NEW MISS CANADA Carol hlackinnon oi SummerV sidc Prince Edward island was nurnedlï¬hliss Canada of 1968 at pageant in Toronto hlondayniglrtTbe iuyearold Miss PEi was chosen from among 26 other provincial can didates She is shown during an earlier Toronto reception for contestants tCP Wire photon 01d Adage Fish Is Brain on HALIFAX CPI For un countcdycars mothers have en courogcd flagging appetites by telling their children that iish is brain fond Whether they be lieved it or just used it to help clean up platesit turns out to be true Brian Meaghcr Nova Seatins deputy minister of fisheries said the truth of the statement has been confirmed hy scien tists from no countries lie said that experiments have shown the danger time for poor nutrition are childs first four years when brain tissue in creases to do per cent of adult size For these early years of de veiopment fish protein concen trntc or fish ilnur has greater nutritional value than the pro fcin additives now in use he said The deputy minister said it now is possible to produce oncounee capsule of fish fiour tlrat contains the same amount of protein as five ounces of beeistcak six to seven ounces of cggsur five to six ounces of fresh fish hir Mengher believed the concentrate would soon find place in Canadiandiets and SLEEPovens Pyjama parties or sleep overs are fun iorlvtheschonl anti andthe various types of designs and fabrics available for wear on these oecasiorts are icgions Designers claim the mantle look is the in look iorthe teeners who wosr the miaiest mini during the day Is Conï¬rmed True By Scientists would be proclaimed in the some manner that protein addi tives from other sources have been The method oi converting fresh fish into flour for human consumption was developed by fisheries rescurch board team in Halifax The only plant producing the bland tasteless flour to date is governmentowned operation on the west coast of the United states The major problem facing commercial operation of such plant is lack of any demand for the flour Until the public espe cially in countries that are starved for protein are willing to eat it there are no buyers ENGINEER DIES WELLAND tCPl Frank Noble 55yearold gin working at steel mill in india has died of injuries received when an oxygen pipe exploded at the mill site at Dargspur indie it was teamed hereltfon day Mr Noble native of Port Colbarne arrived at the site in late October to help train Indian Workers He was employedby Atlas Steels Ltd division of Rio Algom Mines Ltd and iavUrswcet softly ro mantic styles nigh owe ever the revolution has invadedthe boudoir as seen in this very pastel peppermint stripe shill fashioned of soft estron acetate outlined with white crocheted lace Matchi ing brialspeek out from the high side sir Slide Prerentotiou Highlights Meeting In the routing of they Catholic Womens league Wed nesday erenlnl Mm hi Clair showed color rlidu that he took in nearn trip to lreland model on the mmohy of the canary and historical points of interest lclompanied the glide presents on chew was promoted by Mrs man and Mrs Murphy on behalf of the CW1 and the Knith of Columbus Auxiliary to St Msrya building fund Plans were made for wrapping Christmas gifts for the patterns at Fmeilnfl Hospital Dec it it our statedthat no hospital visits had been made to the Royal Victoria Hospital in the past week and Mrs ll Clifton reported on the regional meeting and immigration The Girl Guido report was given by Mrs Vineer Several boxes of clothing were rent to the ludlans on Chrlatm island and the Redemptoriatine Sisters at Keswiek wen sci nhcquc Prior to pdiournmcnl final plans were made for the annual Holly Tea and Bazaar to be held Nov 15 Mrs ietrirn ouix converter SPENDING TO INCREASE Spains fouryoar devdopmeht plan starting next year calls for government spending of $1 ooooooooo in 1968 and steady increase until the fourth year when the outlay will ha 32 670000000 SPEAKING or PEOPLE onions opedlot coffee not tho cums FROM PM BRIE Mr and bin Donald Burton and son aarirtopher of Fort Erie were reclined guests at the home of hit nurtml parents Mr and bin Burton ParhdaieCmcenL FROM PM Mr Ind Mrs David McPherson and children Kim and fan of Paris Ont wcro in the ciy It the weekend vkithrg Mr McPhersonr father if hie Phcrsoo of Painswlck The limit were also guests of Mr end hint Allan McPherson of Blake St brother and sister inlnw of David McPherson CHRISTMAS TEAS BAZAAR With the numermsteu and honors fairies place in the city and surroundius communities this weak gift shopping can be nccorrrpilshed quidrly during an Iltemoon or evening On Wed ncsday afternoon the senior citi rcns of the Friendship Club are holding bazaar and tea at the Loyal True Blue Hall HighSt from until oclock The annual Holly Tea measur ed by st Marys Catholic Wo mens Mason is another Wed nesday afternoon event This each being held in St Josephs Auditorium Mulcuter St Ten time is from too until oclock Residents of die Grenfei area can attend an afternoon tea and bazaar from until 430 oclock in Grenfcl Community Hall Ter event is sponsored by the Gran tel United Qiurch Wranen The Anglican Church Women of Christ Grurdl ivy will en tertain Wednesday evening at bazaar nod bake sale at the dnrrdr from 730 until 930 pm On Thursday evening certwa and bake ulc wtli uh place at an Rood Prrslt byteriu hind under the nuro plus of the Womens Associa thrlu time is from to 330 oclock The annual renew tel spon sored by the Lndlu Arnilfnry to the Royal Canadian Legion will be held in the tattoo lilil Collier St idly moon frrm until 380 oclock Mn Frank uranium in converter of the tea which icnttnu hauar And bake We ENGAGEMENTS The mum of Min Donna Margaret Ruth Truernnn to Aao drew nuomnr Milne has been announced by the inldeelpttr parents Mr And Mrs George Trumanof Fencing St Ban ric Ibe bride Lt the mouthinmd hirrlililheof Angru wedding will take place in Angus United Chnrdr Nov at an afternoon we WW St Judes Anglican burdl Thomton will be the setting for the wedding of Miss Brian Ellen Tnmporowsh and Daniel an maa Brock onDoc ulnar The hrideclect is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Mporow skl of RR Thornton The bridegroomth is the son of Er and Mrs HEM of Thorn n1 QUOTA CLUB CONFERENCE Barrie Quota Club noted or co hostesres with the Orillin Quota Club dining the lath dklrlet com fereace held at Bitdrmern Hotel Orillin Delegates from Burl attending the weekend three days sessions included the president Mrs Eileen Hankln Mrs Bowman and Miss Glen an Downey other attondlnl were in Drmlnio Incas Mina Gladys Glibank and Mn Soapstone of Barrio Yl MENETTES dlsnlay or kitchenware will be featured at the meeting of thcYa Mensttes tonight It the Darrin htYWCA During the buslaem session cheque for $100 wlllbo presented to the gt club treasurer by lsabal Adair STHE mm EXAMINER WPAY NOVEMBER 157 ANN Lawnmowers LL This money represents the pro Compassion And Insight Rate Praise For Daughter Dear Ann Lnadern Several months ago read letter in your column from loyeorold girl who signed herself Sour Sixteen She said she hated her father because he was drunk and embarrassed her in front ot friends it teak until nowjo get up the courage to answer her hope you will print my reply Dear Sour Sixteen am sorry for you but not because your father has caused you enr barrassment am sorry be cause you are filled with note and bitterness This will cause you more harm than anything your father could do or say am also re My father died last year from liver disease lie was an alcoholic as far back as can remember My father said and did some disgraceful things too bathe never dis graced me poor man only him self And know too that after he sohered up hewas miserable and ashamed Now that my father is gone remember the few kind and thoughtful things he did for me There are so many little things that you dont notice but once they are gone you will miss them am sad knowing that when marry will not walk down the stain on my fathers arm am and too knowing that my in ther will not be here to see me become the woman will some day be Please give your father kiss for me because cherish the memory of the few kissesmy own father gave me and will never know them againAlso sixteen Dear irlrnd You speak of the woman you will some day be You are already more of women than many who are three times your age Such corn passion and insight is rare at any ago saluteyou HDMESICK Dear Ana Loaders For those married men who have gotten themselves messed up with an other woman iwould like to re late this little incident work in restaurant and meet all kinds of people This rather attractive but depressed looking man came in at am for breakfast licnew him and knew his history He was married but livingnpnrt from his wife and three ilch kids The reason boltln hlonde who works in his office Intelligent Child Cause Offitnxiety 3y GARRY MYERS ThD When child rates low on an intelligence test great school success is not expected But when herates above 140 we have reasons to look for ways to help him do better From Ohio comes this letter should like to seek your ad vice as regards our brightnioe yearold souwhois sourceof anxiety to us in that he does not appear to be developing his mind nor does he seem to profit from his school work Our son is an intelligent child In his preschool years he showed promisein his natu ral ability with numbers and in the way he learned to read from watching his brothers home work At the request of his kin dergartea tescherhis 1Q was tested when he was five years old and rhtedxat in to rso Yet in school her complete fail ure He cannot concentrate and his school work is never finished lie is daydreameriie has no interest in anythirig He has few friendsond prefers themto be much younger than be He amused himself well enough alone and is good natured but childish Heerdoys and rightly so iinnietbePoob Mom in Wonderland and stories of this calibér but these atorieshnve tobe reedto him which is typi cololhim lie keenly under stands the Iuhtletles oi these stories but would make no effort to read tbemby himse PU CAPABLE Yntwbeirpressed ho pable ofdoing good work his thinking is original and root ters mathematical be has no trouble whntsoever He reads well but even his reading no Pears to have regressed instead of improving We are certain that the child has the potential but we are at our wlta end lnfrying to find the spark and motivation that will make hint go on his own Here in part is howl replied to this father You have no easy problem witbthnt very gifted child be go on reading stories to him particularly those much older than he is able to read for himself it rhightbe well to check on his vision and hearing Maybe he is very jittery and needs to be quieted down hope you check with your physicianon him It mtght be well to inquire of your school principalwhere you could find specialist to study him and advise you Meanwhile consider his home guidance is he required to do few chores promptly Does he spend excessive time watching TV Do yourequire him in go at his homework regularlyand to do some reading each evening Dont trust whollyto persuasion ANSWERING QUESTIONS Our forrryeorold daughter sometimes cries out with great fear during the night Go to her and Lryjtoeonr fortyber Next dayfconsult your baby doctor who wlll examine her for possible local infection digestive disorderr and possible emotional disturbancu Mosf This particular morning he not down at corner table and wrth sort of catch in his voice said like glass of warm orange tuiee two slices of humt toast two cold fried eggs and cup of warmedover coffee And please all down and nag me iiri homesickMr ll Dear Mr 11 Why didnt you tell him to go home and get the real thing bet his wife and kids would be happy to see him BANK YOUR MONEY Dear Ann Landon am girl 15 and have been hugged by something for the last three years My girl friend has the same problem only not as bad do babysitting and save my money to buy gifts and things really need Three times since January my mother has asked me to lead her moneythn last time it was so She promised she would pay it back by Satur day Well that was three Satur days ago and still dont have my money This morning when reminded her again she mum bled something about light hilt Now Im sure she will neverrepay the $6 lust an she didnt repay the $4 and the 57 is there solution Please come up with somethingNew Mexico Dear New Baolr your money instead or letting itilie around the house FDRTOMORROW Dont waste time on nonerr seotfals during Wednesdays early horns The aspects tiren will be highly propitious for get ting big things done so moire the most of them During the PM there is possibility of receiving some good news from afar non one human if tomorrow is your birthday yourchnrt shows fineiudicn tions which should net monetary gains career advancement and increased prestige before anoth er birthday han rolled around You may have to work little harder than usual to gain all these benefits and shoulder few more responsibilities but the extra effort should not prove too burdensome and tlrevresults will be very much worth while For instance theres promise of both jobprogress and financial gain between nownnd the end of March further ohetary progress invlateAprrl first three weeks of Sepiemhernad throughout October and Novem ber nether good cycles on the occupational fron the first three weeks oflMoreh the last week of September the first threegwrckn of October and all of next November Doha con scrvntlve in business matters during June however Personti1 relationships should be exceptionally hnrinonlous during the next 12monthn with ycry strong emphasis onlsentl mental interests Best periods along these line the lattErpart terrors hy nightseorni to be born by day of thtsmoath long lifetime her and nextNovemberth indiutnthntfcopï¬ttnnudug lngtliopflyur AiooetdroYbuMngtbm wmunnmoukatliw Prin mm dthil ullliil be deemed ro lad Mn Willilm Kene ncdy Bcurvllle wars in the city at the weekend visiting with their parsntl Mr and Mn George Kennedy of Brookdllo Drive and Mr Ind Mrs Loo Landroville Cm St Prior in arriving lnBarrie FO Ken asdy had lost returned to Can adian mm rentals an agape coum lag procaine during two wedrn film around the oorlri Another guest at the Andre ville home on the weekend was their daughter Miss Cheryl Lon droville ntrrrevlatrniniug at St Josephs Hospital Toronto Fanuinoasis Pourilrtisrs ORILLIA Ont iCPt Four of the 12 children of Mr and Mrs itichard Shilling are art lsts or budding artists The family lives on the Rama radian reserve near Orliiil Panl Shilling itL the most recent ofifhn children to decide on art as career Before him come Arthur an impressionist whose oil painting oi Paul sleeping appears on the Indian Christmas cards said at the Canadian lndlsn Centre in Toronto thirdson William is commercial artist and sister Glenna 21 iastudylng art or Montreal They embarked on their ca scars in the face of handicaps Mr Shilling carpenter could not raise the dozen children and the money for art supplies too But the children managed any how Mrs Shilling had other ideas ior career for Paul had hoped he would be Mountle it would have been nice to have one Morrirtie in the family But that didnt work out and now she is encouraging Paul in his art studies in addition to looking after her own children still living at home Mra Shilling works with retarded children at the Ontario Hospital in Oriiiio Children Boost Fair Attendance TORONTO CF Attend ance Monday at the Royal Agri cultural Winter Fair was boosted to about 9000 children when 1600 students arrived aboard anpcclal Canadian Na tional Railways train Waving ascent admission tickets purchased by mail the children streamed off the train followed by frantic teachers trying to keep their classes to gether Bill Wafsongencrai manager of the path winter fair said in an interview the special train carnu from Alma i2 miles north of Guelph Mr Watson said he expects at least 50000 schoolaged children will visit the fair during its eight days of operation lie said special buses from Niagara Falls Barrie and Peterhorongh have already arrived THE STARS er nsrnnum takeMay or September ro mances too seriously how ever Creative workers in all linesiwlll be starblessed this year with exceptionally profita bie perlads indicated next May June and September Starr dont promise much in the way of travel except for short trips during the next 12 months but ifyou want to take longer Journey the first threeweelrs of May September and November will be highly atnpicioun for taking off child born on this daywiil be endowed with the qualiï¬er needed to make highly suc cessttnl journalist musician or Jurls MR AND MRS MARTEN Morning St John Miss Lynda Ann lloorc be came the bride at Marina John Dcrkers at ceremony in St John Vianncy Roman Catholic Church Barrie Rev lluclriey officiated at the morning rites ogutnst background setting of bronre and yellow mums and evergreens The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs iienry Moore Essa Rd Barrie The bride groom is the son of Cornell Dekkers ofitR Strand and the late Mrs Dekkers BRIDAL GOiVN Vcaring satin puff brocade the bride was given inmnrriage byhcr brother Thomas Moore Her gown was fashioned on em lre llnéswith titted qtfnrier length sleeves and slim floor length skirt cathedral train of sheer silvery nylon foil in soft folds from the standup collar of the dress headdress circlct of match ing satin puit brocade hcid the brides shoulder length veil of illusion tulle She carried lace covered prayer book adorned with spray of white orchids and cascading streamers and rosebuds The bride fashioned her wed ding gown and the gowns worn by the attendants vlrilmINGx ATTENDANTS Miss Beverley Simmons of Barrie nttendcd as maid of limb or Miss Dianne Boucquey was The brides niecE Miss Chery Moore attended as flower girl and another niece Miss Darlene Kosowan was train bearerl Mark Moore the brides nephew acted as ring bearer The maid of honor and bridese maids chose similar floor length dresses of orange vool crepe and featuring trains of printed chiffon in harmonizing shades They wore matching headdress es and carried bouquets of bronze mums and wheat sprays The train bearer wore full length dras of orange crepe and headdress circlet of yellow Photo by Us Cowper Studio rorrN Bartram Rites Irr Viannev mnms Alleor length gown of while pcau do sole and cotton lace was worn hyihti flower girl ller headdress was It mat ching pcau dc solo wedding ring and she carried bouquet of bronze mums with streamers pf yollowdnisies John Dekkcrn of strand at tended us his brothers grooms mnn Bruce Rumble of Barrie was the usher GUESiSgiiECEWED For reception at the Stroud Community Hath the brides mourer received wearing an on range and men silk dress ivitb matching hole but green acces sories nndn corsaga of yellow mums rForttravelilng to Northem Orr inrlo the hrlde fashioned two piece orange and brown wool suit She chose brown and beige ac cessorles to complete her outfit The newlyweds will reside at is Sanford Cres Brampton Outfittown guests attended from Toronto Whitby Brampton Erin Orangeville ouanolrsville TRY EXAMlNElt WANT ADS Call 7284414 SAVE 75 cool or our CLEANING comran Dry Cleaning Sat 830 am pm Barrie Plaza 7260l01 Protection and Control Engineers Ontario Hydro requires electrical engineers to work on sys tem and equipment protective relaying radio and power line carrier conununications metering telemetering and control equipment The duties wiltinelude inspection testing and problem solving Preference willbe given to applicants wrth some related experience in power systems instrumen tation and electronic system controls Please give full details your reply of qualifications and urperience in if you have an interest in wnrlring within Ontario Hydroa Georgian Bay Region you should make contact directly with the Personnel Officer 54 Collier Street Barrie telephone 1735521 or if you would prefer locations in other partner Ontario write Employment Officer Professional and Management Staff ONTARIO HYDRO 39 629 UniVersity Avenue Toronto Ontario moon Lndvl mMmumw in modicum nirhiptatpd tuvdwm tine WM 15de urnm in fun lo we HWWWCIMMMMWM Kmhmfldflmmm summonm POI THIS SAIF OfltV AVAILABLEhr eéssa no or J4 M5 Kr or on