Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1967, p. 3

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ERROL JESSE left ltlend cd his last meeting as com munity service chairman of tho Optim Club of Barrie last is moving to emit is shown with his suc VarfcouVer Firm Agrees To Buy CKVRTV fBarrie ccssor Bill Burion Mayor Lcs Cooke addressed lilo meeting Examiner Photo Major CitieSWatching Barrie Growth Mayor Barrie is forumate to be out side the Golden Horseshoe of Ontario Mayor Les Cooke told the Optimist Club oi Barrie lost People and places in the Golden Horseshoe are being swept into conglomeratlon at development with little say in the matter he said We in Barrie have something to say about our future if we act now to keep our mixture of recrea tional industrial and agricultur of development We can do it il we provide proper leadership and if we plan our future now The mayor also called on the Optimists to make it personal project to sell the potential of Barrie People in Toronto New York and Montreal are watching and Halloween Candy Blitz its Conducted By Kinsmen he annual Halloween candy blitz of the Kinsmen Club of Barrie will wind up this week lbe doortodoor candyselling chmpaign in progress until Wed rlesdayiscxpncted to raise $600 for contribution to buildingthe Kinsmen National Research Centre in Toronto Construction of the centre for research in the light against cystic fibrosis is the national project ofKins men Clubs across Canada Chairman of the candy blitz is Bill McKelvcy of Barrie The campaign started one week ago and supplies ofcandies are be ginning to run out Numbers of the Barrie club speculating in the dovdopmcnt of Barrie he said We have all kinds of resources and possibil itins Mayor Cooke told the club memebrs to make it personal project to get to know the city the people and the history of Barrie Know why peome like to live here he said Why do you like living here He also wanted them to watch major debts taken on by the city in see that what is added isan asset to Barrie as whole and not something frivllous Barrie which started as an agricultural community has added indtstrial development and now tourism to its resorno cs Mayor Cooke said that agri culture is good for everyone in thc conununity it supports will attend an intorclub meeting tonight in Newmarlrct Their next meeting in Barrie will be held Nov 14 and will feature the theme tbringa buddy That meeting willstart as usual at 630 pm in Miramar Gardens prominent speaker has been promised Vice president Bill SlrnughA an and president Ross flice at tended the District Fall Coun cil held last weekend The reI suits of the Council will he made known to club executive at an executive meeting Nov at the home of Howard Steckley as oakley Park Square The own oil had 202 representatives from 55 clubs in attendance home value and ensures our equity as well as contributing to facilities not otherwise avail able to the covrmnmity TOURISM limbism was dostribed as great stabilizer of income and factor contrimung to balanc ing our economy as just to tourists per day visiting the city contributes Bsmthh to the year industry he said Another major factor nontri butlng to our development said Mayor Cooke is Base Borden Borden supplies as with new people and new ideas he said Because they move frequanly Borden personnel can be am bassadors and salesncn of Bar rie in wide area Mayor Cooke concluded Do you live here or do you just stay here Do you work here or do you have job here Is this your city or is it their city Do you run the city or do they run the city enlist your support as salesman of the city of Barrie During the evening Mayor Cooke commended the Optimist Club on its respect for law program worlds will be in full swing in November Called operation crime stop the pro gram will try to matte citizens aware of arcane and police ef forts on their behalf Errol Jesse charter mem ber former community service chairman and sergeantatarms will leavethe Barrie club be cause ofa move to Hamilton Replacing him as comrnmity service chairman is Bill Burton This weekend members of the Optimifi Club will be selling ptmrplrins tiirougnout Barrie Proceeds will gy tnboys work Will Consunorq Twp on Plans For fAirpbrt Barrie is prepared to under take full responsibility for oper atinn and maintenance of the citys municipal airport in fire Township and has agreed to con sult the cm council before any changes in plans Ald Frank Hersey told city 5council last night present plans are to turn the airport over to Bantie AirServices for opera tion with no cost to the tax payers Announcement last month that Barrie had purchased land in Oro for municipal airport stirred sprotest among townshiprresidents whoobjacted to the prospect of aircraft noise Aid ry Williams in charge of negoti our leading up to ac quisition of an airpo te last night the resolution guar anteeingtlie city would take res ponsibility for operation of the airport was necessary for the Department of Transport which shares costs Jim Pethieof Barrie Air Ser HEerVs UCKV RENTALS rates Daily or em flail 726704741 canon onrvrncnn 43 ESSA no an rpm annsnv vices said today his firm has assuredthe city it will move an ALLANDALE into the new site as soon asthe airport is licensed it cant take over the new air port until it is licensed because of rcgulatlons regarding flight instruction he said The site is five miles north of Barrie Ald Hersey asked by Aid Phil Sauve why Oro Township council hadnt been consulted be fore announcement of the land pnrdiascwasmade public re pliedr that it was feared hegotia tionsmight be prejudiced He said landowners witb prop erty adjacent to the site had been approache wsnr Ans PHONE 7234414 community as $100000 per ItVancouver based company Saturn cs Ltd has greed to punth CKvnrv in Barrie ttwu announced Moa day Aa announcement issued in Vancouver said CKVR founder and President Ralph Saclgrove would continue to be president and general manager of the nth llon Officials of Western Broadcast ing Ltd which was Saturna Properties said the sale is sub Broadcast Governors and the department of transport Mr Snelgrove who is attend ing convention in Toronto was not available for comment this morning The Vancouver announcemch said no staff arranges are con templatcd Western Broadcasting operates radio sutions Westminster BC and 0163 in Winnipeg It also has substan tial interests in BC Television System Ltd which operates CHANTV in Vancouver and CHENTV in Victoria Price to be paid for Barrio station was not disclosed CKVE ls owned by Mr Suct grnve Itilan Waters of Toronto and Geoffrey Stirling of Toronto and St Johns Nfld inc all pllcation to the Board of Broad cast Govunors to move tho CKVB transmittcra closcr to Tor onto bas been turned down second application was postpon ed early in September by the Federal Cabinet Western was incorporated in November 1965 and in the year ending March at 1967 repon profit of $3633 The company also has per COUNCIL BRIEFS Community House may be come daytime dropin cen tre for senior citlruns Aid Phil Sauve was granted permission by city council last night to approach other Coma munity House trustees to arrange use of thebuilding without charge for senior citizens Tire Toronto Street building is operated jointly by the city and two Barrie service clubsas meeting and banquet hall lind Stolenltuto flrresl Three Men 1966 car stolen from the lot of Dangerfield Motors Bradford St was recovered in lnnisfrl township last evening Three men were arrested but police would not divulge their names Police made the arrests when had been seen working on the stripped body oi car Report Theft Of Car Battery An autonwbile battery valued at $21 was reported stolen from the premises of Automotive Fiu ishes and SIIVDWVLM Toronto St yesterday The theft was re ported to Barrie police at 520 pm by Norman Vince an em pl of the company insurance Man Seeks Election Ed Jenningsa Barrie insur ance agent lastnight announced his intention to run for Alderman it the Decanber nuiniclpal else on resident of Want My Mr Jennings made his intentions known at an Optimist Club meet ing last night Cathys Smooth lilyoar old Canadian whisky with most distinctive flavour rumourme unmmnmw led to approval by the Board of one CKNWJn Naw cent interest in Standard Radio operator of CFRB in Toronto whichhasbccnoaeuftbamaior contusion for licgmo to oper alaba third TV drannel in or ont Gland in Barrie began broadcasting in Swimmer 1965 serving thatBarric Griffin and Midland area in 1965 Mr Sncl grove roldtwothirds of his In terest in the station to ltlr Wa ters and Mr Sterling onethird share ma then valued at $800 Sincc tbattlme Channel has made number of unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the Tor onto viewing area Police Investigate flusollrsidents lty police investigated three accidents on Barrio streets Mon day but report no injuries The first mishap Investigated by const Johnson shortly before 930 am involved autos driven byMaidm Matetldi of Pnrkdale Crcs and Russell Thor mos of Sophla St The crash occurred on Collier Street near the city ball second collision at the tutor section of Park Street and Pork side drive involved cnts opem ed bylomes Lawrence of Well ington Street and Ted Haley of Sophia Street Const John Trnntcr investigated at 415 pm parked car was struck out side Maple Grove School at 651 pm by another vehicle which Community investigating report that man then drove off Police are still investigating Ald Sauve said last night there is need for centre at which senior cltizons can drop in for cup of coffee during the morn ing and afternoon WILL HEAR APPEAL The Ontario Municipal Board will hear an appeal by Henry Bernick againsthr committee of adjustment decision refusing the conveyance of land at 112 Steel Street on Nov in the council chambers at city hall PLAN Murray Jones and Associ ates Barrios planning consult ants have been asked for an uptodate estimate on the cost oi preparing an amended official plan and comprehensive zoning bylaw In reply to question from Ald Jack MacLarcn Ald Frank Hersey said the consult ants find they cant workpropv erly within the framework of existing regulations OVEIIIHVIE PAY About 35 members of the city hall staff will be paid time and onehalf for overtime when ap3 proved by their department head under new regulationsladopted by city council last lit The regdationa also limit coffee breaks to 15 minutes and res trict personal telephone calls to two minutes snnvrcr noon The 0p in Department oi Highways Will be approached to build service road from the junction of Hart Drive and Dun lop Street to the end of Grove St and Toronto Streets 00 cil was told the highways dun partment normally pays the cost of servr road construction was Your Picture in The Examiner If youd like fcovpynoi any lentil photégrdphthat has appeared in The Barrie Examiner you wlll be interacted to know that nitrous or rxlmiurn AREAVAItABtE frHofroonArus 5x7$r25 Provincialan oral Solos Taxes Extra fORDER AN House Mall Be Centre For 7rElderly DROP lN TOLTHEBARRIE EXAMlNER AND NUMBER OFFRINTS AWARDS WERE made last night to two members of Barrio Air Caidets Jim Baker instruc tional officer received bar Barrie Air Cadet Squadron was described last night as one of the most promising in this area Parent unit liaison officer Ht James Jones visiting from Base Borden said This squad ron is definitely on the upswing it is ccrmtnly one of the most promising in this area Progress is best indicated by growth which went up last year by 41 members Flt Lt Jones and Squadron leader StockwelI senior unit liatson officer from Base Borden visited the squadron as part of their regular inspection and to take part in two presen tailors SEWAGE TREATMENT Two Barrie firms have until Nov 16 to submit plans for sew age pretreatment plants or face sewage surcharge City Man ager Walter Gigg was instruct ed last night to remind Copaco and Barrie Tanning of the regu lations at last nights council session WALKWAYS Owners of property abutting walkways who do not wish fence erected on the boundary line may get their wish by filing is written notice at city hall following adoption of pub he works committee recommen datiun last night DESIGN SEMINAR Deputy city engineer Glen Sbugg hasbccn given permission to attend the Ontario Good Roads Assaciation urban design semia nr Dec to to is at Orillia member of the engineering de partment will also go to Ottawa for workshop on municipal planning Nov 29 to Dec PLANNING BOARD Thumjwoo an engineer with the Bell Telephone Comlt pany has been appointed tofha Barrie Planning Board He suc ceeds Millet Salter who re slmred two weeks ago because of businch pressure EXTEND ZONE city development committee recommendation extending com merclal zoning to include bon extraction plant operated on Bayficld Street by Homer Henderson was approved last night The decision reverses planning board recommendation tb have applied resi ng to the property or 8xt $150 try MAM an or conunemoratlng 22 years of service to the Airfares while cadet woo Martin bangmulr received his wings FROM Flt Lt Jim Baker head in structional officer with tho squa dron was pmch with bar to commemorate 22 ycars aer vfce with the Monroe W02 Mnrtln Langmuir of the Barrie squadron was presonted with wings he earnod while on flying scholarship last summer at Trenton Cadets on parade last night were given their first insight into the new curriculum that will come into effect in the new year Expanded in scope the new or ders have an increased number of mandatory subjects as wcll as wider variety of options Among the mandatory subjects are drill citizenship first aid navigation airmanship and glid er familiarization Several op tions scheduled for inclusion in the new term are electronics driver safety training effective speaking hunter safety trainingI and photography Physical train ing has also been included STRENGTH Strength of the squadron is over 100 the quota for this year but interested boys are still in vited to join new course that has many of the boys excited is glider training Every air cadct in Ont Ontarlo ario has been asked to earn and contribute ti tn the squadron LEFT Squadron leader Sioelrwcil Flt Lt James looos Mr Baker and Martin Langmuir bi cr Photo The money will be used to pur rhoso gliders for the use of all air cadets in the province The emphasis is that the boys must earn the nwncy IIM just ask dad for Commanding officer Harry Young hopes that one of tbe gliders may be stationed at Bor den if this comes about he said cadets from Barrie will be able to fly almost every weekend All of the boys in the corps will eventually fly with thc possibilu lty of earning glider pilots licence Four gliders each costing about $1000 are proposed for use in in tlielnuw year radio and communications course will be started Drill is being stressed for matu1 bers of the squadron to get than ready or the Amusttce Day par ado Nov 11 Also schcdtrled an inspection next month by th senior air cadet officers from lrenton new system has been devel oped by which corps is judged not only for its performance dur ing annual inspection but on yearround basis Also sdredufcd for this winter is weekend survival course In past this has been very pop ular project with cadets Order City Tax Bills For 68 Despite Aldermans Protests The city treasury department was authorized last night to pre pare the bills for next years in terim taxation but only over oh jections from Ald Dnrian Pork er Ald Barker told councilshe had understood the system would come under review before being adopted again dont object to paying taxes in four instalments but the city shouldnt bill in advance and use the taxpayersmoney for investments Ald Jack Garner agreed that the system should he eviewcd He endorsed the interim tax billin principlebut said last years income on investments of 517000 may not he justified He said interim tax payments might be reduced without forcing the city to borrow during the early part of the year interim tax billing involves col lection of two tax instalments early in the year before regular payments are due it is design ed to make extensive borrowing unnecessary Eld Fred Snithpainfed out Low Cost 2nd Mortgages last night that it will he the join at the 1968 council to decide on the systems principle Ald Gerry Williams asked that the tax forms be made more legible DEATHS LAWSON ltultau Wilmer Pass ed any Stevenson Memorial Hospital llston on Monday octo her to 1m hfllbnn wnmur Law son mount of are me Vlalclr Margaret cryis and dear father or Wllxnxf or Hale and Mac Mrs Ed Lewis deceased grandfather or Shern and charm mtg rnrrv Bryan Cindyrid lull Lrwson in nu midyeartltcstlnglttbenromu Mcral chapel mine for we smite on Thursday octo to it pm Intcnntnt Antmn futon Cemetery insofar service under auspices or Savanth Star No 185 snowr tn the sum dhapcl Wednesday evening at oclock wean can rrnn In Toronto Mnraiwroctobu to roar mu 1an chb beloved husband of the late Ada moon in nu earn yur Resting at the 1mm mn mil Home Yonge5trrct Toronto for nmersi service in thcclrapci Wednesday October as Interment Barrie Union Cemetery llPall if mar of rnotms Get cosh fast for house repairs at new car vacations or any other goodreason You Borrow $2000 sanoo $4000 $5000 Monthly Payments As low As $3705 $5558 $7410 $9253 AboVo payments based on t4 per annum for 7yoars war our PLAN Is arsr M0 BONle CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES With the Associates you get mortgage agreement that IS crystal clear No bonus or hidden fees arcever charged Prepayment privileges Contidenfialarrange moms SPEEDYSEHVICE Justtell usyour ncedsandwell set upa plan foryou immediately assocwes it Yr FRED thNrsrRasr PHONE5726l496

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