womwaaw mum MAYOR ROBERT heat ley confers with guests ll Johnston assistant deputy minister of education and MPP for Simcoeuutre Ar thur Evans left wright at the Mayors conference for comma ion Our Recreation Arent Getting Full Use Delegates representing co Bar rie organizations decided at the first mayors conference on rec reation and leisure time agreed last night that there is more to do in Barrie than most people realize Over 85 spokcsmen and civic leaders participated in the EDIP ference held at the continental lnn last night Following pm dinner and speech by assistant deputy minister of education Johnston delegates broke bito discimion groups to define leis are and outline Barries present needs The citizens came up with the following ideas after they defin ed leisure as change of pattern from the normal work in habits Thele was already great many faculties for leisure but they were not being used in full capacity citizens were not aware of existing facilities for recrea tion because of breakdown in communication ilocreation facilities wbre heeded for young adults aged 11 to 30 Cbild care centre for work ing mothers and single parents are needed dmpin centre is needed for senior citizens The idea that people inBarrie were not aware of present in cilities was reiterated in the six discussion groups other sug gestions and needs included the remuvalnf snow on Kempenfelt Bay to allow skating in the win ter beach other than John he travelling representative of Bell rieiepbone of Canada tantra explained some of the more signiï¬cant achievements in the world of eommunic ions to the Kiwanis Club of harrie era with president son for family swimming cheaper skiing and golfing facil ities to accommodate the faintly mans budget large reference room odult reodneation centres and greate community use of schook an arenas Ducnsslon groups wen head ed by Bob Hunicr Vani Read Angus lilacKoy Stephens Dr Andy Andrews and Dr Ted Boston Librarian Constance said youth hostel was needed for the draft dodgers find him transients invading the reading areas of the library She said it was the only free place they could find in the city An organization to aid the young people was suggested to save the building from becoming the Yurkville of Barrie Marie Murphy of the Chil drens Aid Society advocated recreation program for adults ranging in age from 21 to 25 She also suggested facilities for people on welfare who couldnt afford to dress well enough to ob tend community organizations Dave Parker of the depart meninf education who has at tended similar conferences said Barries session was the most successful he had witnessed MORE RELIABLE Mayor Bentley said delegates had been invited in join the dis cussloa because they were more reliable than surveys and stat istics often used to plan com munities Delegates described the confer ence as huge success and said each person appeared to be geLeggettileft anJohnVnker he prepares slides tor his recreation and leisure tim held last night Over 85 city demote attended Examiner Photo Emphasize liduli Recreatiiin ConferenceDelaeieeiilliet Johnston assistant da puty minister of educatioufor Ontario told ddagatu to the mayors conference on recrea tion and leisure time lost sight that less importance should be placai on childrens sports and more on adultrecreation kProbing Mugs Begi ya oreeight aiding coiierencc Mr Johnston said leisure and recreation will be come prime concern in the future He said that many communi ties spent all their budget on spans facilities for children and deprived adults of their rratlon dollar Reiteratlag the need for adult recscation Mr Johnston said person should obtain some skills useful to society He saidI citizen must as oiinie responsibility for the kind of society and country in which he livu The deputy minister told dele gates thahawrimtrhlllmad been passed in the Ontario leg Facilities an individual thinker map ping out bkown ideas and plans The representatives from city organisations chosen by parks and recreation director Gary Sinner told of their own groups or clubs and outlined problems and fadlitles available Many of the requests for rec reatlon appeared to be simple Delegates wanted to know how you take hike or walk in the woodsin Barrie Student delegates asked for communication between par ents and children and reme atlon facility other than teen age dance halls Ofï¬cials cautioned delegates to use ayaiiablo facilities instead of planning new recreation centres They were also asked to make sure that needs outlined accom modated Barrie The second part of the confer ence takes place on April 15 The same delegates will con clude last nights work by trying to decide how to implement the needs outlined They will discuss the effect of increasing leisure time on our society in ten yearsand then 50 years an GRANT FOR RESEARCH EDMONTON CF The University of Alberta has accept ed an annual grant of $23000 from the Alberta Real Estate Association towards program of oductionand rasearch It in cludes establishment of three year certkicato course in real estate resentatlon on servicesrprm Iiided by Bell Examiner Pho ctjry raxiiistraLMENr Second instalmentiot 1963C Taxes ioraéai Propcriy on soonest lsiature yesterday toparmit the amalgamation of parks and ra crratiou departments in Barrie Mr Johnston said that the two hrandies can plan recreation facilities to be used stressing that lack of coma iriunicatlon and duplication of programs was responsible for poor recreation facilities Mr Johnston advised delegates to use existing facilities dhwahwiisaw IF at icinire and recreation He stressed cooperation be tween school and mention authorities and said theoom wwwmmvwwrquamr munity and family must work together He cited skating at amt arena as an example Fa should stay and play with their children at the areas he said Explaining that assistance was available for the training ofleaderl iiiJohnston said that the conununity colleges of fering recreation coinso next year would be announced to mflW Ha commended Barrie for its employment of full time re creational director who would be available to assistin the planning of leisure time and emphasized programming for alagex in and philoeo cal sectors of comruiinitynrw other head table guests at tending the dinner aod conven tion were Arthur Evans MPP for Simcoe Centre Allan Eon per executive director of the Barrie YMYWCA Rev John honey President oi Ministerial Association Dave Parker do pertinent of education Mayor V11 Bentley and conference chairman Crawford prclt sldent of Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology Maple syrup Queen Contest Ililtiries Sought Entries are being sought in Elinvala for the Maple Syrup Festival beauty queen conlest which to be one of the high lights of the allday program arranged for Saturday April 13 First prize of $25 will be given the queen with $15 for second and 510 for third The first ten entries also will be given free hair style at Steeles Solon Miss Penny Godin Eimvnle High School girl was chosen maple syrup queen last year The program starts at 10 am with bus tours to the maple bushes in the area Tours will be conducted on the half hour most of the day The queen will be introduced at dance to be held at the Elmvale community hall start ing at pm The Elmvalev Lions club iltfï¬lmvaie which is headed by Councillor Alex Currie is one of the rpm aura of the festival on annual event Others helping in the ar rangements include the cham ber of Commerce Maple Synip Producers Department of lands and Forests Depart ment of Agriculture and mu church groups Warden Alex McAuley who is rccvo of Elmvale issued an invitation to Simcoo County council members on behalf of the sponsors Entries to the queen contest have been asked to register at Saws Furniture store by Wed nesday April it at the Iatost The festival last year drew large attendance and early in terest indicates there will be another large crowd on hand if the weather is favorable TelephoneSubscribers list For PeculiarNovel Services Raymond Siniilleatraveiiing representative for Bell Tel phone of Canada told Barries Kiwanis Club last night that since the war the demand for what Bell calls peculiar and novel services has led to the development of thousands of iris novations in the communications field from transistors to the laser beam Wbila still carrying on with plain old telephone service scientists and engineers have turned out some gadgets in the past few years worthy of Buck Rogers Solar batteries which enable communications satellites such an Early Bird andVSy to op araiélong after ordinary bat terieswould have run down were developed by Bell along with many different designs of telephone transistorized systems of all kinds and the laser or light amplification through stim ulated emission of radiatiim which has countless uses in the fields of medicine andcommun icatinns one of the more unusual com the club by Mr Srniliie last venience DINING our NlGiiT jar aasrauaaur LAKEViEw ARE MONDAY night was system wheieby menial household chores could be performed over the telephone packet size device will enable one to call ones own house while away andturn on the lights lock the door and switch on the nven or lawn sprinkler Another device which will be in use in future years campon system if sub scriber dials number and re ceives busy signal this feature will enable one to hang upWhen the phone called is no longer busy both will ring iota airmail LIONS MEET Earries Lions Club will hold an open meeting and nomina tion this evï¬ning in the ciirlidg clubon Essa Road Din nor will begin at 630 pm KDRTKCULTURISTS laeirhuddell will present Spring Around theWorld in color slides to the Barrie Horti cultural Society at pm Thurs day in the Legion Hall Tickets are on sale from cletymema features outlined to so unseat Talia showtiola Fondly AI THIS WEEKS seconds BREADED roan canes th Apple Sauce or noasr TOM TURKEY withpresslng soap or Suicz not nous Chain of Potatoes Special IChiidrans Monll for chiidrenunrler 12 only harmonised mama rota Invention am and cannon nuns anvanaGa 59 icel social arts an int ani mm worms one right made at run from Penetanguiaheoa to Bar rie last week dflterjnvel nyears Manager at the Barrie Grey Goad depot 11mg and GO Petition The Go north com lttee has 1056 supporters in Barrie Chauurian Jacklennox of hit Barrie said petition he started circulating at the begin ning of March was givon to Art Evans MP Simeon Centre who presented it to Minister of Highways George Gotnine in the legislature yesterday Mr Leanox said the situation looked promising and that Mr Evans was very nptomisti about the possibility of com muter train Last month Mr Gamma told Ald lilacliaren vice chairman of the city develop ment committee Mrs Sydney Samuels hit King Township Arthur Evans andGord Smith MPP Simcoe East that the de partment had to study for year or two how the present GO system is operating Mr Comma indicated then that if north route were con sidered serious thought would have to be given to extending it at least as far assume The group was told that ex4 tending tho route north woold be difficult because there are only two tracks between Toronto and Barrie part of the way and one the rest Aid Garner and the city davelopme committee will be meeting with senior officials of the departmenfbfhighwaï¬ to talk about the plan Mr knnox says extension of the service will attract industry and make it easier for people who live here to work hi for onto It canwmir both wayshe said He would like to see the aynem operate week long Citizens Group To liii Views Ward one residents in the GroveBuckwlo Sinetnrea op posed to the construction of shopping complex will meet with councils city development coin mlttee next Tuesday Chairman of the DuckwurthA Grove citizens committee Mac Foadiey saya they are waiting for some action from council it will meet witbthe committee to reiterate its opposition TRIBALPRMEST DUNCAN EC CF Van couver Island lndians plan to protest what they claim are provincial violations of their fishing rights to federal govern ment officials in Ottawa The radians are preparing brief outlining grievances against the provincial government in mat ters of fishing methods at date landinheritéd tribal fish Mass than not armies rims hiLmyBodgnneangratulstu Mr Lamas The bus driver was given retirement dinner in Tomato last aeokilhoto by Faverot Oro Man Keen Booster Foriair MITCHELL SQUARE Staff An active booster of ore fall fair horse competitions for years blowat Tudhope of Jarratt waacommended for his worthy contributions to Ore and Oriilla fairs through the years native of Ore Mr Tudbope was born near Rugby the son of the late Mr and Mrs Wif liam liidhope life long rea ldent of the township he serv ed four years as reeve and Bis as deputy reeve and councillor He was tirat elected in mt Before turning to council he was chairman of the old Jar rett Medante school board Presbyterian he has been an elder of Willie Presbyterian church at Jarratt for years Horses have been hobby him and his teams wan various awards at Ore Drillia and other district fair at various times Straighten Road iiear Bond Read BOND HEAD Staff Newly reconstructed section of il way 37 south of here inato sharp turn to High way at SimcoeYorlr border when it is opened to traffic The new section links with the highway in York Oounty east of Schomberg and foil ws less hazardous route to kerron and then to this police village Highway connects with the Holland Marsh road sineioniciiiiiiss Howie Cards me ianh Wedding invitations Wedding Antiouncemenfsi EngogementAniiouncemenis Place Cci ds ReplyCards Personalizedï¬ervietteS and Book Matches See loneliezlifadnnis