shcr WaitePubti MoPhononMnn Orillia Wants wttliun Talfqr General Manager aging Editor Piece Barrie5 Alleged ActiOn Oritlla Facket Times Editorial While grand andglorious government projects have been maienalizing all around us Drillia has been almost com pletely ignored by the province during the past few years Seldom can one drive past Barrie with out encountering new highway pro ject and now that city is to become home of new provincial college Over in the Midland area new industries have been located with government assistance and William Cranston has succeeded in build tng an empire of historic sites for which Ontario taxpayers have paid millions of dollars Even in lifuskoka government money hasbeen used to attract industry and nearby Lindsay is already reaping the benefits of the new provincial incentive program Anything Orillia has received from the provincial government during this period has been given up grudgingly af ter persistent pressuring by local author itie it took the late Hugh Grant and com pany nearly two years to get new leg or two on the Highway 12 Highway 11 Cloverleaf at the Barrie Road The socalled historic sites grow like mushrooms around Midland butCahia gue perhaps the most significant site In Hurooia lies dormant Barrie has its col lege presented on platter Orillia has to devote its own and encounters more rovincia op osition than assistance less for deve opmcnt ofrChiet island as park have been many hutjhave so far fallen on deaf ears All thegwhile there has been no government moue to attnct industries to Orillia New pants have gone to neighboring towns and this com munity has suffered because of it it should be with more than the pro verbial grain of salt that the provincial government takes the pleas of the new member from Simcoe East Gordon Smith in his maiden speech in the to Is lalure it is refreshing to hear vo co coking loud and clear for this part of onservative Ontario Mr Smith has made good case for cloverleaf at West St and Highwayll east side of Lake Simcoe to Ortlliayde bypass fourlane highway around the velopment of Cahiague and Chieflsland support for Slmcoe College and the pro vincial industrial incentive for the town Some of the proposed projectslike the West St Cloverleaf Cahia andChief island have been talked out for years without result Had West St crossed the fourlane highway at Barrie it would surely have swept over cloverleaf long ago Ontario should at this time of hi tax and economic difficulty be in midst of strict austerity program but it is not it is spendin more this year than even before Its me Orillia got piece of the action that has been going on around Midland and Barrie for years Onllla district has always been safe area for the provincial Conscr vatives at election time but unless the government is pro ared to heed Mr Smith it must surel face the danger of defeat here DOWNiiEMoRYLANE 75 YEARS AGO IN StMCOE COUNTY Barrio Northern Advance April 1893 Alliston bicycle club has 30 mem bers Everett cricket club reorgan ized Company formed to search for oil atRosemont Temperance prin ciples more mly established at Hawke stone Gilfo farmers trying to start cheese factory Joseph Johnson Craighurst first to produce maple syrup this season Scarlet fevergabatedIat New Lowell after taking heavy toll of children Ice on Kempehfelt Bay has taken on dark dissolving hue Allan dales new dock is 200 eet long dinning out from Grand Trunk station on iffin St Good Friday was observedin Bam as solemn religious ceremony and streets were uiet as on Sunday Brookdale Sta ler basalt rthoroughhre horses Colonist trains not so numer ous this year as western boom abates Allandale lacrosse club organized with John Overs president and George Lawrence ca lain Barrie Collegiate football club is readying for spring sehev dule with Andrew Hay incharge Iceboatin has had great season locally Smal boys with marbles have taken over Barrie streets and lanes We had sleighing five months this past win ter Skating and hockey rinks closed for season Good progress made on RIDING THE PILLION st Thomas Times Journal nyltfanufncturers of motorcycles mtheir advertising like to show handsome young meriin the drivers seat and pretty girls rldingthe plilion Is it any wonder en thatwe now see tbeVSume plotur our streets the gallant rider with the defencelesslittle gut hanging pn for deariife girlon the pillion of motorcycle must be trusting souhfor in the case of an accident and they are increasing she is powerless to protect berself We suggest the rider of motorcycle would do well to realize his tresponsibility before inviting hisyypung dy toexposeherself to danger uConseryotlve convention the fasc destroyed by fire constniction wharf at foot Mulcastcr St beside Carleys boathouse Charles Morris sold three stores on Dunlop St to SJohnson coal merchant for $10000 Hunter BCI principal given leave of absence due to il ness John Plaiiton has decided to leave Barrie for Winnlgg where he will engage in plumbing usinesswith brother Ri chard Ellisklvy killed Iaccidentally iii lumber camp near North Bay lilathersclected Worthy Patron Sons of Temperance Stroud Knock Grange gave concert at Vine in aid organ fund Bell of Bands moved to his new farm near Utopia Bradford phy sicians are busiest in years William Sturgeons fine brick residence at Bod iord built only last year at cost $0000 ï¬nger melon pr Creemore nowhas electric lightin JakeGaudaur sold his hotel at Ath erley Narrows and the worldfamous scitller will take ii residence in Oiiilia William Ro inson shipped from Bradford in past season78000 barrels ap pies An Orillia ma exporte $800 worth raw furs last week includin some fine gray foxes Man vnth liver cure has been doing town in past Week saicL to beremarkably honest Charles Henry Bird of Barrie won gold medal at Trinity Medical School Toronto OTHER EDITORSV1EwsJ members of the Canadian family They resent General de Gaullesvinterference Only these Quebec citizens who serious 1y advocate separatism endtliey are definlte minority loudly cheeredthe vivele Quebec Libre cry when it was uttered by the notoriously emotional French leader Mr Caouette echoed the feeliiigsnt the majority Canada may be divided rainiiy but it is still family Outsiders should hold their tongue YOU CAN STAGE HARPENIN The Prints The Liberais are being said to stage spectacular bigger and MC lnatedeyes of th vie ers Mr ntanfieldns leader peoted statesmanshtp when the 41me declared thathe is Canadian first and Frenc 7Canadian second He said at if=Prcsidcnt de Gaulle says an ing to the detriment of Canadian un it Iamnotzwithhlm evident there are otherleading anonCanadians who do not go along th the French chiefmt state even though they may believolQuehediant the rest of Levesnue some members iofJremier ohnsons abinet piers pri vately sickened loythe ngelpgGenerals fa int in No doubt itis the sober intention have well managed and smoothly in affair And there isthe added advant rage of its setting the brand ew Otr tawa arena 0nly time will tellwhethei it will be triumph for the planners or Whether they willy find themselves run ninghfter aéshpw thatwjlll compete in zbniness with the Torontoevent Inevitably it win lack tnedrnms the Mr Diefenbaker provide And unles it appears at times to be live and totally unrehearsed it wilif ilto ge crate the some sense of participation rment Ztlie ton voting list for chemist an acclaimed ZLiBGRA LEA oriiiwa REPORT Campaign iActiVity Feverivshpg In Capital is rarnrca mcuoisom OTTAWA its long can palgn trail that has no ashcans and these are now being filled with the leftovers of the Liberal lcadcrsldp skirmish At Hellyer House at Rub ert VintcrsCénadn at Allan MncEachen umpaiga Head quarters and other temporary bechives in our capital the hired staffsand the eagcrwol untary workers are clearing out the used maps and mailing lists and telephone directories and coffecannchines and the other signposts to the delegatcs hearts Each of these command posts has been dedicated to aelllngjts CANADAS STORY selected victors flls BC capital at one eoWMAN One of tha most bizarre events in Canadian history was how Vicioria became the capital of British Columbia The contest was between New Westminster and Victoria but Lhelegislatlve council of British Columbia had the power makethe due on Howcv Governor Seymour was strongly in favohof New Westminster The matter came beiorerthe ouncit on Apr 1368Capiain Franklin representative for Nanaiin as supposed to make the strong speech in favor of New Westminster There was good deal of jealousy between Nenairno and Victoria thosn deys Franklin was former cap Iain of and liner but Ellie been isomers 18 Hayfield Street horrid Ontario Authorized second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay Daily Sundays Statutory Holidaya mom cription rates dailygby 50p eeklv $2800 copics lOc $7600 yearly Ontario $1200yenr motor throwoff side Dptario sit year 0ut ide oniiidaBrltish possesi layout ll Aand Cliculations Tbo Canadian Press it ex cluslvcly entitled to the use for republication alllnews dispatches in 911 ther with was known that 15 year Mail out candidate to the 2461 delegates expected to vote at this weeks convention This has entailed bombarding every gat through the mail for many weeks past helping to arrange for his accommodation and en tertalnmcnt when in Ottawa this week and planning for the final assault on his valuable vote on the convention floor The bombardment has show cred the delegotcs with copies of spmhesby the candidate special campaign newspapers and other porsueders Joe Greene was linsLln the field dime plastic discA Record of Achievement matled to every delegate Paul Martins staff copied this with hnd been discharged from the service for having put one of his passengers in irons As an old seacaptaln he entoyed his glass of grog but unfortunately bad few too many before he at tended the council meeting In his speech he was sup posed to compare New West minstnr tbcvRiver Fraser to Calcutta on the Hooglcy he kept mixing up the pages and made four false starts There was great hilarityamong the members Then Frenkllntook off his spectaclcsln the hope of heing able to improve his resdg mghutwhen he put ibein on the table Gold Commissioner Cox sittingnext to iilm re moved the glasses from their frames When Franklin put on when CloSely opposition obiccttnge tomdthemnndinlhaend amending an unusual number of which is good to lee For years one of the weakness es of this lowllure has been that it didnt gti enough study hub to legislation At each session fawbllla would get thdousb golnpover and lntenstie debate some times tery But dozens of other billsde be put through with out even question Obviously InWllllflctm auction The change ttui year has been partly brought about by the large number of membcrlin tnsbouae They feel quue properly theta It is thclr tob to study and criti more elaborate discTho of Leadershiptwo aided one French one English BOOKS PUBLISHED This campaign has becn Chu adaa first great political book publishing spree books by and about several candidates Some of these have been reheshcs of speeches or ghostwritten cse says three or foiir years old The worthwhlle exception was Joe Greenes humble little book let containing four speeches which he himself wrote spc clally for the campaign They took me between 160 and zoo hours to compose And there is the potted biography Meet Paul Martin price six hits at most newsstands Paul Martins campaign head quarters is wellequipped suite of officer ottaweJLLSparks Streetdfall with former CYC director Duncan Edmonds inas terminding its strategy brain and former centennial train su pervisor Les Maiden organizing its administrative brawn besa name is well known through his wlfesA inventiveness the ggcitioii musthavabeen cor nily frequent for cartoon of Paul Martin dreamed that became prime minister in my maidenform bra Robcrt WintersCanada oc cuples store in the under grand arcade of large hotel with Clown Alley bites and disguises on side and beauty parlour cleaned and set$3 on the otherHellyer House is rah hitwarren of small rooms in an aid office building Allen niacEachen Gampaign Head quartera fillsthe whole floor of an apartment building John Turner uscs aformer small loans company office next to the famous Karshphotographic studio typical staff is3o paid workers plus up to twice as his spectacles again his slglit was worse than ever Then it was decided tovadjnurn for half an hour to restore order When the meeting resumed Franklin rose to speak but one othe members objected be cnusn be had already been heard The objectl tnined and Franklin noverl did manage to present the casefor NewWestminstez The vote taken it lay it eymour was so angry thaths dismissed Co and Freiildyn fro oriimaenn lSSJKing In issued that Canada waste be governed by lawrofaFrance YinQuebec mer gned petition asking for re eat The Quebec Ac lassSpecial council nf members was ap inted to go on Lower Cana Dtto French tidesindians whitesat Frog Ligakeh ask boxNewly created of Saskatchewan opa elegieloture the conventio choosa Canodastn slopes sweeping the floor one tol mo The bill From an stiriioted $250000 spent on behalf of mil llotlalre PET lTrudeniil to suspcc $5000 by Ottawa Valley pet dog GreenenNenrly all the cash was collected from friends and party angels and coinsooreseldomin their sign headquarters they are where blenctian la winging across the country to meet the delegates in squadron of mice cellaneoiis aircraft sched uled EAlriCnnadu ai ners chartered hedgcehoppers wh may not boplike Joe Greenes pranged plane so glad to see You still origin straight ur farmer quipped to lal lmc minister that it gave His nnly begottonl Hlm pieces cafe which will ciao legislation aod they have been dotngtlita credit also toes of Mr hieltuer For Mr Mcliuera royal com mission report drove home that there is lot of loose tellilatlon in the promised statute books And the report registered mnlb with the members in fact it to probably reopens bio forl iter outlook for new appreciation by the mem bersof lbcir responsibility as legislator as contrasted to politicians llROUllD THE WORLD oaltionv may AliMIMI tit9 fltfyy codiï¬ed 13 wig FBI Whit it mailed to authorise but rithor gave bunk cheque 1a oi in the levtrnment iodo what it wanted by regulation Aod such blank us We it in pobilgdeqouf had been merely criticised by Mr McBuer VOTE 10 Bill At first the ltvcrnmlnt and in supporting barkbenches ro Atned to budge on the billThey solidly votedfor tton second reading mono or debate occurred govern mantnm impressed by the criticism that had been made that Agriculture Minister Stewart went to work again on the bill And in fowdays later be told the item that ho was going to change it by adding new clqu which would makc It more specific This was real hlumph And it was reassurance that the members with this success to encourage them would on in us to avldl for legislation and also overnment would take more corein the fu turn in drafting it Crash Political Changes By Pm DEANE Foreign Affairs An It The new reformist Commu nist leadership of Czechoslovai kla has just confronted the lead err oi neighbouring Communist countries who have been deeply disturbed by developments in Prague The chief worrlcrs are the more conservative Commu nist governments who fear lhat Czechoslovakia is providing regrettable example for other Communist countrlcs and also that she is further loosening the bonds of the Communist camp Tbnse most interested in flghtly knit European Cnmmu mistgrouping are Poland and East Germany whose nightmare is deal over their heads on the German question between MosA cow and either Western Europe or the Western world as whole The Poles do not want such deal to include any possi ib ty of returning to Germany iterrllorlea shelost Tin Folend the Second World War This is notunthinkable An moment to neutralize Ger many milltarily could conceiva bly interest both Washington end Moscow and might involve some fr nu adjustments wblcb sterlinan siloPoland whose history is like that and nccordionaho has always been squeezed one way or the other to suit her two large neigh bours Russia and Germany In exchange for the military neutralization of Iunder inspection Russia might even allow terms that could eventually lead to reun alto II this would mean the disappear once otthe East German Conan Imunlst state Natural the men who have run this state for Worry Neighboring Nations 21 years do bot want it to disap pear SOME ARE DISTURBED If Communist satellites lika Romania and Crecboslovahla no on demanding more and more independence from Russia and opposing Russian military lead ersblp of the Warsaw pact the time will come when Russia might conclude that her satellite system is military and not nomic liabltity rather than an asset This time might come all the sooner since in Russia itself there are currents of reform to words more cooperation with the West For this reasonvPo land and East Germany are dis turbed by the dcclease in Soviet control which satellites likene manla and Czechoslovakia da mend Poleiid of course was am the early rebels not as earlyas Tito to be sure but as early as the Hungarians Suit the Polish 16 reforms were notnlipedmb weakening the Warsaw pact They were internal in charac ter designed to satisfy Pollshv nationalism which was being badly strained by the slavisth hroARussian policies Wnranlw then followed policies that were micall netficient it went against the grain of the Polish national character Gomulkaiook over in 1956 as loyalsupporter of the Warsaw pact But he made some inlay nat changessuch as reintrolt ducing private prupert tn farmingwhich actedas all mulua to reformers in other Communist countries Ha ha came like Tito elpcd Cinch and Romanian heretics who now disturb him But then that characterls change contact OPINIONS This Is selection of ed torlals on current Iopica trnnllnted from the rm innxuue pm in Montreal LeJJevflnAa the trend in the race for Mr Peorsons successor hecome clearer one candidate than all the others continues toholdtho attention of olr servers Heis you will have guessed Pierre Elliott Tru reception it is too soon to predict the number of votes thejustice minister will col lost among delegates from provinces other than Quebec istors lathe Pearson that of these six ministers onlyf ones up to now supporiIMr Trudenu That is Mr Mor chand Messrs Cadieux Cots and Chretienxnlready ibav chosenother candidates Tw other In in lsters Messt Seuvoand Pepin have not yet eclared themselves the sim ple fact that they have re melned cautious reveals that they are not very enthusiastic to the ideaof having port Mr Tnideau Quohccl cspecia avers over what his candidacy rap resenta over the possibili ty of Vpo icai situation where Quebec ould becalled on in negouate with Quebe cer who received his main lsuppnrt from the rest of the country veryrdifficult quea tions involving thetwo com negligib diitcouldbe larged rapidl afterwards Nothing indicates an the other hand thatwe may wltw ness chire enthusiasm as antic as was at ï¬rst iiidl Trudeouf hes made somelapprecla ble gains among AngloCanadian vote era that his rln The closer April comes the greeterthe unhibwhospect of the Trudeau andldncy is hr le This ml or munitiea that form Canada ltf Trudeau probably want solicit the chance to be able to offer directly to the peopleof Quebec clear decl si olc in favor nf the Po litical ncept advocates we personally consider that Mr Tnid in linterpreting Que eriouslyrdecelver andirundercsttmatcs tlie istorlcsl importance of car taln forces he hash tendency to reiect with this backoi his band in do Ryan Line vamp pampered roccoon tho found human friends Clevei and thrived on liver sauag ice cake