an new fleaseidf PLOWING CHAMPIONS T0 COMPETE FOR THIS TROPHY humor of the Canadian amplonship contest on the second day at the internation al plowing match Thursday Oct 12 will receive this fa mous Esso Silver Plow trophy in addition to cash award To compete plawrncn must qual ity in provincial championship matches and only two may one ter from cacti province The trophy was awnrded by im periai Oil Company Limited which also provides prize mon ey or 16 awards Canadian Plowing Council ace lag rules will prevail and vii lb of tur rows are to he 12 inches or more with minimum depth of six inches Year Mdrks 575th Birthday lfor International Match The 1567 international plowing match which will be held at Silderiop Farms south of Holly in Innisiil will mark its 55th bir hday The iirst international of Ontario Plowmens Assoc iation was held in York County in laid at Sunnybrook Farm Shnnyhrook Farm also was the scene of the second annual match in 914 and then the scene shifted to eliington County with Guelph Agiiculiural College the scene fortlic 1915 match In 1916 it was moved to Ontario County at l1lcming armat Picker ing and than in 1917 it was shit ted to Brant County at the Oak Park Stock Farm near Brant ford CANCELLED IN 1518 The 1918 match scheduled for Carleton was cancelled owing to the war and an influenza epi demic at Ottawa in 1919 the ï¬rst international match was held in the County of Kent at Chatham and in ma Wentworili was selected for the first time with the match at the Ontario Hospital iarm at Hamilton Oxiord County was chosen tor the honor for the first time in 1921 when it was held at the Ontario Hospital farm at Wood stock Then in 1922 Victoria County was chosen for the first time when the match was held on the wimty farm atlondsay Lambtons first match was in 1923 at the John Goodisonharm Sarnia Bull and Sons Farm near Brampton was selec ted for the 1924 match the ï¬rst in Peel County Elmvale Reeve Praises Support For Plow Match ELMVALE Strait Weep preciate the support and help given as by service clubs and er organizations washout Srmcce County in helping with ticket selling and promotion said Reeve Alex McAuley He was asked about the progress made as chairman oi the ticket selling and traffic committee for the international plowing match McAuley commended the provin al police ior their on operation in helping to outline plans to handle the heavy trai tic which is expected Although the site at Silvertop and neighbivring farm south of Barrie is opposite highway too the competitions cannot be view ed from here as parking is pro htblted Entrances will be from the Thornton road cloverleai and at highway27 at Barrie Ample parking areas have been provided at the site native of Elmvale and life long resident Reeve McAuley is serving his fifth year as head of the council here he is former president of the Chamber of Commerce and until earlier this year Wm publisher of the Eimvale Lnn Hr tut asbccnfazioogu tame booster of bias Agricultural Society Elmvale fairs and other farm organizations He has been mentioned as possible candi date for the 1968 Simcoe County wardenship Second vicepresident of the Leeds was chosen in 1925 when it was held at Brockville and then Welland chosen in 1926 with the site at Lundys Lane Nia gara Falls York County waschasm for the third time hr 192 and then hiiddlesex was selected for 1925 when it was held at the Car michael farm London in 1929 Frontenac was chosen with the Sill at the government farm at Kingston Perth County was chosenfor the list timeiiilQSO wiihtha site near Stratiord and in 1931 Petcrborough was selected Car leton was chosen in 1932 and Grey in 1533 with the site in Derby Township near Owen Sound York was chosen for the earth time in 1934 and then Haldi mand Stormont Dundas and Giengarry were followed by Weil ington with Fergus the site in 1937 The first international match to be held in Simcoe County was in 1938 when it was held at Min aslng Brockville St Thomas Pet borough Goderick Lindsay ndBr matches before Simeon County was chosen againin 1950 when it was held at the Nottaivasaga Valley Farms near Ailiston 0x ford County was chosen in 1951 and Carleton in 1952 Then the Durham vNorthumberland county home farm at Oohoiirg were selected in 1953 Sites at Brgslau in Waterloo Blytheswood in Essex Brooklin in Ontario Simcoe in Noriolk Crysler in StormontI Dundas in chntviortdr and Springfield in Elgin iollowed In recent years it was held at Seaiorthin Huron County last mediumsFerguson liin1965 at Peter horougb in 1964 at Caledoo to Feel in 19st at Owen Sound in Grey in 1962 and at helloville in Hastings in 1961 iTO BEAVERlsgiiARMSlEAD iii THii PtOWltiG MATCH TENT ciii sv min Beaver Fllm Supervisor MERV PARKER Bedvar Farm Rep Georgian Bay Municipal Electric Asaoelaiiun Mr McAuley also is director of the On lpalElectrica1 As is an elder oi Elmval Presby terian Church WEWiDL as GLAD Tosca YOU DROP BY AND SAY iiELcOi If you have any farm building problems or need planning help there will be many Bea ver Farm Reps on hand at the Farmstead to answer any questions Thisyear the new ilireerrbedroom factory built home will be featured for auto see plus many more Beaver displays of whats new Gomein and see us your visit is always welcome sac wineriewnrameunaugs The New Beayenkliionies That ArerFac toty Built To Saverltou Ilnie And Money sec The New All Aluminum cnorlinNG Greenhouse SEE The New Beaver Silos SEE The Smelt And Practical Beaver Cadet Garage SEE The NevHanover Kitchens sssvou 4+ Tiis MATCH With Mani Exhibite line showing of exhibits many at which will empbuk Canadas centennial theme will be one at the leaturcs oi theirs turnstioual plowing match We are very pleased with the good showlos particularly of ex hibits from our own county said Essa Reeve Geroga Davis chgiiglrisau in chaggc of cum stating coottdent visitors to the instth which will be held at Slivertop farm only few miles from the Davis farm will find the exhibits memorable leature BIG STANDARD Reeve Davis commended the Womens lmtituta and other or ganizations which have helped out with exhibits We have some wonderful white trom outside at the county too and iii makes it all the more grati fying we were able in make good showingtoo said Reeve Davis While the history at plowing from the oxen period through the plow horse era to the modern tractor will be given prime at tention there will he numerous other exhibits and demontra Iions at particular interest to most visitors Some at these cm phask the development oivfarm big to Canada and changes dnr big the past 100 years Reeve Davis who is serving his sixth year as member of the county council is himself farmer and an outspoken critic of policlm which have curtailed farmdevelopment and have not made fair retunvto the tarmer tor his work Reeve Davis be lieves adequate steps should he better to amuse parity prices for the farmer and hehas argued this case more than once in county council speeches do not think ever need to save the daniin tarmsald Reeve Davis em phasizing the prime part this has blend in Canadas history and development Reeve DIVE said he did not oppose the operation of larle form but his plea was for lair ecmomic retina tor all tarmac in accordance to their work wbidr he felt should be ï¬lmed on practical basis on sound economy without artificial props like subsidlliea The chairinah of agriculture iuforopcaktngwttor is ea or said he intended to county wardenabip but been frequent Tbcjksa tearile id bu zoo Icree an booth tiueotma nearl is upected to stand for eclioa lnlilr own man lcipality in the coming municipal election if be is returned plaid muld be for twoyear term boycould well be elevated to the wardens chair post which his late father Georga Davis held in 1m and his great grandfather with the same name held in 1m Months 0t Busy Work Given lo Plow MatchArrangements Whenever rplowiog malchcs the international provincial or area varicty are mentioned or in fact almost anything relating to agriculture the name of Floyd Lashley isaimost cer tain torbe mentioned Seceretary manager oi the Ontario Piowmena Association Mr Lashiey has beentaklng leading port at Toronto in as sLstlng with arrangements for the coming international at in nisiiL This is not unusual for Mr Lashley whobas been doing so for years His particular eo ovor Hie prospeae tor the 196 match is based on the better than average resv ponse which has ulivays been hlghinsofar as the iotemationai is concerned Born on farm in Lanark County in 1592 Mr Lashleyhas devoted his life to farm activ BE agrimittnal school itles graduate of Kemptvilie he went on from there to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph where items member at the msgraduatiogwiass At college be specialized in animal husbandry and was member at thecoliogo livestock judging teams that competed at fairs held at Chicago and Memphis Tennessee Following this experience he iolned the staff of the Ontario Dc pa rtme at of Agriculture where he was fieldmao for the livestock branch from June ma to August 1929 and than was appointed agricultur al representative at Atllstoo in South Simon position he held until Februaa 1945 when the 001m mabuh Wm mittee held meeting at Allis ton Memorial Community Cen mm hARluE exams mum comerrt on Pair To Get Attention In Big Contest Winner the Ontario senior plowman championship at Sea forth last fall Graiit Wells of Axon will be rated as leading prospect to repeat at the international competition at ionhiil township in the cornins match The two outstanding plowmen were announced as Ontarios re pruentaltves in the 1961 interna tional competitions right alter they won the provincial honors at lluron County before 13975 spectators who roundly applaud ed lheir skill The Canadian championship competiuons are held ovary other year and 1967 will be the year for them to be held again The winners will represent Canada in the 196d world contests To insure the best Canadian plowmen compete at the world events the canadian Plowing Council Supervhï¬ the national championships No top plowmeniiom each Canadian province are eligibleto compete tre early in the year it was like returning home for Mr Lashlcy who made the trip from Toronto in ms ilr Lashley became associate director of the agriY cultural societies branch of 1hr department Two years later be was made director succeeding Carroll Also in IN he was appointed secretary of the Ontario Association of Agricul tural Societies and in the same eventful year first hccame are retary manager of the On tario Plowmens Association He has been busy in helping with arrangements for international matches cosponsored by this provincial plowmcas organiza tion since UNIRDYAL CENTRES The New Name at DominionTlra Stores Have you gotnirirthe safety Options HOW aunties lilo If it saves your life once its bargain tonestineswon1tdoyaonc uninavni EVE READYPRESTONE AMI not Installation extral