Ea as 5st ese tea at éelr Ear 33 ii 235 iéeiii is EEER =a5ité Es igs FREE gs Es He mmied Laure Kettle ol Petrolla and they hall live dril dren Mrs Reginald Red Homer and Mrl Pollock both at Toronto son Robert Norman deceased son William Gr Norman ot rm ion daughter Mn Vanddbeel ot Rouse Point New York Mrs Nomm predeceased Mr Norman in 1040 and he war married to Mrs Lola Keitha Batten nee Whitney or Prince Edward County While in Barrie MrNonn also served as chairman oi the Public Library Board and presi dent of the Royal Victoria Hos pital Board lie helped orxanlae Borries ï¬rst horse show to rsas Alter retirement to Iran ton he served as chairman at Prince Edward District Colleg late Board during total 01 to years on it He was the son at pioneer stock who served each community in attic they lrved with diligence and ability ms lather the late ll Norman was member at the Ontario NYThnesi Sees Election AsTest NEW YORK CF The New York Times says the general election Prime Minister Tru deau has called tor June 15 should provide eleamzut test between the forces of tradition alisrn and the forces of change in Canada it says in an editorial today thatflmdeau called the election because he believes his liber al party can win it It continues ltlrl Trudeau at won the Liberal leadership above all he eause even more than younger rivals he had come in short Umeto sym athedesiretor substantial ch ein Canada go rocketed tothe top as Lester Pearsons successor in large part because he was new to the Liberal party and emphatically am ï¬xture of the Ottawa gov erning establishment Robert Stanï¬eld leader of the Progressive Conservativa Opposition is certainly no more back but the image he projects is that at orthodox sale re spectable conservatism ilerhas made little impact in the House oi Commons 1000 Stitches PerSharlrititesV RIVIERA name no AP 10yearold boy whose hleeding body was snatched from the jaws three sharks was reported recuperating today lrom wounds that re quired an antimat 1000 stitches Hospital ofï¬cials listed Steven Samples fourth grader in fair condition The ho was slashed across the lower back the left arm and on both legs while swimming with hk father in the Atlantic surf Saturday He was rescued by Canar Vdiantourlst Thomas Douglas Fletcher of Toronto and two surfers wonus rasr One German ship can clean ï¬llet and freeze 200000 pounds of ï¬sh day net nttteaccideh oowrred demo tophetmdawn llraeday cbolalnmlno Fflxfld the pilot mm was ramming instrument ma landineand up in radto mm em with the airport lSAFETY UltlHE ROAD 100 01ml 0000mm WER AWN MUWEH Roinuns lt¢10t0000nr rowan MOWER Low initial cost low operation eort and ra of dependability are built into this udget priced mower hp Power Pm ducts cycle gasoline engine rigid steel deck with sidediacharga chute wheels wiih oil impregnated polyethylene hearings ï¬position height adjustment W510 wun pecan ROYALINEDELUXE 18 RplAttY operate quiet sat and dependable Powcred hyllr hpCGE motor pushhutton start switch on handle Heavy gauge steel deck withside dis charge chute swingover handle Wheals with widetraak tr Elegch mower Sun in Wannabevaliant Reliable angel ratton an 1i maximums vars the performanceneeded tor the tough obs 4aycleerlglne design means nomixr tot gas more power at lower speeds Eqmpped UNlROYAL REVO VING CREDIT PLAN AVAILA LEV Payments can be arranged to suit your budget Atitll9i5a more www mm on Top Mean Model Macaw Antique Rapper Repealing Price 325995 sperm our rates Mallet so name my Model 300mm Regl Sellinj Priceml seem sandman Moltat so monalannrrnet Model WWAB Reg selling Price $51995 SPEth SALE PRlCE MOFFAT 15 LB AUTOMATIC DRYER Special sn Prié timeout mums will Kass spinal sai was meme no Wotan Wunng ampenemas