Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 2

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EDIfll lllGGS iabovo loll described as one of the worlds fommst educators instructs two Barrie elementary school teachers in the latest methods oi education moor LEFT Miss Biggs Ethel Campbell grado teacher Mrs lsabel Nash pernianent supply each or aenow Total involvement was evident during the iirst day of the two doy mathe matics seminar at llillcrest School yesterday licra three STUDY new SYSTEM Teachers Become Pupils During TwoeDayv Seminar One of the foremost educators in the world Miss Edith Biggs addressed twoday mathema tics seminar at Hillcrest School yesterday and today outlinng the latest forms of education Miss Eiggs from London Eng land took time out of busy fourmonth programuf six six dny seminars in other centres in the province to visit Barrie at the request of Angus McKay superintendent of Public Schools She consented to come here be th cause she considers Barrie and of the centres most advanced Sand receptive to the new sys th tern Four public schools closed yes terday so that teachers could at tond Today Cadrington John son Maple Grove Oakley Park gBrudford and Stcela st Schools closed to allow east end teachers to parti cipate During the sessions teachers from each lcvel of education primary through to high school are grouped at tables along with one tutor Teachers took the role oi the pupils as Miss Biggs in structed them in the type of pro ject which they would eventu ally pass along to their classes Aitcr preliminary instruction ey were turned loose wiui blocks graph paper string and other appurtenances to arrive at eir own conclusions Teachers pondered the prD hlems that would some day be done by youngsters in the pri mary school grades Groups spread their graphs on the gym Mentor Reeves Elected Mayor Joseph Magani has been reelected head of thshradiord LOCAL GENERAL TRAVELUGUE Seeondin the series of travel Vogues by the Kempenieit Kiwanis Club of Barrie will be presented tonight at ii pm at Central Col legiate Auditorium Puerto Rico film by James Metcalfe will be shown GUEST SPEAKER RoyalVictoria Hospital admire istraior Cameron will address the lions Club of Barrie this evening in Barrie ComnuA nlty Horne hyfllllCK STRUCK Brian Kopitowaki 17 of to Anna St North reported to City Police at 730 pm last night that haihad been struck by truck at 15pm as ho was walkingsin tharvicinity oi the Barrie Taupe DUGB LIFE dog trying to get into his mastershomevat it Clappcrion St last oigbtalarmetl neigh her who cailedpollceThe dog managed to get by screen and was sitting on window ledge when poiicearrived to investi council for another two year term following busy year marked by considerable town improvements in January he will start his eighth year as mayor The well known Erad rd businessman succeeded Arthur Evans MP for Slmcoe Centre which includes Barrie as Bradford mayor Mr Evans withdrew from the may onality when he was elected to the Ontario Legislature Bradfords two county council representatives Bruce Stewart and Deputy Reeve Fred Cook also were returned by ac clamation but Bradford voters will go to the polls on Wednes day Dec to elect their coun cillors lncum on is are Fred DDW Tom Evans Ken Tupiing andA 0Davey The 1967 tax rate was 92107 milisresidentlalrnd 10207 com mercial up 109 and 13264 mills Eiementeryschool rates were up 8949 residential and that com rnemtal irom best year Brad ford district high school rates were increased 317 residential and rate wns up over whichthn Bradford conned ball control was 2am mills resi dential and 31991 commercial This represented an increase at gate His mastcrwas not home it °¥ 1751 rosldcntial and 3194 com merctaL caught up in the enthusiasm untorims ai Am teachers work on graph on the gymnasium floor FROM LEFT Glen Moore teacher at North Collegiate Linda Eagles grade teacher in Barrie hirs Fosicr grade tea cber here nasium floor and worked on them on their hands and knees high school teachers pon dered elementary grade pro blems which had taken on new and perplexing dimensions Group activity and involvement became an interesting and chall engingiorm of education Not only were representatives from Barrie and surrounding areas involved in the program educators from many Ontario ed States were caught up in the activities Tbe days when the teachers stood at the front of the class as fountain of information are passed with this new system said MacLean assistant Superi tendent of curriculum at the Ontario Department of Ed ucation instead of spouting list or facts and fguree the new teacher will create he spark of interest and let the pupil discov er tha facts himself The new system while it is described as far superior way 14 educate the youngster is far more demanding on the teacher Flexibility is one at the keys to the system according to Miss Blggs Barrie is considered to be one of the leaders in Canada of the new education system Four or five classrooms in the city have been operating under this new system of flexibility and educat ing youngsters at their own rate for the past two years One at the aims oithe new method is to break down the restrictive grading that forces all young sters toproceed at uniform speed thereby limiting the gilt erl child and eliminating the slower learners Many educators in both Canada and the USA are watching the development of this system in Barrie with the idea or possibly adapting it to their own school systems Professor Sawyer world famous educator once des crihcd the teaching in some Barn rle classrooms as the finest in the world lieil prhicliial at Hill crest School said is seminar has been highly successful Everybody here is certainly exuded by Miss Bl Miss Riggs described as wo man oi bourtfiiess energy climbs mountains in bar sparetlme in the classroom shc tcachcs with what was described as old chi centres and even from the Unit initialised CoOrdinator To Be Hired $1000 year Mrdiue Itortohandietlzolasitomsoi high ah ll grid on tbs colleen board The board created the new po sition ilrt nlghtnfter Superin tendent Ramsay said the ram would pay for itself in im proved staff relations teacher dfldencv and reduced moisten once costs Mr Ramsay said in reply to condom from Dr lin den increased use of complicat ed audioVisual aids makes it neccss to provide teachers with as lance Llie also iiinoinedmtbnt lehigvislon cooling crass redu calm use Igiltecbnirlan read qu org equipment for efficient viewing Educational tel svlsion is upected to increase to the point where videotape re corderle be needed Mr Ram say told the board in other bustnest the board last night agreed to pass on of tidal congratulations to students who participated in the Barrie United Appeal The studcnis rais ed liver $1100 for this years ap DCI uro REPORTED ill DISTRICT Provincial Police cruiser chued speeding light In the Alliston Cooksiawn Barrie Area elrly today The brilliant white light the sky was first spotted by countable at Alliston about non Minuth lsier Coastbis Paul Kendrick ou illghwny 27 and constable lflrolrl Ron It lilghwoy 400 saw the light and tried to catch up to it was moving faster than slur llld Countable Klu drlcli Constable Ed zillotlo at Bar rie detachment chlsed the ob loci south of the city until It driited westward across hire Simcoe Radar screens at Toronto ln tematlonal Airport and the Downoview armed forces base did not detect any aerial ob Ieell PERFORM TONIGHT 1113 Pro illusion aural Group will present concert at Central United Church Auditoriiun to night at 830 pm Guest soloist for the performance will be Janis Cook noted bass irom Ottawa ALAN BONNEY mu Hide burst feel that people are interested enough in the elec tion in lust that theyre happy wiLh things the way they lie and this creates disinter est after awhile if people feel that those they vote for are doing good job they wont change them JOE HAILRADINE Dracula Street The onlywuy theyll get interest is to get an issue This kills lot of my interest in civic election Without an issue what is there to vote on Why vote for man just be cause he has been living in one town all his life Election Strategy Planned By Irate Angus Ratepayers Angus ratepayers will meet Wednesday to evolve an election battle plan in hopes of gaining greater representation on the Essa Township council Apublic meeting has been cali ed for pro at Angus follow ing an alternoon nomination meeting by the Angus Election Organization Group which hop as for bloc vote of ratepayers in the area it will be held in the organizations Highway 90 earn paign headquarters The group has torn candidates up for nomination Sanford Page who will run for resve George Guergis seeking the de putyreevefs post and Mrs shir ley Deveaux and Les Lovcgrovc who plan to run for council Election day in Essa is Dec Incurnbents all expected to seek reeleciion are Reeve George Davis Deputyrceve Eur OBITUth LAURA McCIJTCHEDN Funeral service was held this afternoon for Laura Edna Mc Cutcheon 74 who died Sunday morning at the York County Hos pltal Newmarket Burial was in the Scbomberg linan Cemetery She was predeceased by her husband Thomas Arthur in 1965 Mrs Mchtcbeon is survived by three sons nd two daughters Robert of Ch waclr BC Hflr en Mrs Erown of Bar rie Donald of Schombcrg Thel ma tllirs Ross Taylor ot Noble ton and Keith of Bolton She is also survived by two sisters Alice Mrs Green of Bond Head and Hazel Mrs Wil mot Hayes of Alliston and brother Cecil Bretbetoi Thorn inn ACCIDENTS harrleites have an nrentiy mastered the artol dr ving on slippery streets ior one day at least City police report no ac cidents for the 24hour period ending at am today PREMIERE REGIONAL ORCHESTRA THEiHliRONiA SYMPHONY Director Lloyd Tulford Jack Montague Guest Conductor Thomas Park Tenor CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDIIORIUM WED NOV 29 830 pm Muriel Heller General Chairman 726660 humor and discipv gene Smith and councillors Ken neth Ross Fred Blanchard and Morgan Murphy For the first time some 2600 voters living in married quarters at Base Borden will be eligible to cast ballots in the Essa mun icipal elections Return Reeve iii Cooksiown Cockstown village council for Jane and 1969 will show one change from the present council as result of oxiomatioos Toe nomination meeting was held at the rCookstown comtrninity hail last night Reeve louis Montana was returned for hwoyear term at tar former reeve Ira Wilson and Councillor Murray McDowell withdrew Reeve Monkman is now completing his second one year term as reeve He has been member of the Cooirsiown council since its incorporation in 1961 Mr Wilson was the first recve and he served four years as head of the council New member of council will he Bob Saunders Cookstown merchant who willreplace Gor don Lemmon who decided to withdraw Councilllors returned were Artilurvmdd John Hough ton and Murray Mc Wil iiamVPring also was nominated but withdrew Returned to the school board were Robert Riley and Wilson Wright thus making an election unnecessary Cookslown was police village from 1904 until 1961 its present Population in about 300 The twoyear term was the first adopted for council Conn cit upprovedthe extension io lowlng its endorsement at meeting of ratepast last ye Reeve Monkman said the vil lage had paid its share about $10L000 of the cost oi wid the main street to four ian rnoouanmao couusns benefits from tinie and money cometax deductible Grade Xll Commercial 15 Wn to Main direct West Foi full information and free sampieiiesson Hovv More Enthusiasm Be Generated in Civic Voting JOHN KOREN on along St Voting should be made compulsory You have right you should exercise it The way the countrytl run shouldnt depend on the weather on elec tion dy This counts for any clefiuoo federal provincial or ti GEORGE BEENDT Steele St The people who run for office cater to the wrong sec tion of the public They dont give right answers to right questions in words the layman can understand Politicians dont get around enough to talk to the average man Lm EXAMINER WAY Norman ll m1 HOLmWAY RM BEN rle Just let things got so tough they will have to male as decision Everyone will vot ers and candidates in labours though feel that people must ho satisfied with things as they stood They should still be free to fitness whether they vote or no NORM SYNNOTT sunnidsla lid Possibly it might gener ate more interest to hnva can didates partici to in discus slons on television They could form panel and have the pub lic telephone in An election supplement in the local news paper should help bring the issues before the electorate coutursz swam simul dalo Rd Our councilman should receive more of cub compensation for what they do its qultaa job for someone to take on mid higher bon orarlurn might help There arent too many people who for afford to enter politch cg mcn snasson Shirley Ave More time should be vaiiablu in local news media for campaigning The media should also take more en thusiastic approach Wed have interest if only citizens could be made to realize that our freedom beers with it res ponsihiilty to vote Fipancihglliéw Home Fe County Discussed Plans for financing néw $1 000000 muntyvhome or the eld erly at Coilingwood was listed for discussion by Simcoa County Council at its session today Penetanguisheoe Reeve Aif Cage is member of the county council for 17 years is expected to give report on progress made in the planning as chair man ot social services The council earlier voted approval for report which selected site at Collingwood large new addition was addr cd to the county home at Bee ton last year and this has been put to good userlhe Breton home now has acconmiodation for 125 Georgian Manor atPenetangui sbena can accommodate more than 100 Long discussed third home for the elderly was delayed be cause at the high cost of build ing but with inflation continuing it has been suggested the county may as well proceed AREA PRISON Earlier new county prison was proposed but it isanticipata ed this will now bevdelayed un til it is made clear that the provincial government will do the financing probably for an area prison Announcement was made recently that the province will assume the full cost of ad ministration of Justice and itis assumed that this includes the cost of maintaining county pri soosA jail farm was talkeda bout earlier and county officials approached representatives of Barrie city council about joining in the project as means of qualifying for larger provincial grant Now that thagovernment SAFETY MEETING Barrle section of the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations will meet Thursday 830 the Continental ion for dinner and saiety ilim nigh SAVE TIME Home study students can nowlprepareto write examinations to receive recognized High School certificates in matter at months with new programmed methods At last you can denve spent to develop new methods Low monthly payments are in Ehcclc off the level you need to get the ihb you ant Grade Xi Xili XIIIIi Vocational and Academic Standards institute Hamilton Ontario will pay 100 per cent this is un necessary although prison to serve Barrie and the area is still desircd Warden Gegga lilacKay who is reeve Oro is complet ing busy year as head oithe county council which now has 55 members Advancement in the new assess ment system new county road constmctiun andbetter organiza tion of Wallace administration were listed as achievements Counlyassessors wno now num ber 23 have been taking special instruction as preliminary to reassessingona iooperceut market value basis This new as scmncnt yardstick is expected togointo effect throughout the county in 1072 or 1873 taxahon In the meantime local assess ment and county vary with the equalization committee attempt ing to make reasonable adjust ments 1968 ASSESSMENTS Equalized assessments adopt ed for 1968 taxesshow Orian the highestwith $35593621 fol lowed by Midland with 5ill416 117 Innistil township with 516 191963 Collingwood with $13 753515 Tiny with $10567558 and Ore with $9187227 Collectively these slit municipalities provide more than half the county levy or more than the other 26 con biued Nottawasaga ranks seventh with $8615167 and then comes Orilha township with $7335925 and Essa with 7014284The $8224700 followed by Wasaga 21 municipalities have equalized assessments below tampon Cookstowns sunset is the low est Total assessment of the nine For Further information call newer Id town of Alliston is tenth witb Beach with $6926727 The other lNVESIIGATE AN ANNUITY my tax advantages ale and absolutely guaranteed olarger uses both capital and invest ment interest Ofrce from worry no management problems unaffected by economic fluctuations Iget more life out of your lite savings STUART tom cLu DUNLOP 51 BUS 728$594 RES filial MANurAcrunans Lire villages is $5753865 less than half of that oil the town of Orii lia The viiiagoshave ii mam4 bcrs of the county council and Oriilia two and this has been sub ject ofronsiderabic controversy among those advocating change in representation regula tions Fred Hunter county clerk has giveninolica ofhis intention ol retiringiat the end the year The present county jail is more than 175 years old Natural gas heating was installed efllIlEI in the year and this has added to comfort and provided better cooklngp NDFfllES Winter has apparently put chill on fires Tb Barrla Fire Department ha fought one of major consequence this month atRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES SA VI on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 30l Blake St Barrie Shopping Plaza urine

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