Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1967, p. 10

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IGluéSniilers Need Some Help Joseph steam am Dear Dr Muller teentigers aniltiag glue and would like to know illa glue milling habittonn ingi 2lthlt harm does it inflict upon the brain lCari it cause death tWhyla there no law to convict gluesnllleis sHow long does it take to inflict harm on the human bodytMJL cant lind hard and that answers to all your questions but here are some 1Giuo snimng doesnt ap pear to cause addiction the way narcotics do but it seems to cause strong habit in some usersthey need larger and larger amounts to get their kicksV and some then turn to more dangerous drugs mind to herein The glue seems to lead to psychological depend ence rather than physiological addiction dont know ol any dctcr mutation at the amount at brain damage but we know that heavy use can cause hallucinations stupor or wild actions There have been stabbings and such crimes by young people under the mm oi glue lumcs One buy thinking he could fly plunged oil root lop Another down on rahroad track trainapproaching it cerv ly goals up their thinking tlhere have been cases oi rlenlli lrom glue shilling usually when heavy users sullled it by thcdangerous meth od oi pouring the siult in plas tic bag and breathing com the Many gluesulllers have und upin Juvenile court and some have been put in hospitals to tryto straightenthcm ouL would think it would he mo difficult to writeand enlorce laws against gluesniiling For one thing many products eon lain hydrocarbon solvents giv ing oli the dangerous times not only the airplanetypo glues Enforcing the law would be harder than enforcing Prohibi tion The better course it seems to me is to try to teach young people how much they harm themselves by indulging the habit sAr with virtually anything else except potent poisons there is no way to specily the length ht time before the body is ririrvismn IUFFALO harmed in lease the poten tial harm doubtless begins with the first aaitling DAMAGES leD What we do know in that alter reputed sailtiag damage ap pears ia the liver as well in lcOiiriuicraoiocr IyJAY DECKER South dealer Both aides vulnerable imam 3231 the blood Treatment can help but cannot altogether repair the damage once it hauccurred It with any other lotm oi damagl to the body some indi viduail antler harm aooaar than others in any event the lumea lrom these products are known to be so dangerous that they carry warnings on the labels telling people to use them only in well veatilated areas This is to pro ted the health at people who are using the glue or other predicts or legitimate pur poser Yet loolish youngsters do the exact opposite and suck the per ilous tomesinto their lungs de librrateiy Result Accidents crimes death sometimes graduatioa to more vicious drugs titer liver or other damage which may not reveal its true severity or years How many cases at cir rhosls ol the liver years hence will have been started by glue snllling We dont know but it is likely to be many many than sands Glue snillars are mixedup persons who need psychological help Dear Dr ltlolnrr Can illicit lips be corrected by plastic sur remm1 Yes it is being done it really necessary Note to Mrs VlC Ncithcr arteriosclerosis nor his medica tion would have had any rela tion to your husbands lung can cer it was aniindepen aifllction THREE DIE IN FlRE SWAN lilVEll Man tCPl Three small children died in house tire early Sundayat it re by Pelican Rapids Three other childrenand babysiltcrcs caped the blaze believed to have started in an overheated stove Dead are Wayne Kelly 5s Alina Bonnie 1s and Nor bert Oliver 11 months children ol Mr and Mrs Soioman Bourassa Swan Rttet is 3m miles northwest oi Winnipeg PROGRAMS naaaie aucrato anarano rononro HAMILTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14 EVENING coo ino LMtkI Douglll I1 zcoromunicat sseeret storm Love Luey iiSuper Heron no Lnsrney aooarer aTmth or conreoucaeea Come Next Sprint lMargil iiity iiothcr the Car Shorts JEWA sports i1naictui 100 Iraniana 501 ilrayrkenaletn ller Mason Irlln stone llCorahat 510 Land And Sel Dd cnrirmi 7Glnl50l mo its 10 srctttroat lunrttos NEWS Weather Sports 7itoyie isoldl prot rnrtune llPlerleflenon mo 7lxiv1ders MBER 15 tithovle lBlondiat Illiendly WHEYle 7Dllbllnt 51h th ow on wand iizoo 1i ZllXDX¢I 1ltockclshtp Moo LClptiln Kangaroo li5chrtttlcl House oTunooat 10 mo BUXlveradtv at the 1oiaiins For Dating moo ZTooofl suoad Moritlng 4Carlton itlderickl Bitomoer ltobm llM Allen can sonudo Schoola liMve or Ltla 9Mcta iiOntsrio Schoolrl moo zsnao Judgement Handld Camera LUneie hobby lMck or 7Move true the Douglhl Hominlmtcata Hecmt stoma 91 Love Lucy ll5uaer Heroes mo aaainey Boonre bTfulll or Conieouenm IViiovlr World Ten ttnrea Overt Sparta too Sports aDaktari Lannie llnycho orilnutoa Vorid lluatcal not in ozinvaom wanton llliovle And She eirm Walther spor Emir um en ilPiem anion iooeo avewr wmaer onm wrauaer nJothrnlnLaw ZNewr Weather lMotheradmhw some lMldvvrstcm Hayride 13 14mm and who aiui eatrei Gorillas Hen Lewis llLlmarron strip VrJeiry 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Game ZMoctnrr 4Houre party 7nream our oeeopie in Conflict llPtfly nuns The Week mo zAnutaer World JTake so ilu Tell Th1 Truth TGcneral Hospital oararuurte Court 330 TYon aoth say zaore or Night 1Comnander rm Liv Your Mm nMullwtnklo nvaivmo aorenn am 7Movle Whore om nu Gone mo trestttal LHI And Sill two znun ForYour Lila known and The cmnana who sPotitiui talk viiMerv Gfltlin 11 it Nowl Welthrr soom iiriem Berton llo olinny cum dMovla Miscoat TMairle Mmbush LUntMchablea ormvoomii llllot Line Drama Solea impossibi mac 1iMrir Saber Dial Murder 15mm Hot Seat Opening lead live at dia moods The lint thing to do when dummy comes down to size up your chances at making the con tract Generally speaking when you do this you come to one ol three conclusions Youre sure to make the contract Youre sure to go down You may or may not moire the contract de pending on how the adverse cards are divided or on how well or badly you or the oppoa ean play the cards The tirst two possibilities are presumably oi academic interest only its the third one that gl RUGBY By MRS JOHNSTON in honor ol Mr and Mrs Glenn Eoynton rice Jenn Anderson the community gathered at the hall Saturday evening iohn Laogman addressed the young sented with pole lamp and mirror social hour brought pleasant evening to close Mr and Mrs Barlow Sn Nia gara Falls spent the weekend and Mrs Fred Barlow Mr and Mrs Villred Johnston and Mr and Mrs Bernol John ston and Bryan visited Mr and Mrs William ClarkVand tomin Barrie on Sunday vhcn Mrs llillrctl Johnston and little MIIP ray Clark were celebrating birth days Mr and Mrs Thomas Surge or have returned to Toronto alter spending week with Mr and Mrs larlre Horne BOND Hanoi Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Chris Lotto who were mor ried in the United Church Nov 1IE bride is the lumen Peg gy Richardson daughter of Mr and MrsLloyd Richardson Cooksville Mr and Mrs Allan Green ol Fergus spent Sunday with their motile Mrs Grcon Sunday ol anniversary service was observed in the Uni ted Church my Rev David Eyrd ot Beeton wasspeaker Special music was supplied by ection ot Mrs Allan Orr Remembrance Day service will be held in the Community FFICE HURS Idas actions risenmiuu 50oslly emstug Hymnor separate Ilium locomix river zStringa 33 0111 159m amiss rosary 6Arlor TMaao 12Brlitll imokla 14Queer ourqu reunite note éhmnaea uDowelr ZLPrtscrtp analogs tionterm 22Veatuia 23thch zaMlnlsterl house SooL 21mm 286011 score confirm Dlflca mstlnglng Insects Marmot 35Piaca east 27 Quench SDSlncorety LMInl name 42Asatstant announced Snead Tuts Beverage DOWN LShadow Crowd uem lam cereal msvur 15riah with thelrrson and lamilyf Mr Mr and Mrs Joe Dobbs oi the junior choir under thedir mast alwaya alien challeage to your skill aa well as some measureroi excitement For example take thl hand where South and Idi at the start how he will ultimately tare lets uy West leads diamond aadlzut wins with the king and returaa the tea which South cov ers lvllllllle kink it as tooalvr play at ducking the test South aventaatlygoea dowa East is bound toicome into the lead with heart on club he lore declarrr can take alaav tricks Whenever this occurs he returns diamond and West casher three diamooda to deleat the contract one itld But it Weatsilps at trick two and takes the ace ol diamonds vihich he shouldnt because he has no entry card outside ol din monda South crashea through with ten tricks However West should not be given the chance to beat the contract When East returns the tea at dlamondapat trick two South should play the at on it This ducking play insures the contract South should be willing to let the defense win the ltrst three diamond tricks because he can then saleiy lead thoJaclr hearts and finessehnot carlal very much whether the ltnesaa wins or loses For practical pur poses he guarantees the eon tract by playing this way SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS llnll Saturday Nov 1030 am Mr and Mrs Stewart al tended to centennial reunion ol Petcrborough Teachers College Nov The occasion celebrated the 60th anniversary oi the loun dtng oi the Normal School as two then called in Sept 1907 Mr and Mrs Gerald Feaver at Georgetown Mr and Mrs at ailieai ol Colllngwood visited Mr and Mrs Ncrval Young Sun day STEQQD By inns near hiumonnawn 411 CLUB About 15 mothers attended the 4H Club tea at the home at Janice Robertson Nov The two Stroud groups worked to gether on this project which was the eighth and final meeting of the course The Club GirlEn tertains Achievement Day is Dec 16 in Stroud community hall Word was recein oi the death at Mr Eisses mother in llol land The Kisses had visited her recently Mr and Mrs Frank Mulhoi land George Mr and Mrs Fred Mulhulland and Mr and llrs Bcrt ilulholland attended the funeral in Toronto this week at Mrs Harold Sanders nee Mae Muiholland FRO ENGLAND ltllss Margery hlaeKercher has returned home alter spending week with relatives in Spring licld Vermont and week with triends at Mississquoitbay Que bec bringing with her friend Mrs Kendrick oi Paignton Devnnshire England who had been visiting her daughter in nickname uwwrastue sorghum rebel gt ulnanonal anonnan Ia fifllllfll lg uat being dramaticpretending thatanofflca jo and houseka are forhug DliltY Chosswono Junier JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDJE SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA semantic on WSWM wmmmm mum in arm NM as in mean NEVER HEARDOF VTHIS SPEClALWEEK Bur IT KEPTGRANDMA FROM THUMPINE ME WITH HER BROOM NVHEN HANDED were Fierut OF BILLS ABIRTHDAY TDMORROWn GUESS HOW OLD ILL BE no wotioen HES Tu mast mo sue usso 76 BE AN OLD GRL HZIEND on In 302 SAWYER muses AND sxeererc EA it he Matthew vet weaorh ATZEROEIGHTTM wane LOCKED mil amorous mass noes irtooK LIKE rams swimmerme momma imuwa metronome FATHEROF aa coovzksmod Place NEVER no war

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