nine in lean Cailéts Place Fifth Iannspeciion RECEIVES ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SCROLL Ninetythreeyear old iiirs Susen Davide of Edgehill Drive was presented with an £Ontario Government Scroll yes terday by Arthur Evans MP for Simcoe Centre 1111 scroll offering best wishes and congratulations from the pre mier of Ontario is presented to persons over 90 years of age in the province hirs Dav idson celebrated her 9er birth day Sept 3t however the scroll was delayed in coming lilrs Davidson has lived all her life in this area and farm ed near litinesing tor more than 50 years She has four children it grandchildren 32 gleatgrandchildren and two greatgreatgrandailldren She is the wife of the Late James Davidson of Brentwood To Vote On Half For County Library Simon County municipalities will be given an opportunity to vote whether they approve tax levy ot halt mill on the county equalized assessment toward tin aneing the cost of the establish ment of new County Public Library system This would replace the present cooperative library system which has rendered book loan ing service to mobile unit and smaller libraries requiring it The move wuttld bring about more government yants toward such library help and provide courses lor librarians and more reference books needed by stud tthis Oriliia and liiidland ii brarics have asked for oxenlo tlou since these towns have ar ranged adequate service of their own Ron Mackenzie county lib rarian called attention to rd port which said government assistance would be increased from 317991 to $69000 The overail cost would rise from $75886 to $142000 Mr Mackenzie said in addi tion to increased grants the formation of main library with branches throughout the county where required would promote greater efï¬ciency and economy in operation and make better service litedonte Reeve Dalton Jenuey asked about municipalities with Fall Programs Stcrrting Several programs of the Bar rie milYWCA are being organ ized for the fall season hOne o1 these square dancing for boysaud girls starts Oct it at 630pm Instructor will be lilac Iiiamelius The instruc rected to children in the 3yearold age group Saturday morning programs are aolv being organized for boys and girls eight to 13 years of age They will be held for boys and girls in the building and at Johnson Street School and or girls only at Codrlagton Street School The program of gym work tumbling and arts and mils runs from 915 to 1115 The mens titnessprogram started last year is scheduled for the YMYWCA building Mon day and Thursday evenings and at noon Tuesday and Friday Calisthenics volleyball and ind viduai fitness programs are lol lnwed by swim The Archery Club afï¬liated with the meets Wednesdays at pm at the Barrie Plaza for instruction and competition The Friday night dances for teenagers up to 16 is now atart ed Membership forms may be At picked up from the information desk in the lobby of the Officers of the Junior leaders corps were elected at the Octo her meeting They are Mike Chambers captain Lori Lewis assistant captain John Snider TrecorderLJindy Palmer trea surer Cathy Thompson social convener and Kathy Fitzsim mans project convener The junior leaders corps works closely with the program activities of the YMYWCA Guest Speaker lit Rotary Club Robert Crawford president of Georgian Collegeoi Applied Arts and Technology Yesterday addressed the regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Barrie at Miramat Gardens The president of the newly opened college in Barrie Plaza outlined the role of such colle ges in the overall education sys tem He also gave the club in formation concerning the college itself Following the luncheon meeting Mr Crawford addressed the first assembly at the new school Righltewmrket saunas will enable you to no the modern conveniences Ind still retain on mm of the earlier in home cedar ma not only my but its hloh lmula me thus manna the no In in cnldll Gamdn Th Ins mlchhevdrled Ihen shaped to in arm Ina plflthl aeunniultn shone aromas prcvlfll wu tm when Humbled Even an machined to what Iddls back Joint inat ented Illa nonxymm awnan Thuw an on neelv your ceeDu packan intll be nnayrar mm WM rotr ttflltES lollies halls Htlls lllllls tunnels wANT Te KnowMonsz who mm and on would an and in iii you more Manntion CEEDERLOG BUILDINGS LTD who Romaman in Most Am Eee our displayconni ot Dnu Mllll ltd and Davis Drive Ebb3294 when out libraries lilr Mackenzie said mobile unit would give gentipe and schools vmuid ben While this countys libraries should be administered as unit there will be little loss of local autonomy said the report of Mr Mackenzie which ex pressed the hope that municipal ities would retain their own li brary boards as comitiees to oversee the alfairs of their local library While taxpayers would still pay thelonger grants it would be through the province and not the county levy on property It theoid system is maintained as cooperative library system grants will be reduced by 50 per cent in 1968 which would mean the county would have to make grant oi $29747 merely to match thelpresent eountyli brary cooperative service it was stated Reeve of Tecumseth William htilligaa who is chairman of the county library board spoke in favor of support for the change Public Meeting For Candidates Sinicon Centre voterswflihave an opportunity to weigh the mar its of the three provincial elec tion candidates at public meeting slated for Hillcrest School Oct The candidates Progressive Conservative Arthur Evans Liberal Bruce Owen and NDP Robert Dennistwill each speak for 15 minutes and answer ques tioas from the flooryduriag the smion Sponsor of the event is th Jaycee Club of 13a TEE BARN EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER int NEW amino Madill liov Seelc Change Inchirrre By FARMER TISSINGTON Examiner Correspondent UtiAWt An attempt to image the earns ot new fed eral riding is being made today by Ellwood hiadiii MP for Dui tertnSimcoe Iilr hitdill will introduce private members bill in the House of Conunons entitled An Act respecting the Electoral Boundaries Readlustmeot Art Under the redistribution act DutferinSimcoe riding disap pears andparts of it are cool biocd with parts of Shame Coun ty to form new riding of Peel Dulleria lr hladiii argues that the people in the riding who live in Simmc CAme are confused and towel over the strange and want the riding to be called Peel DulterlnSimcoe tic polrts out that the riding will include the Simcoe County townships ot Tossorontio Essa and Itdiala togclhcr with the Simeoe communities of Ailistoa Evans Accepts Base Borden Angus Baxter Everdt Utopia Lisle and part of Thornton With thismtleli of Shame in the riding he eels the name of the county should be included to clarify its bound aries At the present time there are three federal Tidings whim coa taiu the name Simone They are DufferinSimooe North Simcoe and East Simone lilr litadill explains Under the redistribtr tlon there will be only one rid ing North Sinwoe with the countys name inytt feel and many people in the new riding feel that Sirncve should be added to Peel and Dullerin to more clearly define its scope Private members hills go to the button of the order paper and take some time to come up for debate on second reading Usually they are talked out in the hour allotted to them but Mr liiadill is bopelul bLs bill will have better late and gain the approval at the Commons so the name cilange can be made Challenge To Plow Against County Wardén inile provincial and Dominion championship matches billed for the second day of the internation al plowing match have been get ting the most attention spe cial challenge plowing competi tion biilcd for 1030 am on opening day Wednesday Oct 11 is drawing increased interest Warden of Simcoe County George MaeKay who is renvc of Oro made the challenge at the request of plowing officials and ti was acceptod by Arthur Evans lilii candidate for re election in Simcoe Centre in the provincial election on Tuesday Oct I7 Walden hlacitay has been plowing since boy and stltt Special Services Planned Sunday Special services are planned this Sunday at the march of the Nazarene at St Vincent and Grove Streets in Barrie in sup port at missionaries around the world The denomination ranksloth among missionary agepcies in North America and supports the effort through special Thanks giving and Easter offerings re ceived in every Nazarene Church around the world annAxArroN arm our rmn dis mrore or rheuan tum and nervous disorders moor the Pleasant and personal tmos pher Hill roundinga amiss sauna Bath GIDRIA DAINES ros Edgehill Dr THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE T0 DISPENSIE WITH VOTE or THE ELECTka TAKE NOTICE THAT lhe Council of the Corporatio thegciiyat barrio intends to apply to The Ontario Muni pal Board for BP provnl of Bylaw 67114 to authorize the purchase of Part at Lot 22 23 and 24 Concession Townshipynf ore for an air harbour at an estimated cos $4300000 which amount shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over period not exceeding fivejtsl years Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to theundertaking of the said works Anyratepayer may within twantyone day after the tirst publication of this noticesend by post prepaid to the Clerk of the City of Barrie at the address given below notice in writing stat ing his objection to such approval and the groundsot such objection The Ontario lituniclpalanrd the statut that the assent of the electors shall not be re quired and approve of the said works but before doing so it may appoint time and place for public hearing when anyroblections will be considered DATED at the City of Barrie this 19th day of Septem ber 1961 Straughari City Clerk at Collier Street Banid Ontario vi terms at Ooulson at the border of Oro and litedonte on county road 22 He offered to plow bo hind team of oxen and these will stripped to Innisiil far the occasion Mr Evans who now lives at Bradford was born in Teciuna selh and spent his early life lift farm where he learned some thing about plowing So to mnlle it contest he agreedto plow behind team of males barrle Navy league not tittb wrong 23 eoips in Ontario from residta ot the an aunt inspection for 1967 sllretos New Woolworth Manager Arrives wallamc Shields with the Wooihorth Company since 1959 this week took over as ma nager oi the Barrie store He replaces Jacques Lame who lelt last week to open Gene dlan Tire Store in his home city of Montreal Mr Shieldswas the manager oi the Eraotloni Woolworth store for three years lie is planning tomove his in mily in Barrie as soon as suit able accommodation can be found Mr Shields took Woolworth management course when he completed high school inRran don lilanitoba liefore his year at Brnnttord he served With Voolworths in Helleville or year and half The Barrie store is three times the size of the last one be we nosed END llOLDOUl thNTREAL 0P Defence men Ed Van Impa and Joe ill Philadelphia Fivers first and second dralt choices in the National Hockey Leagues expansion draft last June have ended their holdoiits against the new club Watson is reported to have signed for two years while the terms or icngth of Van Impea contract were not disclosed Cumming 11me LL Larry Rabchtordlnnouoced the remit at the regular meeting last aim Sea Cadets results have noth announced Sirmgthct both the Navy Lla gue and Sea Cadet Corps in Bar me has derided in the past year Amos bed are at the high est streaml they have been since their biceptton Cadets llstso on strength utitiethe Navy league boasts ectopic ment at more than to Both corps meet every Thurs day night at the Barrie Arm oury parade and fire fighting dcnienstratioa will be held Oct 12at Hangar 16 Ease Borden Lakieview Restaurant IThanksgilling ilfuntpitin Pie and Plot of lies $124 Jntua Otter good only Saturday Sunday Monday at LAKEyle RESTAURANT 185 Dunlap 7185I5I or scans PASTRY shoe Ctapperten HitBI II ALL NEwTV Eon 768 BUILTBETTER To LAST LONGER HANDCRAFTED UNRIVALLED THaEE RECTANGULAR sanEN SIZES CUSTOM QUALITY WITHOUT COMPROMISE Zenith tradition for 49 years Quality is the extra ingredient at Zenith this not one thing It is many tlungs It 15 the extra ingre dient in product development design and manufacture It is way of life at Zenith The millions of satisfied Zenith owners who have experienced high measure of operating depend abilityand low operating costs recognize Zenitbs emphasis on quality as the greatest value in home entertainment instruments This is why people who know Zenith qualitywont settle for less than the greater dependability of Zenith ZENlTH HANDCRAFTED QUALITY Handwired No Printed Circuits No Production Shortcuts For Fewer Service Problems and Uarivaled Dependability The Zenith Handcrafted High Performance Chassis is truly the driest qualityengineered chassis in color television Its entire de sign is masterpiece in engineering craftsmanshp Every Zenith Color TV chassis is carefully bandwired to the highest quality stand ards with no plastic printed circuits and no production shortcuts for fewer service problems and unrivaled dependability DONIT SETTLE Eon Less THAN ZENITH SEE THE FULL zENlTH LINE ON DISPLAY AT can Siwrvrwxl 33 COLLIER ST SILCOMING spoon JERRvsRAol TV