Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1968, p. 2

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lhich in club could mm Carnival and aa ushers or just going tilrainr devolvunenl hy sin data in oommnnlty activities In lotmud yesterday by Aid Wen at Central Cob twlte Mdtuaiax the Idlool Kt milk Mr Madmen ouliued ways in lurthcr the work or the Barrie Kiwanis Club and also participate in many community proleclsin eluding th RedV fiofifliood Clinic Mr Machren told the club that tremendous amnuatvol lax nioney is spcnt on weilare payments mythose Who cannot get employment due to lick of education fliou have the opportunity to get that ability and knowledge right here and now said the alderman Were not asking you tabs brain trust but without aVlittla time spent with the books that outsideworld can get pre Outlining some at the ways the Key Club could Mlle thoch musity the Alderman mentioned the YMYWCA tha Red Cross blood dmor clinic and thcra cent cleanup campaign He men can NEW nxscurMztu th key club at Central Col legiatc heio welcomes Aid tinned his wile who along with him has been active in Red Oran work in harrie or many yearn Mr Macbaren lauded the 0x lam movement and especially those who are walking in Elm role on Saturday to raise lunds Im not walking niyseiihe said but lm sponsoring my minister Hes younger ann than and think hell walk lartller He also suggested that the club buy wheelchair tor the Red Cross loan cupboardttoko part in the regatta and Whiter help in the church the choir working hyslnglng in it costs the city $8000 year to sweep the streets he said so you can help by not losing those candywrappers ai roundjdth such abandon The alderman also passed on an idea from Mayor BentleyWhy not mayor or day movement he said thda the school into wards and conduct an election tor mayor and alderman lorja day Its great way to nchlcvbcivic wareness artisanins canrsrams The mineral mica is source at the artiiictal snow that bright ens Christmas decorations Turning an all irrimo house into While Crass Ccnlrc hallway house iorpcoplo who have sulicrcd mcniztl Vand amo tionaiprohlems hasaeen director lirs Dorothy Moores project or the past year Wielding point brushshe and volunteer Mrs John wii son were pulling the finishing touches to well they were painting yesterday in prepara tion or their open house on May The centre which hasbeen ior almost year St Giles church and ed loassist people by providing opportunities for iriendhr companionship partici pation in social activities and cralt program Approximatelyflo people at tend the centre which is spou sorcd by Barrie branch or the Martial llcalth association They meet on Mondaynights or planned programnhich olicrs speakers Wiener roasts craft sessions and potluck suppers Some play records cards or just sit and read Members at the Centre who are referred by doctor orsocinl worker are Vol Alberta has been awarded MacLarrn tandem yesterday From all to right secretary Jelt Davies Vicar president Rickiliurges pre dint fileva Delaney one day week Olher rol unlccrs working on part time basis also do chores round the centre lit the moment the White Cross planninga Woodwork ing shop toniaire childrenjs toys lhcn mennho at the moinent do not go to the corn tre will be encouraged in parti cipate in activities offered Tools and wood have been don ated by volunteer workers Regular volunteers are need ed for the summer and assis tance lsalso required at the Monday evening stasions The house has low card tables chairs books record player stove and work benches but it still lacks household utensils and refrigerator in the past year most of the luminous and present utensils have been dona nied Coming activities include landscaping night on May 21 when Bob Lemon will help and advise the centre ia the plant ing at shrubs and flowers at the trout ot the property pot luck supper on June 10 swim and winner roast at llasaga Beach on June 24 and good encouraged to join other organ izntions alter they have visited tho centre Joining group act ivity is stressed Volunteer Mrs Joan Wilson described the contra as fibril way house other re gular volunteers working with patients an lion day Wednesday and lriday are Adalndo llnbcru Miss Joan Robertson Mrs Rclcn Mc Voigh Mrs Peggy Osinnd lllrs lllorie Merriam and Mrs Ruth Ferguson the women mostly housoa wives and business women work CDUPLE WIN GRANTS EDMONTON bus bandandwito team from tho leaching stalt ot the University naeyear research grants in England Dr Walter Cattle will do research on thermal regula tion in sheep while bia wile lllnrvn will study neltc fibre endings in the central nervous system Both will Work at the Institute at Animal Psychology Bnbraham Cambridge ts was noncommit inesdoy when asked by Liberal Leader Robert Nixon to inter was personally in strike against MasseyFerguson Ll LENnAlid pastpresiden Th ml Exam nor Plioto WRONTO VtCll Prim it Mr Robarts told the legislal ture the government shared with the Opposition leader concern oi this whole matter but think we must realize that in this particular situation you have two pretty sophisticat ed groups lhnt are indulging in collective bargaining They know precisely what assistance can be oliered them by the government andneilht side has asked us to intervene he said Mr Nixon asked it the an mier would intervene personally should there Vbe VV breakdoan ol negotiations This has happened before Mr Rnharts said but as aw it is matter of Very delicate timing in situation such as the present nne complete unrumturwmn PATERSON NltAP Rep Charles iooison tDe NJ said he was hit mys tied when constituent asked for help to have his wife dis charged tram the army he found the wile in question was lieutenaiit in the Army lltirsa Corpsand she is expecting he tirst child VSince pregnant lie tenants are uncommon in tin army do not anticipate any grooutiagtallr by Marion E1 liott on May Most oi the persons who come to the centre are in their twen ties and uamarricd so pro grams are direclcd to match their intcmstsizihe aga group ranges lrom 2a to so years or it could he yearround residence one representativc aid he had 5000 cottages in his munic schoolhoards ind nother from the suburban ro ds cornmis sion Healso asked it an up peat couldVbe made to the municipal ti Vdepaitmunt Legislature Are lTerIriéd highest amount be paidlin the city by land Thépayment is to be imade directly by the landlord rent over one made Last night at the Oriiiia on cm lipase Municipal Affairs linistér year can he the average adih will amount to 565 for the otnendeatiai proper atario ltlwiil pay first 15 per cent of the gtlon of rent Representatives from Barrie lnciuded Waiter Gigg city Smanaguri aDoug Jagges city treasurer and Roberts tchairman of city councils fin innce committee MrZJagges asked ila mun iicipahtyvivould receive re lunarrlnftha printing or tax Mitfqu if they were sent storesideats before the tax bill was passed in the logic farm now are mg but the bill was econd reading yestér Mr MeKeough 53 ish VWVanis Anglican Council ed Mr hicKeough why TORONTO or in law Jdil Bishop of lluroo says the is independent churches of the Anglican cnm munion should form world Vcounmg tag in Canadian Churchr fman national publication at the tnlnglican Church of Canada the London lsltop says the be sponsored by can Congress which is to meebj 1973 Rishgpzliuxton calls onthe 500 Mnglican bishops who will meet gduringj the summer in London Englan lor the thin Lamblon tConlercnec to take preliminary tstaps id mpko thenext congress more rpptfefieutalive ThV blnn Conterencei gt Anglican bishops IEVCIY 10 yearsVat the invitation oi the 1llrchbishopr oi Canter is wear out an cxplalncd that it wa if the equa mng factor wasnt ceepiahle lo councii Mr hicKcough sa here would have to be some method thevienant or reduction of of apps avai biet munic ipalities The taxcredit system has the ma elleet as the shel ter exemption lhathh Smith committee in taxation envia toned ctpyments toail rs IllsMoI$eougn MST Vyste municipal gropetty tax records turnover olgoecupants vould mean an annual boriodunrcnumerV atom and un pality collects houid also reduce McKcough warned that landlords whodont pay full truer their tenants will tenant must do information in polieerststion or before Crow ipality and llditlerent asseas munt rates and complained that with limited stall it would mEana lot of extra work ior him and his councillors Another representative said that home oumers were not meeting their tax payments until alter they received their tax credit and now his munic ipality did not have working lunds hchuoug said that the collect taxes practical rbnsis Councils shoiildnt eullect taxes just so the can ba money no gath it he the end of thryeor Forgoodnesss sakes we dont ever have each left to invest for profit tell them the pay taxes nuwar our years protects you be ad sound counties and Skillet Mri ltcheauglr said theywould be creditqlwithi reductions their pmpertytaxes he also on ii question per tax instalment and that they were being printed now Gottagas raised bevy at inimtliu audience Vol allV Mr McKeough no ttage and eithnrpa ummcr home ontwot months girlhood order when he tried to question Eastl said establishment rot VTORONTO OP lhe com mittee systemic the Ontario legislature was criti ed Tues day as inadequate Leader Robert Nixonalter some questions concerning new School Board Act were ruled out oi order in education com mittea discussion Mr Nixon has ruled out at education department oliiciais on reasoarlor the choice at what he called inflexible boundaries on new enlarged school divisions The committee chairman Bert Lawrence PCCarleton boundaries was in principle ol the bill and had been debated on second reading lathe legisla ture mature it was nntopen or discussion at rcnmmittce stage Tim Reid Hearborough East who acts with Nixon as education or tor party said later that inabilitytoraise matters at principle in com tee causes extended questioning in house debates andslows the work of the legislature Everyduy LowPr not roan Mirrori rORrHEBARBECUE FraiiiP Farm yla Cliops yk and Boot Sausage Bologna w1ole or half 48 nz tin Tomato Smokal Juieo Vlnlce ol abused in their nbi ity to hear all public delegations Mr Reid said He added that Education Minister William Davis prelch to rc4 ccive them privately where they can beifiubjceted tolhe is persuasive lies Ir Both oral and NalvDamo cratj party members of the com tteeearlierhadEx pressed general support lor the which in southern Ontario county lilies and eats he uni bcr of public eiemeolary and secondary school boards to about 129 from 964 Dr nfiucCaruiy deputy minister at education sni the new school divisions lormcd in an attempt to cam binc an area havinga allyde veloped education system with one that did not in the ho the poorer would be upgrade deiter Pitman NDEJe borough suggestcd the pus bfll ty Vniex ing services being withdrawn an attempt to the costs oi equalizing Ved opportuni VesV hi display oi their erails is now at the Barrie Public iib rary highest level withina school di vision The deputy minister told Mr Pilmanlwbo is president of the Ontario Educational Associa tion that the department is withholding approval an ap pointments of school board oili cials until thenewareaVlinaids are in operationGuldellneslor the selection of Vnawroliieials also are beingrecomni dad to all school boards llo told tcrioo North th will become respo sets and iiabilltie the smaller boards although there will be adjustmean for existing school debentutjar that cross county boundarie run Ara chairman difficulty in having granted the congressman said rooos More FAST Tanaour shavicn om but ill midnight FridayVand Saturdayltll the request 728091 MOSTYNSsoliditill Dunlap Air azaiioi

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