ll DIVIDED HOME lNSllilLTE OTTAWA unot expected to let the some easy rlde into the Common homemade Pies For Parliament Dult thlla appears to be be little reuure on other political perv ttï¬itoimbe it undo Mr Rohlin lwin trderal seat ll lit iii Glance By THE CANADMNFRESS muusonr 02 mm New mocm motion ol moanfidence went down to cruslunglol to uddeatin motion Liobpd mvemmentgior not dialing tops to ameod income tax Milan maroon Dung or of Sault trying to get his ultnryat represented by Attorney 1cm Ste Marie Ont is worker or the New Democratic Party to support his work She re mains adamant in her support era Arthur Wishart who is seeking reelection CP Wirei However hes had no luck in for the Liberals Theridtng is photo INNISFII NOTES Bradford stereos Boundary Changes By The town oi Bradlord is ask ing innlstll and other interest ed municipalities to attend meeting there on the evening of Oct 11 when they will have hearing before the County can sultative Committee They will air their protest against the de cision to change the boundaries of the high school area putting Bradlord out of the present Sim coe district which includes the south hall at lnnisfil dele gation of council will attend from the Whip SIDEWALK UNFIT The sidewalk between Mroy and the crossroad has become unlit to walk on and older people who walk to the post oftice ior mail are forced to use the road way it had been cinder path but lire suggesth was that permanent walk should be built The decision of council was that it would have to be built on local improvement project and signatines ol the ratepayers fronhng on the street obtained to cover portion of the costs Councillor Gibbins askedthat ac tion be started to get the work under way FIRE COMMITTEE REPORT There were seven tire calls for the month of September which required the attention of the chiet rcsuscitator calls inspection reports completed complaints and reports 10 tol lowup on same trips by the chief in Barrie re extinguishers etc meetings attended by chief tour including two Stroud nunit drills one Leiroy drill and one at Goldwater re Mutual Aid schools inspected and tire drill held Letroy re radio procedure other activities included and radio check and flooded ex cavation Cedar Beach re hon ï¬re Ark Eden Nursing Home re demonstration of proper use charging artinguishers checking mileage for insurance company re distance from station to ents property There was also call back alter resuscitator call on Mrs Zorwaski when the patient called irom hospital idvising of the possibility of urner left on Upon checking the chief found three burners on report re monitors to be used tor ï¬re calls to tiremen was attached to the report and set of rules and regulations Set up for approval Total milelt age 681 miles lbe following calls for the equipment were made Lerroy two on for tanker only $20 one for both trucks 560 Slroud station three calls one call tor pinnper only $40 tuio calls both trucks $120 Fire calls to the end of September 43 Passed or payment to the end of Sep flmber $2220 which includes communications account but does got include the salary of the ot CONSULTING ENGINEER Jones retired consulting engineer put proposal before council lor the use of his serv ices on parttime basis He told of hisexperience and as sured council members he would be glad to attend to their needs In reply mi rrie Branch of the Canadian Legion it was decided to have eahh purchased torlhe Re membrauceDay Services and placed on the township cenotaph in Bardo by Reeve Cochrane MUST APPLY FOR ENTRANCE The Department of Highways advised that although private martywas making the roadway on lhghland Ave it would be necessary or the municipality to make application to have an entrance on to the highway This was authorized Eric Young advised that reads an subdivision 15 were now ready tor inspectlon before before being taken into the town ship rood system The road sup mutendent is to anengc for PARKING FORBIDDEN The Department oi Highways advisod that they Will be plac ing signs along 400 highway in the vicinity of the Plowing Match forbidding parking on that road They also advised that it will be necessary tor resolution to be passed and signal by the recve and clerk to apply for the in terim subsidy of 50 per cent of the expendith on roads ior 1967 COUNCIL SALARIES low at $529 was passed as payment of salaries and mileage to members of council for the past month Reeve Cochrane the lowest received $9470 Deputy Reeve Sawyer $9540 Councillor Todd mitt Councillor Giblt lsriln $10540 Councillor Burton WATER BOTH WAYS ratepayer who is charged tor the upkeep and cosLs of township ditch claims he is as sessed for two drains which dis charge vater in opposite dirch lions Dr Foote eels that this must be an error Another ratepayar who was billed for taxs on property be sxunIuizniuons or Ins vssK tire extinguishers and re This Design Cllmdeat uresa panelled picture window in the Living Room and large breakfast nook in the Kitchen The bedroom windows are high for added privacy Utility room with separate door from the rear vestibule could serve as an ex clahnedhe did not own paid the tax tor some time belore dtsv covering the error and ssksdl for relund Council moved that he be allowed halt the amount or 5m be repaid him as they said the error was as much his yult as that at the municipal cuesrs or mnrsrn reception tent will be avail able at the Plowing Match at whi guesce and township resi dents wilt be welcome to come and rest Picnic tablesland cup of cutlee will be available Visitors and tormer residents will be welcomed and regis ter will be on hand The History oi lnnisfil will be available here as welll us in the County Exhlb its building and the Centennial Historical and Display budding VCanada Chooses Weapon Increase OTTAWA CP Canada opposes anyincreascd use of nuclear weapons Primellinis tcr Pearson told the Commons Thursday He was replying to question by Stanley Knowles NDP Wiunipeg North Centre who asked what position Delence Minister CadieuX took at recent mee ng of NAlOs nuclear planning group it con sidered the possibility of nuclear land mines alongthe Turkey Russia borderr DESltiti Nam716 rim mc sen GflmQIZIASq Blueprlmolsootwv meanness tra Bedroom Study or Den There is provision ior an extra washroom in the basementll iustratlon shows brick with stone lacing but all details or build Vlng in lrame are suppliedulnV cluding the option a1 garage house could be built on G5 loot lot Suitable for any type otheating Standard Blueprints or this Design No Cit716 cost $25 tor the first set and $6 or addition al sets Blueprints comply with the National Building Code of Canada and are obtainable by return mail Ontario residents must remit per cent Sales By THE CANADIAN PRESS SaskatoonDr Morris Brook 51 the inventor viia device to lacilitate mou mpu cue breadiing Tnlllhlsee firms as an Am naut and major in the US Marine Corps vhenhi Jot plane dived into hilly area near Tallahasee Jaegauudogmim The Barrie Blaminer Barrie Ont Enclosed pleaseftnrlsuostoriwlddr enarhettn kgulntions so that any mar rled couple with an annual incomeo 000 or tear would be Eiremp trorn tax it said also the gov should heva removal the livpcrtxnt sniestaxonbilldlog meta riala During doom the burla et More the vote Finance Minister sharp got advice tromwiuithndmung his own party on now to keep the costs at government down Gemid WBgldwta PG lcuce lliver aid the gov mebt lson told heme mismanagement of tho econ omyi Jack Divi tLCoast Capi tanoi said theeconomy has made stead idvunces for sevenconsecullva years Prime Minister Purlon said Canada opposes any increased use ot nuclear weapons Berry blather NDPvNew Westminster presentest bill that would regulate cigarette advertising onvradlo and telelt vision Manpower Minister Hor rhuud said it would he abso lutcly impossible to control the winter works program it ench municipality was auowedrto Mall lts can start ingdatyefor rnimir on The Commonssile at 11am EDT TheSe to is adtourncd until Oct Bodies Found In Plane Wreck FORT SIMPSON NWT OP Five bodies one of them believedbo on that at newly elected territorial eoun eitim Bill Berg ware ioundrlata attemoon in the wreckage ot light aircraft nearLtttle DalLake 190 miles ftnirsday west of here MAP helicopter and two clvilan aircratt reachedthe area and confirmed the Wreck tot Beaver air by Robert Sim unaware were text of hi Mould remarks ago was craft pil herd it It Thefluee believed to be those of Indian rm the new new to be the other ways Mr hohtin will probably run queue attache steps ownu Manitoba premier nektjloontb for Mr hoblln la thrilan riding of my Nichole Mindxhlk mutt to Ive up the omervetive mt runaeMp or Mr Stanfield tut months party leadership convention For ltr Stanï¬eld everybody cooperated tron Prime unu Pearson down The Liberal lender called quick byeleetten tor Colcheaterllanu Alter the Conservative member tor the Nova Scotti rldlnl quit to open it or Mr Stanï¬eld lldth the Lioninland the New Democratic Party decided to let him in unopposedan action at lull partly due to tbe putatï¬uieellngd that it womdhe rm not proper ow Mrs wtdrnjm hiarlace nlesder nttha Opposition W11 fling again Mr Smiley where he ahce 1956 Byoon poihidaitryinz iiï¬r Moudthlhsiépsdmm earner signs All the Robizn dlotce is Mat ernl election Fert MIL CF Tourism and informa on Mini ter James Add said Thursday that Expo 61 in Montreal has eut Ontarios domestic and US tooristreccipts Speaking to theinternational Conference at Wcéldy News paper Editors lttr Autd raid theontarlo murmur still managed iocarry on in only silghtl unsettled condition He praised Ontario tourist operators or declininglto engage in anygross exploita limo the travelling pubilcen route to Expo 67x He said Expo tion in history e7wasth was released to th presa in golds from thevltttle Dalllake dvancb deli area book entitled SUBURBAN ANDCOUNTRY né nailnearime gm norm Pleasdmakeretnltlamephyubluh The aircraft lelt Fort ghnp son Saturday to pick up Mr Berg and the glides it is believed to have crashed short ly alter takeoff Sunday morn Egypt has been placed in ma run an nvcusronv CAIH0tAlSqiah who former top intelligeneaman in tody for helping thelateField Marshal Abdel Hakim lArner commit suidde last month the seniiolticiat newspaper Abram says Amer committed suicide alarm was es won lngthotinem by not or powerln Nova Septic politics had be en premier New Democrats In likeiyto treat Mr lloblin as just onetime Cerium seat lvtorcover there as no pressure hniitr Pearson mm prompt museum or Mr Ia remit hire hobiln may li himsell in byeleéttori btlwitllihflo Liberti KW No matter where he runs it will hes temptation for both he ND and the Liberals to ltempt to beat Mr Roblin with trongr wellltnanced oom quette the NI will be in position to tlmw ln workers from Winnipeg and other Mani toba point and Saskatchewan eventhough the party ran poor third there in the 1965 led day For Saturday the weather man isprcdlcting conditions to warm up little and mainly cloudy bystternoon The record ediow last night at the Exnml iner Office was addegrecs Thu tempeinthre at aamwas to mil TORONN CF Forecasts issued atszso am EDT southward ucros0ntarto Thursday and mvcnedr the entire province during the night Some cloud is expected to persist during thadoy in mostreglons storm develop ing in the western stateswlll approach the Great Lakesarea Saturday bringing inereasing cloudiness to theprovincedur ing the day gt Lake St Clairlake Erie southern Lake Huron regions Windsor liondon Sunny with cloudy tervnls and much cool ertodeyl Cloudy Saturday with rain likely beginning in the utternoon little warmer Wiqu northerly so today caste rrly15 Saturday Synopsis Cold atr swept alter the uncovering of mm last August plot to Ta Unta on Bay northern Lake Huron Algomn regions SauitSte hlnrien Toronto ll amllto Sunny with cloudy intervals and much cooler today increasing doudlnrss Solurday becoming mainly cloudy in the alternucn little warmer Winds norther dny ileliburton Killnlae Tidiaga mi CochrnneWhlteHtvé regions blorth Buy Sudbury variable cloudiness and cold today blahin clear tonight Sunny and not quite so cold Saturday but with increasing cloudiness in the nitemoon Winds northerly 15 today wes terly is Saturday Montreal and Ottawa region Cloudy with sunny periods today nndSaturduy becoming overeastSaturdayeveiiing Cool Winds northerly is becoming light tonight Forecast Tamwratml Low tonight high Saturday Windsor 45 51 St Thomas Londnn Kitchener lean Ste Marie New 0rleans Saints at National libolball Mango nitva ccovor not cool in anon Columbia and temperatures today on Wire weather is lorecastllor all Saskatchewan Figures on the Canada today minis expect map indicalecxpected high vwvlsatcl itll SaturdaygiFereeqst photo Ktpusksstng Willie Rlver hioosouee Timmlns sgseaoeeggaaasss RELEASE LINESMAN EDMONTON CF ton Eskhnos Thursday announced release olottensiva llnemanBtiteh Allison to make room tor baltback rDon Lisbon whom they plekedhp irorn Montreal Alouettee onwaiverl Wednesday The Western Foot bnlt Contereucerlub dcquired Allnonvtwn eeksrngo ism assasasnaaaaaéssa rpm