inc flamenco First woman mayor in Drillias hhto sabel Post who has rd tor iive lentil will be it by Deputy lteeve lnuls Franco in the town at Orillie election Dec Both told meeting at the spacious mat eivie Opera House last night that they would be in the tield mum were elocbnngrs over ng meters the hall and other ismcs May or Post reported good industrial prospects tor the town and Do puty Reeve Franco reviewed busy program at street improve ment by the committee he chair ed Mr Franco has served six years on the Drillia council Drillias other Simcoe County representative Reeve Graham Card was returned by reclama tion lie was on the county tin ancc committee this past year and in Orlllia was boosted as prospEct ior BBB chairman Qriliia Ma fro Be Opposed Orillie Township Reeve Torn Joslln entered the contest tor de puty sceve allowing the towns annexation the area in which be resides Councillor Burt Mec lsalc said hewould also be standing and former emineiilor William limo also was nominated They have until ociot tonight to quality Council nominees six to be elected include incumbents Vic Cairns Lillian Burnet Dorothy Davies and Robert White aLso Bert Thompson Ed Broomtleid George McKay Robert Ford Bill Dimallne Ed Forman heat rlce Cameron and Jim Jones Franir Tissington and Norval Orser were elected to the Water Light and Power Commission by acciamatiun Nominated ior tour trustees seats were llalry Super David Church at William lrvine MacDonald Joseph Farr George Whitï¬eld was chairman liver 500 Items Donated For Annual Rotary Radio Auction More than 500 items have bccn donated to date by business and industry towards the radio auc tlon oi the Rotary Club at Bar lie Bruce Brock auction chair mon announced today The auction an annual event to roise tunds loi Rotarys scr ite work will be held Wednes day Nov 29 between 630 and 1230 pm The list at items tor sale will be published in the Examiner this coming Monday club goes all out to make it SUCCESS ltctail prices of all items will be listed in the newspapers Hid ders ille requested to oilnr not less than 25 per cent otvvaiue Procedure will be to use special telephone lines to nuction sale headquarters nslr tor the lost prices on items in which the caller is interested and then to moire turther bids Nnmcs and addresses oi all bidders will be recorded and those whose otters SeesfGrectt Pmblems As Implemented Speculation began in earnest last night into how orth ad ministration will be organised at ter the education departments announced plan to term county stud beards ot edueann cams into eticct months trom now The Barrie District Col legiate board poured over ver bitten copier cl Plunder Join Marts npoeeh of Nov 14 in which he announced thatOntar ios 16m local boardswlil be IAYCEES PREPARE POR SANTA PARADE Tod Young LEI1 and icr ry Cole are members at crew at laycecs who are world ing on Iha heats the club plans to enter in the Claus parode Dec spokesman tor the organisation staid tent ative plans culitor them to build 24 tloots As the time tor the parade is last approaching club members are working al most ovary night in on eitort to get tinished in time May Také FundRaising PresSure From Students Student councils at Dorrie high schools may get direct grants from the collegiate hoord tor student travel it the board nets on suggestions put toward last night Superintendent Romsny told the board that the councils are under too much pressure to raise iunds tor trips to athletic while unless 600 people show up Mr Ramsay noted in report to the board that soon in year is budgeted for student travel but the money has been used almost entirely to cover the cost at buses to the Kiwanis Music Fes tivoi in Toronto and for an an nual trip tor the honor society could be better spent on projects at more direct and lasting bene tiL he sold The board agreed that it should not destroy student lnlta live by looting the entire bill lionever Dr Anders sug guted that the board could grant it portion ot the needed money replaced by too oouotysiztsi boarrk The trustees agreed to torm steering committee to keep close eye on further develop ments at Queens Park The board also asked its administra tive stati to pass along lurthcr details at the plan immediately they are announced Board chairman Robert Sara ioantwaroed trustees it was their serious duty to see that these isnno iotcmtption in the educational pracess during the transition to larger administrat ive units lie torccast great problems as the new system is established but cautioned gninst postponing important deA cisioos during the next 13 months because at impending change Mr Sarieant suggtstcd tba tor mation ol the special committee to meet regularly and seek out additional iotormatlon on the plan Superintendent lil Ramsay told the board it is designed to improve the lot oi students The only people really concor ed are board members and ministrative stoil hc snld But it doesnt mailer much it as long as eds Mr itemsay urgedtha board to continue tunctioning as it has in the past in spite ut the com ing changes Le islation ex pected in early ebruary will require the new countyailed ed ucation units to take responsibil ity ior their own loudraising by issuing separate tax bills to the public However this was described last night by Mr Ramsey as relatively minor aspect ot the new scheme More important is the plan to reduce the provinces 1554 school beam to ion larger units Sillll EltllldS Knee uses ql When the new policy take of act boards will be established on totally Maria except in large cities which will retain their own boards education to the North where there crane ooImtiee large school unitewlll be dullnlled by the govern menL The scheme is hltendedle ex tend to all students the beneï¬ts now enjoyed by more llvored school systems Larger units wht provide more adequater tor youngsters who have special tel eots or special problems accord ing to Air Roberts sloped puaslaam so have been accepted will be only at Control Collegiate directly to In student councils events hflï¬WIruIhgug Last years auction produced 250 Air Brock is hopeful that his months event will bring in equal nmont or more This is moierRotory project and the notitled Every member at the club will be involved irl accepting bids recording them and in compiling iinal prices IvyThomton Subscribers Will Join Barrie Exchange About to customers of the Ivy4 Thornton tele ph exchange will he added to hell Telephone ol Canadas Barrie exchange on December when the Bell take over the 58yearold IvyThornton telephone company As of December the ivy Thornton exhcange will have been dissolved and telephone ser vice ior the 50 customers will be transterred to Barrie Camp Borden and Cookstown cxchong ï¬es said John Vokas Barrie manager who added that toll irec calling service will link the three exchanges so that the pre sent ivyThoroton customers can call each other without toll char ges Mr Voltes sold this in crease in the localcalling area would not atiect monthly rates within the three exchanges The work in replacing oldtash toned wall telephones to modern dial phones has been proceeding in the lvyThomton area for months The company had oper One result ot the pressure is that dance bands at question able repute have been importh irom out of town in order to at truct bigger crowds to weekend say said it is osltiog great deal ot the slot to supervise these men sirnus Friday night nitairs be said ticcause oi the pressure to raise money the student coun partlcs at the schools Mr Ram cils dont tool dance is worth ated since I909 and since this the exchange has been located at the home at Mr andlVirs Earl ltcid hero The Raids will retire from telephone service Mr Reid alter 54 years during which he was operator lineman and repair man Mrs Reid is now Ivy post mistress and will continue to op peraie the post oititu from her home ZKIWANIANS FATHERSON BANQUET Prizes songs and magician were all part of the annual Kiwanis Club of Barrie lather and son banquet held last night at Barrie Community House About 25 boys ranging in age tromtworto 1a years ttend their fathers or Kiwanian hosts watched Don Randall make variety of objects ap pear and disappear Here he pours milk down paper cono into the ear of Michael For grave much to the amuse ment of Warren Synnott leitl and Stephen Moss The magi Witnesses Plan ThreesDay uConvention December 1517 follow up to the largest convention Barrie has ever hostlt ed the disciple mAking Dis trict Assembly of Jehovahs Wit nesses is inthe planning stage tor Orlllia Dee 1517 it was an nounced lost night by Rus lgall Hershey presiding minister the Barrie congregation Mr Hershey explained the Dr illia meet will be on smaller scale titan the Dorrie convention which drew 4000 delegatesvior which drew 4000 delegates tor the tourday event Arrange are being made to accan nbontaao persitlts It is to be threeday workshop in pr ticul Christianity emphas QUTDOUR lthlts larks hoard crews are they this week putting up the boards ior natural ice rinks at parks throughout the city izing the value of Christian guidance in giving meaning and happiness to tile Its Coming WEDNESDAY NOV 29 cotton homo Avalon Hundredsof ttamsi Bargains Galore Rotary Club at Dorrie clan later retrieved themilk ram is bolemin the boys elbow daughters and son interize lie pointed out that North Col loginte alone paid out $1300 this year ior travel to athletic events and payment or otiiciois Ettorts at student councils and other student organizations to be distributed as they seo tit He said pressure would be re duced but initiative retained Thciboard did not vote on the matter but will raise the ques tion against the next regular session gt Funeral Service Wednesday For Mrs Wellington Paddiscn Lucinda Paddison who wus to celebrate her 73rd wedding an niversary in less than month died yesterday at toan Victoria Hospital She and her husband Welling ton wcre sttld to ho theoldest married couple in the county Mrs Paddtson the former Lucinda Mills was member of the Central United Church lilo rneos Association the Rebekah Lodgetand tile Loyal Orange Benevolent Association Lodge in Allandalc She is three Neoln liirs Taylor Lucinda Mrs McKenzie Muriel Mrs it Peterman all at Barrie and Norman oi Windsor She was the sister ol Samuel of Kenaston Sash Tom at Cal lander Ont Garlicld oi Clark son and Minnie Mrs Torn Caskie of Burlington The body is resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home 152 Brad iort St Funeral service will he held Wednesday at pm survived by High School Custodians To LUCINDA PADDISON She will be buried at Barrie Union Cemetery Receive Increase In Salary contract with high school custodians providing acrossthe board wage increases or $200 year for women in 1963 and 1969 gained Barrie District Collegiate Board approval last night The new contract under nego tiation since April also provides an increase in overtime rates from $250 to $275 Salaries tor men will range from $4100 to $4900 in most They now start at $3700 and range up to $4500 Women will receive wages ranging tram $2750 to $3450 in the second year of the twoyear contract as compared with 1967 salaries ranging from among New Rememberlast winter The damage your house received and the hardships andinconveniencc your family went through Call now Experts are ready toropnir damaged siding rating Do it now while prices are really low The custodians are represented by the Building Service Employ ees international Union The settlement was reached under supervision of conefliiation officer Greenaway ap pointed under provisions of the Labor Relations Act Barrie Boy Winslit Royal JohnMcEachcro son at Mr and Mrs Garnet McEachern Napier St Barrie ï¬nished first in one event and third in another at the Royal winter Fair inTor onto Saturday Competing against 10 other en tries in the Childs Harness Pony Class John driving wing Corn mander walked cit with top iron ore John and Wing Commander learned up agai nin the Childs SoddieClass and were awarded third place in class ntlz enm petltors my mourn WANT ADS mane CASNDRA Featuring lorge centre diamond unit sporkling side diamonds in bcoutilul tiiogrre settings in 14 kt Yellow or White Gold DIAMOND $12500 WEDDING 4500 WEEKLY TERMS LEJRNS 6er LIMIT€D Something great has happened to mtgGigs M8 swa MOBILE suns arm or con snowmnsan DELANEY no Boar LINES 100 Nylon insulats erl tor 40 below lFully zippered choice or color Mens and Ladies $2195 SNOW BODTS Mitts lnncrwear oggles Helmets Face Shields Tort nes Socks mum Sleighs attbo toot ot anileld St 726841 anode 20 tr dnSLVJ am thSWPsM 5831 Elle Naa1oa VCll raring sAnpsoupoM slalom til smearl roasts