RENTALS HOUSES T0 RENT norm ton Romanianer 11 unrealammonium wheelyneednlsm new marooni Keep IneCeIiI Out rand thcnilcat Ind EXPERT Fred pickup MOI BROOM electric he II no November run HOMES WANTED vmnnm action IIniod in not Aeratedd or Mandala Aileen Point or Iaaoty lay Tile MI mull ma Innoo been iioied to rent mount tellme Pia vrrila be 05° Bum hula APARTMENTST RE GARDEN TERRACE Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern bedroom malioneite largo iivlns room and kitchen with dining area lull basement oil heat and air conditioning Adults 395 month PHONE 7284752 APARTMENTS Maroon routineiii in rent rela plioue mloos alter on elmlommnéoéflï¬w ee no mlm iee reel Trilode no roUn moor Wham ler NM Innihaed Apply 21 Dunlop imt or telephone swim 100 APARTMENT for Mt IiIIi couple Mifllwly 21 North miles to aenie Telephone 75 10W liter Dali Jul Emma room souunenlolia bedroom liflla uld nutterwe crudII iocIIion Putin reeiliilu Telephone Tiamo THREE ennuilimited rooms cIrIArIi niiewnilirird bduiu no pail AP ply in 170 Duriloo st Barrie Nl moan Rammed mom Mount oedallllnii more and oehen Teleplwrla moon lAliGE iirsrAma unruridahed south bedroom ammoni 35 monthly lieu end water Included AVIIIIMB October is No children Apply in Peersi BEDROOM unturnisried eoirtineni In Lflrplu stove and TIMI Wuh ln lIcllIiiu pertinil Also riniii liimLsiIed apartment Telephone mdlm liter min $59 FURNISHED APT aeet monthly vllue modern eopl uieei oedeiliinr room kltchcnalia Null OnB DEM Downtown Phone 725M Reeldiyi noon APARTMENT to lent to rimmed eenireiiy Ioeiled iloee Ind more an lied Available now Telephone oral BUSINESS aentiemm Ru modern mrrllhed house to man with I9 and male 70 Neil Telephone 770 real mu an to pm ROOMS TO LET rumst bed nliinz room with xluheneiie aui It the gtioi me Telephone Ila706 CLEAN BEDROOM on rent in private home in downtown use Ior siudlly employed oilInel Enilmlni No mule riene moon DanIn noon evniieble Imme diater ruiieble tor younn renue min Linen supplied Due stop It door convenient to stuck her 51 Imeuno Street or telephone ROOMS WANTED Walton iwo rooms or bachelor Ipmment or middle and widow Iiuwnahle rent Store and Mdfe required For iuflhcr tutor nation phone mam NURSING HOMES Eur AND private verandei lry IA hour nunihx cur Fin Nursinl Home rliarnlon telephone 4564804 or Ivy mu ARTS FOR SALE EARD TOP or yoover anI Wyevaie mt slam rUnNmmz Colonial at to livinx mom let Muttb es mall dlnlnr room sit in Rood Nin ditlon Telephone til1260 flier TAPE mailman Pillllw model and zoo Turner loomed plii stereo miempnonie TwoAIuA or ei Televhone 12a muzssm iiiwen elilioi edict nte hiRh chair and longert lur goat till lemon all 16 bed eede iwin rile neuly new leyiione 725M DEER RIFLE mosum hid shells in good condition izelptwne my DEB RIFLE 51 Miniri special like new Used two relmm with use cleanan lilt it round an munition complete oniy xaom Telephml mTIM Am to maple suitable or Notatva of timepiece Telephone moi can Toucan Air euro el or nie in ieod condition For nir E11 particulars telephone IIGNS F03 SAXl l1 wait limbord Ilium pt to Rent FIoInI lot Said Ito AVIIiIhiI It Bufl Examiner business olllee WALNUT rlmsrl 4091 Hill nawi Tu Ind Id ii on iritiaue out lfln aha Telephone molii GAS DRYDT limb all It $112M condition TERIPMTIG gale mom TABLB orib in 33 In YOU ¢i7m Vbeiteriirid onei inetcleinrl3 menu1 wuhi phone masei on machine so am palm howl in nuclei itlinheruetwgeh e°et whom 54 plurzleu lfilller atirus macsI dim Remlnxtnn model 740 all ll Mani Intamltic Llen Ir right like new no Ianrte evlmlld lurid store to Duan st Dalan Geneni Electric numer llflie rfl compartment suian tl Amimflwrsl ion mini no non in ex mom push nvln ind rtorexe eellentv condiisnn anon mun Oluinei lam wirdroti dieno room melt nean duks than DI drawers oidbooiia plus uneni line or meleuee Till Autog mien Dunlpp wut mi flly or Evenlrw Its The Season TojAdVeriis hundred or ooh trier details 7234441 Special This Week Only $19993 only place seater mentor iieid suites regular $5905 McFadden Furniture and liance Park Ltd Mon to 1111 AM TO P1d SATURDAY PM Dots at Free Parkloz aeylieio St Hwy 27 mom WRECKING 19 Homes Stores Materials coming in this yard dressed lumbar Villldan doors etc located at Highway ll Concession 0m Operaied by National Budding Demolition telephone 4812101 ROBINSON HARDWARE for quality used appliances STOVES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS AND DRYERS 31 Dunlap St East 723213 NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at and broadioorn DOMESTIC AND iMPORIED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prim 65 Collier St Phone ml NEWSPAPER MATS Site 21 lo rnnl or lininr chicken coups aiiics ran etc perfect lruuleior Only in each Apply llmle Ellminor aulosl NEW portable Iilno eoid Dllytr arid recon rnr nle Good price Tkirohoha 7185129 Em HALE on last and Nari metal Iklr Mï¬lusltdxglg remauesdwirleed Ills owe l7l100 Street lierrle ram Special rlriIII rI or students Rental spoiled on pureieue Meeiiinei bound mid gmedï¬ reolllrd Chen cstimlll yoewr er ni st west mews uasD IIDAVY duty rtuv Innocilei so ieievlsioni off to reign thlln on beds memeer dressers lililei chain 14in 12 er new afllclll0oln it to and weekends admin Dun Moonsoone nlelt phone Moonstone irwz OLD VIOLIN nnAuTIrUi oony Iiallan nlo Paolo Menuu madl in lobe and in amulet mint condition This Ili iirument is work or art to ii violin eomioiseiir ePolsesxes lovely mellow tone but eiili clear end millm Lypieei or aiezrinl complete who lentilne soiriod Dow Made in PeiIi hence no or enemy to much the imlnimehL BilTune Box Gil Dude Ex Ininer FRUITs VEGETAaLEs liéeél lfllifltï¬ia ERR naararznnr cane lor nie eulv reds lien on the market ieie phono lavmi Oro camme Iorsaie Eood or we merer Tel hone lilinen TKOEMS HONEY comb or till your own oontatnen Grant In Your so lierTIe Hwy 11 moan APPLES Weemly IIIu Weiie Ille en Apply Koole eoneesion on Telephone mIm Pieue gillss own serialize No Sundly Gle GOLDEN nussm Home Sweet and Snow eoolee moresr pick it in Man it or nw one Tan7m APPLES Tum beetle emu chi Wholeuia prices by lilo biieliel mum Guide mm Bank norm on to ldr miles then turn rim at roadside pm til mile Phone Elvala mo EQUIPMENT FOR RENT FRONTEND iOIder or rent one yard bucket Diesel with rubber Telephone my daytime BOATS AND MOTORS MARINE CLEARANCE Io loorrt Boats Motors Trailers and Accessories Rolland Boats ttd Hwy 11 North Oriilia 3155141 Wm DEND nutbnard lip 14 aluminum an Ilkfli Toosaga Eel13$ DOGS PETS ST BERNARD pupa for hit ra ï¬inered 11 week old choice of tier reieonen us1oie riorrlilsh om Down or uphill1 yum old will keep Liil Novembar Milnee hillok one human due male and invalid weeiu nld Telephonl Emilia Tim ARTICLES WANTED chat or oldwhirls rials mmitura creche lamps olden mIm WM Ivory Eridllvoln will he one to ternrd mile to no number to ih Iveriiber loan as melon we eeeeot no liability in nieces loll leedun Iereel ta ulu mourn either nib or or only in remainslei by nedlilentl oth TIr available for landruin Md home Ipwoldinitehi ween onnxe colour Telephone weeks old Tele hone St ner 5w amuAN ennrnann me lee hooky The Antique Cellr mam BOX REPLIES TRIIS Il SHRUISI unsureseen use an wraith MIL CAMPING IQUIPMINT lull Ce ninee mom ARTICLES Foil RINT YOU CANT BEAT THE CONVENIENCE Oill BETTING Garden Yard Tools CALI 7mm MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE mDunlop mm FARMERS MRKT DEAD Deed or crippled calth and horses Small animals removed tree For tut service PHONE BARRIE fluTI Collect or or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91180 NO CHARGE libournanay 11iaysaweeh RR Mmead Ontario License No i980 Nick onetime PM FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delavai Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete lino otDairy IArin Equinment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 21 motto CHARLES CHURCH Firm Supplied Service Cara New Holland David Brown Beatly 176 BURTON AVE 7134373 CASH TRADE TERMS FEED SEED GRAIN quamrn or her or net Apply to Rubin IIG mm ratii lllohcna POULTRY 8i CHICKS 300 Deliaib Heal 75¢ each iaiaomnl IVY emu ier nu as an eerie Harold newline nil smell Talephoril Siaysler slew loo IIINS or II om yulr ieylna Good for meat Mcelch XIIIti Riser RR Strvud Prime Hoe LIVESTOCK FOR SALE errant LAWN FARM attains acre vlceabla In MIX and All Illa snoruooin oulir on oprouh ielnhoae mun lupinnan Yfllifliln bud and lell lit hairedbrtiedhir ml at HIN Iiina n1 tellohona mm HORSE mentiu old rerislered hall Ax ablan eeie memeole Telephone ionic Ivy HORSES BOARDED Futur Ind Nird Hill of hom la rleoeed ieiniiinliele PRIDE 16 PRINTING PROBLEMS See mill MuInnel Commlrttli Plinth division The Barrio Ex aminer ll Blylieid st mom AUTOMOTIVE CARs FOR SALE Weekend Special 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 door hardtop dark ilqu V8 automatic power steering and brakes Licence 401m $3i95 MOFFAII MERCURY at Tesla Road 7286558 VIAT RAMBLER illGoWanSthWM CARI FORSALE lt 1964 VOLKSWAGEN antom It will It dalem en oi oi hawking IND DH 7W Vie needid me borne weenmenial eee IflulllI 1N1 MmD MLJ invertem radio It re option to VII land salient ennuiton MI MIMI ttc we nod condition mend an We III lulu Ieti ei doll Doom III UHINJIILITI Vlfllhil red AIIAI black top rm wire low pelican with overdrive Tumour gnome use My Ind Ilium EeeeIueeeieleE KNITIIII lieeh nilvi sue No cottage 1th Lin mo Donal Home in mood wort lnl under an new eluien and rs Iï¬lollillninrnt Job Trie flséna 9911 lam ms CADILLAC luilr powered pod rendition mun llil so or beii nller Telephone mom alter on slit It Dulllrln Street PLYMDUTIL vs intonetie mitten Awii ei iei De Reed Barrio me inn WILL TRADE ml mourn eonveeuote mo Fold reden pod condition radio snow Ill Cad DIIli or trade HI neototonio Gk Mil mm dehu Illilbll udso Isis motor romantic radio white wlll um Drama in Urdee ruii nurreniy can niuai bell will take true Donnlvlood st mm In mm ve hem duly It ton meiom no ply tires were eoué mirrori no 1in rear uIe min in ii camper mounted iieepe will sell re unit or remotely only LIN mile Fnene III Dirn me METEOR OVnYtfllbll Ireen Willi white lap lull powered motor automatic Whlll now on tinted rim radio lonew ll mull RIM rice Pl VI Ind nun lee tineiced mm dIyr new Iverlirin TRUCKS FOR SALE lseo INTERNATIONAL also with enlinn ti it body with bini nld nab rumble Ioi cattle or mill reconditioned mm Ind tnmmlulon mo or work 31 0611 TRUCKS WANTED WANIIDdIm or mrvmilt IS in Bond on nun ammo nutter Telephone Strvud tielion alter one end all dIy Saturday AUTO REPAIRS MISTER anemissiqn Lid Automatic Specialists 33 Dunlop St WI SNOWMOBILES SEE DARCY Bombardier Skhdoo Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart lad2211 THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Iaireshora Dr Barrie mom MSOTgSKI UNIROYAL CENTRES no sdiordSt mm Bradford St Construction Has Forced BAYCITY FORD Th LOW Price Leader To Temporary New Location IIIE RELIABLE LOWCOST HIGH VALUE IS JUST THE SAME AT 21 ESSA lLOok For The Bay City Sign VFOr Satisfaction TELEPHONE 7235901 OPEN MONDAY deli inw er enmd whither work intthi For yOUr shopping Convenience iARTsFoRsALE LARTsJORSALE eAuroMoTive ITSPERSONALS MY FAIR LADY HairS lists HANDY LAZA MONA BEACH ROAD OPENING SPECIAL Good To October 15 $l250 PERMS ONLY $75 up Intmenu naemry Te ephone 4362625 or 436 Tulllon elm aaytlmemllu1ueu nasade Do you not your tore tune laid cords be none mom lee eepeienneel will Mr Rim lobk 31 Vlnem Sills Dame Tb Hill Oman at Lb Dania NT Ilrmm gentleman debtor to Iluieo aboul Nwlmbur No that Shara SIMll RIIIrIMeI Wh P0 Box Dan TRANSPORTATION IiniIbIl III1 Diem on 730 In Rental Reel and Wilson me Irn thllfll mmmwnauo p111 Toloobom mun Iedy active wool to re soulli automobile or bus mo who will mh uiouietner Mm medium lad Duiuoo M1 LMYMOND Aflmnflsool iler Dunc Barrio will not be held wallet or any new coinaet ed in my mine llIlr tall data Doer 1m by writ lln consent WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESING Governmentfwlerfl 961199 niorouah million in all bran ches oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WONSLEY mm == LOST FOUND Lon now Home need his lle nil dill Iy St magi scarf lumrd Telephone mm EQUIPMENT Lon red ire eel Emmy picked up by childnri timiay Svplflnbar 30th on John street below Bradford Reward Telfptlonl 7761111 10 HELP WANTED COOK REQUIRED Due to expansion or business Excellent wnridng conditione and security Apply Mrs Ellie Fer guson Highway 400 CONTIN ENTAL INN Local AccanANca compii quire Distiller kiln Tel moses OPPORTUNITY lleehariic or lopkntlee loan kreowledn el autometit iraminii lion 101 wales ADDly iiir Tran nn1ieeeleu mull Idler hours 713 onument wind or local ruei oil oamPIquIlwly In em hIMWItlnl siatinl but on Ierlce and salary expecied to ex on Banii latminer Ali all held in strict eonlid eel AUTO MECHANIC Weoled Iwerlericl on inepo neeemry Contact Mr seriuii at 7210704 PIANO mm wanted OXFOHIMA ed or layer end mu Tele pboul Mm WIsIlI Benoit PIN SEIlEES mild Holiday Bowl full or lavn Iellpliom mom Dump Truck Drivers also Front End Loader Pennanent emoloymeoi Am in ï¬nger to Dennis Mon 29 axrirniinlcim I1th mover preleubly will moduli linoe iuIl limo emblem CW1t Dive Danie second store oo Danton street mannnn MAN to In etocx Noni uid Iblpphix deperlruent be tween the ms or and 10 RH moron wares and road compar oenenu Apply in own hendwri i3 will complete resume to Box Barri Izunine Class Motor Mechanic Hei wanted by General Motor De min Clan MDNr Menuh Inz company beneflts twp was Ap to SI MO Mamet Oink Mill Wm FEMALE HELP WANTED DO YOU ENJOY MEETING AND SERVING THE PUBLICl Ioiiis Ii DRIVEIN wants you Waare ionirins for pleasant girls to work as car hostesses full or parttime No experience necessary We pro vide ultiiorms hauporiation and adequate wages CALL NOW moon ATTENTION WOMEN WITHOUT any mien you can earn money for your Oirist rillis shopping by selling AVON cosmetics Endutoiletriu inst viciiiity Write or Call WISle SMOLUK PO BOX 485 BARRJE 7756551 ARE YOU LOOKING EOE INTERESTING gt REWARDING EMPLOYMENT IO HELP WANTED FEMALEHELP WANTED ISO DID ml Violins wind Mnl In between min Ind Companion Lha in own man Innuu AOID lI In Imussins and nod beine in ca ma sternum in youzupunLIiidiud unnu In axdtloa new no my be mu wild Deellno Palm mflmfllvammvllme an lull telephone 76 and shod and eelmot 60 PRACTICAL ml or ILN readied on can or Emilie pub lent Telphone mm toe runner Hawaiian PHOTO REPRINTS available at BARRIE EXAMINER It you would like to have re prints of any news pictures take by our stair photographers pleasecall at ourliusinese Oti ice We are sorry we cannot aceqlt phone orders FARMERS MARKET Barn Cleaners Conveyors Silo Unioaders and Feeding Systems completh installed WILLARD DODSON RR Utopia Phone Ivy Vth DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men are choosing Dekalb Pullels dayold chicks For service or help on your poultryprohiems call CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD lilolull WELL HELP YOU WRITE wantaeestliatgot results Examiner Ad Takers will be happy to help you write your classiï¬ed ads To place your next want ad dial mail direct line to the Want Ad Dept THE AkW DRIVEJNII Ioflk ing or responsible women to tohen toil or part tune we rovidendequoto wa ges transportation and pleasant lurroundinas No experience LADY Om roe ii horilnl Mn our dovmiowli UIIIM 0901 IIII Ippointxlietltd Int to Woo TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD GalinaMil BARRIE CUMMINGS FEED Anna Street SIMCOE j5TTMARKETiPLACE Started readytoday and Dia17284264 MRI WEB FRIDAY Doreen ion11 pliorrssmiuil Dmrcroilr ACCOUNTANTS ROSE dz HARRISON Collier Si Charmd Amtnu Samuel RM CA mule in Bankruptcy FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME summon SERVICE AT MODERATE cosr Convenieni Term 10 wonky BL Elmo PETHICK FUNERAL HOME HOUR SERVICE 121 Bayï¬eid Stmt Barrie OSTEOPATHS IiiAlmiCl ll mDOCK Do Fred Grant Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7284293 WILSON OSIEOPATHIC CLINIC MILLER Your HlTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER AND USED No 11 Hwy South TH Phenom dispel oi itioughtiui Service 7282530 EDWIN wrlaoN nan Do DOCTORS OF OSIEOPATHY MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON MM HIM Wall1m Eli teemin lule reunite AD miled Ancr Noon toads 21 Indian 51 41 DAVIES OF CANADA VDICI PIANO pam all narrator Mani ANGUS ROSS BA oi Ro st aurle Rezistered Rifle Teacher instnletlon In Inn Ind HIEyd abolu in Me Latin Miler achoe IIIBJKUN OPTOMETRY Noel Stephenson RO omumiier CIIDWron IL Berri Phone morn Want Ads Don CostThey Pay OUNTY FARMERS EQUIPMENT ATTENTON SWAP TRADE or SELL Livestock household altiei Farm and Gorilen Equipmm farm equipment or per 7235530 MOBILE Grinding AndyMiXmg Services MOBILE MILLS SINCE 1959 Premixes and Concentrates Complete Feeds ORN MOBILE FEEDS ILTD Unionville 2971644 ces at Vword ad rates Newmarket 89578ll2 Stroud 436l2l3 ILL cooksTOWN FEED MILL IRA Wilson Dial 4535272 Now you can get cattle on till feed of corn silage or gFaiIi in 18 days or less with NeWSHURGAIN 13 FeediotStarter tor Cattle Highly fortified with antibiotics this palatable low energy teed is especially formulated to BRADFORD BRADFORD FEED MILL Dennis 7753411i