WW kWMMyvgrmrgtfl mrswï¬V if if is special vote up thanh was xiveoto Mn Johns and Mrs Marshall for their work as eon veom oi the Aimosl New me and the ladies on reminded ot the Rummage Sale to he held sl Trinity Church Hall on April it Mm Bughs Introduced guest speakir Riltenhmiu the Dir ector oi the Grove Park Home tor the Aged Hstducrihed the accommodation dinios tscihtlu ind recreation at the home and stressed that no applicant would he reiused because at race coL or or relidous beliefs An Open rmo common on CA Prussianmo mom Ilitorthstï¬iday nominations letttorubttviosskivl audit Business Girls curling Iluot decided coming home and scored two Gainer skin Eoid couplsnd chm and the Koimar irophglolgddball the excitement of themtar mum at the until the line rods of an ax tra end Enid Coupleod edged out Yvette Mole Win it ends to tom the extra play shown hare alter the exciting season ender with the trophy ors Henry Barb Nicho Groh or Koimarv second lead Pat Owens Examiner Pholo tour House is into the pubiicg will ed duriol which he welcomsfio that buildings so SUPPORTING harness not maro had been nani we it out mirrors actor Waller at than alter he announced to Santa Monica Calif his last led the best n1 actress or her role inthe SPEAKING 3° DINNER PARTY Mrs Michael Wood Presi dent of the Canadian Federation oi University Womenï¬hcid dinner at her Woodcrest lid re coco Wednesday even in prior to the monthly meet 0r PEOPLEIm PLACES bolt AvsAlso visiting with hirslei nephew Donald Cube say was Mrs Edna Cartwrishi thee children oi RR own Cookst 10L EUCHRE GUEST SPEAKER Thamlxeo euchre parties log at the club Attending were sponsored byerlrm continue ngrvï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬gx We meme cm 9° iii33 id WSW Burton Avanue United Church live namely hirs it McKrt Saturday evening in the Allso Image pic 0le rich Mrs it He Brown Mr dale Orange Hall Burton Ave Stewardship Smith Mm 11 ODnnai Prim winnersot the last euahre Mrs South Mrs Otton ijdecil Time fjFOr chainsaw Feather ough were the dinner Westminster Group ArrangeMay Tea The women Group of West mlnster Preshyioilhn Church Mrs Martin Luther King once Plannedv Career arram mnnerous civil rights orghniza discqu D18 in Mfli lilartin Luther King Jr was lions andharsccompanied her Flower gtoa at reï¬ll planning ringing career when husband on of his tri srio meeting held in the church hall she met syoung Baptistrnlnls be hominid ter Coretto Scott stood trac ebruoetie Mrs THE AllME EXAMINER THURSDAY MIL it less Mrs Mina Msridrlehi usionmlm writ 3W8 sale at underarm Mexican Conoor Mrs Fiesta flowers Egon ifTngoï¬ï¬lGn on rye Peter flï¬emngwmgnamgmzï¬ horoughhss beonvisltlng her iahrics and furniture tram Lem gramme and come Negroflnelghborhood other business included tom harmiul rays of the sun thfl Barysiult oi Baylield imcdiwtth mementos from ad mit By ELEANOR BOSS Man yoong womani head isinths clouds and her isocy turnstomarriago it seems the ideal time to give her some dowultoearth decorating hints about feathering her nest tFor richer or for poorer tor cisualmr ior lorrosl for fun or ior lashioo she is ready tor ideas well known decorator sus esla that when planning room ecor the position of tire wro door or windows should be care ilully studied in relation to the proposed tumorsarrange mhnt Thishelps ecide on the leitgth oi the draperieshwilethflv short or floorlength or win dow treatment contained within the window trams eate curtaiosror window shade Next he sure at the mood de sited if it is to be serene and uncluttered the window treat ment should be simple and AT NIAGARA PALE Miss Linda Reed of CollinSt is spending Easter weekend with irieods inNiagara Falls Dot Haired curlers ruaod Mrs John Cam at Carolina St will haveths host ess broth law and sister Mr and Mrs Emerson Cookslown torE wish we could remain on this mountaintop mover she said when her husband won lbs 1961 Nobel Peace Prize But there were um da spair and Thursday her has band devoted to violence was sight in Mcmphrs by sassinsrbulle converter the Spring Ball dance prizes and door prize sre teaiuroa jot the event whidi gets under way at prh Hob Hunters Band wfll provide music for dancing and theeve Cabeoi ludlwithlbuliat Sund no log committee tosetrup thor so while her sister Andrea has ï¬ï¬ï¬‚iflï¬iifli been sum of material we side edges andbotlom ï¬fwubuxmsï¬xï¬ MC braid or fringe This shoutd pick tam ï¬nd up another tone in your color eLwï¬ schemaand tor completely lik coordinated look the shades mightvba trimmed to match Window shade laminated with the same printed ishric that is used elsewhere in the room creates handsome cus tomlook it you to moire your win dow looiiï¬lnrgerthan It actually is hang draperies that extend overtho wall on either side Choosing them in solid color that is predominant in the print can he most elteclive gt Keep on open mind about shade pllils These can he gay and decorative and there are in Prssident Miss Katharine MneKay welcomed the memf bers attending the meeting hi1 Rslphdiiiaï¬xcnzie was in arga evo onsw liirs King long has lived wrtll 353 359 the threat of death And thus Chris tar she has remained composed To conclude the sessionMrs she Lbï¬fmiï¬ï¬‚hfbflg her ho childrens par liirs Paul Bary them in Barrie th Alisnlnyersgavc dam iessionsl portrqait fly main iancy Ia ho WXHMWOngChiZdlI Wiches With skill and talent she annex oussr less PeggyGreen of Shirley 432 he listened to theclty ass or sy spent at Myrtle Beach in the carolioas Wm wnomrvo Ralf sand Jig51 How of ars aroid Ballot none possibilities One Kiri New Well have returned home made wool tassels another used arm visa to Winnipeg Man bracelets in colors to match the blgidpmo rm bad shades lhehraoeletsshe mï¬$éeé£mhlea pm man during mammal mum 334 iii 19ka Carol Halverson to John Good counter For smart budget child hi mm mm Sth be trick to achieve lot of ettect peg Yfliï¬gï¬acï¬in WHIP paste wailpapcrhorder across sames noon the top and down the two sides EASTERV palm Once the mood issettled then of the window trame Whether The Armin Navy and ir gejt dawnioispeciiios Remem the top corners are mitercrl or We Vale Club has her that todays windows may cut square must depend on the 11891 In E85 dam batty be simply treated with either Pattern gt tanks place Satuyday evening traditional or contemporary turn in the ANAFyllaiiL Dun Install shade in solid no on St 3A lightly scaled efrect ordinatod color and hangior wrll be small room seem GUESTS um tLEorm added ow cegtseenr cuouaewmosirom iwallpaper and paste them in ï¬ï¬Ã©gd ï¬end mum and random design near the bottom ottheshsde This can be done quite simply with special adhe sive which rem flexible oi the Your win shsde of one King said she was determined to dose hi wasldelermlned to do smoothing wjgflvdtile in the fly for civil inceh their marriage King has song at concerts sell suehtas Thehoélesscs tor the evening decorative Mm Dscar hlacPhorson ltirs Jim Short and Mrs Vern Logan served luncheon All MAYgCEREMOIlY The engagement oi Miss Mrs Alex McCready oi Win Ont The sttsrnooowedd ing ceremony will telre place in Trinity Angii Ch ch Miss éravesis grad is of Mr and the Schoolef Nursin of ler Memorial Hosp Lindsqrace Graves Reg tnJsmes Rodger Sterling Mo Croady has gher the trend to pretty window sdes is growing vigorously planning new bomeor oing over muchylivedirr nest memberthatmodern shades can do much or eliective win dow treatments wayssuggested today Window shades can repeat dows wont even be color and pattern points made their old wear lovely daywoar and sloopwe hu erkburn Pr dï¬ollier Cburchihc on no la purpose at Joint meetings held by ihejlCW or them Baitiieellnited Churches concerning community Mrs bsonPresidentr ot loci fDinrog 0ut whergrhy CeoirslUCW welcomed the elderly pe 1e could he brou ht visitorsand members the 9P hot tnegal gr at to the Easter message solos presented by her message on The sHhe Foot