you can just taste the extra than it in too eargum prop eey other we can It nitnthwrtlnl industry and it we cannot the public of Nova Scolla cannot lorever my part The deepest crisis ever to hit the wdney miu began unexpect edly at 1585 pm last Oct it when Dominion Steel and Coal Corn nnounced it would aban don the plant with the shulV down to start this April 50 The Sydney sleel Carol was es tablished by special session oi the legislature alter sixlweelts berglllllnHetween the gov ernment and Doseo which carn tended the mill was losing mone nnd could not bemede economic Jalnme rltnw ammam aplne ongest suspena bridge has been openedto link Omichi with Mukaishime la llnd in the Tuland Sea The Wootbrldsenoetfl 000 vrrvnrnviweWrrï¬ta mmw MKMhQwFA unnev Chnrch Il shamanism Ind MDJJMRPMdSt gitwumdcnrchunthe nnxfllary bishop at Montreal in October of mllustone day alter this 50th hlrthdnyde Iath him Is Adevotee oi pawn sport They speak of the arcth ope earnest and sincere uran ner and the warmth he lull to human reintlanshlpl Postpone Tour Of Maritimes OTTAWA CP The Con mom transport committee has postponed indeilnitely its Maritime tour committee chairman Joe Mamluso Hamil ton west annwnoedvtoday aecam of the situation now onParilarnent Hill the commit tee tell it would be In inoppor tune time to leave here Mr Mnealuso Iald The committee wal scheduled to begin its tour Thursdaan wludrm appointment wu en indicatio ofPope Peuledeeire for eoatin unnee or the mold no men Lost Diamonds Did Not Exist momentaWQAH ca lleuterr Policeline been called at semi ior WM worth of diamonds orig inally believed loethm Sator day in the crashot eSouth Alri can Alrwnyr Boeing crash in pencils died Within him said Monday initial repute that the Jet wee carryingtlhe em to tendon were wrong There were nondiflmnntk on board they re Only six peroone alrvlved the cm Xtlverbediyinered ourweteeaidtoheoutot immedl ate danger but the filth was in scrim condition vw omvï¬nssanmo II 9m 99 murder rate lnvthe Austrian pita dotbled in 1967 our 1966 Cl thdtheumurdera eolv gains allo butfalready This was passed against an Prime Minister Trudeau joke3 with pholortapherl to he is photographed or ï¬rst ï¬rst hme blew down while part otthenot war be ing placed when it was re erected andrumor hadit that the totallcostatr around Si 000 Peter Yonderxooy at Bell Ewart was awarded the uan tract of demolition iolio ae ceptnnce of his bid of $525 Council received tition gwre yards EEHEWEH are reaolutlon had been passed that nitsuch yafds would be authorized in the area eovered as residential hythe planning and zoning by law now und the wishes of Deputy heave Todd who votedin iavor the con slderatlon otan suchm usines will have atriptothe mho ee at Ottawa boar oi the towns hers ttherpatxol With chheoldhhars you are Lflï¬t year anothedgrtiup put out Clark Ricth Groh jeccomv toonlerence to beheidln Tor will use part of solo and rega Mostly easyc acetate iabyics in hooseiromi inï¬rm on canvarsed moltestuétho here are being sold by thegachool childrenth Iheirseh patrol bars at aboutwthe some time endmisied some buyers Two highere tor dollar andthnt to help thepatroi members ho do such good job during the schoolyear with the ex penses of this trip CONFERENCE pairied bylthe new Planning Board euelary will attendhrs onto May 16to discuss the Smith reportihi may bring many of the good points of this Rohert Phillipa Mil build eomhinedresidentlal and um merglai huiiding on jthecorner of Lot Concession which he eluding many antiques and pro bahly will be interested in oh tainlngklnore or repairing that old clock which has been stun goingon past midnighthe has rnails will permit George Bur ire anck arm pirnmint Buildings at one He had itut eorne toms meeting at the prime min ter in the Cool his cabinet it Wirephotot set up on the near Alcona Goll courseit will op crate by Alex Kalykland wfllbe eommerelal venture to help nnth olien trial shots BAH BOARD Folioth the renmhn oi MrsVera Bowynah irom tlie Strutld Hall Board Al tin wlilvtake her place The hudget set lor the town ship hpnquet torv theinemploy ées has been set It motor this yo nnistii councilsolar lee torthd previous month to lalied it08393whinh tif all were equal would amount to ap proxlmately $11675 per man her for to meetings of home some ge ierent allowances than others attend more committee meetings Ramonacouncr our contactWho has covered the councilmeetings during our winter inthe south has prov ad most reliable in getting the informationtousas fast as the tonvflunteeredJo do the loh for us and has reallybeenvery thorough While he touid not take the time to attend all spec iai meetings and sometimes did not stay to listen to discussions best tolreep us iipto date on What has transpired His last lreportgreachedua ten Vroute homeward and we are pausing to senrisome of it in during our stn ver IN THE SOUTH Through Florida and the Carolinas we have driven throughthe dogwood country with when dotting the hill sides and pink and white ones blooming in he towns Wisteria hangs like lilac watertail me am macaw MOSCOW Reuteral Slxty copies of the London newspaber The Times went on sale to