sw smugn urnr ireewewnrw Jewry enough ioodior the duration of the walk Drinks wiiibsprovldedcn route in addition to indlitieaavaiiahls today at the Lomiort stations Statistics ahow RevsDohaidiFrenc In childrendlsibeiore their st birthday in vSternuono SEEK FUNDS roianriimucsn Rotand Leggeti campaign tie explain the Doilnr that ima out chumanturur 196s Canadian or part goes to restored with palittnt services andpublle eldt dollar delineate the an Cancer Society Appeal in Bar pool is used By tor the larg Williom Calvin Gregory of London pleaded not guilty in magistrates court at Barrie Wednesday to charge oi possessing shotgun tor pur pose dangerous to the publh peace Witmss Sheila lileKin non 22 registered nurse at Royal Victoria Homltol testi cd that the accrued threatened to shoot her ï¬ance and conurdt suicide on Mamh in the has pitai parking lot She told the mart that the ac cused had put shell ioio ll gauge shotgun andaJald this ends or him pointing to the emergency entrance door where her llaneepsteven Levin 21 oi Detroit had gone to cell the police Miss MCKinnun said she had dated the accused iorv the past our year but hadstoppnd as ing so March 74 after writing him leter Fth in American service men testified that he waswith hiisslticKinnon unrMmch 25 when they met the accused at Royal Victoria Hospital He had mat the woman year ago wheuhejctatmtd from Viet nam hllsslticliinnon said that tho aventa leading up to the incident in the parking lot started when Levin and Gregory both showed up to sea her at the same time Defence oounsel Gordon hic Turk asked Miss lticKinnon arrived iwas afraid therormighl be surmise told1the court TALKED TOGETHER Sitesaid that the two men talked together in thehospital waiting room heiote she so coiopanlad them to the parking lot 111m the two men got into a7ear while he sat in her own car whidt was parked nearby Miss MoKlnooa said her boy iriend returned in three or tour minutes and said Hes got shotgun lie down in theiront seat and well drive torthe pol ice station But instead she gotinio the car at the amused to talk with him Meanwhile Levin who said he was goingvto the mens room out into emergency For the gall thQLpol mording Intesti mony gsexm amid Gregory put aJhellLinto the shotgun Which was lying on th hack shanghai For USe OiYISOflball Sorce Fields aarrie softbaii leagues will reserve practice times on regular fields minor soccer and all and monds with the parks and recreation oliice director Gr Sinner said last nightin report to the commission ihls Also in hiarepo er told the commiss Lakeside irea completed their the city for the re snddlsessed withstpp any one team or small oup oi teams irorn monopol Mr Sinnerttold the commis sion he had met with both Sflt corrand soitball groups to dieats to them might use and to discuss any req emtnts the year ng htsinonthiy report to thecmnmissiou ltir Stoner said that all applicants had been interviewed iorrsumnier posi tion it is hoped that n7Dmatn her ait will be hiredby the he said what tieids thEy whleh filled the original complaints the ones he the etys parks general cleanup is in pro Mr Stoner said Any dead trees and slim in Centennial Park will he rapt rder within the nexttwowee The plant material was aliunder warranty and wfli theretoro be replaced at park has been oompieted and all ice iiitkboaids have been removï¬d education taking anotherhu bite tikamioer lhoioL Tells CourtEitÂ¥Boyfriei1d Threatened New innqu meant to kill himsett what she did wheaiwo suitors arrived atthe ear and pumped three shells out at theshotgun in the car come to seaLme alter had told him we were through ld been dating him iouryears but we had not during the past he wanted to see me and that he couldnt believe we were through she said engagement in June you and the accused in Mciurk wait until settled things with igiitng him it on laid Miss McKinnon No we Kinnon April worth living and said he Jilly tr ti hie WI hich nus still in the back seat Mr lidiurk wanted to know hot she had said while sitting send him why he bad This been goingsteady year He said park Was theresuy uni oi an between nsked Yes huti said we should parents but Lurotn him Did the ad become attached to Levin questioned itir MD iurlr just became engag this week said itiiss Mc iho trial continues lednesday onelniockt Drive Costs Man $501 not all over the on March Elliott said he had driven irorn SeaiortiiStreat to Broclr beiore he was stopped by Cori stable Don Bulme oi the rie ihs Rotary Floathtgiiountain will go back into the water oil Centennial Park ierent houra than lhoushzhtost residents on their spray iijthey lakeshora Drlve Last yedrthe lountnin operab ed daily by onautonintio syste mo pm to 12 hues of itianscontinentsi trains passing along the line near the When the iountatu wasdonat ed to the city by the Barrie Rotary Clubhit was agreed that it would be in operation arnln imum oi 180 means that ii itsto go the water by May it would eonio 41mm kmw you out around hiov must be returned in the tender and the averagsilndlan sets isdorcalories day while the IV tie Another leimoi the gr mentgwas that thaeiub alter pay to service th regrets theilrsuyesï¬lreo it Alter thatIt would it 71139 dun log the years operation it costs amp unwary too to clean it soon the parksand 11th year at to work will stiliseethe luv my chairman not Morrison nm Id 11 gm ï¬giiati 111ng um Ind ttw work timed in charges irom My my on thh poailblitty Among new If mm Divers are needed to go down decision were thp year teera attend their services tree oi ghas the this theiountatn was woritlng last year titrwst the cityttzmit Aid Cole want the opinion shat am was so that passengers aboard no see thélountain in actlon eornmission aseity by laws require plusgiviag iith at Waltercar tha can acres or initial 31min iieumotvlthemrtrtpelï¬y tiil angesn mayoutote we mum subdivision no the commission on mm with per can mum littiemo andAld Cole noted that volun 63 last night theeornniissioh de manager Waiter Gig late subdi Drive drécraati be wheel as well as have discussed oilicinls or the th believe it operate the used by our theni an my Wk Yum to The quiteisasihlafl ihs cmnmissionmay aorept cash value rather than actual land audio on to negotiate for only the mandatory lit and ï¬x the fountain in position dam par Gary Stoner ring its monthly Ins Jinxan amennoorr Summons rooon ground temperatures at the Martian Equatorare shout 7Q degrees Ill eel ed to go ahead and ask city to negot with the quite earlyenough to tumor the 12 Alabama May The his right Mich at fountains on the way to worlr inidthe morning anyway be so TENDERS sort RENTAL consrnumon EQUIPMENT be received by the undersigned up ny ender not necessarily accepted riondera envelopessuppiied trict He Will prentioes cheek certiiicates otqualiiic QUAIJFIGAiiONSr Secondary Port Arthur Pembroke Barri Peterborough andheileyiiia aPl in examination oodinterviewsv cannot be compensa or personal expenses lndoing ticipation in training programmes industry throughout his designated encourage andeounsel sp tigate coinpiaints gross oi apprentices with employers lion nation or ah equivalent tomb ention and experience toglhe years exper trade inindu application to completed and teturn APRIL 22 1968 Quoteiiie number iodlca DEF