than VARIETY of won onto were displayed at tho liar explain the fashioning of one pans surrendered by boys sen feared to the Salvation Army liousa oi Concrod outside Tor Boys Find Acceptance At House Of Concord Barrio Optimists learned last night that More the Salvation Army House of Concord was es tablished magistrates had only two choices when faced with da linquent boys between the nae of ill and 10 They could send them to roiormatory or back to the hostile anti crucl cnvir onmcnt which was responsible for their being in court to begin with Guest speaker at the Optimist Club meeting in the Army Navy and Air Force llall was Salvo tion Army lilaior Archié Wic Corquodale who described the simple hostel system used at the House oi Concord as mini mum at supervision with max imum of warmth and accept ancc The no rules concept of doal ing with delinquents is fall acy according io Major lilac Corquodalo Rather than givlrig the boys an opportunity to vent theirhostilily on their surround ings unchecked the staff at the houso tries to find the cause oi this hostility and mmcvc it Very often the cause is phy sical abnormality of the brain qualified psychiatrist Dr Buchncr working with an clcctrocnccphalograph has de tected cases of epilepsy and mat ignant brain tumor in boys who had been considtred close to in sanity An excellent training program is provided major part being devoted to agriculture Ai rlo Optimist Club dinner moot Ing last night at the Army Navy and Air Force llull licre Major Archie lilacCorquodolo though the majority of our boys come from urban areas sun prising number show great in tarest and aptitude for farming said the major He explained how it is possible for boy who has shown noth ing but destructive attitudes to wnrds lilo to become interested in animal husbandry To the hey all ndults indeed all pon pic who profess to be doing something for him whether It be his parents ih lien or us must have other than his welfare it eyes that we must have an angle so we let him believe it But he can trust an animal When he offers it food it comcsto him it licks his hand An animal doesnt have an angle recent iiro destroyed many of the buildings on the macro farm site and many of the boys won Ontario Humane Society wards for bravery as they dash ed pnst police and tiromon to load to safety animals they had learned to trust better than they could trust their parents Maior hlacCorouhdale told of appalling brutality on the part of parcnisot boys referred to the house One such boy lost the ends ofshis lingers aitcr his drunken father repeatedly slam med them with window sash He also discussed the use of marijuana and other harmful stimulants telling oi boy whoseliver was almost totally dcsiroyedirom sniffing acro 1nou1R1nc REPORTER lions Jack Garner ltlelrosd Ave lmsurpilséd that theyre do so well thought it would take them three to four years get their feet wet in the laaguc lhoyre really doing much better than anyono ck peeted Ron ownrtDnllerins roalLvgoodTho expansion has givenn lotgrnorc players it chance From the games We see saythe good showing 15 ac to veteran players who pin in and coach new clubs difficult Have Bean The women wear clubs Gordlsoaob Castle Dr Sur prise surprisel Its one oi two things Either the old clubs are overcontldent or the now teams are stronger than expected As the teams come into theistretch the new clubs will find it mora nut earner Shanty any if at th that ihcuaaonld it anyone tlringa Ibout hockey vh not surv rliillsef Perhaps time will tell known by Christmas run strength should be of the weapons to Optimist iici Joseph hiolitoris as Coil ingwmxf Optimist Bruce Muni gomcry looks on plane clue His was considcmd hopeless case said the mat or until took him into my office and began to discuss or rangements for his funeral with him Also taught at the house an courses for stnicc station oticn dants shoriordor cocks and wait ers There is also greenhouse where boy who has cut him self oif from the adult world can find solace in caring for plants that can do nothing to him ox grow school courses in math science and Enflish are also taught Major MocCorouodale displayv ed variclv of weapons some sophisticated some crude which boys brought with them to the house ch have never hcd case of boy rising one of these things here We dont have to take them away They are even tually surrendered voluntarily The boy who carries one of those is neverreolly the Big thel but is just pretty frighlcncd little individual He added that there is no rc cord of any boy at Concord ever using one of the weapons in or out of the institute As far as religion is concerm ed there is one scrvicefoiull faiths We will make no effort to change or alter in any way the beliefs of any boy We try to institute simple childlike iaiih in Grid such as we all netd Counci Shouldnt Play Santa For Marcher Emma City cnunch shduidnt play Santa Claus for the Jaycees Yule parade Aid Escretillmms comp aided last night Aid Brunswiectsataauoo city grant to aid the club in its Doc Santa Claus pantie it beneï¬ts the merdnais and thats where the money should come from be said But council voted to provide the funds in apitaol the objec tion Aid Roberta declared that not only the merchants benefit from the parade Every child in Barrie gains he said Aid Roberta pointed out that the Jaycces out last year when council provided mo were H300 but this year the cost oi the parade will be $2900 Aid Emma also oblecied to the procedure used in arriving at the grant figure llo laid the finance cormnlb ice at which he is vicechair man agreed originally to give the club $150 But the commit tee report was altered to pro vido tor $400 grant without his knowledge The Word alderman charg cd that somebody looked cont ildoniirl information to the Joy Iho linnnco committe knowledge that their ori quest hadnt been granted if there was to be change in the original recommendation it should have come in on amend ment at this meeting he told council Respectlor Started By Be BothBarrie law enforcement officerscod private citizens are giblo for awards which will he Men by tho Optimist club for outstandingcontributlons to rcs Post for the law Sidney Kadish who is running timltprogram for tho Optimists says There can be no respect or law without rcsnect for those who enforce the law Itrlispitt for low citation bronze medallion will be pre sented in any individual who cx hiblts extraordinary so tish concern courage and dedication toward the attainment of one or more objectives of the respect for law program or who suffers personal loss while exceeding his legal responsibilities and fulfill inc his moral obligations to en othcr individual or to society at large Another part of the program is operation checkmaie which is hoped to continue indefinitely from time to time John Tumslay Blake SL lta not as good brand of hockey that the new teams play its certainly not as exciting to watch feel that the new play cra havalroen spread too thin The regular teams will como on stronger iaterin the season CnrllVrighl liliLllan that they arolioing it it actually They are rtainly putting up belie showlng thun lot of people thought in hockey ois unwised Al Theyre very good Just torrif le Theyare far better titan overconiidcnt they would it it through periodic appeals to vi AiLhnr Edwards Anna St expected especially when they play at home Perhaps its be cause at the climate or the travelling time involved or maybe the old clubs are just Voru Gallant Angt seems they are doing lot better than nnyonc expected iMyopinlon is that one of them will take the Stanley 1Eiup this year or at lcast makes very good showing possibly Los Angelcs cces enabling them to return to The first snowfall at the sea son are always greeted with shouts oi joy by youngsters CITY NEWS F11 BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1301 aw Citation rrie Optimists Barrie citizens to help the police department Through an arrangement with the Bell Telephone Co the club is sending chcckmatc agent cords to harrieilcs with their December telephone bill The cards will fit into wallet so it can be referred to from time to time They list the pro cadura to follow when reporting crime or when hel rig to check crime The serious aspect in grow ing apathy or disrespect for the law is the resultant increase in all crime rates The Optimist project is designed to curb the freedom given criminals through apathy or the failure oiclilzens to cooperate with law enforce mcni ofticials lilr Kadish said To lecture 0n llrt 0i Batik Batik is described as the art and method of printing de sign on cloth by dyeing part of it at time the remainder he iag protected by coating of melted wax Wednesday at the Barrie Art Club meeting the noted batik craftsman Miss Ami Suzuki will lecture on this fascin ating art in the public library at 8pm iiilssSuzuki will speak onher long and interesting career in art along with her partner Fay Dubois Miss Suzuki studied at sueh famous institutes astha Ecole des Beaux Arts in Montreal un der Julius Labow in Erantford and at the Bonn School at Fine Arts under Richard Gormani She has exhibited her work at the Alice Peek Gallery in Bur lington the Wastdale Gallery in Hamilton McMaster University and the CanadianNationai Ex hibition in Toronto this year where she won ï¬rst prize for original design in textiles although the enthusiasm of their elders is usually some what more subdued Tim lilo era of 156 Cook Sun can Rnwnu conrRoL didata for being the first per son on skis this season The 10yearold St Monicas Itu dent tried his out as soon as WIiSTlNG no one GETTING usaorosxrs acorn he got home from school ye vieroay it wasnt long before his attracted crowd of kibb zera City Hands Job Overe To Humane Society Animal control in Hortfor will the society cents per be handed over totha Ontario Humane Society iollowing city council decision last night that ended iii mooths negotiation bc wccn the societyand the city plan under which the Hu mane Society will build 6000 shelter on liiorraw Road pro pcrty provided by the city and provide complete animal con trol to the city gained final council approval It le cost the taxpayers an annual fee of so cents per capita or approximately $12500 after the shelter is completed Until thvl building is up an estimated four means from now Barrie copiia for the servlcsunde prscntr conditions The move toward upgrading Harries animal control service began year ago last June when Ontario iiumono Society chlcf Tom Hughes condemned the Bar rio pound as one of the worst he hadseen Negotiations that followed enll ed in last nights decision Under the plan the society will erect the shelterand em ploy an animal coniiol warden kcnnelman and office help The service will include im pounding stray aoimals mu tine patrol in busy areas and Dog Licence Fees Raised Despite Several Objections canine control bylaw with teeth in it would make increased dog licence tors unnecessary Aid Roberts told city council last night But council voted to raise the annual fee fordegcwnors to ill in spite of the protest Extra revenue will help pay for additional costs at an agreement also approved last night where the OntarioHumane Society will build shelter and provide an irnal control service Under the presentlicence fee structure dogowncrs pay $750 annually for females and $4 for males if tags are purchased at terAprilt and so for females and $3 for males if licensed be fore that date However it will be $10 across the boardirom now on even though six alderman objected to the move Aid Roberts said additional revenue could be obtaind by pro viding stiller fines or bylaw nt icnders What we need is canine control bylaa with tooth in if he said Aid Jack Garner agreed He called for deletion of the recom mendation for increased fees studded rues quï¬oppmval new regulation permitting the usaol studded tires from 0ctober1 to March 731 but lmg posing certaincontrols on th use came into effect in Ont ario on Nov to in announcing the new rcgu Lion Ontarios Minister of The port flan Irwin Haskctt po ed out that studded tires have definite safety value if correcly used and that any resulting damage to roads from studded tires may be minimized by means of controls regarding their use studded tire is defined by re gulation as tire which has bedded into the tread hard mat erial devices Ila of an inch in diameter or less and pr acting no more than 116 of an inch be yond the tread oi the tire No tires having hard material dc viccsimbeddcd into the tread can now bcisold or used on highway unless they conform to this dolinitin studded tires are used on the rear wheels only upon all four wheels braking action is improved it they arausod on the front wheels only the Volt riclo will invariably skin not when brakes are applied The new regulation prohibits the op eration of motor vehicle equip ped with studded tires on iron wheels only motor vehicle which has more thanonc wheel on each end of any one axle must have the same number of studded tires on each end of suchvnxle BlRITE parsenlnrlfou sauvrcas any on Drugs sf Pickup ami Deirv At No Extra Charge contending that those who care fortbclr animals properly will be paying for those who dont Aid Dorian Parker agreed that stiffer fines for P801712 who dont live up to their responsibility in keeping their dogs from running loose would be batterplan But Ald Frank Hersey suggest ed that fines even it increased would not pay for costs He said funds for dog control would end up coming from the general levy and people who dont own am 31on would subsidize those who If fines get much hiphorno body will own dog Aid Fred Smith warned Aid Bruce Owen cautioned that the city could ilndrilscli paying up to $33 courtcosia in order to collect 31o fines The present line structure for the owners of stray dogs to re maiuunchanged calls for 310 line at the first offence $15 tor the second and $25 for the third The dogs will not be returned at ter fourth offence in recorded vale Aldermen Bruce Owen Phil Sauve Les Jollitie and Fred Smith and Mayor Les Cooke devoted increa sing licericefeeSJidermanDor lan Parker Gerry Williams Jack Garner Jack MacLarea Ever ett Emms and Gerry Roberts wanted them left at the present level The motion to deleta the recommendation lost on atia votc boarding of pets in emergencies The society will retain all im pounding and destruction fees ac cording to scale laid down in city bylaws and will issue tags to animals adopted from the pï¬und transferring fees to the it The societys animal control warden will answer emergency calls but if he is unavailable they would be handled by tho kcanelroao or the Simon County inspector The agreement approved lna night will cautinuc for three year and after that will be up for renewal annually literati inn Relievouaggingpaingidrkfywlth liquid OUTGRO After few applications01flGRO tonghsnlt tender skin and pusher the deli up for safe easy cutting and Every Tursoav 809PM 315 Regular Gemoa ShareThaWealth JACKPOT $230 Admission Car 50 LEGION HALL 75 Collier Sr neplace worn weatherstrlpping that keeps the cold out heat in New Weatherstripping will pay for itself in savings on heating bills Thoresno fuss or muss Call Us Today STEP UPTo llanclaie Lgmber 49 Essa no raetass