Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Simm County For Man Than Century roars YearNo an LARGE section oia to inch gas pipeltoeriies in ficld about booieet from the scene of an explosion last night that ripped out the Tranann adn Pipe Lines Ltd natural gas line near Hunstville Out In the background are Iihe flames from barn VI of Israeli Planes Hit Arab Post TEL AVIV CF lunch jet fighterbombers attacked ior danion positions on the cost book of the Jordan River today for the first time since the Arablsrneli war in June miieirom the blast that caught tire from the heal Another ham and home were damag ed but there were no injuries GP Wirepbotot ailiSURVIVOllS TWAJetliner Crashes 64 Persons Are Killed ClNCl NNAIYI Alt Transvlvorld Airlines Jet passen ger plane crashed and burned in on itpple orchard aboutn mile and half from the Greater tcinclnnati Airport Monday night apparently killing at of the 82 persons aboard We counted up all our pas sengers again and now find there were 75 passengers and seven crew members said TWA district manager aKrueger There are 18 mm vars That leaves 64 persons not accounted foul dont want to say they are all dead but dont have much hope for find ing any more survivors Six of the survivors were re orted in serious or critical cun ition in various area hospitals Most of the injured were taken to SLEliszQtlt Hospital in Covington Ky Twothirds oi the nurses at the hospital re signed last week in adispute with the managementbut most at them reported back to work Monday night to care for the in jured The debrisstrewn crash scene isin an orchard about 15 miles north of the airport and not far from the spot where an Ameri can Airlines passenger plane crashed buses with heavy loss of life Greater Cincinnati Airport is built south of theedgc of pla ns we icon above the Ohio River The pi in to Airlines plane smashed against thehlilside so harsh and qulonftwos about feet below theedge of the plriT Tvio h61hslatetlVA said he tcau The TWA plane that crashed Monday night came down few hundred yards post ihe edge in plain sight oi the runway lights Woodrow McKay chief tower controller at the airport said pretty good fire broke out after the piano hit More than score of persons were valting inside the airport restaurant for the arrival at friends andrelatives Mrs Maurie Cuneo ofHebron Ky said she saw great ball of tire that it looked to heras though the plane had exploded in the air The plane was aTWA Couvair Deserters Say Dont Want Vietnam Fight MOSCOW APt Four US sailors who deserted the carrier Intrepid in Japan told the Soviet pabiic today that majority of American servicemen do not want to fight in Vietnam Soviet peace committee looking after the four said they are resting in Moscow but de dinedto give their whereabouts CAPSULE NEWS Residents Return To Homes NEWTON Ala AWNearly the residents of this southeast Alabama town were back in their homes today after officials an tnounced 10000 gallons o1 deadly chlorine gas derailment had dissipated unleashed in railway Urged To Change ItsViews NEW YORK Reuters John Kennethhalbrailb today urged the United States to revise its aims in Vietnam and concede con rol oi the countryside to theViet Cong in an effort to get negotialt tions started Baby Found In Suitcase TORONTO ltch baby girl less than week old was found abandoned in suitcase Monday In the womens washroom of departrnent store at the suburban Yorkdale shopping centre Police nsaid the baby might have died if she had not begun to cry Shop pers and store employees heard her Faculty Seeks Postponement MONTREAL CPI Fifteen senior faculty members at MeGiii University have asked for threeweek postponement in the hear eing of McGills charges against three students who helped publish on article that the university described as indecent Peace Plan distorted ammo NATIdNS ANDespite anew Soviet delay inibrm ed sourcessaidrtodsyrthat the British Middle East peace plan is assiired of approval nesday afternoon whenthe Security Council meets again Weds one Flight 126 hound from Ltis Angeles xiii Cinehinatl Pitts cause faulty door of another plane caused passengers to be shifted in Los Angeles to the one that flashed xMrs Peggy Ball uncle Ind missed the rug because thief snatched her purse at the airport Her ticket and all casb and travel cheques were in the purseMrs Bail was retuniiog from Hawaii where she visited her husband recuperating from wounds suffered in Vietnam Light now fell sporadically over the smoking debris that covered the crash site as ambu lancestook bodies away from the orchard Some no or future plans or to allow for eign newspaper men to talk with them The funi young men said on Moscow television Monday night theyrdeseried in protest against US policy in Vietnam They are Richard DaBailey 19 of Jacksonville Fla chael Barilla of Catonsville Md Craight Anderson 20 of San JDSeCaiii and Michael éindner 19 ofMount Pocono The US embassysaid ithai no intention ottrying ingot in touch with thedesertcrs or in John ZilL Jordan claimed two lsraeli planes were shot downand said the at of the first one bailed out was killed Israel admitted the loss of one of its French Mysteres and said the pilot bailed out over Jordan ian territory Theisrneii Army claimed six Jordanian tanks and one or mored car destroyed Itmman radio said the Jordanians lost only one military vehicle and there were no casualties in Jor danian personnel TANKS DESTRDYED it claimed Israeli tanks and other equipment were set ablaze two fsruclt gun positions were destroyed and most of their personnel werekiiied Amman radio said Kingflus solo nowin London was fit con stanttelephone contact with his brother Crown Prince Hassan unti1 the fighting stopped and that Jfidons delegate to the United Nations had been in stretched5 to iniormUii members oLtheMttlc Ni NSvat The isruelis said their air force went into action after the Jordanians moved tanks up to the ceasefire line and fired across the river The Jordanians countered that israelis stnrtcd the attack with artillery and tank fire then called in their planes when Jordanian positions returned the HE day of firing across the river An Israeli spokesman said Jordanian tanks opened fire at a45nm 145 am EST few milcssouth of the 0mm Shari Bridge at point where Israeli and Jordanian gunners duelicd for two hours Monday RETURNS FIRE lsroeii forces returned the fire to silence the source of the enemy shelling the spokesman continued The enemy fire did not stop so the air force was called in The Jordanian communique said the Israeli attack was con centraled in dream of the Al ienby Bridge loimiles north oi the Dead Sea Jordanian communique said the vi net is widened air strikcsfyst 1125 am and fight ing did not stop until noon Jordantn rfltiliuly reports Mcw Bur Steel Mill HALIFAX CF Represent atives of the Nova Scotia gov ernment and Dominion Steel and Coal Corpl are still talking about the fate oi thecompanys steel mill in Sydney due to be closed next spring Premier Gt Smith said after talks Monday that it would be premature to make any an innunccment He said the discus sious wouldresume today Dosco announced Oct 13 that ltwoald close the mill by next April 30 move that would put 3200 persons out of work The Halifax ChronicleHerald says today theNova Scotia gov ernment and the company have completed deal whereby the province willbuy the mill for less than $10000000 The newspaper says the pre mier will make the announce ment tonight it saysthe agreement calls $10000000 $15000000 for in ventory at the plantsueh as stockpiles of oresch metal and coal The newspaper says aspeciai onoday session of the legisla ture will becalledto endorse quiring about them the sale but no date is given for the session jovsn monooi British5 opposition Wits 17 Lennon APl Opposition Conservatives prepared House of Commons campaign today to Under put at Bietton Woods acc rd Bri urn isohliged censure Prime Minister on sons government but dissident factions In his Labor partv ma jority closed ranks behind the devalued pound to ensure the government will remain in of ficel Londons financial markets opened for the first time since the government announced the devaluation to $240 from $211 US Saturday and the pound opeuad stronglyanp nearly two points over the new official rate The stock market plunged however and was off nearlyiiz points below Fridays closing But by noon big investors were in with buy orders The rise in the pound raised for the payment of another The neWspaper says Hawker siddeley Doscos parent com pany is also on the verge of selling its rolling mills near Montreal to the Quebec govern mcnl it says it expects that Sydney will be used to supply the rail ing milfs at Contrccoeur near qutreai should the Quebec government purchase the Que bee installations VILS casualties Mount In Vietnam cry and planes todayi pounded ners delaying the evacuation oi scores of wounded US para troops trapped on hillside near Dak To least 239 dead andttzz wounded in the 1th day pf fighting around theDak To valley the Twenty of the Americans were killedby their own bombing rO to support its currency by buy log when it goes two points belowpar and se reaches two points above par rTbe bank has been buying paunds metimes antically is perio or years Selling will be anew experi ence Conservative party Leader Edward Heath set the one for the twoday attackon the gov urnments economic policy lwhenhe told television audi ence Monday high We have reached the Vdepihlof disoppohit merit and frustration LastSntv urday night when devaluation was announced was failure it was an admission of deiea the prospectthat the Bank ofv England would be obliged toscii sterling for the first time in years In attacking the toapereént grep in the pouadsrstio to the dollar Heath reminded are that Wilson had pledged 20 times in his 57 months in of fica not to devalue the pound It was the fourth consecutlie SAIGON ca us artiil dugin North Vietnamese gun USCtsllnlties mounted to at second most costly battle of the Vietnam war for the Amarieans to keep it iromrbeingnvervsiued when it sold Israeli forces opened fire on the AIKarama refugee camp Monday killing It persons and wounding in spokesman said in Amman the Jordanian capital Monday that two mosques were destroy edby israell shelling Monday the iaraelis said they fired only to silence enemy guns and claimed the refugee camps wcm set up near the river so Arabs could slip across to their old homo on the west bank and relieve Jordan of the falppling burden of keeping coLLiwowooo Staff Mayor Alick If McDonald has been returned as mayor of Coll ingwood for 196869 byacclama tion At an enthusiastic nomination mectingflield at the council chambers Reeve Mel McKean also was returned without up position for an eigltlh term Deputylteeve Mel Wright ii member for seven years will be opposed by former councillor Donald spooner in the voting on Monday Dec Nine nominatedjor six council seats include Harry Hell Norm an Matthews Jack Bonwlck Wil liam Carmichael Sal Greco George Zubeck Ben Vandewer The Eiraminerii TODAY Ann lenders6 City News2 Qualified10 ll giantsJ Deaths10 District5 Editoriaffl Sportsli Theatre5 TV Listings7 Weather12 Womens6 gm wwwmm frBlast Deslmya Two Barns 4001 Homes lire Without Heat HUNTSVILLE Out 10 An earthvshaklng natural gas explosion ripped open winch pipeline Monday night and left top homes without heat in be lowfreezing temperelurcs The blast destroycd two bornS damaged home and left crater its feet wide in field near this town of 8000 in the Muskoira regionof0nlario so miles north at Barrie There were no iniuries in the blast which ripped the Trans Canadalipo Lines Ltd natural gnsjline out the outskirts of the town thought it was an earth quake said Mrs Ronald Long ford on whose farm property the explosion occurred at 530 There was so much noise and heatJt was hard to teli what was happenln It looked Collingwood Mayor iind Reeve Returned By ilcciamatibn derorf Ken White and William Clarke Polling hours will be from to am on pro with the clerk if if Homulh the chief elec tlon officer Coltiogwood is going ahead said Deputy Reeve Wright tell ing about to new industries bo established in thegfteorgian Bay town inilis past two years He gave the chief credit to promotion and the industrial areas The deputy reeve and his col league Reeve McKean received much credit here for their suc cess in getting Collingwoorl chos en asthe site for the proposed new county home for the elderly Sites were also inspected at Creemore and Stayaer before Collingwood was chosen The town of Oriliia also showed in forest Pearson In UK For Weeks Visit LONDON CF Prime Min ister Pearson arrived quietly todayfor weeklongvisit and talks with Prime Minister Wil sou But with no meetings im mediately ahead Pearsonre tired to his hotel suite to catch up on his sleep after ninebour transatlantic hop Briginaliy therebad been ten tativeplans that he might con fer with Wilson later today but these were scratched even be fore devaluation oi the pound was announced like the whole world iiil Two barns on the Langford property were destroyed by fire and the house was damaged when 51 piece of frozen clay lore an winchsquare hole in on kitchen ceiling Mrs Langiord and her mother Mrs Mary Hamming 88 escaped Injury RESTORES SERVICE Robert Snider general super intendent of Norlhern Ontario Natural Gas C0 said about soo customers in the town most of them homeowners would be without heat until breakfast time today when service would be partially restored Full serv ice was expectedto be restored by noon only Huntsville was at fectod byrthegas stoppage The line is part of the main line from Alberta gas fields which supplies Eastern Canada when the blast occurred gas was drawn from storage fields in southwestern Ontario to avoid disruption of service in areas other than Huntsville Occupants of at least 15 homes within quarter of mile ofthe blast was evacuated They began returning home about four hours after the explo SID Flames shot zoo feet intothe sky and couidbe seedasgiar away as Orillia 60 miles south and Midland Io milesto the southwest PIPESAIIS MFEET 30foot section of pa weighing more than ton was hurled an eighth of mile landlt ing about 460 feet from the Langford home and crater is feet deep was left in its place The crater was surrounded by burned out patch of mad about 400 feet wide Anineh of snow in the area was gone TransCanada Pipe Lines offl cials on the scene said cause of the explosion could not be deter mined immediately Heatfrom the fire could be felt threequarters of mile away on Highway it passenger trainwhleh passes within 200 yards of the pipeline was delayed two hours at nearby Novar before being allowed to continue south The pipeline was about three feet under ground leak oc curred in one end of the pipe section and it blew out at built ends resulting in two jets of fire shooting into the air IA companyoificial said the last explosion on the line oc curred in 1961 at Bracebridge He said the pipes are tested for 1030 pounds of pressure and at the time of the explosion theywere bewteen i350 and 875 was on receives the British Empiro Medai forgallaotry nbmfinw Wormwood pounds of pressure in darkenéii morn grasping the mans gun and stnigglios with him GP Wirephotot

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