Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 7

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than commas masons Mr Indhira linilIaneIaod Richard oi Aurora with Mr Ind lira Conneilrhlra Derald Abner branoon Manitoba and Min Helen Richardson Toronto with iiir and lira Cbaatlar lir and innovator Andrews with hit and Mrs John Pottin horncaiBeeton Mr andhira Weider In Himtwilie visit in tin and lira Boa Colman PRESENTATlDN Needs and nelxhbors at Mr and Mrs Wayne Robinson re cent bride and groom met at Uthe hail ior pleasant evening of dancing durlnl which they were presented with pole lamp and purse oi money Wednesday aitmtoon United Church Women met at the horns oi Mrs Gordon Haibert Ths wor ship service was conducted by ours Lawrence and lira Gren Hilbert Twelve members Ina wered roll calL Several save re ports on the meetinx held at Cedar Glen Nov lira lieber gave the treasurcra report and chapter oi the study book was read by Mrs William Rowe UCW decided to discontinue the lit at the Observer to all lam iiicr in the church Lunch was served by hostess and committee RUGBY By Hits JOHNSTON East Ore Mission Band will meet at Essen Church Friday Nov 17 at 615 pm Meetings are held every second Friday All public school age children to the community are welcome iiira Edward Johnson spent two days at the Royal York lio ttei Toronto attending the an nual meeting oi the Federation aldpiculk true reproach slmooa Womana iutltuutel is home hospital 11 orlilla is with her Ila Mrs Ray Shaw is tient ha Oriliia hospital where under wentaurgery gt Mr and hire loo Berriam Victoria 89 are viaiiiag friends in the community COMMUNITY SUPPER Womens insth met Walnu dIy events at the homa oi airs Albert Home union or tha winter tH Homemakinx Unit will be lira Gentle Lanlman and Min Margaret Langman the Wi planned community Christmas pot luck supper ior Friday Dec It 630 nL in the Community Hail to lets all are invited An auction sale with hire Jim anguish and lira Bernal Johnston as auctioneersI realised over are tii Achieve ment Dav will bosNov as at 115 In Park Street Collegiate Orillia Mrs Ed Landman attended the WI Area convention In Stayner last week Nines Pam Jcrmay East om Bonnie Brecdon Nevis and Katherine and Ellonor La attended the Royal Winter ralr Toronto Saturday Mrs Thomson Ind Mrs Werner Hoeschele orillia and ltlra Bernal Johnston spent day in Toronto and saw the ice Canaries iNVEleGATING SMOKING OTTAWA iCPi Health hillt Ister hlaeEnchen told the Com mons Friday he will reier to House committee the matter oi cigarette smoking and related aspects lie was replying to Barry liia thor NDPNaw Westminster TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO mm Burn aurpm Discomiort irom hiatal hernia TORONN ll HAMILTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER ll EVENING 00 310 2bit Mull 1le Hmonieata aaaerrt stoma 91 Lucy LNevu 1131 llama dTnlth or 190 lehudncea ovie World in ll Ami liéilyr atotner The run It smukansteln LP misfit llcooshat zor Land And Sel lMr no 1Newa am up SPctlicoll Junction aws weather 1lsovie Izlib leltPllca Glory IMovto ilPlem anion waninssnav NOVEMBER lJIi liMovlq 2Wlhdow on till Blondie om aaumar annular anuo 114mm News IWlndow on to world =°° Ham wins SW bNewa Willis 0m Mignonlurks uarney Boomer 1113mm zval Weather sMothmlaLaw or iudmatarn Hayride ualman 14mm and with 31 Paint 4DakLIri 7Garrinona Mn Merry Lewis suo lMCellbnty Billiards 2ve Lewis Lfilldryskelton ilGunlnakl snro suitors 7invadars Sparta lanaidI scnncentratton 1monon Giant lEevlrly mllbtltlel 1DItel1na Hollywood 2Psrmamy Jliakha Hill llUndel Muck NM mew Hi Whistle nzugtibli ac Bahtw Special 70119 NilM Shin eTha Prisoner ltasarv orunu Eligible 1100 Weather Spun Hahn Canon nan dliiovle tsnakdown 7liiovle Risa arrera Dado soutar unit Danic 1n Astonilhed item iiiiot Lina mu comm itVise MORNING AND AFTERNOON ilFhoto HnlIh acniolna um ll aMnm 1m named Dont lMell Tho Millers iFulttva sMovle Ohmmu Gabon nlrikr DonnI ma sMr Drenun mo TXocka llhlv Ioo anc tltn Kullaroo 1155mm House iii All Hi 7Dlallna nor Dotlara ML zTonper soooo Norah Jim 4Carlton Frederch 9Romper Room una Allan aonmio Schools LLova or us 11Ontarto schools 12 some Zsnlp Judlement acIosts Camera LVncle Bobby 7thc randy Grunt one as Ice LTulboyfiooAnnll Irflollywood Squares artok or so was Hunky Dyke am am and sua rrssuna mo Coniidrntlal uanpusy aNawa Weather solo rtI tsux SiocHIaEIi aTorento Today slLitua People ZMelv Grillin Ssearch Purl Tomorrow asrarch tor Tomumw eAa World sum moo 1Day our of Livia above is Many Splendor nilnst 1Newiywed Gama 2Doetcra sHonw Party 7Drram Girl aPeople in Conflict ilPerrv Eldon zAnother world llee ilo Tell 1s Truth 7Gcneral Hospital arsagpoatar Court 520 lYms Dont say sEdu or Ntaht 7Commlnder Tom Plta Your Move llblullwtnkla WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER EVENING mo aulke Douer Hummusshale asamc storm 59m Love Lucy ltSuper ilrrou till om arruta or cnnsaouancaa $47M sangW3 In man 11 have 7liovla sNews Weatherv sports some Weather nlra Add gr smw waua 1090 41 small world rm rat 1mm iGrnn Acres 1hiovle Ride The wild Suii ano SFestlval arse And an aann no Your use lDundee and Till Culheno iozlll WW rumour rank liWIlthtamyI Lug War aPa rsuon 1ltn ones 1111an szao Land can Lut Go INawa BM amnion llmllll Dill liMovia mo atra And Spa lilo 211 vitrioln bLoat in EDI BItwadell tit Started With Kin rt Eni Ell ii NV Grilfln Pilot uNV wuthar snort lllIIun ouran sano PM Hominy caron lfililsy Loom 11 NawI River No Return hNeWI Weather 4hovaricy Hmhilllu Soon oHoekry tThe Three stooges liPllm Berton zKrari Marlo Hall up sum Football 1cm ZNtwl Prorrlma mount Luntnuchablla onsom Forbidden ilHot Line 12 liMark sum By JOSEPH MOWER MD Doar ml hiatur Treat your up was dodored or care fflsoy apparentiyhoaled then honed about six years ago My present doctor ordered it and said have hiatal hem but no Iifl that ever had saucer Doee hiatal hernia eausa Peri odlc hoaruneaa and hurtinx ot the throat burning oi the upper stomach choking coulhlnx spasms when iirat lie downi My doctor says yes The finest concerns me atom and 15 pounds overweightMn AL Dear Doctor have an die tary distress but have other aymptnma in the neck and throat area Food sets caught like Ulcerw one Is 1in down Ra the head oi toothed iaw 1335 or using extra illowa to rain head and sh dare oitan ease and have burning sensation til in my throat The dodor told me had hialal hernia is all trosdzla supposed to be in the abdominal arentB JC First hira Ai Twenty years age hiatal hernia tor hia us hernia or esophageal her nia or sidedown stomach all being same thing was not common diagnosis improved xray techniques now identify it clearly Hence hiatal hernia is much more ireouent diagnosia From other symptoms it often is diiiimit to distinguish tram duodenal ulcers it was fortunate ior people years ago that the treatment ior hiatal hernia in many ways was much the same as that ior ulcers There are some diflerrnces too however All can say is that you may reaiiy have had hiatal hernia 20 ears ago or yougtmay have Ltd an ulcer which healed com pletely Youil probably never know ior certain Now of and BJC is not ordinarily in the abdomi nal area but higher the pit oi North dealer Neither sido vulnerable NORTH tau JD AK arm axes vxsoa when 303111 one out oxqsoas aaoa The bidding North hat South Wm Paul Plu 1v Pau 1N7 Pass arts was auras our one as Opening leadthree of spades in chess there is play known as gambit it usually occurs early in the game when player deliberately sacritireaone at his Flues in order to obtain posi ionai advantage that more than makes up ior the loss oi the piece The intentional sacriiica plays an important role in many other games and sports and hridge is no exea tion in this regard Here case in point South is In threo notrump and West leads spade dummy playng the queen and East the king it would seem natural ior South to take the ace and it would hardly occur to most players to allow Easts king to win but that is nevertheless the right play In this hand Even though declarer Is assur ed ol three spade tricks by tak ing the king his proper play Is to duck and restrict himself to two spade tricks The reason is that duck ing South guarantees con tract whereas it he takes the cosmos BRIDGE By JAY BECKER There can also be tooling oi difficulty in swallowing or oi iood eliciting in the throat it is not uncommon recall doctors wile who when awai lowing him her Elli lon her upper as as the iood down it turned out that she had very large hiatal hernia When it was repaired surgically the gesture with her hand ceased entirely in many cases hiatal hernia can be controlled without stir gery but in severe cases surgi cal repair is the best answer Dear Dr hiolner Does the birth control pill havo any ill ei icct it one has migraineiTJ it can aggravate migraine Dear Dr iiiolner have male on my chin and one be hind my lelt car When hairs grow out oi these moles pull them out with tweezers is this harmiuliCJL It Is better to clip them oil short with scissors Pulling them involves some risk of in fection and irritation or the mole see at oacp ha jeopardizes the contract and in the actual hand goes down as result Lets suppose South takes the are it he casts diamond all West has to do is duck where upon South can never make an other diamond trick Alternatlv Ely il declarer chooses to attack hearts at trick two he also finds it impossible to make nine tricks But it dcclaror refuses to win the king oi spades at trick one he is 100 per cent sure of the contrad Regardlessol how the Batman cahdsaro divided or what East does neat he has nine guaranteed tricks Suppose East returns spade Declarer wins in dummy and iorees out the ace oi diamonds He now has the spade ace as an entry back to his hand and Is certain to score two spades heart iour diamonds and two clubs Top Steer Sells For $1025 Pound TORONTO CPI The grand champion beet steer at the Royal Agricultural Winterialr was auctioned oiESaturdsy at $1025 pound The steer 1010 pound Ab erdeen Angus brought the own ers Windiields Farms Ltd oi suburban Willowisle total oi 51035250 Buyer was Dominion Stores Ltd This wasconsiderahly below last years record price oi suns pound paid by the same com pany to Desourdy Construction Ltd of Quebec City for their grand champion nhttvcnosswmo ACROSS 31nterjee 1Accumu Lion late Convr Girll Gublr mama meter 11Ignlted Condiment again Mother 12 Custom olPeer 13aeklng box Gynt Silent 1tWnraiAd aorean 15 French am pronoun BYollty 16Nonsensai 10Dregs 18 Amman 17 Strange tlva so Rattle votes 23ch 19Type navian 21 Caress 25 Pinch 26 Stowe charac Con tinned statifs Fah ulou Yeatrrdaya Aalner hlrd lLTownrd 35 Conduit the as Text sheltered 37 Genus of side theiily 42 Saucy 33 Past 44 Befall 40 Bonnier 48 Hashefl sums soars DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT xs GRANDMA BLONPIE HS WHATéwa yum new DID no or sol1° pmtiorussuntsoo lead him dauan brainwashing this is SOMETHING wnons GRANDMABYOUVE BEEN STANDING THERE IN THE RAIN FOR THE Pam11m Mlnuns AND YOULL BE GRANDFATHER ONE OF THESE W5 OUR CHILDRHJWILL BE 6511INE GOOD MORNING CLASS IM YOUR SAW YOU TWO WHISPERNG WHATS YOUR PROBLEM ii GETHDDFVDIJBUT WlEN 5H2 FINDSOUT WINGEYSAID HE WISHED HEKNEW YOUR PHONE NUMBER OWNER lDCKED ourus PINES ARE LOUDERTIIM YESiERDM 511 mum LDUDER oamsrorr Til BUZZ SAWYER GAIN ms SONAR Picks liPAN UNDERWATER OBJECT OFICE HOURS btllsMVARnsr mums $9sz madam Nc WONDEE thketrigsnnt yous sessions to Bottle it as Hawaiian fleeting 450w Jud ALKlnd or duck Rhinitis comm again DOWN Lupinbowa zsimple fln ease you didnt hear myvanawer before you taintedno wont give you raise AMUGGS AND SKEETER eliglgém xsmufiahs

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