Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 4

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Uh its warning Walla Fuhlishsr McPhora TUES N0 EMBEB ll llfl PGE Barrie Charitable Dollar It is extremely heartenin neivs that Barries eighth annual United Appeal campaigni1as attained the objective set to raise operating funds for 11 agencies in 1968 Sincethe campaign hasnov gone over 595950 it hecomesa real tribute to gen eral chairman Ross Stephens and his extremely efficient volunteer cabinet and several hundred workers and can vassers In recent letter to Mr Stephens Gordon Leighton this years chair man ot the Barrie United Appeal Board of Trustees wrote in addition to congrat ulations and thanks You have introduced several success ful innovations to this years campaign one of which would like to comment upon that is the participation of the high school students this certainly was an outstanding success it demon strated the awareness of youth it over came some of the adult apathy re com munity responsibility and all in all the students helped to remind everyone that the Barrie United Appeal had to succeed this year Yes the Barrie United Appeal as continuing and united collective arm for the 11 agencies had reached the cross roads of decision BY your dynamic ad ministration we are certain that solid foundation has been renewed which bears well for future campaign years The money received is not wasted Thebudget committee of Barrie United Appeal was established to make sure that wantmmwzsxsm 1r HAPPENED ill CANADA at EARLYTRAVELLERS Aceoss To LdgVADAVFEARIES Was grammarWes vvJflW10£7flaci omenM some omen If mango neauyrm mlummre mamaW5 der William Tollar Managing Editor prawn REPORT Wheat Picture Gloomy accountants LETTER Alderman Emms molly ob locicd to donation by the City MAME oi 00 toward dayccc Ssota Claus parade or Barrie Such panda would benefittho chaou Mr Emma submitted and should thus be supported by them and not lho city Whether or not the cili IWerruncot which has vitll stake inthe malntco ance oi vlgoroiiLmertanulc core contributes along with all other iolomted establishments and persons ll ol course entire iy up In its own generosity But Aid Emms surely cannot be an aware that downtown merchants have in fact already contributed generously toward this parade as they have dono in previous years Many hora contributed even uthogh some of them Including myscli doubt the supposed ad vantage oi such parades indeed any paradcs as means at slim ulailng increased business Many feel that anything that inlcricrcs wiih normal paticms at down town movement hinder rather than help business activity hlr Emms should thus rethink his premise Downtown merchants have supported and will continue to support Santa Claus parades even though such parades are not necessarily adjuncts to in creased salcs DiSlURlIING What disturbs me most as downtown merchant however is the innate hostility in Barrie merchants by some oldcrmcn aa lypiiied in this case by Mr moon EnuoI 0a lEnvirons occasion or ssamplcr are were similar reasons given aaa basistor oblcdlooa to Aid praisaorort orta is getting potted shrubs town sidewalk more which am sure helped more than little to improve the environment of our downtown ci streets for all Barrie rcsldcns and via ltora aiilic it seems to me that by logic such as Aid Emms the trading streets of Barrie should still he uopavcd and uailahtcd Alter all improvement of such conditions at city cost muit certainly be conducivc to better business And Santa Claus parades indeed all parades should be hold for enough away from downtown to ensure no possible odvanioge to merchants Either that or three merchants to close their doors for business during parades un dcr pain oi say $5000 penalty which was glcoiuliy proposed byat least one member of coun cil and approved by majority on the occasion at our Centen nial holiday COMPETE WELL Cynlcism and sarcasm aside though Barrie merchants are on the wholc competing ss ucil as it not boiler than those at slur liar cosmiuniiics if they can not all rciicct the glamor ac tivity and financial investment oi large metropolitan shopping centre it is simply because there is not such local concentration of wcallh and high wages as exists in or example Toronto it is certainly not because they Jolliiias placed on down haic it so good they coade 1pm igootc Ibanead tor modems The myth at downtown march ants being the fat cats of that town belongs with the days at the horse and horny fit it still umto liner insoma whose pmiiions ot responsibility appear to be at addendum to their kneelch socioeconomic con cents that belong in the last cen tury By and large merchants and other iaxpoylng busuicssea ncotigand deserve all the help and cncourgcmeai tram the city mcycan get city without healthy downtown certainly not viable one Downtown decay is already be ginning to appear in Barrie and Is in tact becoming problem that should be receiving urgent consideration by all concerned Certainly the arrogant ignor ance oi ottlludos such Aid Emms should not be allowed to go unmaileogcd by more res ponsiblc persons Antagonism such as his are icgislatiro lux ury we can all do without and hope future dialogues pennin iag to usrriea commercial life will be hold both in and out oi council chambers on lcvcls that rare mcanlngful and conducive to mutuoibencilt for all can cerncd iticn only the city of Barrie as whole can but gain Lets all be no clear about one thing Whats good for Hora rle is good tor commcrca and whats good or commerce is good for Barrio Yours Truly DOUG GREENWOOD Ross St Barrie For Prairie Farmers uy earrith NICHOLSON OTTAWA With sagging wheat prices and logging ox ports ihn Prairie iarmeruilli not be able to protect Canada against the possi lo foreign ex change crisis as he did in slml lar circumstances five years iagu Mr Louis itnsminsky Sov ernor oi the Bank at Canada revealed in his 1963 report that Iw¢mufiwaaeam export saicsoi wheat at that How UA Weighs Ciaimsro the citizens who donated goithe best possible value out of each dollar Budget scrutiny is not an easy job but it is an essential one if the community is to re tain confidence in the United Appeal and to continueto support throughvdt the various servrces Every member agency of United Ap peal which is solely or collecting body of citizens must fully justify its claims to share the dollars given by Barrie peo ple Community funds are far from un limited and they must be divided as equitably as possible Other Editors Views WHO WAS FANNY Niagara Falls Review Shame on us to allow the grand old name of Laura Secord tobe taken over by financial interests south of the bore Where was Mitchell Sharp with all his financial genius and parliamentary office Where wasLester Pearson the Nobel peacemalrer Where was our fellow Canadian John Dieienbaker zeal ous for Canadian autonomy in all things Where was TommyDouglas and his dread of United States takeover in in dustryi Silent all as Laura Secord established as Canadian candy par ex cellence was taken under control of the Board and Directors of Americas Fanny Farmer By the way who was Fanny Farmer ooaooeos count was BE 50 04 mm aatrroouras Tfiamfilmo WENflVHds vGLAGIERS 74552 MA55VE RNEES or ice mun IN ANADAS FAR NoniAme MDViNG ALI n4 TIME 474 550475 SPEED OFSOFEEIAMollTiV lt lfér Press or Reuters and also the Rasmhiskyhldispeiied lmmadi foreign 32 yearp Vancouver BC time saved Canada from for eign enchange crisis Ernie Pascoe Moose Jaws Chnscrvm llve MP explained to me lhrcatcnad run on the Canadian dollar then wasvpreventcd by large soles of Canadian wheat to Russia Those large grain transactions according to Mr rate concern about renewed elgn exchange diiiicultics That experience stressed how satisfactory wheat prices and high exports of wheat are of vital concern to the whoie Cann dlan economy said Moose Jaws farmerMP as We talked in his Parliament Hill office Since the 104611 crop year Canada has exported more than 3500000120 bushels of wheat in only four years these have been the past fouryears when exports have averaged 488 000000 bushels consequent upon the sales to Communist coun tries first inspired by the for mer Conservative agriculture minister Saskatchewans Aivin Hamilton This year the Cans dian wheat board foresees pos sible exports oi only 315000000 bushels or even less it the ne gotiations with China result in reduced sales are caught in ourway squeeze llir Pascoc told me We are suifering from small er 1967 crop dropin wheat BIBLE THOUGHT For whosoever shall do tba will til God the some is my brother and my sister and mother Mark sgss it people blue to Christ will be those who have chosen His will above theirs Thy Saskatchewan wheat growers will be Tillie Eurrtrfxniiiiitgr lo Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Dsily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly 57600 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barriehstfim yearly Ontario $1200 year motor thrownit 815 year Mail out side 0ntario $14 year Out side Canada British posses sions $15 year USA and National Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue Toron to 540 Catheart St Montreal 507 i100 West Fender SL Member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press nnd Audit Bureau of Circulatibnsu The Canadian Press is ex cliisivelyentitied to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred itcd to it or The Adsoelaied local news published rherein prices greatly reduced Export sales and operating costs Blame for the smaller crop can be placed on the lock oi summer raintail ltlr Pascoe conccdcd But lower priccs and reduced exports must be delay in government marketing action he charged while the higher operating costs result dia rccily from the governments inrdy ciiorts to curb inflationg ary pressures The high crops and large ex ports at the past iour years may protect armors against suffering from the squeeze over the next tow months But some time next sununer unless the government lights to rccover areas oi Canada Mr Pascoo lost morkcts there will drop in iarmdncomc and the effect oi this will be felt in all believes Already the slow exn port movement oi whcot has been largely msponsiblo for toyoils oi railway workers As the result at lagging bx ports country grain elevators are all very nearly lull so many inrmcrs are unable to de liver their loot crop to those ci evators Until they do so they cannot receive ihe first cash payment tor flieir harvest Mr Pascoc cstimalcs that this hasl meant reduction of some $55000000 in cash to Prairie iarmcrs in theiirst 11 weeks of this crop yearsince Aug pmrsmrfi EduCation Bo Will Be Powerful By DON BHEARN WRONNOned UM most widelyvvolcod criticism oi the new education also is lliat it is prematurely uuiagsboundo ties for regional gaveoman Opposition party spokesmen and the press have said that basing new administration units on tho county means that re gional governments will be on tablbhcd on the present county lines had these boundaries which werocsinbiished many yesraago it is said are now outdaicd There is some validity to this argument The now regional boards oi education will be poweriul bod ies And their administrative areas will loud to set pattern lho pattern however need not necessarily be lasting one BASE BROADENED The most important facet of the new system is that lhc bnsa oi education control and ii nanclng is being broadened and the principle of larger units is being introduced in lhe future when the same principle of larger units is be ing cxlcndcd to othcr services at local government it should be quilc masonuble task to re solve now boundary lines lha essential colors in the Ihinking of tho government would have been that it must get the province somehow started on this path towards re ginoai government And education would be the logical dooropener This Is the iicld in which the provincial government pay the bulk oi the cost and in which CARANDJRUCK LEASINE Arrnacrive YEARLY sores mm BVARRIE DRIVEACAR 43 Essa ltd Allandaie Vitexorcllu the strongest con mi The government could order changes in it with the least ions to local feelings This one assumes was the basis on which it decided to act now in starting to reorganize the education structure ONLY START it is important to keep in mind that this is only start it will be more than yes before the new structure actu ally is operative Iind in the meantime many adlustrnents will have to be made Between now and 1069 for in stance an entirely new iorrnula oi grants must be worked at and made public Itnd then lo cal oreas must start setting up the necessary machinery for administration including the setting of tax rates and the col lccllon oleducation revenues through direct who on an areas basis Also it would be important that people running for board liiis year know thcy might have only year in office So the new siructura can ha only very temporary one crrvowcusns oi the worlds more than 000000000 people into rowln tllori about 100000000 line in cars Burning Rectal itch Relieved In Minute Exclusion Healing Substance Reliech Pain An Shrinks Hemorrhoids If you want satisfactory sclicl fmm fitclung Pilesjthcroa good nowa renowned research laboratory It found unique healing subalon that promptl relieves the burning ltcli and Iainactually shrinks hrmorrhbi This auhsuincc lial am shown to roduoo must allow two rats or ing its germkiliing proportiaa also holp pravanl mfoction in ma aiur caso very airiking improvement was noted among noses at long standing And this improvement was maintained over period of months This was accomplished by new healing lubstanco BioDyna wlnch Tickly helps heal urod Iqu an stimulate growth non llssue Now BioDyna is nllemi in ointment and Iuppnsitori tom callcd Preparation As for it at all drug sioresaatisincuon or monayreiundzd Boeicaltle Farmer WaltchDcvercux saves some of the slealtlor himsell with Canada Lil lusl outside of Ridsetown Walter Devereux has cash crop and heel cattle farm that is model of cliiciency antisgoorl management Ourlamily has been in tanning lor sensationalI says Mr Dévcreux As matter at loci this larm was my grandlaihcrs and my lolhcrs laimWevesccn agriculturechange over he ycarsmnlllit has reached the highly competitive stage at any business You have to plan carelully to succeed at farming new wu all the obligations lsrmer has he added you have to plan carelullylovthclulureoiyourlémily and youtscll too halve sways relicd on the skilled advice are knowledgeable Canada Lileagenl He has shown mé how to organize my linoncial allairs to that ran concznlsaleon developing thalarm in this way can keep some stcak let my familyand myselfJiioyre rlakencateol and can look forward to lots of gait and ciirling when want to lakcthings bit easier CANADALIFE oomaanay H9 mutual company entirely owned Qt by its laniily oi policyholders

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