SEIJI OZAWA music dir ecior ol the Toronto Symphony Orchestra signs autographs during reception given the ordiestra last night following their performance at Central Brilliant Performance By Toronto Symphony lly RIURIEL LEEPEE Seiji Ozone and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra took their Barrie audience by storm last night at Central Collegiate Audi torium Au avalanche oi applause greeted the conductor as he re turned to conduct alter wellv planned program Tire applause was well deserved it is hard to believe that this is the same orchestra diet has performed here in Barrie tor three con secutive yarns Only last year the string scction scented inat icntive and careless in their playing and the ordiestra as whole seemed long way lrorn being great orchestra It seems almost like mira cle tirat now this group oi mus leians term rant precise unit and under the meticulous con ducting of Mr Ozaiva the aud ience at times enjoyEd playing that was absolutely top flight The bowing of each section 01 strings is now in perfect unison aiid each member seems to have personal interest in producing period periormance This is an absolute antithesis to the in dillerent playing of the past two years The program was representa tive of many ditierent countries this Centennial year Italy was represented with Rossinis With iam Tell Overture Germany with Beethovens Second Symph ony and France with Saint Saens Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Sir Ernest Muc lilillan Canadian composer was represented with his two sketv ches for strings on FrenchGan odian Airs and Russias Techni kovsky with the brilliant wcll known Capriccio ltalieu This was program or cv erynne From the opening lyri cal passages oi the first cello lYiiiY succrao Bahusrinu Selil Draw in Harrie last night to conduct the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in poor cert at Central Collegiate Aud ltorium has been mciitioncd prominently as chic eoni tender to succeed Leonard Bernstein as conductor oi the New York Phllhnmlonic Mr Olivia has also been mentioned as possible cand idate lnr conducting posts with the Chicago Symphony and the Philadelphia Orchestra Jean Martinon present conductor oi the Chicago Symphony is to leave tlrépost at the end of the current season Bernstein at the uni of next season and it is rumored that Eugene Omandy conductor oi the Philadelphia Orchestra may retire and the light nonseniimenlal interpretation of Rossinls Over lure the immense value of live symphonic concerts must have become apparent to all lortunore enough to be there No Toscan ini recording can match the rap port uiat was present last night between audience and conductor and orchestra The major work Beethovens Second Symphony wuss delight of musical sound After the el ectronic sounds oi Expo 07 it was almost exhilarating to may the charming melodies and com plex rhythms oi the classical ltlth century music The new concertmaster or the TS Gerrard Kantariiens interpretation oi the SaintSachs Introduction and Rondo Capricl close was more lyrical and sen sitive than is generally heard Many of that dramtic attacks were misslllgiand in places it seemed almost underpleyed Yet he performed this Spanish styled composition as it he dear ly loved it and transmitted this etioct to the audience his ap proach to the composition was somewhat sensual yctwith no undue rubato and tor one was charmed Oznwasexciting and always stimulating interpretation of the Capricclo ltalieu gave airnale to the program that will surely bring the orchestra back next year fnris is an event that must become an annual event in our city Overtsoooooamgegt InSix Six accidents investigated by Barrie City Police Thursday re sulted in more than $2000 total damage to the veliitdes involved and minor injury to one per son One oi the accidents took place at the intersection of antield and Sophia streets at 619 pm which resulted in one ocrbeing written off Vehicles lolved were oper ated by Terry Otto Banting 16 iii Zï¬Cundics Road and Phylis Eileen Martin 39 of 32 Alexan der Street The Banting car City Mi valued at $300 was demolished The other received $200 in in damage David Sturgcss pl 10 Wellington saw was charged with careless driving following an accident on Toronto St at 920 last night His car received $500 dam age alter it strucka hydi pole which broke on and roll onto the Burrougirs Furniiure building breaking window on the second floor Wayne Douglas maria 17 or 195 Burton Ave was charged 400 women wiu Aid UAH Four hundred women have been recruited to make house tobnuse blitl Oct 16 on behalf or Barries United Appeal The residential target is $12000 and the average donation will have to be much more than nominal sum at 50 cents to dollar it the objective is to be reached accordng to Ross Stephens gen cral carapaign chairman Mr Stephens said people should thing in term oi giving to 11 ag enclcs the number represented by the United Appal If each one oirthese agencies were to cani paign separately ahomeowner would likely snbscribe much more that so cents to dollar in the aggrcghte he added Air 511 donations to the United Ap pea would average only one dol ohe tour Barrie high schools in This is what we hnvcbcen stressing throughout our cam paign Tine big at need has the advantage at liav as singlercampalgnilii place oi it or 12 Then toothere is less demand on worker somepcopie as rut leer or vassiu lit ï¬lerh ittahnuse wives could em oy die same methodoi giving as salary work ers They could snakea lump sum donation or spread pay ments over the year The de terred payment plan advocated by the Appeal officials as it usually produces more tnOlléYi As the women prepare for the residential canvass student at the tour Barrie highschools in eluding St Josephs have taken upon themselves the task at rals ing iunds through school activ group at Barrie Central Colleg iate yesterday and he toldnt efforts at Toronto Students to raise Appeal tunds in that last year throughvarlous ac tivlties the Ttironiohlgh schools raised $11000 or one dollal per capita Mr Stephens told Central stud ents oi Toronto methods used to raise moneys There were car washing beeswalkathons colic certsand dnnowirom ch no proceeds were sent to the Unit ed Appeai With students in barrio carry log on imliar activities Mr Stephens said the amount rais ed could have an important bear ing in putting the teaspoon tiva over the top ities Mr Stephenshddressed Shops with drunk and careless driving allowing an accident on Holgare Street at 442 pm Thursday His 1957 car rolled over air the lawn oi 75 Hnlgate tearing up 45 feet at sod in the process and was described by police as complete writepilj Gladys tilay Jones 57 ot it Harding Avefsustain foul ei bow following an accident at 525 Pm at the intersection of Bay iield and iVelliugtnn Streets Damage to her car which struck truck was estimated at Damage to the truck operated by Lcigh Beverley Iiéevie 46 or Shanty Boy was estimated at Constable Don Whitty was dir eating trattic in the intersection at the time of the mishap gt Elizabeth Catherine Miller of Ludingion Michigan was charg ed with ailing to report an ac cident after she struck car in the Bayshore Motor Hotel park ing lot at 930 am Damage to her car was tio The parked veh iclewhidr was struck had slot damage done to it gt Frank Tascona 41 at 244 Wellington Ehod his car struck in the rear as he was attempt ing to turn into his driveway at 925 pmv Damage was $35 Damage to the other car ven by John Henry Nickless lit at 50 Alfred St was estimated at siso bill illE tililitli Will Viol ti Agencies UNlTED APPEAL stink Collegiate Auditorium Bruce Nixon lett looks on or hanna Koeslog has her pro gram autographed Richard Nixon like his brother SixYelarOld StruckBy Car Dario Mayor at Marsh all St outlined skinned and bruised right leg and skinned knees when she was struck by car yesterday at pair She hadatlcmpied to can at school crosswalk against the light and was struck by car operalcd by Joanne Campbell 30 ot llioets Point The driver undoing several children at the side oi thc road said she slowed down as she ap proached the crosswalk but continued on tbriargh because the light was green The crosswalk is on Burton Ave nelr William it May Land Purchase bylaw to buy 5ch oi iillustrial land in anurea now under annexation irom lnnlstil Township may come before city council at Tuesday nights reg ular meeting The bylaw was tabled at the last council session and it had bcen expected special meeting would be called to deal with the question However no special session has been called The land under option to the city is adjacent to inacre parcel purdulsed recently by Canadian Gcneml Electric The additional 115 com would be serviced and put on 5an to other industries it would cost the city V175 Barrlos annexation application member ot the Barrie Colic giaie Band awaits his turn will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board Oct to cm NEWS THE BAiiltlE EXAMINER FRIDAY OClOiIER 1967 Scian Enrolment May Reoch 400 In SecOnd Year Crawlord president at Georgian Coilege of Applied Arts and Technolozl predicted yesterday in his lira address to the siudcntibody Ural enrolment next year would be between and 400 students There are about 100 students registered this fall iihllc Mr Crawlnrd was tell ing the students oi feasibility study that will be carried out to indicate the location of the per manent campus and alter he said We make no apologies for these temporary lacilltles he was interrupted bya workman sawing piece oi wood One of the instructors all the lecture roorn to silence the noise The only eouipmeot at the college yesterday was several electric typhuriters tor the med ical secretarial course Mr Ccavflord told the students that the rest at the equipment would arrive in the next weekor 10 days Meanwhile they are carrying on by using textbooks Over the next lew years we on Tinsth Premier John Roberts will be in BarrieTuesday tor noon reception at ihinity Parish llall Simcoe Centre ProgressiVe Conservative cau didate Arthur Evans an rioun today The Premier will slgnthe guest book at city halland hold news conference during his brici stayin the ty can AND Tittle griziisrui iiTTRAcrive eAaLv RATES expect that Georgian College will experience rapid growth he sold and foresee sub stantial increase in courses es pecially the areas at engineer ing technology and business ad ministration This will likely include two and ihreeyear programs in the civil electronic electrical and mechanical ï¬elds and also in several areas or business admin istration including accountancy marketing various secretarial programs and hotel restaurant and resort management Applied arts programs are also important in the growth plans of the college he contin lied and eventually we mm to otter programs incommunlea lions arts interior design load science weliare services home economics and variety at others Mr Crawford saidhe hoped that Georgian College would be come one at the largest in the Province He stressed that each college will establish its own identity in both physical structure and ed ucational programs Buildings nctiy rated and courses will beestablished in the various colleges to suit the needs of their own areas am sure you will realize the eyes at the community will he focused onGeorsiau Colr lege he told his students inr unlike many of the other col legesoi applied arts and tech nology we stand alone in the iield ol postsecondary educa tion in the community we serve Georgian College is located emparsrlly at the Flaw in three remodelled stores It servesrthe arearinetuding area Grey Dutierin and Sirrrcoe eoun ties and the districts of Muskl oka and Parry Sound EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police 7255538 Fire Dept 7253121 Hospital 1255951 BRUCE OWEN president oi the Barrie limiter oiCorn meme yesterday planned the Open Store Hours Iima and operation oi the drum in an sddress to the Ctvilun Clib oi Barrie at Mir amar Gardoiu FROM tEFl Mort Defoe vicepresident Mr Owen and Bab Gross Civttsn president Hit Little man Owen Bruce Owen president ol the Barrie Chamber of Commerce yesterday outlined the tour main areas contributing to the growth and development of Barrie and ways in whlcir the chamber at tempts to develop and promote each Mr Owen was addressing the regular meeting of tho Civitan Club oi Barrie meeting at Mir nmer Gardens Barrie is centred aroundin dustrial development commer cial centre Base borden and tourism andconventions he said The Chamber of Gunmercc ls nonproï¬t groupwhlch tries to organize community volun teers to carry out proiecis tor the area by getting all indus trial and commercial develop ments into iLs organization and attempting to organize commun ity volunteers to promote pro jccts it has been instrumental in producing several brochures to attrdct industry commerce and tourism to this area group insurance plan for small bush nesses is also available irom the Chamber Iiir Owen stated that the Chamber oi Commerce along with the Jaycces was responsi ble tor the Barrie Winter Cur nlval ï¬lm at which has been shown around the world in 50 languages and also tor the sum mer regatta The average person at con vention Mr Owen said spends between $15 and $45 per day This benefits the whole or either directly or indirectly The relationship between Bar rip and Base Borden was out lined as one oi the iinest rc iationships between the military and city anywhere in Canada The chamber has always worked to retain this relationship The July Centennial Parade suc cess was cited as an example of the closeness between Borden and Barrie The Chamber of Commerce has an atremely important luntnioo lu sumess depends to you people Mr Owen said col tremendous satistaciion seeing so many persons willing to give thcirtirrie to community projects In the question and answer period that allowed his address Mr Owen discussed the store Named lirea Organizer For 67 SavingsBond Campaign Patrick OMeara of Toronto has been appointed as an or ganizer in the 1s61 Canada Sav ings bonds Campaign payroll savings division for Suburban Toronto and Simcoe County area His territory includes lilldldnd Penetang Barrie Aurora Rich rnond Hill Newmarket and or lia jriihrtiipiucas MONTREAL err Agricul titre department quotations Eggs Average weight prices wholesale in onedozen cartons Acxtra large 52 AlargeslA Amedium 422 Asmall 510 WIN CPlMost prices showed lirmness in an estremcly light trade at the opening or the Winnipeg Gram Exchange today as dealings were limitedsomewlrat by the approaching Thanksgiving holi dayi enlng prices Finx Oct Vi lower 332 Dec unchanged 331 May unchanged 347 July not open Rapeseed Nov unchanged 234b ian unchanged 233 March unchanged 133 May not open Oats Oct Dec and May not open Barley Oct Dec and May not open Rye Oct not open Dec unchanged mm May unchanged 134 July not OPP 7266484 oooizs FROM THE aoxv titan of 52 Dunlap St Th Itlng loek indiamond en gagemoht and wedding rings today Is from 1233343 This is Mr OMearas iourtb year as an organizer tor the Ca nada Saving Bonds campaign area totalled 32290500 Supervisor tor the Field region is Francis oi Toronto Tho reginn embraces Suburban Tore onto and Northern and North western Ontario The 1967 series of heads will be sold at par until Nov 45 The bonds will provide an av erage yield of 548 it held to maturity in 13 years The en Melesetasofjnterestwai is 5V tor the iirst six ye rs 501 for the next three years and or the remaining four YEMS Purchasers may also double their original investment if they refrain from cashing the bonds and the interestbearing coupons until the maturity date in 1930 During the 1960 cam aign 236000 employees in plan and otlices in Ontario purchased record total of nearly teamillion wortho£ Canada Savingsflunds Thtiwroisr Be Pre For The $014 Add iAluminum Storm Doors From Allandole Lumber Stock Sizes Only Natural Aiiiminum $40 White onsmalled $45 ai iii l0 to 1V4 WA Installation Sales of bonds last year in the hours issue Wide openhours writ kill the small business tio said it boils down totho lit tle guy against the big guy small stores versus the big chsgr stores He also praised Barrie as hav ing tremendously unique to catton location is one of the big selling icatures of Bar riE he said thats why chosebarrie ta livein Bar rieyho said has water lovely Views it isolose to Toronto yd close to the north Hesald that people in Same will prosper as resrdt ot gov ernment designated development areas in the smallertouns sur rounding the city Because we are the large centre in the mid dle of those areas being deveb oped we are bound to benefit in the long run he laid MayorToiittend Meeting In Ntld Mayor Cooke will be St Johns Nfld early next weeklor an executive meeting at the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities Mayor Cooke is among Onta rio representatives on the ectorate Always there with really cosh bit 01 more Mariana iiiiris uiAvor FINANCE CDMPANYLIMITED Collier at resorts pared