Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1967, p. 22

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ia BAKED rumor omens iii1 Form Boosts Match Agriculture Minister GREENE May offer my sincere congratulations to thosewho have worked so hard to make the 1987 international be This great event blends traditional andspaceage agriculture Plowing lllatch the success that am sure it going to 0n the one bandlwe see man with horse or tractor pitted ainst hls fellows in the historical and symbolic act of owing straight furrow 0n the other hand we worlds mostmodem farm equipment whlc reminds us that the horseandbuggy days are gone from agriculture forever Farming today is much different way of life tba that of our forefathers And keeping with the times brings many problems Yet if the prob ems are greater today so arethe rewards As it has through the past 100 years the Canada Department of Agriculture today is working for and on behalf of the Canadian farmer to help him mectthe challenges of 11167 and the years to come The policies and program of the federal agriculture department touch practically every aspect of our many sided agricultural industry Credit is being made available in increasing amounts and and modernize their enter prises Most provincla governments have adopted the federally sponsored crop insurance plan support legislation protects agriculture from the fects of sudden severe drops in prices of major products More than 1000 scientists work at CDA research stations across the country making discoveries and de veloping techniques that are continually increasing the efficiency quality and yield of crops and livestock Other departmental specialists guard our livestock and plant population from the introduction of foreign diseases and gests andcontrol and eradlcate them where till others grade our farm products to en to enable farmers to they occur sure fair return for quality These are but few of eral department is working And at this moment new policies are being developed to meet the needs of tomorrow see great dis lays of the Federal rice production the ways in which the fed with the Canadian farmer son concur Ontario Plowing Title Events On Closing Day Ontorlo senior championship plowing competition will take closing day or the maldt in inan on Saturday Oct if The two winners will quallly Io partici pate ln the 1968 Canadian title contest in Wellington County Competitors are required to plow two lands rod or stubble or bolh under Canadian chairi plonshlp rules as outlined by the Canadian Plowmcns Council To qualliycoiiteslnnts must have flowed in their local match in unlor or intermediate classes or attended coaching class where practice in use of mount ed plows with two or more fur rows has been obtained Plow men must be 20 or more in Ilils contest The junior championship inter brunch competition also is llsL ed as another closing day high light This is tractor compe tlllon open to competitors to 19 who have plowed in branch match horse show opcn to team used by competitors during the match will also be held on the closing day with ten cash prizes Big Plowing Match Major County Event major event for Canadas centennial year in Simcoo County is the international plowing match sponsored by the Ontario Plowmens Association which is to be held on the ln nisfii form of Reeve Joseph Cochrane October 11 to 14 The plowing competition which will bring some of the worlds best to the county and the accompanying demonstrw tiqu and shows are expected to draw thousands of centennial visitors in early October The competitions themselves are attraction enough for en Lhusiasts but the program of events includes parades wagon tours furrow queen contests women demonstrations and much other material to add spice and glitter to standout eventi Keith McRuer of Alliston gen eral manager for the county committee repors that already much interest and excitement has been shown and this is ex pected to work up to peak by opening time October 11 Reeve Lloyd Pridham of Sun nidale chairman heads an ac tive committee which has been working with the Ontario Plow mens Association represeritalt lives for months with prepara tions Lasbley of Toronto semetaryananager of the Out ario Pkmvmenphns been lncun stunt toudi with the county group with guidance and advice and all indications point to one of the most successful plowing matches in years if weather conditions are favorable lComing at time for the burn Visitors Urged ToTour County From north south east and west all main highways lead in Barrie and the site of the in emotional plowing matd1 says Simcoe County folder containing map for guidance of visitors to the big match Oct 11 to 14 Simooe County buildings in Barrie and Georgian Manor in Penelanguishene are shown in the folder which invites theplow ing match visitors to see his torlc Simcoe while in the area Tour and visit Sini coc County it advises where hospitality is byword and his tory and agriculture go hand in hand Top plowmen from Canada and other lands will compete for trophies honors and $15000 in pr money The map has the site of the match just off High way 400 south of Be in red to make it plain to visitors ten his called to th Canadian championship matches on the second day Thursday October 12 Daily parades wagon lours and other special attractions are listed along with highligth of the plowing program Sponsored by Sirocco County Council in cooperation with the Ontario Plowmcns Assoclslloh the match follows months cipre paratiou if it is the succes we hope we is wlllsll be old log of tholenves the match ob fess special entertainment for visitors who want to cnloy the scenicdrives vi the area and also see other entertainment We hope it will be one of the biggest and best matches of its kind own he said Reeve Pridhaco as be praised his committee for their extensive efforlai According to plans made the tented city area alone will re quire more than 60 acres and there will be more than 250 acres for plowing Five enlran ccs are planned to the giounds which will provide mammoth parking area An air landing field for planes also is to be nearby for visitors wishing to make flying trips To help visitors wilh accom modation bliietlng has been ar ranged in arplan to go into ef fect when hotels motels and other such accommodations are filled WI EXHIBIT While the Onbno Plowmena Association and the enmity com rnittee are joint sponsors other organizations also have been busy with various aspecLsof the program The Simcoe County Women Institutes for ex ample plan special exhibit IVEIilOlE subcommittees also Our Re resentatives the equipment of qu have been active in promotion and arrangements Chairman of publicity Reeve Arnold Vanclse of Notlawasaga and RecycAlex McAuley of Elrnvsle chairman of tickets and traffic have been particularly active but each and every member of the conunltlee has been doing his full part Secretorymanager of tho Beo tou Agricultural Society Deputy Reeve Harry ONE of Tecton soda is in charge of arrange ments for tractors and at least threedoieuoictobeatlhe grounds There also will be borsedrsnnn plow events Warden of Simooe County George Madfay of Oro will welcome the visitors to the match along with others GOING YEARS Started in mm the first iti tematlonal plowing match was held at Sunnybmok Farm in York County The competition was first held in Simooe County in 1935 at Minesing In 1950 the site was Nottnwasaga Valley Farms near Alliston The 1961 malch will be the third time Slrncoe County has been chosen for the competition Last year it was held at Sea forth in Huron County Wellington County already has been chosen as the site of the 1968 match mntlo Forago Box racy New DION mos New aura Safety capacity eificl VPlbwnen Provin at plowing champions from Pr co Edward island to British Columbia will vie for the Canadian Chlmplonstiip in special feature of the Ontario international llatcb on the Coch rino farm in Innlslil Township Oct iiui This special contest will hi on the program for Thursday Oct 12 when 14 contestants repre senting seven provinces will maids furious The whizi L1 sponsored by the Canadian Pinw tng Council in cooperation wilh the Ontario Plowmeno ASIDCJ Yuan and the load committee To the winner will go the cov eted Essa Silver Plow irophy while the winner and runnerup will both share in the Essa Trav el Award This award will take the two plowmcn one special overseas tour at dale to be announced later PRIME AIMS The Canadian Plowing Council is national organization whose prlmo aims are to stimulate in terest in match plowing in Can ads and to promote the proper adjustment and use of plows it seeks to meet these objectives both through its own direct cf foris and by encouraging and assisting provincial plowing on gnnisatiolls One important avenue for iii tainlng these oblectives is through organising and sponsor ing the national championship glitch This ghfllggonzmp ls 01 Vince from coast to coast dart Ontario being the silcthis year In each case lhaohmrrplonship held in coniunctioh with the pro vincial championship event in tho respeclivo host province The first Canadian champion was declared at Cabourg On tnrint in October 1953 number of the 1957 cnm pelltors will be no strangers to national plowing championships for example Grant Wells of Slouffvlllc Ontario other hardy perennials who will be compel lng include such farmers as Jack Andrews cit Chllllwack BC Mickey Demman of High Bluff Man and the Quebec contes tants AngeAime Leduc of St Clet and Yvon Bellsle of Riv lere Nord SOME NEWCOMERS Every year though some fresh faces flppcnr in the con testants circle for this national Mimosa Coimty manager for the plowing match Keith Mc Root of Alliston agricultural ropmenlativo for South Sim one has been active for months in helping with ar phonon Compete championship This year one of these is George Dixon of Bump ton Ontario Wbin George is relative newcomer on the plow ing scene the Disco name is ifamiilar one until recently George seemed content to let his brother lllil collect the plow ing trophies lint llill retired from active competition lollowhig th win of the World and the E350 Golden Flow in France in 1961 and now George has taken up the challenge The full list of contuiants in tho 1967 Canadian Plowing Chain pionship Conicst is as follows Jack Andreas Fairfleld Rd mm Chilllwacli DC Charles li lleylnn 47949 Ruse Road fill Chilliwack BC liar very Glerdal Birch Hills Sash Andrew Oran eh box 241 Prince Albert Ens lilckey Demman High Bluff Maui Jim Bonner Roland Man Grant Wells RR Stoulfvllle Ont George Dixon RR Brampton Ont AngeAime Lo duc St Clei Soulangen County von BellslcRlvlero Nerd St Euslache Clownslion iagncs Donald Gray lllld land Kings County NB liar ry Wilson Cornwall RE and William ll lliaclnnll St Peters Bay PEi TRY EXAllflNEE WANT ADS PHONE views Mayor Big it is pleasure for me as mayor of tented city to welcome all visitors to the international plowing match said Reeve Joseph Codirnno of Inanfil whose Silvcrlop farm and those of his neighbors make up the site for the 1961 event consider it quite honor to be chosen as mayor of this rane amember of lnmslil council for 13 years who gave up an opportunity to stand for county wardenship in order to carry out the duties as mayor Reeve Cochrane is retiring from farming at the end at the year having sold his farm to Willard Klnzle of Barrie Mr Kinsles tlna cooperation also has helped materially in or rongcmenls for the match think was the first large scale potato grower in the dis trict said Reeve Cochrana telling about farming in the early 2311s lle didnt have the able eitherr All those potatoes were handpicked We had about loo acres planted and that was bigjoh Vhiiothe office term of of fice is short from October 11 to October 14 inclusive the work attached to the office has ex tended for months with Mr Cochrane member of the ing lihe preparations have been glad to help out in any way could said Reeve Cochrano as he went bout the many tasks necessary to ensure thasmoom operation of his nninicipallty ship visited Expo ntMontroal to see how lhe big exhibitions are arranged and he came back greatly impressed No one who can possibly get there should this it he said briefly In regard to plans for sland lngior reelection Reeve Coch rnne was undecided at the time rangements atthe plowing match site international Plowing Match 1967 Visir us ATTHE1DI0N STAND he was interviewed He did say 0N DISPLAY1 The most complete line ment designed and engineered to serve Canadian far mers Forage Harvey hopeto see ality ge Harvesters at our stand They Will be pleased to supply you With more infor mation on the well known DION Fora SteTherese do Blalnvllle no of forage harvesting equip tcnied city said Reeve Codi equipment which is now anon county plowing committh mak lrcasurer of the Ontario Piowmens Association Clark Young of Unloaivillo and dime tcr Delno lermoy of Dorris have been among lho many workers who have given mudi time andclfort to make the coating international plowing match an minding success Mr Young was treason when Tented City Is Facing Schedule he was glad of the opportunity to serve lnnislil and remarked on its considerable development since he was first elodod to council in 1955 Although selling his largest farm Reeve Cocluunc said his son Don who has been assoc iated will him in farming will carry on tho farrnut ivy Mr Cochrnnahimcll be purchased house at Shoud where he in tcndsto live in sombrelirement As for his duties as mayor Reeve Cochrnne sold they had nt been outlined to him in do tail but he considered it was welcoming the goats and help log out in any way he could there has been great deal of effort go into this plowing match and all we need is the people to hnn out to make il Eiandodt sum he said stating the many who have worked hard would feel their ef forlspaldinfuliiiitlsweli supported will Earlier in lhe year Hi5Wor And Authoriscdtlnit St Why liquid manure system lncreasedvalue of manure Handled in less time with less lahour gt IEliminates daily haulingand enables spreading to be done at be best time Eliminates stacking problems Eliminates fly and sanitation problems Whyan Alli precast tank ADL tanks olprecast 4500 PSl reinforced concrete are designed endenglneered towithstandvan ground pressure and will support farm equipment or livestock on the root Tanks can be located almost anywhere Top of tank can become part of paved feed lot or barn floor They are completely watertight and bold20000 to 155000 gallons lnslallation takes only3to4days Workmanship and ma carav materials are fully guaranteed UNIT reso BUNK ssnuorira eon EASY HANDLING Precast concretefor durability gt Stool reinforced forstrongih Can relocated anytime End oiaekiavauiaie VeexDeslgneolfor any marhani Also On Dlsplay fCaltle and lids Slate Visit Our DisplayAt Tho Plowing Match unisiir anoint AMONG KEEN BOOSTEBS FOlt PLQWING tho matdi was last held in some County 17 years ago Plan to new 1967 International Plowing Match and form Machinery Demonstration on the CochransForms Barrie in Simcoe County onforio Wednesday Octoberll i0 Saturday October l9b7 Store liquid manure upito months Alloid water pollution Spread when conditions are ideal lead 51 BEEFHOG 0R ouLTRV OiERATlONS

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