Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1967, p. 16

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fto nrtrwanrro TOWN OF ALLiSTON Works Superintendent Applications tor the portion of mm smerimendcnt lol the Town 1w not Alllnoo win he accepted until noon October 12 law Please ttaio qualifications marlal status you VII111151115 Clerk Trauma FEMALE HELP warmxaa required sun or entrusme AnasFarming earth swoon a1 as motor lateralm gh nnv run an tnalon norms on in on room and new no genomenuim Pfulenhly someone us our APnly Box on Bantu allliner IALI Domenico and autumn an rldrdy Indy Lin in with band and room lied Good home for mivl so elo rfly My Telephone mm Imus mod1 MALE FEMALE HELP Field Representative To assist the Society in develop iog volunteer conunlttees in Central Ontario for fundraising and public information pro grams Good salary and benefits Auto mobile provided Write THE CANADIAN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUllIATISllI SOCIETY 45 Charles Street East TORON T0 Ontario attention Russ Morrison gt¥HERES YOUR KEY TO BIG INCOME MAIL TODAY The RAWLEIGH CO LTD Dept J128HY Richelieu Montreal RQ Gentlemen am interested in the world famous flawleigh Line on parttime basis lulitime basis Please send me FREE Cooir Book and catalog with full details NAME ADDRESS CITY SPARE TIME WORK You can earn $111 to $60 week uprising with Star carrier boys securing now subscriptions Must be free from 630 pm to 830 pm Write to Post Office has 512 Barrie SPARE TIME WORK person with car to deliver newspapers approximately 50 miles day in Barrie area Must be available at pm six days per week Write to Post Office Box 512 Barrie WANTED non mack bur at Holiday now viriflrlt worms conditions rxcellerlt wages ror someone with initiative See Pattie Suddc or Ielervhorle mvaolo summons bvya and run 12 lo yearn sour In mm 5115 more Christmas money early under direct supervision by exoflencan salvo counsellors Apply Banla armam snouuay only EMPLOYMENT WANTED Permanent Position Wanted Bookkeeping PIlel general office work ls years expericncs Hav oxceuent references Telephonl 77a Accomma and Bookkeeping Amount Mteup tax returns pay Nils financial statement rte nar rles Accounting Service ouut orl solvice Kidd Accountant Dunlap street 72ow1 SALES HELP AGENTS SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontarios largest Realtor specialising in vacation nlrai and town properties No exper ience necessary we will train you Excellent commission ar rangement salesmen required for the city of Barrie For up pointment call or write Mr Robert Mcltlinll KEITH LTD REALTOR 181 Eglinton Ave TORONTO 12 4613333 LEGAL since comm COUNTY OF SlMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the it an able be 3° Saldsllmi describedrbeingshown unnamed tairesslnrthe County of Simone has been pre pared and was published in an advertisementrdugust 1967 in the Ontario Gazette Copies ol the said listlof lands or ad vertisement can be seen in office Lists will be ma upon making application for same after September 29 1967 111 default of payment of taxes as shown on said list on or before luesdoy November 14 1967 attire hour of two oclock 1391 in the afternoon shall thattlrheginrthe Council Chambcr ne County Building Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said lands tn pay such arrears together with charge thereon If any of the said lands are not sold on Tuesday November 14 1067 an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday November 28 1967 at two oclock EST John Coleman TREASURER 0F SIMCOE COUNTY County Building EARRIE Ontario required to file their oblectlons addressed to The Savoury of the Plan Number 21 MALE HELP AUCIION SALE SaturdayOctober at 1130 PlL sharp for JACK MURRAY At last lacesdon Innlsfil Township one mils south of Churchill and three miles west of Highway 11 011 two miles norlhaao one mils caster lilo Coohtown Cloverleaf follow tho service road Sula of 1o head of choice heel cattle end lull lino oi farm machinery large quantity of hay straw and grain also some household eilocLs Terms cash No resetno as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for lull list October andulary needed LEGAL THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER 01 Section 14 of The Municipal Ad 350 1960 269 and lN THE stamps on application by The Corporation of the City oi Barrie for annexation to the city ol part of the Towmhlp of lnnlslil in the County of Simme and described in Bylaw 6783 of the applicant corporation TAKE NOTICE tilat an application has been made by the Car poration of the City of Barrie torannexatlonlo the city at patrol the llowmlp of Innlslil as described in Schedule hereto Any person or persons desiring to object to this application are Ollarlo Municipal Board 145 Queen Street West Toronto by post prepaid on or before the 16th day of Odobcs 1007 AND TAKE NOTICE that the said application will be considered byrlbeinoard at its llambers16 Quecnrstreetrlliea Tomfloron Wednesday the 18th day of October19€i and that ii objections have been filed public hearing of suds obiections may be directed ivy the Board DATED at Toronto this 2nd day of October 1967 SCOTT Secretory SCHEDULE All AND SINGULAlt those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Innlstll in the County of Simone in the Province of Ontario being composed of Part oftho North half of Lots ll and 10 in Cominn XIII the South half of bats and 10 and part of the South hall of Int Number ii in Concession X111 Part of the lioad Allowance between Concessions inn and lCiV Part of the Road Allowance between the North hall of Lots 10 and 11 Conoession XIII Part of the Road Allowance between the South hail of lots 10 and 11 Concession XIII Pant ot the Road Allowance bdweerl Collcessionsxu and xm Part lots and Regidcred Plan Number 21 and pan oi Little Street Registch Plan Number ill Said lands being more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at the point of intersection of line distant 300 feet Southerly from and perpendicular to tho Southerly limit oi the Road Allowance between Concessions XIII and XIV with the Easter ly limit of the service road asshown on Plan attached to Iostnlment Nlanher 75846 THENCE Nortilrcasieriy and parallel to the Soullleriy limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions lull and XIV to the centre line of the Rightofway ot the Canadian National Railway across the North half of Mt Number 10 In Concession le THENCE Northwesterly along the centre line of the said Rigiltofvway to the Norlllerly lhnit of the Road Allowance between Concessions X111 and XIV THENCE Northeastarly along the Northerly limit of the lload Allowance between Concessions XIII and XIV to the centre line of the Road Allowance between the Snub hail of Lots 10 and 11 in Con cession XIV THENCE Southeasterly along the centre line of the Road Al lowance between the Soqu hail of Lots 10 and in Concession XIV and the North ball of Lots 10 and 11 in Concession XII to the centre line of Concession XIII THENCE Northeasterly along the centre line of Concession Kill lo the centre line of the Road Allowance between the South haliot Lots 10 and 11 in Concession XIII ToenoeSoutheasterly along the centre line of the Road lowance between the South half of Lots 10 and 11 in Concession X111 mmgucentre line of the Road Allowance between Concessions XII 11 THENCE Soutlrwesterly along the centre line of the Road Allowance between Concasions XII and Xlil to the southerly produc tion of the easterly limit of the lands as shown on Plan attached to Instrument Number 110004 THENCE North 17 degrees as minutes West to and along the Easterly Limit of the lands as drawn on Plan attached to Instru ment Nlnnber 110884 no0 feet THENCE South 72 Degrees 25 minutes 15 seconds West 600 foot THENCE North 58 degrees £1 minutes 30 seconds West 17904 feet THENCE North 11 demees 01 minutes West 7116521 feet to pairs in the line between the North and South halves of Lot Number in Concession XIII IlIENCE South 73 degrees 01 minutes West along the line be tween the North and South halves of Lot Nlmber is in Concession x1ll 15w feet said more above described being shown on Plan attached to Instrument Number 110884 THENCE North A1 degrees 41 minutes seconds West along the Easterly limit oi the lands as shown on Plan steadied to Instru ment Number 215600 57390 feet THENCE North as degrees 52 minutes Wat along the Easterly limlnl the lands as shown on Plan attaolred to Infirufimt Nurlfber 110884 011176 feet to point in the southerlylimit of Little Street as shown on Registered Plan Nlurrber 21 THENCE continuing North 39 degrees 52 minutes West to point in the Northerly limit of Lime Street as shown on Registered THENCE continuing North 39 degrees 33 minutes West along the Easterly limit ol the lands as shown on Plan attached to Instru ment Number 110884 18516 feet THENCE Normwesterly along some to the left as shown on having radius of was feet to pair in the Easterly of Lot Number has shown on Registered Plan Number 21 THENCE Northwesterly along some tothe left as shown on Plan attached to Illatrllrient Number 193 having radiusof 566 feet an arc distance at 5169 feet the cord equivalent bemg Nortll 36 degrees 12 minutes 13 seconds West Elm feet THEle Nortiuwesterly along curve to the lat haying radius ol7597865 feet an arc distance 19550 feet cord equivalent being North 37 degrees 26 minutes so secontk West 11527 feet TIENOE South 62 degrees minutes West 2036 feet THENCE Nortirwesterly on curve to the left bavmg radius of 5959 65leet to the point of commencement instrument Number 75846 12 TENDERS 13 AUCTIONSALES PUBLIC TRUSTEE TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Tenders For Snow Removal Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday Octo bér 27th 1067 for snow removal on Township roads in the Town ship ol Oro Tenders to state priceper hour when operating and lor 4whe drive dual drive heavy iluiy trucks or powergrndel With minimlnncl 150 equipped with hydraulically op erated snow plow and Wing Low est or any tender not necessarily accepted TUDHOPE Clerk 0R0 STATION RE N0 TENDER Tender for purchase and reé moval of garage at 50 William St Reply to MRS SCRUTON it Short Stu BARBIE all lnbe stove Chromekitehen table and Terms cash 1M AUCTION SALE The undersigncdauctioneer has received instructions from the Public Trustee to sell for re DORISMEDHLTRST at RR NO EARRIE Coupes slon 10 Essa Township 114 mllessomhof the BaseBorden Highway on THANKSGIVING MONDAY hlORNING OCTOBEth at 10 am sharp the following furniture Chesterfield and chair Sani magazlne rack Pa er Metal util table Good pressure sysmn Coal and wood chairs Older dresser lloll away bed Metal ironing boar Bath scales Ottoman and oth ersmallor articles lESlliVE many OOUGHLIN auctioneer ls AUCTION sales 13 AUCTION was AUCTION SALE 65 head of Haslord cows fret springing and lat slothen Hereford bull The undersigned auctioneer Elsi Al Int Con Suanldhlc Township two miles east of Brcotwoodmn THANKSGIVING MONDAY 0LT 9th at 130 PJIL sharp to sell the following 10 Hereford cows fresh calf at foot 10 Hereford cows springing iierclord cows pasture bred and fill two yearold llcrelord boilers and steers fat in yearling stock ers heifers and steers mixed Poilcd ilcreiord hull years old eligible for registration Terms cash No reserve as Hellman is goingvout of cattle business and farm is for sale Nothing to be removed until settled for Owner or management will not be held responsible for accidents on his property day of sale AUCTIONEERS REMARKS Gentlemen hlr Kellman has strong big herd of cattle and they are all in good condition Frank Webb clerk many COUGHLINaudloneer AUCTION SALE Saturday October at 130 pm sharp for TAY TOWNSHlP AIIEA SCHOOL BOARD EBENEZER SCHOOL and lot being part of lot 08 conccssion Toy Town ship Brick venccr construction tuiLbasemellt Alsu ing school iurniture and equip meat AT RM same day VASEY SCHOOL and lot being part of Lot concession Tny1own ship brick vcneer construction also selling school furniture and equipment Terms on property 10 cash day of solo balance on closing so days Both schools will sell subject to reserve bid Furniture and equipment cash no reserve ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer Phone norm AUCTION SALE Saturday October 14 at 1230 pm sharp For CHARLES MCBRIDE at Lot Concession Nottawos uga Township 12 in soul 01 Duntroon on Highway 21 Sala of machinery beef cattle hogs poultry hay grain straw and some furniture Terms cash No reserve farm sold ARCHER COLMILL auctioneer Telephone 72611901 AUCTION SALE Saturday October 21 at 1230 Sharp for CLIFFORD STODDARI at lot 22 oncesou Orn Town ship miles south of hth way 11 at Guthrie Sale oi oatv lle machinery hay grain straw and household furniture including antiques Terms cash no reserve farm sold ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday morning October 21 at 930 amsharp for JOSEPH COCHEANE SONS LTD Silver Top Livestock Farms At Lots and ti Concession 10 lnmslil Township on Sideroad bordering 400 Highway Sale of full line of high class modern farm machinery Here ford cattle stocir calves and slackers pigs hay straw trucks garage equipment and shop equipment Terms cash Norescrve as the farms are sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list October IE AUCTION SALE Saturday October 28 at pm sharp for SOLAMB At Lot 17 Concession Oro Township one mile north of Highway 11 at Guthrie Sale of 70 header feedersleers Holstein cow baled hay and straw mixed grain sheet metal machinery and accessories some household effects Telléms cash No reserves farm 50 ARCHER comm auctioneer AUCIIONSALE Saturday November at 12 noon For HERB HOUNSOME At Lot Concession West leiliimbury miles north of Bradlold and 21 miles west ol Highway 11 Sale ol registered and high grade Holsteln cattle hogs high class machinery hay grain straw etc Terms cash No reserve farm sold ARCHER COLWILL auctionsr Telephone mam AUCTION SALE Saturday November at pm sharp for BERT KENNY At Lot 19 Concession Fins Township miles straight west oi Highway 27 Sale of cattle farm machinery hay at grain and some household furniture Terms cash No reserveas the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SAL Wednesdanyovemhcr at 1270 pm sharp for the estate oi the late EWART DORSEY at Lot13 Concession 11 Tecumselll Township three miles south of Cookstown and lour milesWest of Highway 27 Sale ot 40 headof registered Hereford cattle hay farm ma chinery 1956 Fargo lton truck etc Terms ca eserva as tho eslaté mustbe so tied JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer rrrs car from with calm yearling and Lyonold lamnummmnnmarocmonslm lt DOlTYOUIISELI PROIECI Simple Steps Explained For Laying commie Tile To installing ceramic filo on mosaic ttloa on flooranonpagobooknow anhmgwilhnruuh and minim every anzuuo Ivory zoo can readily lotton DWI1 can now every pilqu lemfromtlllularoluldanh removing toilet or tiling up to one The book altered below $1 how to admin amount of required what primer adhesive and caulking is hoodedand when each is used Directions also tell how to lay payer tiles on porches or patios bow to replace broken and loose ill in bathrooms etc Send 1150 in cash or money order for How To LayCerlmlc Tile No 60 to Carpentry Dept Barrio Eh aminer Box 000 Adelaide St PO Toronto Ontario lion listing ova loo patterns and holds improvement books is amiable or Ontarlo ml plane ve rent Sales Tax on Pattunsw NEW IHUNEI SULTAN BRUNEI APiA young cadet at Britain Sandhum Military Academy was installed Tburadsy unilan of Brunei succeed his fouls who had abdicated both earlier Wu Prloos Pengiran Iluda Maltbota Hassanal Holhlah 22 now borne for vacation became the 29th sultan of this oilrich Brithb Borneo protec torate lo private ceremony attended by top government officials and members of Illa wnar TO no wml YOUR +0003 and ENDS Most families have discovered way ioturnvihose useful odds and ends into cashWith low costfaslacling EXAMINER CLASSI FIED ans iTS EASY just make list of all the garden tools clothes fur niture appliances bicycles elc that your family no longer needs Call the Classified Advertising Department at The Bar rie Examiner¥phone 728Z4i 4and friendly advisei will help you prepare your ad iNEXPENSIVE you bet You can run 24worcl ad for six daysat cost of only 84 cents per day Andyourofter will be delivered to over 9500ilomes in Barrie and area every day mokellpyyour lisfof oddsfond ends now and eoll 12824l4in ihemomlng oltrriitarricitxaminrt roar FAST RESULTS v1Use This Handy ExamineijWélni AdiOrcier FOrnl Buying Renting Selling or use an Examiner box number Telephone umber counts as one word Box number rental 50c additional Clip this handy form out land printvyour adver tisement above one word for each space Put your nameaddress or phone number in the ad RATES BELOW APPLY iF RAIDIIN DAYS zéwonos MlNlMUNlI Single insertion 5c per WOTdrTWO consecutivednser tions1t rawordper inserfionlilreetoifive con ecutive insertions 4c per wordper insertion Six or moreconsecuilve Insertions Sync per word per inser

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