Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1967, p. 2

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northwest lids atternoon Show Rap Barrie Aldermen For Poor Attendance Barrie slrlerrnco received slap on the last night ior irregular attendance at city coun cit meetings The general government com mittee composed oi the mayor and chairmen ot the three other standing committees reminded council members oi their obli gation to the ratepayers to at tend council rid committee meetings unless otherwise cu gagcd on city business The question was iirst brought up by Aid Roberts two weeks ago when only bare quorum turned up ior regular council session Aldermen were also told last night they are not to leave meet ith without permission oi the chair Tied ior the lead in number of meetings missed before last City Moves To nights session were Aldermen John Mono and Bruce Owen who had each been absent irom ll meetings during the twoycar term Aid ltianol had missed six regular and ich special meetings while Aid Owen miss ed two regular and nine special meetings Aid Fred Smith was absent on nine occasions including six regular and three special ses sions while Aid Gerry Williams was absent irom six regular and two special meetings Aid Jack Garner missed one regular meeting and tour special sessions while Aid Jack nine Baren missed two oi each Aid Everett Emms was present ior all but one regular meeting and two spedois Aid Les Joiliiie made it to all special meetings but missed three regular ses Plade ilnimél Control Under Humane Society City councils public works committee was authorized last night to negotiate an agreement with the Ontario Humane Society or animal control in Barrie The move came alter over years discussion between city otiicisls and the humane society MiilthE roarcnsr TORONTO CP Mnrine forecasts Lake Ontario Lake Erie Winds southerly 20 to 30 knots Fair nLaka Huron Georgian liayi southerly 25 to 35 knots at 115 to northwest late to night Fairtoday Showers and thundershowers tonight Lake Superior Winds souther iy 30 to 40 knots shifting to era and thundershowers today Scattered showers tonight Victoridn Order Provide Vital Home que Cardng for babies nirrsing the chronically ill and providing help and companionship ior the its investigation 0n Buyers Rights TORONTO CWThe Ontario rbcanch oi the Consumers Asso ciation oi Canada Monday calied or royal commission to vestlgato the huyere iegei pom sition In statement announced at thoopenrog or lullfledged c1mpaign the organization said itiis myth to pretend the con srnner is properly protected by the recently enacted Ontario Consumer Protection and Con Iihnel PrOtectlon Bureau acts dire acts are step in the rightdirection but these and others such as the Used Car mLiheJin ample Transactions lteliei Act are patchy piecemeal ei torts the group says drawback of the present sit nation is lack of competent to spectors unscrupulous usedcar dealers under pressure in Town tohavo moved to less wellno liced parts of Ontorio Srmilarly attempts latordoorwdoer sates tail cause too iew buyers are oftbo itihour cooling period poo bathe ioilowlng dispute over condi tions pt tho cityoperated dog pound tinder the latest proposal the society would build $30000 to $35000 animal shelter on site provided by the city Animal control including daily patrols zihour emergency ser vice wouidbeprovlded for an annual tee of 50 cents per capita or about 512000 The contract would expire in 1970 Aid Fred Smith said the tea would be comparable to expense the city would incur if it oper atedthe pound itseli Objection to the move came irom Aid Dorian Parker who said animal control should be kept under jurisdiction oi elect ed representatives She said she opposed subsidies and suggest ed iuture councils shouldnt be committed totho principle However Aid Smith held that no subsidy Would be involved Theagreemeot will be back beiore council ior tidal approval elderly tile Victorian Order of Name one otll agencies oi the United Appeal continues to serve in the oonnnuoity The VON nurse enters the homoto give young mothers and sometimes iathers helpin caring ior new baby She will assist in bathing the drild and preparing ieedtngs and answer questionsoo care Vnria penrnih the young mother to net to henna status with Jail vow services these visits are asiong amt as often as needed the post de pends ou whcoher oifls counsel ling is given or whether the nurse gives help In many cos it is based on what the fam rly can afford rlha VON also helps to ease the suffering bi those withser ious illnesses enabihrg them to remain at home with their iam cnna 3155 The VON provides care for many eideriypeaple who do not wish to enter nursing homes Often the nurse is thermoon contact with the outside pmvld lion no periorming many little tasks She will manicure sham neven strove arr eiderly patient Due to the restricted income of many patiénisithe full charge or sioos Ald Dorian Parker was absent on Just two occasions both regular meetings and Aid Roberts was at every regular meeting but missed two specials Best attendance according to the record was by oldermen Phil Sauve who missedonly one special meetiugand Ald Frank Hersey absent irom only one regular session Aid Owen topped the list in number oi committee meetings missed with 11 followed closely by AldyhiacLoren who was ob sentirom to Aid hiarinl missed nine Aid Williams eight Aid Parker six Aid Emma live Aid Garner tour Aid loilitie three Aid Smith two and Aid Hersey Roberts and Sauve one each Sumo oi the absenteea were on city business The report con tained no record at the mayors attendance cm T0 seen more nousruo City council last night to apply ior so more units of senior citizens housing The need tor additional hous ing was spelled out two weeks ago in an OHC report which said there was lack ot sell contaioed rental accommoda tion suitable to old people The OHC said need for senior citi zens housing has doubled in the last four years The new application walls for rentgearedtoincome ae commodation comprised oi re bachelor units and I2 onebed room units Last week the iederal gov ernment approved loan at $56248 or the first lit units requested to be located near the corner oi Burton Avenue and hayview Drive Site of the additional units is yet to be decided is seldom received and never asked ion The VON in Canada was ioundod in 189 byLadyAber decorwho had noticed similar work being perfomied nig lsnd Roads rginalty pgovltled by royal moot cele bratingQueen Victorias dia mond jubilee The Barriobraodr was oper gted no nnrondriy budget oi $452 last year said Dolores Groundin nurseindrarge Miss Grondin runs the servicexon zihornhasls with the helpjoi reliei nurses Audrey Philip Webb proiemioual artist and art ieadier irom Shanty Bay works the year nound attenuating to capture the elusive essence ottho seasons LEFT in the sur rcuodings oi woodot Mr Webb tries to reproduce the splendor oi artisan on can PEELDUFFEBIN Approve Chdnde vas RlGllT Working in the studio gallery he destined and built himself he adds the tin ishlng torches ho one of his works ihc downstairs sec tion at one binding is the studiopwhem vhitors are troo to browse throuugh the works of the artist Upstairs in In Riding IlNicime By FAEMER llSSlNGTON Examiner Correspondent OTTAWA Special With al most iroprecedeniedspccd lire House or Cmrznans has givenlts approval to change in the name oi the iederal riding at PeelDui ierin to PeelDvuiierlut Simcoo The change was proposed by El wood liiadill the Consery vo member oi Parliament ior the present riding at Duiierrnsirn CUE Normally privatebilis drop to the bottom at long list and are usually olked out in the hour allotted them when they get to the second reading stage But with the aid ot Conserva tive Acting Leader Michael Starr who had similar bill in his name to change his riding to Ontariowmtby ailparty agreement was reached to bring the two bills on iorirnmediata consideration Ham were given third reading without the neces sity of the sponsors speaking in the House The ltiadill bill will still have to go to the Senate ior its approval and then get royal assent irom Still Uncertain About Demolishing Former Eaton Bldg Demolition of burned out mod ings onDunlop St still depends on future developments Aid Frank Hersey last night However he reported that pro perry owners had agreed to erect barriers or the front and rearto prevent children eutec mg the razedstructures The store formerly occupied by Eatons and adjacent build ing binned in the winter oi Askedby Aid Roberts lithere was any chains is by law to force demolition would come heiore council again Aid Hersey replied it depends on developments But Add Robents wasnt satis tied He said he wanted some indication at the next cotnrtdi meeting to whebhecdt is dead ue Council earlier this year gave first two readings to bylaw to iorce demolition butit wasnt finally enacted because the city soliettor said there was some doubt as to whether it would be enforced BiRITE onascnlorrdn scnvrcas SH VL on Drugs PHONE 7232429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 301 Blake Si Barrie Shopping rim toid sity Governor General niidrener Alter that the Electoral Bound eries Commission will put its stamp oi approval on the Grange The oewrldlng with itatriple barrelled name will officially come into beingon the preroga tiou oi the present Parliament and calling of federal election CIT NEWS Irnnsnanrnxninaim Council rActionjOnrMOtion To Extend Vote resolution that would have pieced the question at extending tirsraunlctpsi inndrlse beiorc voters in the Docenirer civic election was not bid to com mitten by Barrie City Council last night aitcr Aid Fred Smith proposed that council seek drag in provlndai laws to lie The resolution would have had voters deddo Mutualhey iavor extension of the irsndrire to citydwdlerr such as milsle daughters living at home who pay neither rent our taxes Also eligible would be trailer camp residents ammo PLAN However Aid Smith ioid roun cit better plan would be to ask ihaprovincial government ior changes in the Municipalhroug chiso Extension Act The law should be changed to permit those who would beai acted by the to sign an at iidavit at rlty and get their name on the voters list He said it would be too costly to adjust assessment rolls to lil clude the names at those not now eligible to vote The onus should be placed on the individual according to Aid iorm oi cluttered organization is the norinrhop itseii iho straiio is adjacent to Mr Webbs homo scarstho street from historic St ihomas Grinch it was designed by Mr Webb to iit into ttre nat ural surroundings tEromioer Photos Locnracrurnni crrnrsrnres mmvuivo Mayor Cooke will re ceive representatives oi fChrlst mas Fairylandan annual pro ject oi Toronto newspaper at city hall Nov The mayor will greet iairylaod characters and will be presented with glass slipper as part of the search ior Cinderella mm on nanro Theit bis 50 car radio irom 1561 cor parked on the Byron Graham Motors lot Bradford St was reported to city police by Charles Byron Sgt Reg Neath way was assigned to investigate Noted 14in Singer To Perform Foeribrary Workers Trustees ltiarrlcklarratt noted iolk singerwili periorm at the Gear gian Bay Begional Library Work shop ior library workers and trustees uhidr will be held at Barrio Public Library tomorrow 1he principal theme is Chu drens Activities in the Li brary Conierenee opens at 930 am with film The Lively Art oi Picture Books in color Dise cussion will follow on methods oi library service to children and group participation Alter luncheon there will be demonstrations as follows Pre School Story Hour by Dorothy Jane Gould ng oi Toronto Piclt ture Book Hour by Holly Brown Barrie childrens librarian Story New issue Priced 98 Eaton Foulds we in Whole or in pass an HALtFAX EATO 73 Sinkingrond Debentures Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by The Eaton Co limited Damon SarcasmIns Indian Legend Crooks iir Jarrett will present folk by Grace Smith Oi those siieciod by the Barrie is to pumlrase 175 more acres of industrial land Orty councillagrccd last night to buy the property part oi an area approved last wetXior an narration irom Inuist Township The deal is expected to become final at special council meeting Nov 17 alter the Ontario ltiun leipul Boards decision on annex ation has become oiiicini Price tag on the 115 acres ioc ated near the site oi Canadian narrower NUMBERS City Police Fire Dept Hospital OPP nitsire mom songs with guitaraecompani mcut iirstva group ior adults then uiter school is out group ior children seven years and us in age He is pomlaz profes sional folk singer who has given concerts in Canada United Siam and Europe He has made several recordings lie is known to many or the children and teenagers in Bar rie who are keen about him The Barrie librarians Miss Con stance Hardy and Miss Brown have also heard him and can vouch that he is firstclass performer His services are be ing provided by the publishing iirm Macmillan of Canada $200 incorporated and Tobe datedNovember 1957 the NUACCE some 600051 PTANCLE rtheisws oiCanrdo 50 and necruedintereet to id 765 We as rinciprls otter these Debentures oubiecno prior solo and change in price if and when issued The eepuure Co Limited and accepted by Us and subject to tho approval of all ie at matters on our half by Messrs Lash Johnston some Pringic Toronto and website or no Acceptance Bocrlrtr Morris Robinson Toronto Subscription will be received when to auction chalictment the right is reserved to close tbs subscription books Debentures will be available for delivery on or about ktonmber l967r Amnvoflhdnrorpamudoilljefismiehéillfl Empowerment Lamar ambushed 1m QUEBEC WINNIFEG TORONTO NOTTAWA rVANCOUVEfl iNEWVORK WNW PARK 30570 KIICHENER HAMILTON BRANTFORD IT CATHARINES gt 50 PFTERIQRDUGH EALGAHY EDMONTON servers we so mpany by Messrs Arnup urnotico ltisexpecredthac definitive ML Vlcrooia mo octopus an Defers act less than ro per cent would show an inlerest in voting be PM ran nnnmn Aid Henry said Barrie ls tar behind other cities in extending the iranchisc We are depriving sons and daughters who may be living with their parents oi the rat to vote om thouai ihcy may be old enough to collect old age pensions in reierriog the question to theorggluclai government we would ssyinglethigdaddy do it Were not up to it Aid Hersoysaid hiayor Coolie said he supported the principle oi giving every citizen the right to vole but was willing to have another look at the quanan lightoi Aid Smiths suggestion MEETING 01 CAS Reports irom personnel and property committees will be con sidered tho Simcoo County and Ba Childrens Aid So ciety tonight at the board at directors regular meeting The property committeereport deals spaco requhements oi tho City To Buy 175 More iicres 0i Innisiil Industrial Land General Eieclrics proposed new iaclory is $277500 lt will be re sold to new industry Finance chairman llob erts said there had been iew anxious moments with regard to the land purchase white council waited ior the OMB annexation decision He said it was necessary that Barrie acquire the property in order to cement the deal with CGE In another move last nlght council agreed to zone the CGE property ior heavy industry MENTAL HEALTH The Canadian Mental Health Association board of directors meet tonight at pm in St Johns Church The session will bc ta BOWLERSl THEYtiE HERE AT rAsri Briinswick 5Pln Machines Come in and Enloy Them COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC Holidayaowi PLAZA marine November 119a1 In moonstone counsel these Debentures will he rsvmmmutn which rs Janadihn and norm Insurance Companies Act mm slants company registered under Part lhareoimly momma itself or that purpoaa of the manor of subsection or Section or to said Act lnvut in funds Louoou are digit vs an

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