NEWS nominee Sir Persons Die in ThreeCar crash CALEDONIA Out tCPlSix persons three tram llnronto and three lrom tortCredit car were killed in thrcccar colli sion on ltighway tour miter south of here Sunday Dead are Frank hrltzel so his trite Neill and daughter orlo 17 all at Port Credit Saba Coman 60 at Toronto passean in the Krilul car MONDAY NOW 21 lift on Beet momma or an old man walked up to the mile and announced want to tell and Donald Harris at driver at another car and his passen ger William McCarthy 19 both oi Toronto Police said the lionts car heading north was in coulslon ï¬rst with car driven by Martyn Toronto then with the Kritzel car Martyn and ids three passengerr all es caped without serious injury Police said the accident was the third tatal collision this year on iomile twolane stretch of iiighway Tenpersons have been killed Nation Unity EDMONTON CF Equnh lty tor all Canadians can he achieved only it there is xcua eral atmosphere of tolerance and understanding in the coun try says Robert Stanfield na tional Progressive Conservative leader For this reason it is My loading to regard the queonn oi unity as the Quebec ques tion it isI rather the Canadian question and must be treated as seriouslyand as sympathth lcaliyin Alberta as It is in Quebec Mr Stanileld addressing an audience at more than 1000 at the annual convention of the Al berta Progressive Conservative party Saturday said it is aim loss to wish the unity problem away Tone Down Speech CAIRO AP Egyptian olti cials attempted Sudnay to dilute the tone oi speech by Presi dent Gamal Abdel Nasser in which he threatened to tight is real again it lost Arab terrlto ries were not returned made the speech Thursday and lsraelts as well as others construed it as bet ligerent one that could be harm iul to the United Nations Secu rity Council resolution on Mid dle East peace government spokesman Mohamed Hassan ct Zayyat called press conterence Sun day to say that some parts at the speech were read out at con text and that in other parts there was faultytransiatlcn by the Egyptian governments own translation servicE goal of ending measles ROBERT CLICIIE Raps Ties NRONM CPt Robert Cliche says he is not separa tist but he laughed and applaud ed when President da Gaulle ot France advocated indc ndeoca tor Quebec during it via to that province lust summtr Gen de Gaulies remarks made English adian mad like hell Quebecs New Democratic Partyleader told seminar at York University Sat urday You would like Quebec to abandon Paris but the English Canadians wont abandon the Queen he said FrenchCane dtons would target their ances tral ties it EnglishConadlons would tot Hangs Self NEW WESlMlNSlER EC tCP Reginald John Celpitts 21 described as one at Canadas most dangerous convicts hanged hlmsclt in the British Columbia penitentiary hospital Colpitts serving lite sen tence tor the stabbing death ot New Brunswick prison guard used bed sheet tied to an iron crossbar to hang himselt said Assistant Warden Merritt MeaslesIClinic HAMILTON CF About 11009 children ranging in age from one to 12 were vaccinated Sundayagnlnst measles in mass toixrh0ur clinic that cost the city $34000 Dr Ein Cunningham medical olticer of healthsald he he lieves the clinic has achieved its once and tor ail Ferraro In Firemen worir to tree Ger aid Woods of Munster Ind on Chicagos southeast side trorn the cah otzhis track after he iarnmedfon his brakes to avoid hitUngqsoma children and Method eoiied steel weighing many tons Ishltted torward crushing the cab pin nipg him against the wheel and dashboardh It took thorn hour to releasefhim but he was capitalized for only some cracked ribs tAPtVirephoto the nation about the shametut situation in more Cmty al4th Bertrand Moorold personnel manager at pulp company in the aorthwatera Quebec region then told the Es tatea General at French Caa ado Pontiac 547 per cent Frenehspeakhigpifit ot 34 post mastera 26 dont speak French Our sherttt doesnt speak French Certain game wardens dont speak Beach The agronomlst doesnt speak French The vete rinarian doesnt speak French The inspector irom the so clal wcliare service doesnt speak French At Campbells Bay and Shawville the telephone operators dont speak French Prorogues House NWT tCPt Commissioner Stuart Hodgsoa proroguod the 35th ses sion at the Northwest Terribr ries council Saturday alter doe ltverlng assurance in this new est legislative capitatot Canada that decisions made in the NWi would haior the tmito ry as whole Mr ltodgsvn said the new ter ritorial civil service moved last tail to Yellowknlie from Ottawa laces massive task preparing tor the Solh session oi council opening at Yellowkniie Feb 1568 Gets Independence ADEN AP new nation was born Sunday so houis early Arab voices and root high banners are proclaiming it as the Southern Yemen Peoples lteptdzlic Ofï¬ciallyto the departing British that isthis area they have ruled tar its years will not become independent until Thursday But when Sundays dawn broke over Aden and the Arabs in the towns of Crater Manila and Tawnhi iound Brit ish troops had departed under cover ot darkness they waited no longer tor tormat word Seeks Reform LONDON Reuters The Times is calling tor rctorm of the international monetary sys tem to make it less dependent on canlidence in the US dollar British sterlihg and gold in an editorial headed Why Buy Gold the independent newspaper says worry about the dollar last week jolted the Lon don bullion market the main centre or gold trading Liit Curlew CALCUTTA CP Curlew restrictions imposed during riot ing looting and arson here were titted Sunday as the capital at lndias West Bengal state re mained calm or the iirst time in six days Police Commissioner 5911 said the curiew was titled as no violent incidents was re ported since Saturday night Police shot to death live dem onstrators during riots toiiowing the dismissal six days ago at the lettist United Front state government Has Superiority WASHINGTON AP Rus sias longheld superiority in large booster rockets has given the Soviets an advantage over the United Statesin terms oi protection for nuclear war heads defence vdepartrnent sources say This edge is becoming signifi cant both olfensively and Men sively at time when both countries are developing anti missile detences designed to de stroy incoming warheads in outer space with lntenslvexray emissions Discuss Crisis LONDON Ont CF Siti dent liberals from Ontario uni varsity campuses sat down Sat urday to talk about crises in the cities hut they indicated they would just as soon talk about the crisis within the party Two delegates to the Ontario Student Liheral convention at the University at Western Ontar lomade determined hid to makeprohlems withinthe party the local talking point at the daylong eooventioo urgesrnsnrnn thanumberongoinfeetiousdiseasef abut masseuse 10111an we New 2c manna 1N MANITOBA Walter Weir and who Har riet are all smiles as they stand before the Manitoba Pro gressivo Conservative leader ship convention in Winnipo Saturdiu accepting the no Caprus Plause ot the crowd aiter Mr Weir had been elected the partys new provincial leader Dcteutlniz three colleagues in the contest ttr Veir also as aurnes thapiemiership oi the Tension Still Simmers NiCOSlA AP Blessttd by prosperity kisstd by the sun bathed by hair and torn by the spectre ot war This is Cyprus today as it simmers in yet another or the recurront crises which could flash into hloody disaster tor the islands Greeks and Turks who have lost the secret at how to live together But tor the mutual tears and hatreds that have turned this sunny Mediterranean isle into two desperate armed camps Cyprus could he showpiece in the Middle East Remarkahlrly good weather and an abundance oi sun and beaches make it natural mag net for tourists The economy is varied and productive it is mixture at tarming wine making small home industries making lace and hustling lncal commerce in towns and cities FARMS anounu Cyprus is the most intensively farmed country in this part of Fire Hits Seminary iii Niagara NIAGARA FALLS Ont CP annua ot the Order of Cnr melitcs are to meet today to plan iuture action following Iire Saturday that caused an as timated $1000000 damage to Mount Carmel College too yearltold Roman Catholic seminary overlooking Horseshoe Falls College President Rev Keith Egan is to meet with Rev Ma lachy Smith otBarrington lll Carmelite provincial tor the area including Canada and the United States About 171 iremen from three communities including Niagara Falls NY taught the blaze which destroyed the chap1M major tourist attraction About half the college was destroyed and other sections were dam agedby smoke and watér Father Egan said Sunday he estimated damage as exceeding 51000000 but that an official estimate was not expected oath Tuesday The lot seminarians at the college have been hilleted in private homes Fourteen resi dent priests have moved into the local rectory and several Carmelite nuns lniothe Loretta Academy adjacent to the col lege Two firemen were slightly in jured in the tire Which started in pileoi garbage inan al cove the world with more than halt oi itsacreage under cultivation in recent years Cyprus has been experiencing an economic and Simulation boom Until 1963 both GreekCypriot majority and the nirklshminority were hens tilting irom this But that year the tension gathering in tho wake oi discord since the establishment ot Cy prus independence in lgéfl blew that urechcd the communities totally apart Cut oit trom the main stream at economic lite the 100000 TurklshCyprioLs have suttered economic disaster litany now exist on charityloans and from Turkeywhile the Greek Cypriot community at 500000 continues to progress ed tour years ago there were perhaps 100 villages where Greeks and Turks lived as neighbors Today there are only live such villages the Turks say maineii Ono oi these was hit by root crisis on NovuiS my aroma WANT ans Pliotl vacant vacations or any You Borrow $2000 $3000 $t000 $5000 1N0 BONUSCHARGE merits up into violence and killings Before the troubles that erupt where TurkishCypriots have re province replacin Dali Rolr tin who is stepping dorer CP Vircphoio aidsL Commercial ï¬nugxrgopmelnt to amino st the tighting that startedthe cur ltow Costhd Mortgages Get cash fast for house repairs new car other good reason Monthly Payments Law As $3705 $5558 $7410 $9253 More payments based on tamer annum i0r7yoars WHYOUR PLAN IS BEST on HIDDEN FEES With the Associates you get mortgage agreement that is crystal clear No bonus or hidden fees are ever chargedPrepaymentprivilegesConï¬dentIaiarrangep SPEEDYSERVICEMustteIl usyourvneadsandwoll setup plan for you immediately ASSOCIATESRIEALTX caroiTLiMiTro FRED GRANT STREET PHONE 17261425 SKIRTS Plain iheyulnrii moon nines PLAIN DRESSES rants ladies Slacks MENfs surfs 135 FLASHSERVICE Free Pickup and HUR0NIActrANrrs Driveinv location To it WE new item or Dry lmn Cat No 686 New 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