and threedaymilow Yolkclw tor wlnnlng notions competition usnoneond by Me rmltomornoihlmwun re on ew anodes ot entrieemttm strobe Mill uhtHLeonldbeutlllud ore sen stunner sale now being mnuflotureggm use no ould hes candl dste in the paer leadership contest toruswhie lennlng end the meditation on on manyaspecu us an think Mr Trudeeu will cause all sort sshlon lads French lece seems in hppropn ate MRI To me he reflects all the quehtlee otthatoiiegantipe riod at the end ol theeilhteenth centth who root WILLIAM iRITESn Weddmg vowewera es émï¬lléilï¬ loklnlolll Ettuoa Swsnsb1lrgson of Mr conducted ale gunk ï¬ns 15 colony in ape amounted Fort wuue flhecouple willlrllelle ll 196946sxsleTIvs 0FLADIESSECTION BARBIE cunllua CLUB The Ladies Section oi the literrie curllnz Club held their lennuel business meetlnsthis week end elected new slate oi officer to serve the me 69 some tive season The new executive consists of the lotlowlns let to new Stand ing bonspiel convenes Mre Kerry Nesbitt schedule on convenes lou Bristow social convene Mrs Jsek Burbidxen secretary Mrs Jenk Butler treasurer hirs Rosestsphcns Seated bono spiel co rouvener Mrs Don Gordy past president Mrs Doug Homer nresldent Mrs Robert Green second vice president Mrsl Ron Arm stronglllbsent tromtlle pic ture iirst vice president Mrs Jim Olyne schedule convenes Mr5 Doug Ste phens special events conven er hire Jock Kennedy socinl co convener Mrs Don Mer sheil special events oo con vaner MrenMelrlsrses Ex emihnr Photo lulu tortuous and Mrsl Carmen Swsnsburg of Fort Wililsm Dnterlo on Merci sonilev Enema ocqvne rouuc Wilson is skin condition years otllt hatchewsn ere Stu Fort ew home in Moose Jaw tPhoto by Fr ism most common in the fSéfeks Source Of illrel1d hire monumen Ann Lenflers have lvernot ml is mm spanie us not CLsANlNe because she is wedlock Would you boy her or hold you laugh at herifnuttelo Teen fulllo TeenloThel choice is your outfyoulmow whet sometimes it pens to no ple2who loughwhen there ls lunny Someone usually thst resentment is very deep lays the Wyearoid broadcast and writer Omnisslon ofï¬ces this week hustled with lastminute prepa rations or Ihaledoy western tour and lengthy discussions about just Whati the women among the seven commissioner and 11 star melsbern should wear HIT INEva Getting Last galngover bride that cell or elimination of lnequelltlee in pay lor wume tax tliluzrlrnlnetlonsl barriers to lab sdvancsrnent restridlons on female or at Baniehnvs announced the been told sm crltl herd umlny ï¬ngers at at demote Britt headedi ammonium knew gn uwélyéoflnlé ymour agesonol person anagreo analogMr ï¬dwlndhcsgleléehot imiozlzadtn thelmgt window of it okmwghvtls to Boys epsrtmen store nu omwn or aThecontlo ding looil nlooo nt mnlotown Saturday mob no follpï¬llllld ï¬ï¬‚ï¬lï¬iï¬ï¬ mm royal emulsion on tie United Chyréh on 1th iIwf£tu or marry her staph at women has orvv HOLIDAY miosrofl noses ulna Moods to Hall out lust we mm 5L ma huge chunks out of ï¬LEwlï¬ï¬dm Wk 11 1m hos returan to the cltytoiiow ohm Phil hfld Pllmled would on do it yollwere16 m3 log weeks holiday in Boston yesrs od end your mother kept So far at comm Mastuwherille vlsltéd mum lzmte nearly onethird of harping onhow Important it is mm mm brotherdim may Wuullcustsrd pie which hid lose ioodgtrl and choose ldenmnblgjmdvgdam WI not been cut lnto ourlriends ilysnd have gï¬mï¬laaarmgsvsme mi mt rpermanent ring keJhel womentrosn conï¬ï¬‚to coast lace lgva Whey dm my me cmI ngtllol St mumé Burned small hole in an mm Mmlsslons reeiented ion mommy fd Jl urgent raspon over an 31 stirred up in lends royal muslin gifliflgï¬s sings hmk or cannulssionanden ndiestlon way should prove most °°d Find 10 mum and congenial day Gettogethers awnimflkk lm wm family and mm 5mm Comment himrs le be stimulating and heartwarm gm fm ME log Also favored by generous gm 5W have chill or in ogunh2dl mafce Woman FOR TEE nlnnmer ENDoOF TRIP it tomorrow is your buthday stars influencing the Arlen m3 12 if zfdflf the next yeallell be excellent 3d on pramwevmmre To years She is sshvcly girl end mmc MIME imam Essaltzsys had lot more on ber early December next Jan my 1mg DUNK may nary and mm should so out About Ix months an my well be hat or mother didnt stsndlng turVoocunstionxlpro W11 Ickfimed take tell her Williss mdsbs had to ares sndtorylessingevenun£ 29 1° 18 mwiesi bowiine fey enenormous llcslnrher expected recognition past and stew ntherplaoes because 5mm If you lweLtoothed Last week Dick mame no equality end dlstinctions be wrong But youlï¬yeéagï¬tgj who is salesman Ished Zelds mg VIc MM arm tween m5 ltshgrwavntsd logo on the road ï¬lm won him or few days so momma lashed me ll inwas OtK end an advaacayroï¬r ï¬nancial mm he sold yes so she went They got me week Mm May 15 and back yesterday and Zelda ssld July15ihetween midSeotemioer hm andmldflovemberinésrlyDe Wingsaï¬wzgï¬ofgoge must Fï¬ï¬‚ï¬zï¬ï¬‚ be crazy to allowthisitlunlrhe hssn dirty mindltallred it all 233 Eflnimmlhhï¬ over with mother and she lesttwo in December however Id Perftcfly ï¬ght Pusonél seistlonshtp Will PM Did 7le ma also be governed hy genmun agree look or answers to the 51tlmen who told Toronto Star surveythey felt is womens rights commission is unneces ln from the otherside la the militant Consnllotee for Equality of Women in Canada stie to be done my not seem inlnledlstelyjohvlous Csnndi wornenwo the llOSElVlARY more will report tor ihe Canadian Press cross country hearings of the lets have cheated greatesto response from Con edae 2365000 workln wome ln under federal lurisdletlo and all proylncee except Quebec and Newtougtjfland have since lol lnmuiy will he resolyed when the wornen and men notsmith ond tour May29 in They then set out for Ontario bec Moritlmes sndthe Northwest omit dsyn Th eyes ect my compass onward henven year ham do double duty 5m iel dish both East tern