Pearson Retirement Not Get EnoughflNoticéf Anevant took placehst Saturda whichshould have received more ntt tion Thiswns the official ending of Lester Bi Pearsons career 01 Canada which in accelerated changeover10 the new leader became rubject to the vagaries of immediate political considerations and talk of an election This downgrading of the retirementot one oi Cana as most distinguished pub lic servants was somehow typigloi one element of the Pearson career his self efiacement in the faceot history This characteristic was also evident television appearance Sunday on the America network publicaita1rs show Face the Nation Although Mr Pearson was introduced as the former prime min ister of Canada he was addressed prime minister because of the trick play ed on him by earlier taping and the ac celeration of his plans Thesignificance of this appearance seemedheightened lprthesfact that was in sense his 1r anee since his retirement phssis on Mrs Pearson th world statesman His performance with its continuing concern for the problem endangering 45 YEARS AGON TOWN Barrie ExaminerhApril 24 rie Coniniunity Assc heard vprcpbsiï¬ vfrom Cap dfof Qriiim who wo like subsidy to bring steamer Gets hereand reestablis summer ex genrsion srvice on LakeSmicoe to such pular resorts as BigBay Point and acksons Point Brewster local Bell manager stressed value of arose courtesy Vin address wanis presided at opium ton White named physio wasin orm wi OliverCameron ins EndtMan as rime minister 3Ldirebtor tor 1L word Most were in other Word ponder the possibility that Mr ght Pearson ads but the world at large in somerolm where his skiliand put to even greater us Hisrecordasp pear in history to more constructive the top level is impossible th certainty how rate domesn leaderrllis record includes too many st us ch perms tly cottage menï¬omn MEM hich lea roles was taken by Ali Creswicke Rand Richardsonï¬uida Burton Mabel GillFlotence Arnold dom WalterCooperpGordo Reev Richard Gmett purchased old inson propertyat corner Elizabeth andgMapleAve with exéegtio co xr whereCharles Robinson of troudplans it lens to erect Hayï¬eld St several years St MethodistBaracas Brereton Twph bson player cert um ates and it say him mutter Pb Woefa arm of II lent 0000 116000 men to division The United Nation would be now been We im can Jitmï¬ime oigwritiuaiexm lotion which will estebllshfl newmunicipal standingint in mu wa leton Bounty area Britain mum ma race in dedsion that may not at Europer irlendshi Que lions an illich to belated in dl developmg launcher might mat Lillan Zulu mm tend te its Butaeosts mounted end prodi domino Gle Siessor Laurence Reev Authbnzed as Mike pent Otto yet or second class 0M gt Wk lion to be prepared next time format And certainly number Will rendyhy mo the 3r reiltions with the abutment n1 near to he somewhntequivouL nah Mum into this grayish aim here would still be able to 591 11010111 can at Emu the British government no has that it he been all lthnt an will no longer port the in launnlier program though it 51 will contribute to joint space research The expert memedi predicted that without Eriteln to monopoly in spa which future com deasting Ind com bemainiy 5031 mag Adv Wmr us mege no Yours truly AHAN INGRAM hiinail lolnt in than ironiin mm nlcipel triers In the announcement Mr in sect our ca or basic study by aptomher public hearings in Novelnb and final conclusions torearly in the New Year with legisla yeari sessio Ilhereir prospect that groundwork willJuye b€en completedin other areas In elm We ihouid Vin arriving The move 81 government 953 when Framer Frost returned from the Coronation much impreisioned with the taller iuiit structure in England One interesting developm will be ntvtheLakeheod The themnovelty in Erie Hordysproposelrinhls report on thknrea is the size ot the geographic unit herecom mend BARRI HRONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE the us in week din role to or thelhiflmt un bhm1nfheMh mothemselfledfmte collision