormier James Watson John Lovatt Birch and Donald William lic Kenzie Harry Convin Nixon of Brant tord elected Leader Ontario Liberal Party Wing Commander Garl ingKelly became Commanding Officer Not Flying Training School RCAF Camp Borden In several Barrie ad dresses Rcv Stanton Lautenschlager told of Chinas heroic struggle in vlast six years and place she is destined to haveln ostwar world Otto Willis Lee RC recuperating in Halifax hospital The Barrie boy survived sink ingcorvette HMCS Veytiurn in Medi terranean Keith Marshall clerk board of works welfare officer and plumbing inspector for Barrie granted cave of absence to go on active service with Army Pte Molly Rogers CWAC daughter of Mr and Mrs William Rog ers Little Lake Barrie is one of attrac tivedancing and singing chorus girls of The Army Show which is touring Can adian bases before going overseas Lifein Wartime Engiand was topic of informal address to Lady Lionshy Mrs DrakevBrockman of Barrie whose husband is with Armoured Corps instructor at Camp Borden of on the Doc ing of gucs prominently and his approach to the federalism and Frenc alism that brought seven Cabinet colic independents iEFlASE ARTIFICIAL BORDERS Montreal Gazette If the new free states of Africa are to break up into tribal units what is to be come of them They will have to group themselves into economicunlts even if theyremaln politically separate Political regrouping could follow among neighl rs who can get along with each other Biafras struggle and Tanzanias ges ture may signal the beginning for the whole continent of the job of erasing those artificial borders laid downrby the colonial powersand finding realones ENCOURAGE TRAVEL Hamilton Spectator jiplrbliclyowned Air Canada areencouij zaging young people to travel by lowering drasticall Halfprice economy class rates for exam le are now in ef feCtinCanada for Boys and girls he tyveendhe ages of 12 and 21 While the agelimit would be better if it included young people up to the uni versitygraduation level of 25 the plan otherwise absolutely first class CANADIAN PRISONS Peter rough Examiner in rapidly becoming national How can we claim to have the highest standard of living when our penal system according ant nited Nations survey mung the nationsof the world ingterms of ade quate facilities How ca we con to believe in the present system or cent of thosevrelease ill Ily be returned to prison OPTIMISTS IN BRITAIN Christian Science Monitor Erltains pig hotel chains are hltilhgoi worldwide surge orpdevelopmen New projects are planned in Western Europe Bermuda the west Indies the states Canada the Pacific and Austr lia In spite of thethreat or ire convinced that tourism Alofduegfor resounding boom assoon as dumbo lets andsupersonics start yegularlandlngs simre airlines including this countrys nson statistics are in he world ranks 43rd the but to help them to become more inv inoonoVrHi worn UK 13 Ectcinggfetribution Big Racial Questions Ily PHILIP DEANE Foregiirtlalrs Anol Vhen retribution sirik yoii can avoid it should you try to avoid it This is the moral issue in Britains racial crisis and in Americas the two cases dilter only in one respect here is no way for America to or miticale retribution still could reduce retribution The retributionif one chooses to talk in such terms is for what the white race has done to the negrocs during several centuries ForAh vcnencc of whitdsfhlacks enslaved or colonized The price or retributionfor enslaving them was to have them evenlw ally as neighbours The price for delaying their indetiondc when ihey were colon give lhem som taill immigration red partly THE LIGHT roncn gratinn as 11 because many British stalcsa mcnhnve always been racially enlightenedh but parilyjlsn lo maintain the structure of com mercial preferences for Britain in heriurmcr colonies Now the bills have come up for collection Coloured immi grants are flooding into Brlloin Opinion polls show that ma jorily nf Britisi whilfls remain racially moderate but more searching polls show that people one would call poor whitesEV in the US the unskilled manual working classoppescs coloured immigration almost unnni mouslyninety percent Is one figure the polls give hi RITTFR bitter utmos rugeleln Bril In the lofts and believe they are hated in return They see coloured imrniv ploy by the bosses to keep wages dEIHESSEd Such attitudes on the parrot Things Columnist aFinds In His By not borne NEW YORK MWThings columnist might never know if he didnt open his mail Husbands have been telling their wives for years now that money doesnt grow on trees However gold does Gold has been found in min ute quantities in willow fir mwazmira Ellie fliarriciixainiiur 16 Hayfield Street Barrie onlarioi Authorized as second class matter Post OfficcDcpait ment Ottawa and lorpay ment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted le copies 10c Barrie 75510 yearly 200 year moior thiowoff 515 year Mail out side Ontario sli year Out ide Canada Eritish posses United Press or Renter local therein times night Mail chi and aspen trees the Nation at Gcographic points out But woodsnian spare those ra nc There isnt enough precious metal in themto make itworth while to cut down the trees Swiss young men have an odd courtship technique If Ind is too shy to speak to the girl at his choice ho slips love note into flowg rpol and leaves it on her window sill If his Swiss miss takes in the flowerpot accepted she leaves it on the sill thelovesick lad is symbolically left outin the cold too iow soundly do you sleep Most peopleltwist or shift body position mm 35 to so is with musicif you know what the ianéufangn is It is four tive in the Tonga Islands the Pacific It has become so rare that onlyvabout scoreof the islanders can still make fangufangn and play it If you sneeze while iishtrays than men Whatll scienmturn up with next lnrlh remembering All you have hide to get the world to hellta path to your nor is decide you Want to takea ap you see fall and can say money rneney money ore it vanishes oujllget Crushed bedhugs with Jsalt and milk ric will help cure sore eyes The bigger your sonsifeet are the smarter hell be when grows up um die bslnrihe which three prlma minbl err Ihrge her the senior Yo golfroet Opposition bench untrue iociioiso It was the Nthind day of the Muslim on aliasrural no roug niepthui It wasblatant as first mesh Clnid have Ill simultaneoust chainhe minister of the as enber for PrincslAlbeit on John George Dlafgnba exprlnic minis ter in the Commons And on the tiont government bcflchrb€5d the cabinet scale lint the mom for Home East IlL Hon Lester Bowles Penman Nearly all our part prlmc nilnlsters have sat inilhe House of Commons hrlelly aflerienv ingr lhnl office This departure from high plnces has generally been caused by electoral defeat of their government but on rare in Britains poo whites have been revealed more clearly than be lore by the present crlslst For instance it is demonerahle that the dockers and meat market porters who have been supposed to be communists for years cannot be called communist in any ideological sense They are agrcst the sysem without nec essariiy knowing what precisely they mean by the system in sense they are revolution arv bu nosecm to mind what sort of revolutionary doctrine they support so long as it overturns the lofts Thus we have the spectacle of anti linmigrntlon protesters in Brit ain who call themselves either fascist or communist and are firmly united This is the typeol person of course who most afraid of losing hfs job to coloured men of having coloured sona inalaw The lower one ison the social scale the more frighlen ing unemployment or Interra cal mvrriaga looks not1r the harder it is for anilghlenedpo lltlcleos to tell poor white that he should not be afraid if these fears cannot be dissipated certainly not In one generationls itsenslhle to ex aeerbute them by not opposing coloured Immigration The choice is between the immoral ity of barring coloured immi gration and the lmmorallty of accepting probable dlsniptiva reaction to such immigration IBIBLE THOUGHT and they min calf iii those days and offered sacrifice unto the idol end reiuieed In the works of their own hundeActs 751 This is also the age of rejoic ing in our own workwhile over looking the handiwork of God It is reckless people who gets so absorbed in what they ave made at the enpense ofIJgnor lng their Maker IT imposition VTWHEN DIE occasions the reason barb whichhe arles hip Sir lWiifrid Lnuricr from l9Illi31 ll hiir llcighen from 1921 Mackenzla King in ma briefly and again from 193035 113 Hennctt In 193538 Lo SL Laurent In 191758 and John Dlefenbaker from 1983 to dale Sir Robert Borden eat as an orilinory defeated In WED so did Mackenzie King In Miltis And on St Georges Buy this year Lester Pearson briefly did the some becoming our Ilth ev prime minisler to sit as an or nary MP of our other prime ministers John Thomnon died in of lice in 11m and Sir John Abbott CANADAS STORY on MP alter resigning un be he and also rhea they on pdnistlr so did not the Rogue of Commons pd ago Winn ilail II to defeat 81 hillId ohnA Arthur Melitta and no onpnr 1v words of appifiiallcplfor Until hny commenton olhe subjects would he lmproperln addition via his announeunenl that the arliomeiit had been dissolved by proclamation of tho Gover ncrvGe So Pearson never received be publl ibulea which were his due Sevrrol 11173 were quick to pointout afterwards thhtureiuc lant lhflltgh the new prime min lsicr was to lure tributes to the old he nevertheless did not con sidel it mproper tovrellr lo inc sages of congratulation rccclvcddnfact those MP5 polnlcd out that that days curminute sitting of flame of Cnmmnns iLsclflw improper since the Shell Sent Canada but aficady been af fixed lo the proclamation dis solving Parliament and there lore thcre were no members at Pnrliament at lhin time Thus lt was improper ifoy some ordinary citizenséol hell they were forrner lipslo gather in the Commons chum and conduct eharadc asilf they wereMP5 iihe lust occasion when Pap inmontwna slmilarl allied dinnga sitting was fit Ex perienced hands wcr at nth hcim then and the dissolqu proclamation was drafted th cure so that Parllonientswlll be dissolved at the tcrmlnution of this days sitting Ride To ceier Little Knonm non BOWMAN On April the story was told of James Mowats hnrsebnck ride from Edmonton to Calgary hi 1335 It was necessary to get military help because Edmon ton wns in danger otvbeing nt tnckcd by the Indians Fortunately General LSiranze had arrived in Calgary with the 5th Mount Royal Rifles und they marched to Edmonton as quickly as possilJIE arrivlnn there on May James Iliuwnls ride is Iittleknown epl in Ca nadian lustory and so is the march of the Mount Royal Ri fles They had to get their equipment across rivers swollen by spring floods and through great deal of rough country When Generalsnanga and his troops matched inlothe tiny community as Edmonton was in those days they were aston ished to he greeted by sainle ofconnnnsl They turned out to be two ancient brass cannons that had been cast in 1857 did bore the crest of King as 111 There was no nmmn an for them but it was hoped that the noise of gunpowder exploit lng might scare the Indians WiuTe deat was away Ed monton was defended by yol uateer force of fill men who maintained day and night Epic montonknew that the greatest dungcrrmlght be from flaming arrows that the Indians would shoot inlo huiidincs lo setitbem on fire When the pcoplozhad beenlforced out of the burnin buildings then the Indians wouldnltnckt Tho Edmonton Volunteer Ina fantiry hoped to oounteract this slratcgyhy acting nsa fire dc pnrtmept They brought aporla hlcstoam engine into the fort and mo it to pump alcn ltiroueh long hose Fortunately the Indiansrdid not attack and returnedato forming when James Mowat brought back word that troops were coming trorn Calgary HGeneraI Strange hndm eat praise for the workot tho yol uutecr Infantry when he arrive in Edmonton The two cannons are on display ay near the south wing of the Far liament Budding gt OTHER MAY EVENTS issHleur do lifesy spp pointedgovernor of Conadh millLe Fibre do In Ila re placed Frontenac us governori i775QuebecAct name into force JazzGeneral Hospital opened at Montreal to accommodpleuio vigtl for month Their wenp ups for the most part were muzzleloailing rifles that bud heeii used in India in 1857 It was necessary to make animnv nltion for them inytho shape of small metal balls However the defenders of Ed cunnin TRAVELLING unmoan loom REINDEER can MUM UNIQUE CLIGKING SOUND in cause Wliflii MATTER colt will fly154 remitWM performing on the faogutani go you blow the whole con surnames nonunion cum mrtiverfirilseaezi= 3U75aim7 BoatAW moot64 ow use sewnm diam so verminanon géiiiitiffiir at Weston Upper Canada 1ll76St Catharines linco rated as aicity came pri i9 mesonus satezyPNs site murkyWm 14017 an 74 smote

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