urnmm humDA meningitisx fi ThawBent Housulg happsdtiyltobqris columnist Man LTo Face Charges Coitingwood man recently released 9n probation frompria on in Barrie hnsvbecn arrestad id Chatham for theft and break in and entering William John Stationan was nrrestod Chatham police and charged with breaking and catch ing and theft of money Police also have warrant for his in and theft of money Barris police also have warrant for his arrest Arrested witti Stockmsn Wll Raymond Terrance Borlandand juvenile One of the partyis also wanted by Peicnhorwgh police They willbe returned tcbarrie after action is taken by Cbotbam police Domenicorent housing Li all it was craclradup to be knight Aid noseiasiidiatasattae 0H0 homes were allowed to grow into needs during the sum mer Mother residents of the Groin Street area where the homes were located have been bothered by excessive noise be said gt it is causovfor concern when peoplo come pounding on the wrong door at Jana he told council Aldltnbcrts asde city city elopment chairman Frank Hcr sey to contact the Olic to see that the city isnt embarraxed wm Ans million my ONE OF THE problems faced by veterinarian is the fact that the patients are of ten unwilling to submit to the treatment Here an imwilliiig patient is held by DrF Webster while Dr ï¬sher left iniccts anaesthetic prior to an operation EOUNCIL BRIEFS Mayor Cooke To Seek 4th Terrn hie Cooke will he in thcrunning again in Eariiés Dec municipal election Mayer Cooke made the any nounccment during last nights rcgular council session but few were surprised by the decision He will be seeking his fourth term as head of council and could get in unopposed No other candidate has declared he will make bid for the post although they have until the Nov Dnom inalivn day to do so Mayor Cooke was acclaimed in the 1955 elcction TAG DAYS PARADES City manager Wnltcr Gigg ls to be responsible in future for scheduling tag days and parades in Barrie Each application un tilnow has come before city pouncil ELECTION COSTS The Province of Ontario will be asked by Barrie to consider sharing municipal election costs among clccted school boards and public utilities conunissions as well as municipal councils The gccommendatioa was contained na general government com mittee report approved by city council last night APPROVE RAISE linemanhour across the board increase for Earries hour ly rated public works employacs eiieciive Nov was approved by city council last night fur ther incentanhour increase will come into effect May 1568 PARKING LOT The 1963 council will be asked to consider budgeting tor park lot at the corner at park ing lot at the Victoria and In nistil Streets for employees at the police tire and magistrates building NO PARKING Parking is to be prohibited from am to ti pm on the orth side of 11055 Street from Toronto Street to Parkside Dr AGREE TO PAY Council agreed to pay $24417 to the Central Simcoe Planning Board but was told Barrie isnt MAYOR CODKE getting its moneys worth out at the board Mayor Choke said hownvér that memlicrship will pay dividends in the luture FEES UP The cost oi bicycle licence will go up to $2 in 196s Increas ed cost from the supplier is giv en as the reason for the increase nus shamans Bus shelters will be erected at iour locations in the city Puget and Napier Streets Eccles and wellington Streets Holgate and William Streets and Marion Cras and St Vincent Street No Negotiations Have Taken Place Aid Frank Hersey admitted last night that no negotiations on operation or Barrics new airport have taken place between the city and Barrie Air Services Ltd He told council last week that the city planned to turn oper ation of the airport over to Bar rie Air Services But he said Slippery Roads Blamed For Five Accidents Snwcovcrcd roads contribut ed to live accidents in Barrie yesterday Mrs Arny Davis isin satis factory condition at Royal Vic toria Hospital after the car in which she was passenger skid dcd on slippery Burton Ave and rammed ii hydro pole The no cident occurred at 1227 pm Mrs Davis passenger in an auto driven by Eileen Ball of Niagara Falls sustained three fractured ribs in the accident Damage to the car was estimat ed at $809 car driven by Don hogan ni lnnisiil SL Ferric skidded off the road at 1216 pm The accident occurer on lnnisiil SL near Tiltm No injuries were re ported Damage was placed at $100 when car driven by William Pratchett 67 ot RR Hillsdnle left the road at 101 pm Mr Patchctt was uninjured when the northbound car struck guard rail on Fairview Avenue Ccnlt stable Ross Cameron ot Barrie City Police investigated rear end collision at 456 pm on Anne St just south of John St resulted in total of $110 to the vehiclu involved An auto driven by Dorothy Gordy of Steel stBarrie was unable to stop on Anne St and ran into the rear of car driv en by Alva Jean England of RR Thornton Noinjuries were reported it 551 pm car driven by icy ishrandt 17 of Vancouv er SL slid into the parked auto of Charles Albert Lambert 46 of Marshall St Barrie Damage to the two vehicles was estimated at $2151 The Lambert auto was stopped on St Vincent St fisc ing south The Isliraniit car skid ded when the brakes were ap plied and bit the front at the other car last night under questioning that no commitment had been made Council gave third reading to bylaw authorizing purchase of the Ora township airport site an nix risunn xrays an unconscious dog to check for an intestinal blocklgcvby bone chips Around Christmas such blockages are common as dogs gct bones nuts and other such objects No Dull Moments At Veterinary Haspital By MURRAY CLELAND Examiner stair writer General practice veterinarians either enjoy their work consider ably or they got into some re lated ocwpation with better hours and tower demands ac cording to Dr Fisher own or of Barrie Veterinary Hospital The general practitioner has varied and interesting work he said There is the satisfaction of helping farmcrs keep their herds in top condition nnd of helping sick and lnjiircd family pets with great scniimcnial val ue nitachcd The worst part at the job is the long hourswhim in some cases are unnecessary said the Barrie vet Barrie Veterinary Hospital is one of three animal treatinan centres in the area The others are Baywood Animal Hospital and Simcoe Veterinary Services spirit of cooperation exists among the three Working with Dr Fisher at the Sophia St hospital are two oth er veterinarians Dr Web star and Dr Thomas Dr Fishers wife also helps with secretarial and book work Although he tries to opcraie the hospital only during regular office hours Dr Fisher finds that emergency calls and ire quent interruptions often extend work to 12 or more hours per day The hospital is supplied with three radioequipped cars to an swer emergencyealis within radius at about 15 miles in his nine years in Barrie Dr Fisher has seen great in crease in the number of house hold pets indicative at the growth of the residential area The number at large animals has held its own Herd health programs have enabled vets to organize their practices arotmd regular herd inspections Normally the bosptul has 25 or to calls per day for large animals in the spring This drops off to about in during the fall snail animal work is gen cralty heaviest during the slum met months with the influx of coitagcrs Accident iniuries spaying and removal oi porcupine quills make up the larger part or the small animal work during the summer Jotnedogsare taken to the vet five or in times to have porcuphie truls removed You would thi lhey would learn but some at them never do said Mrs Fisher With Christmas coming on the vet begins to anticipate animals with here nuts hone splinters and other foreign objects in their stomachs and intestines Distemper and skin condi tion called comma are the two most common diseases affecting small animals Rabies is another for whichthe vets are always alert The more continua ailments among larger animals include mastitis an udder infection Pneumonia respiratory prob lem acetonemia bringing on lack of energy and hardware disease an ailment brought about by animals wallowing nails and other foreign bodice Caesarean sections and dis placed abdomosum fourth stom rich in cows are also common Most farm emengcncy calls are caused by bloat milk fever and dystocia itie office is equipped with much the same omiipmmt as regular hinpital for people lt includes xvray soilipmait an operating room drug dimensnry introvenus equipment etc Operations are performed un der similar mndiilons of sanita tion and tools and Mimi are kept clean and orderly in another section are 70 ken he and indoor runways for the animals to exercise On occasions the hospital has been calledupon to treat some unusual animals Among those were lynx and irlcimlr from the department of lands and forests and on ocelot from Jungle World on Highway 27nearjllmvale They have also treated animals for theontarloJoologicol Park at Wasaga Beadi including monkeys One of the chief hazards of the practice is communicable disease On one occasion dog was brought to the hospital to be moved it died two days later of rabies All veterinary doctors are vauzinatcd against rabies On some occasions doctors have iahbed thunsclves socidently when tininn to in noaulate squirman animal An advantage of the veterin ary profession over that of regular doctor is the fact that the animals cant talk back This is offset on amnion by the fact thatthey can bite back Gen crally however the animal is docile in the hospital simund lags ibis ls one reason we like to discourage house calls said Dr Fisher It is far better to work on it dog without the own er present When the mvner starts to fuss the dog gets inr cited and bites Extending Franchise Question On Bcillot Barrie voters vfll be asked Dec whether they want the municipal franchise extended to approximately 2000 more city residents Council agreed last night to place the question of extending the vote on ballots in the up coming municipal election if approved the vote will be extended to roomcrs and board ers including sons and daugh tcrs living at home and trailer campresidents who meet other qualiï¬cations of age nationality and length of residence in Bar rie City assessment commissioner estimated earlier that approxi mately 2pm new voters would become eligible At present only proportyown ers and apartment dwellers who meet the other rquiramenisvsro eligible But under the Municipal Frair chise Extension Act it the ques tion is approved at the polls in residnts voters list is com piled Those on the supplemen tary list would be entitled to vote in elections for mayor and city council but could not vote for school boards public utilities commission or on questions placed on the ballot Traiiers are not now consid ered assessable in Barrie therew oiv1ac prints heroinhelisniis win Committing dealer Georgia2 Dangerfield president of Dangerfield Moo ors Limited was presented with an electric clack by Eda thclinriie Eroiicliof GMAC Members of Mr DangcrticIds word Thompson manager of Alum dnriug this period are so pictured From left to rig Kenllell Mel Smith Mr Thompson James Handy and Don Gibson The presenta tion was made recently at staff who haveworlicd with BillMcrrick Mr Dangerfield Dangerfield Motors for their occupants are not en titled to vote But theywonld be included on residents vot ers list if the franchise were oortended The move was suggested by Aid Dorian Parker two months ago and the general govern ment committee and city council subsequently agreed to place the question before the voters it approved the franchise would he extended for the 1969 municipal election Aid Frank Hersey chairman of the general government com mittee said lat night itwoiild cost only between son and 530 to addtbe question to the ballot Howey it was pointed out that advertising costs would addto the expense Canned approved the recom mendation but at the same time agreed that achsuge in the pro vincial Iawwould be desirable Council called for an amend mentvto the Act that would re quire those persons whowoutd qualify for the supplementary list to Sign an affidavit at city hall in orderto havc their names added Announce New Healing Substances Shriiiksliles Erdiuivuhulimiiibmmpiimnithink omniniamiigiiaimiam Arenowned marchiustituts has found uni healing substance with tba nb ty to shrink hemor rhoids painlessly It mliavesitcbin nnd discomfort in minutes an ape up healing of thoinjured inflamed tissue in use after use while gently relieving ain actual reduction shrinth took place Most important of all lesulu were so thorough that tbldlmplovaV ment was maintained overaiperiod olmaiw months This was accomplished with new health substance Brennan which Iii helps hesli ure oellsan stimulates growth new tissue Now BioD it adored in hint out and supponmtory tom called Embertion kiorlt at all an storesnian hank ranor qi Â¥B9l 20 173 IVE snseaaa IO 5291 sintnads nuanaata 195 and synopsaupam uninill 109 HSEIlH NEDIGIHQ PMSRI1H3 tivaisJWOH N3d109 are lito