Wflï¬ï¬ti mam mpmï¬rwnwmvrwwmmmmm told me after corneal medi vutinn that nothing rnore need he The druuht gtMIEVH Ill tested ciuningthc toilet with disinlectent each time the child need itrchdnzing eiieete daily eirinz thejroonu etc He and the mattress must be burned alone itme millions ot em tron the worm He said his on non had the worme lourtlrnu andalter he not new mattress it rtopped Whet in your opinion know othe mon important thin is denoted handr Ind unite alter bowel mnvemenLMfl EG 11 Ilnng with everything you mention except burning the mattresr Douhtlese you We mattress cover on iL II it in cloth good washing should he Iultflcientor thorough scrub entnzuunptuuq orifyou dont have cover on the mat treu then get one to dieiniertingtha tonét every time the child use it weil that round like lot of work and lm not too sure that tletnattherootottheproh em The worm tniest the intesti ntl tract lay their eggs near or Just outside the nor The eggs dont hurt anythingunless they nrerozilowed and hatch in the intestine Enos canan How do egge get rwaliewedr they are so email you have and time seeing them The set on the lingers or under the naiiI Andhide being kidsthe eggs are carried to lhernouth en unwashed tingerr Aside tram medication to get of the pinworme in the body mqrt important goal to mmhlnehthehceJutit isnt the toilet bowl thatia im portant Its the sectgr Iny thin else that the younger jmy touch and when deposit more can Put the lulled emphula on clean hIndr Ind mile it may he too that the oouree ol the woman outside your homepom playmate of your Ionl Dean Mother net up It live oclock and hove my hrenh tart go back to bed nod Im ready to eat again at erht oclock dont have new inz paina Does thte mean didnteat enough or thordd ut bitter mealalMn an havent theailghtest idea but iwouid mass that you having on examination whether perhnpl yml have an ulcer Deg Dr miner aintE mon pregoan an my tellinr rapidiyl have hold epot in back wae told this could be due to pregnancy and wiiLrtop Ilter the baby in horn ifthieiamwiil thehnlrcome beenMn AA thl happens sometimes but we do not know why except that in some women it is related to thoehangeinhormonaledtvi t7 In such cuea the hair ordi narily grow back to the condi tlon that prevailed belore the pregnancy It taker hit time of course wenr ADS menu new age e2 tehie duplicate Thedeei in somewhat rerunrhnhie became there was ditterent reeth It virtually every table even though exactly the name hand were in play at each table Whenever Northsouth With the hand the final contract we either our iive or air heartI or live or six clubs in revere cesee the contract was doubied When East West bought the contract they played in either Sr PAULS gee Mm George Stunden and Kathy accompanied her daulh ter Mrs Gregory to Detroit tor the neakend to virlt llr and Mn Ah Finder and family tanner lillnesing residents Mn Amy Carter Wuton vis ited iiir and Mrs RoyCerter on the weekend Mr and Mrs Robert Green and none have moved to their home on hiarehali SL Barrie Mr and Mrl Chrie Burn and amtiy have movcd into the Greena home PRESENTATIONS Despite stormy weather large grow ottriende and neigh bors matMarch 23 inSunty hrae school auditorium Stroud to honor Mr and Mrs Noble Hanna and Mr and Mrs Rob EEigiiiéga as 33 SEE 553 would have ruilered he disappointment had he Itternpt ed this aim South would have rulied Ind eerily made the rest the tricks Beating hie judgmentIthIt Westa note purpose in under leadian ans waIJa ad roll in ride ruit Ely returned club the suit where Wm we mostiikniy to he phicane ihiI poarod oii pieasnntiy when West railed the return to deleat the contract one trick Itii in eii it was very highdare partner ship delense crowns By MR5 KEITH LEE Mia Brenda Hutchinson meet the past weekend with Kim Barrnnger Kettlehy Danny Eel Moonstone with Brent Hutchinson Min Brenda Diï¬er has re turned homereitnria rhort shy ratsieh children Hospital Tor on Mrs Chariee Simpson will he hostess tor the annual Maine JULIETJONES DONALD DUCK gt ext Green who are moving to meeting oi Clowesivomens Iu Barrle attnr farming for many stitute thresth evening April iyfloariehon itl 12th line otlnInlar Convenera artI to xivetheh eove ngwaeopenpay rtelto co paymentot nunraw venom nunAw avenue mam mm mmï¬ï¬‚ mm rononro ll WTON linm Wallace preaented Mr and lunch Mre Partridge and Mre Hanna with two end table Mn Morehiidon Tum 1111 EVENING and mflee tahle Mr and Mr lna Lewlor Sauit Ste 19 Mn Green were given riiver Mario in holidaying with Mn vom cm Lumriwmeu nuneuuhm tea service and tray and Main Everett Egg modes 4590 barometer lunch and metal IDenny mm hour ended pleasant evening our The April 8515 not Paul rrrs TEETHIRD WE manna IN ASA tï¬ï¬wflf we Acw meeting wot he at Aluminum is the third most nenNIenLAWIsFn 44 Mn Charles Ashendeno St Abundant element on the earths coneeeueneee Pauit eurlace mo L1 132 24mm wuey nu nMv Mother no lhtll rum 40 We 7Ganlgoal couuu OFFICE HOURS mmmm BHnilvwood Palm um Iduon 11 MC hon hm H=sx3$ aid mm nmt Gm ilMln ltd flaw rim£51 diï¬ign 00 ifNm Wu SD ttNou weather Sauna lMom meemtwi WEDNESDAY APRIL MORNING AFTERNOON man Ho tlh Milieu flit1m on an Homenintlan vï¬m mun warn Ben FE wily ï¬msm1 451 1Window on xtoelh nonm World oau 1144am New rmvworu Tum TWMGJ PW SECRET AGENT tAngy Grimih YRochetlhin Him mo 20m our or Um Hov DAILY cnosswonn KIHIIIOO 1H dsflllfel 1153111 m1 name pherom Week Zlï¬wlww r3131 Wen SUArllLysrflty to 111311 mm me actress anxgut 26 tHouu EH1 11m taintIdle ï¬nerd 7333 ifconmat 12me ea er grrm Were37 Wm °gt 8slone tom LTo won The mu Sim mt 1Genemu rm Leander gt xons$9° ï¬onmetanwcoun USED CAR Lotti Opinion an gt Human gflrdn nent Sly 17 79° Lm runny nma 02 mm WG8 Pmmc Buqk 1955 OLDSVIOBILE 4c IEdne mrnt 11min iguana dfflhfmi Fliehlrdl Bequmma Acadia as mm AW And cm GMC Truck or Goedwril Used Car from Wm WM Una Disorder Away mitt vv VConlldenul matte Wm steering brakes gt Jun mm color Black wnnnnsnavaonmxavnNnuG PONTIAC Illllï¬tllllfl IKINSON memo rms$21g95 Ell ttmcn Acrel omnxw room ï¬mafwiivl 43 or tom zwtmm ctrrunnnsraw at non pawn rum ljifi£t lt Awnmmsmnocenm= =EREON1NEOltIAN 6H one mine Survivtl 14 AKRMYRESPONSiEILiTY IFSfou noon EcAflln he rï¬nmnn ovum mitt Awggï¬mmwsmm zvtrntnta 4bit In SDICI ilMotherIlnuw withziflsï¬ï¬i no WIrbied rim mu DOWN gt uJo vou 11351mm luvmole man cum 213 vnequ no work cmue nihilihw enemy Itrnreoror The 13332 Ellloun gm Show 9Mavte liPlerre 3mm Pinon mum WIHGEIIMLL YqU step tr