Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1967, p. 10

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Save Embarrassment fly JOSEFM MOLtER MD Dear Dr Molner letter in your column concaned it de pressed omnn who among other things contemplated sul cide The letter was signed Now since these are my lists and the letter did not in catc the my train uhich the letr ter came it has caused prob lem or me iiany iriends know at the trouble have had Vith my husband in fact my aged mothniin law who lives in distant city was quite concerned aodwrete to me and do not like to worry her Also iriend who is semirctired nurse came over with some plicnobaioital suit gesting that might try some in case at depression Would you kindly make statement in your column per haps giving the womans last or city in which she lives it it is not Tulsa do not wish to worry my friendsMrs All it course Will not give the womans lust name and Will not give the city in which she lives except to say it wasnt 1iisa and it isnt even in Oklahoma There are probably several troubled women with the initials AJJ iii any city in the country so it is quite useless to try to guess what person wrote an letter that appears in this co umnbcsidcs which there seems any possible cause tor being more secretive in par Lieuer case otten change the initials cntiroiy either because writer asks me to or because think it will save possible em barrassment Maybe it works the other way too Possibly someone says Look this Is my letter in the health column and people dont believe it because the ini tials have been changed iim otteii asde whether all the letters in this column are real Yes all are But would estimate that at least third oi the time the initials are changed One thing Id like to add Its potentially dangerous or even semiretired nurses to go around handing out phenobarbie tal or other drugs Pheiiobarb is prescription drugtor good reason And it true case oi depres sion is involved phenobarbital is not the right drug to give anyway Dear Dr Molncr Is Itnatural to have blackout ailer lying down and then getting up am git is and sometimes when get out of bed everything turns black and Justennt see it stand still moment my sight comesbsck This also happens sometimes when bend over This results irorn postural hy potensiootbat Is sudden drop In blood pressure because oi changing to an upright post tioo You might beneiit from physical examination to deter mine your blood pressure and line out whether you have anc min low thyroid activity or some other condition that should be corrected Meantime it position slowly Sit on the edge oitho bed for minute or so before you stand up to let your blood pressure adjust more gradually Dear Dr Moiner am 16 and liit weights and ride bike iive miles day Some people say bike riding doesnt do thing to improve yotir bodybecause you just ride along But ptimp the pedals all the time So is that trueiJAL Weight lilting can build hig musclesthe muscles oi shouiv ders arms trunkI legsbe cause oi the heavy strain But that doesnt mean thatrlding bike isnt good healthy exercise too it is hiding iivnmiles is easier than running tivn miles but it is still good tor you and your body Note in Mrs No pin worms do not destroy the nutri tional value at your load to any noticeable degree but yes they may cause siceplessness be cause oi irritation trialled Nailth vulnerable Noam gt axles vii05 uni tvrsr 0314 oqmata are 31 QQNH vent AK sites MU new an test rm bidding North lhi Opening leadvnino oi clubs The most int suns eresLiog hands to play are those where declarer can make an apparently sure los er disappear Moro otten than not declarer accomplishes this cat in an entirelyrotianal but relatively sirnplewoy For example take this case where West lends club against our spades East eashes the and continues with it club won by South with The contract tbeyten appears to be to tail sale at this point but when the king and doe nrer leads low trump to West shows out the prognosis changes radically East now has we npparcntlyin Simeon confirmist Miran Mitts ny uns escort Ronald Wagn er is visiting his family in Germany tor acouple oi lrecks Mr and Mrs Tom Park lett Monday for week at Expo where Torn will be singing with Draft Besisters Appear its Group TO ii ONT CPI Several youths who identified them selves as drait resisters appeared as group in public or the first time in Canada Sunday during rally opposing the war in Vietnam More than 30th mnrthcrs took part Snmc reltised to identity themselves but the organizer Mike Shapiro 22 otNeiv York said should be In Vietnam rl he works tor an American company here and hi draitdodgcr TELEVISION raccoons gt2 BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON too LMike Douglas zconnnunlute 4Secm storm 94 Love Lucy lisuper Heroes too LBainey boomer tirutn or canseoucnm vmvie Walking ilv Baby Back time 11 Mollies The Car sports oo Shorts smn DFraitkeltslem LPcrry Mason 7Fllrttstone5 llCombat ma Land And Eel Ed 1io ZMntle News 60 tuPettcoat itiirrtlnn Notvs Weather Shorts 7Movlc two we Jil Vinduiv on the world summer semester lluLneal News 1am rrooay 4Nows 7Wlnduw on the World IJt Liioeketshio ma Lvaptnln Kangaroo llSchmtzel House iiMovie ininnote limo tacveriy ttzso mo toie uUntwrrity or the Air 1ra Lbiaiing For option than 110th 1200 LCHiltnlt Fredetltkn 9homner lttmm ltEd Aiien 93 JGuut Marni 4anr arm 9lieta liafiducatlunal Ty Spam 7lnrle 1230 JMolhcsgtlnLaN iiletnrt batons wuiner llltothersdnlaw rtMidwcstnrri Hayride 9Batman Tiard Days Ni hi shst rriroi Daktnri 7Garrlsonl Gotlllu 7Hailvtvood Palace ilBllIlardl Jlted sircitnn ilGiinsmoke titnn skelton 7Irivndels WEDN DAY OLIOEER 25 MORN zconeéntrrtion 1Daelrie Hollywood cmnaiity 35an tiorninir tnnoy Grlilith Ltgttoneyrnoolt nac erugboat Antil iHoilywoon Sooner tPlck or The Week Van one My Game ostrann 51rd iiMsritaite Confidential LJlopnrdy tNcws Weather rne perm Sons vTnionto Todnv TiHui PHIle ZMerv Gilulu Hearth ror Tomorrowl tsmcl for Tomorrow TUESDAY OCTOBER EVENING itEPlerre nerton 91ronstde oon Hateivs ltill iiUndcr Attack 910 ttimie Ctndeiletln tcss Playhouse 7Ktsmet sPir Whistle town aNEWS stamina tNcws Sneeiai rThe Prisoner iiwfletv Griiiin tozto Liublte aye iirno Weather Sports 2rohnny Carson nor tiinvie ioemt Legion iMovle runner Forest iOuter Limits BMovic menus or You liHot Linn itVise ND AFTERNODN ilPiinto Finish FGuldlnl Light mo vtiovie leht lnThe Piazza LJieet rnn antlers 1rugiive DMovio motion on South st llMiko Doullan 110 tAx The World Turns znio Low our oi Lite kuve is ilvly Splendor Thirst lNewlywed Game Hillbillies 4House Party 1Jrearn Gill tiPerry Mason izoo 14x an encrll Hospital to Yot Dont Say 3191 or Nitiht 9Jts Your titan ytlMutlwlnklo WEDNESDAY ocronak 2s EVENING 4oa iike Douglas acurnnnintcate Secret Storm 9x My Lucy ll Suoer Heroes too iitarncy Boomer tTnitn or Consequences 9htnvlle ILI Ian too iii Troop 50 ItZori dPerry Mason 7Ellntsto Sports tNewn Sport Sports tDaktait 1LWnlt World aNens ventner oivewr Weather tlHe And Sin mo ZNews Weather tits smirWori oriinutanu oinnoen Disneys 7News Weather FGreen Acres sun JTlilt Ana sin toznn Hoopla Loren Ciilhane tom sroiiuui Tllk rumor Hot sent liMerv Giittln Han the opera company Mr and Mrs Tom Githspy spent the weekend at Expo Clturch services ior two weeks have been in charge oi Mrs Evelyeen Aiiien in the absence ill itev John of iiev Mr Veir who has been Robinson at Port Carlng will conduct the service Oct 22 inf and Mrs Scott spent ti Newa BPeonie in Conflict 4iu Tell The Truth ieistrater court 7Comlnlilderntom Minn For Your Lilo tnundee and an three days at Simeon air when Lawrence was judge Mrs Art Cox is progrcssing vcll utter recent operatiooin Barrie hospital MRS ANNE McRAE Services weic held Sept 28 ior Mrs Anne Meltae who died in Pinetang General Hospital at ter lengthy illness Mrs Mc Rate whose maiden name was Canadian buss is aware he is Anne Fletcher was born in Seot land 73 years ago She was the tviic ot Ronald Matias who pre deceased hcr inslm Mrshlc itae spent the latter years oi her lite in Minesing and Antcn Mills communities having moved to Anton Mills with her husband April me where they were in charge of the post oiiice Possessed oi cheery dispos ition she will be missed by many friends She was member oi the United Church anthUCW Surviving are son Edward and grandson Donald two broth ers Michael and John of hitchi gan and three sisters Mrs Mc Cauloy tJeanl Mrs Davage Mac and Mrs ltix tBrownici all oi Toronto Rev Weir otiiciatcd at the ome rPaIt ACROSS LSpeclut 5Excltnltga 9Grent mire 1017le 1151am 12 neginrun 14Pursue 1550er 1sz nbbr 176mm 18Pnrmto masin 19Molat zitDoormat cards flJliasin matured 235mm nest 25Qunrr21 27 Newest 30Gltn 3LMarry 32 Regret 33 Argent anye amides Famine utensil 6Seeptar 715134 Irritated 1L Leanto 13 Carry 15 Gingetter gt 13 1mm 19 Paper design had attended didnt hire him for the sales job decided he was too dominated byhin wifeto work for me DiiiLY caoSsviono Anttuopoid mm 24 Youth measures By JAY BECKER violdtlattutnp trldts and detest teem loadable But taint heart neer won illr lady and South attornpts to save what appears to be clout cause Abandoning iurtiter trump leads iorvthe moot be when our heart tricks onwhieb be dir cards two diamonds as East eon unuu to other suit When dedarer then castles the oi diamonds thisbceomi the position North to Writ nu lmmlhttll South sun diamond lead trom dummy compulsfihst to mil with the terenond South oi course un derruiis with the tour As rv suit oi this play East must re sign since he cannot take sooth er trick regardless oi which spade he returns One oi his two efitnln tnimp tricks vanishes into thin air You could say that deelarer was lucky to iind East with pro eisely tour hearts and single ton diamond but considering that the trumps were divided 50 and that East also had the AQ ol dubs over the K4 South was not particularly toitunaie on the handitis sense oi stickin Itivcness in overcoman bad lie of the cards surelyhnd some thing do with the case bearers were Gilbert Knight Dclhcrt Priest itobcrt Eastnn Percy Muir William Davage and Roy Damge interment was in Mincsing Union llemetcry sr Pours imsi Prom Mrs Lloyd Booth spent the weekend with her daughter and thirdly Mr and Mrs liay Usher and Nancy Etmvale itir rind Mrs Mervin tiooth and inmiiy hosted members oi the booth iorniiy at Thanksgiv ing dinner Those attending were Mrs Lloyd Booth Mr and Mrs Morris BoothScarborough Mr and Mrs Ronald Booth and iam ily West Hill Mr and ltlrs liobert Cowan and iamily Knock Mr and Mrs ltay Usher rind Nancy Elmvaic nir and Mrs llownrd Penny spent week visiting relatives and iricnds in Grand Bend Ham ilton and Kitchener vqoneratuladons to liir and lilrsWnllzice Barber who rell cently celebrated their 23th wedd mg anniversary Welcome to Mrand Mrs Car ter and inmiiy eslon who have bought Mr and Mrs Valtor Kintons home rltir and Mrva Kinton have moved to Barrie Mr and Mrs Hen Brookman and Mrs Eva Graver Chicago visited Mr andMrs John Knit this week Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Clitttird Jacklinand Colleen were Mr and Mrs Alvin Jack lin Mr and Mrs Ron Jackiin and iamily both oi Aytrrier Mr and Mrs Wi am King and Bev erly Barr Congratulations to Mr and Mrs William Mason thee Marie Jennettt on the birth ota son Nearly everyone in the district enjoyed the plowing match For some it was the first match they aiming any one one as strike salmon 28 Death JULIET Jones SECRET AGENTX9 GRANDMA mam QIIS mlflifilm ELEVATOR IN M105 ROOM LEADS THlS OOREIDORiN HEMIGHTEE INWTRDOM THERES REAL CASE OF MIXEP EMOTIONS EQUIPMENT itSIDE UN FEELTNE POWER WJM THROUGH THE WALL ERANDMAHANNEDTU SWAT Mkoits WITH HER BROOM IF HE HANDED HER AFlSTFtJL OF BILL CORRSAN uncommon SAIDWASSNOWING WMOWW NEWElDfiT BUT ON TOPOF THE PtLE l5 HER PENSION CHECK BITONDIE on DAGWOOD ausr HAD oiewmnsi DREAMED HUNDIIED BEAUTIFUL scamrw cum eiRij WERE CHASlNG you mausrtiswooosl 107 MINI EXAMINER WAY OCIOIER illi Nowde CAN AWHOLE MEALV THE SALAD I5 LEFiioveie FROM MoMsBiziDGi LUNcHsoN BUZZ SAWYER rrs ME KI 0F ELECIRKAL DEVICE IT HAS MILITARY WANDJHEREARE SIGNlFlCANCE WERE ALREADY theirs Weather nc merit ii vntovie or Latttis Ann sen moo 3Misslon liMovle He And Meet iizin ALost in Splel tlhe King Andi Dlnvnders istrangerr When We 121 ew Wertner snort 11min arms 10 impossible 41mm IMovle Harry Black And 2Jnnnny Carson Under no ouni rm Tiller JUnwuchablu BPm ootlrll ittiot Lino imn itltiarit Saber Spore 7ievio inrrcimt Conlessa liPlerru Berton nonveriry Hillbillies HL Ho Knit lzn iiiliiion Question Myées AND Stt ETER rbrk Yr at gfj see yr to wit9

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